Frederick Mintzer

Fred Mintzer
a candidate for 2015 IEEE President-Elect
Region 10
22 August 2014
Professional Biography
Employed at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center, 1978-2013
– Program Director for IBM’s Blue Gene Watson supercomputer
 a Top500 supercomputer center, ranked as high as #2
 simulations of human biology, new materials for computing
– Department Manager, Visual Technologies
 data visualization, 3D graphics, image processing
– Manager, Image Library Applications
 digital libraries, with high-quality imaging and digital rights management, often
for web sites of cultural institutions; the National Gallery of Art (USA), the
Vatican Library, the Hermitage Museum, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
– Manager, Signal Processing Applications
 signal processing theory, applications, hardware
PhD in EECS from Princeton
Employed at CTEC - an operating telephone company
BSEE from Rutgers
IEEE Fellow
over 25 U.S. patents, 50 papers
Selected IEEE Activities
VP of Technical Activities 2012 / IEEE BoD
Division IX Director 2008-09 / member IEEE TAB / IEEE BoD
Pres. of IEEE Signal Processing Soc. 2004-05 / member IEEE TAB
Finance Chair ICIP95, VP Finance for SPS - a financially-sound society
IEEE Audit Committee, IEEE Insurance Committee, IEEE Investment Committee, IEEE
Marketing and Sales, IEEE Employee Benefits and Compensation (Chair)
helped create IEEE Trans. on Info. Forensics and Security; helped add language processing
to scope of – IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing
Charter EIC, IEEE Technical Community Spotlight – a new every-member publication
Finance Chair of ICIP95, Tech Co-chair of 1984 DSP workshop, SPS Conf. Board
Membership Development Committee, Alternate Membership Models Ad Hoc(s), Membership
Models Ad Hoc, MGA SDEA
as SPS’s P-E, developed interlocks between SPS’ LRP and operations
As TAB VP, initiated TAB Long Range Planning … new Mission and Vision statements
resulted with focus on technology-centric worldwide communities
TAB Strategic Planning (Chair), IEEE NIC; TAB Awareness and Branding Ad Hoc (Chair)
My priority if elected
Priority - providing more of high current value to our members
1. Provide enhanced networking and collaboration opportunities within our
IEEE communities, i.e., regions, sections, chapters, conferences, affinity
groups, publications
– Helps members remain technically current
– Provides opportunities for professional and personal growth
– Need a strong set of tools to support collaboration. Professional
Productivity and Collaboration Tools are currently under development
– Based on Social Media, targeted at the professional audience
– Networking is a key capability
– Components to support more effective author/researcher
collaboration – to better bind the author community to us
– Use of Social Media should better serve Young Professionals
– A new platform to help reinvigorate publications – article +
discussion + video + companion data
My priority if elected
Priority – providing more of high current value
2. Expand emerging technology efforts (such as Smart Cities and the
Internet of Thing) – and increase sharing of their results with our members
– Centers of tomorrow’s job growth
– Of special interest to industrial employees and young professionals
3. Expand IEEE humanitarian efforts
– Many members take great pride in them
– Help demonstrate that we’re a truly global organization
4. Develop crisper value propositions for important audiences
Some audiences are of special interest
– Industrial employees/practitioners
– Young Professionals
– Author/researchers
– Tech professionals in emerging economies
Some Recent Contributions
… providing more current value to TAB members
As VP TA – initiated TAB Long Range Planning effort
New TA mission statement - Inspire, Foster and Empower Technology-Centric Worldwide
Communities - shifted emphasis from products to the interactions of its community members
As VP TA – increased TAB support of Future Directions’ emerging technology
Includes: Smarter Cities, the Internet of Things, Clean Transportation, Green ICT
While VP TA – created on-line technical communities centered on Future Directions’
emerging technology activities – open and free to all
As VP TA – initiated Membership Models Ad Hoc; this resulted in:
– IEEE Technical Community Spotlight - an e-magazine that provides republished
magazine articles on emerging technologies and info about participating in
emerging technology communities – open and free to all IEEE members
As TAB Chair - championed a three-pronged Open Access strategy, which
TAB adopted and the BoD endorsed
In summary
More current value … through enhanced networking &
collaboration, expanded emerging technologies
Thank you