www.sakshieducation.com Cell: 9505123175 PRASAD’S INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES (PICS) It enhances the knowledge… 4-16-9, 3 RD LINE BHARAT PET, AMARAVATHI ROAD, GUNTUR – 522002. SOUND Atoms and subatomic particles get disturbance in almost of all branches of physics. This disturbance is nothing but a 'wave'. We are all familiar with water waves, sound waves, light waves, radio waves and other electromagnetic waves. In this paragraph we confine our attention to waves in deformable or elastic media. These waves, among which ordinary sound waves in air are one example. They originate in the displacement of some portion of an elastic medium from its normal position, causing it to oscillate about an equilibrium position. Because of the elastic properties of the medium, the disturbance is transmitted from one layer to the next. This disturbance (wave) consequently progress through the medium. Note that medium it does not move as a whole along with the wave motion, the various parts of the medium oscillate. Only in limited paths. For example, in water waves, small paper pieces or a cork show that the actual motion of various parts of the water is slightly up and down and buck and forth. Yet the water waves move steadily along the water. As they reach floating objects they set them in motion, thus transferring energy to the... Energy can be transmitted over considerable distances by wave motion. One energy in the waves is like the kinetic and potential energy of the matter, but the transmission of the energy comes about by its being passed along from one part of the matter to the next, not by any long range motion of the matter itself. Types of waves 1. Transverse wave: we can distinguish different kinds of waves by considering how motions of the particles of matter are related to the direction of propagation of the waves themselves. If the motion of matter particles conveying the wave are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave itself, then it is called a transverse wave Example: a. When a vertical string under tension is set oscillating back and forth at one end, a transverse wave travels down the string; The disturbance moves along the string but the string particles vibrate at right angles to the direction of propagation of the disturbance. b. Light waves 2. Longitudinal wave: If the motion of the particles conveying a mechanical wave is back forth along the direction of propagation, then it is called a longitudinal wave. Example: The coils vibrate back and forth in the direction in which the disturbance travels along the spring. Sound waves in a gas are longitudinal waves. Sound: Those are longitudinal mechanical waves. They can be propagated in solids, liquids and gases. Frequency of wave means, the number of cycles (vibrations) made per a second. Sound waves can stimulate the human ear and brain to the sensation of hearing. This range is from about 20 cycles/sec to about 20,000 cycles/sec and is called audible range. A longitudinal mechanical wave whose frequency is below the audible range is called an infrasonic wave and one whose frequency is above the audible range is called an ultrasonic wave. Infrasonic waves are usually generated by larger sources of earth quake waves. Ultrasonic waves may be produced by elastic vibrations of Quartz crystal induced by www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com resonance with an applied alternating electric field. It is possible to produce ultrasonic frequencies as high as 6 × 108 cycles/sec. Audible waves originate in vibrant strings (violin, human vocal cords), vibrating air columns (organ, clarinet) and vibrating plates and membranes (Xylophone, loudspeaker drum. All of these vibrating elements alternately compress the surrounding air on a forward movement and rarely it on a backward movement. The air transmits these disturbances outward from the source as a wave. Upon entering the ear these waves produce the sensation of sound. Natural Vibrations: The natural or free vibrations of a vibrating body are the vibrations executed by it when it is just displaced from its equilibrium position and then 'let go'. The frequency of a body executing ''free vibrations'' is known as its natural frequency. For example as long as the length of the pendulum does not charge, it oscillates with the same frequency. Similarly, the spring mass system vibrates with the same frequency as long as the spring and mass suspended remain same. Damped Vibrations:If a tuning fork strike with a rubber hammer, it vibrate with certain frequency. After some time we observe that amplitude of vibrating body continuously decreases with time. The air around it offers resistance to vibration. Those periodic vibration of decreasing amplitude are called damped vibrations. Forced Vibrations: Take a tuning fork and strike it with rubber hammer and press its stem.. against the top of a dining table or any other surface with large area. The sound becomes louder because the table is forced to vibrate with the frequency of the tuning fork. Since the table top has a much larger vibrating area than the tuning fork, these vibrations produce a louder or more intense sound. The vibrations of the table top which take place under the influence of the external periodic force are called forced vibrations. The frequency of the external periodic force (Tuning fork) need not be equal to the natural frequency of the vibrating body. Some more examples for forced vibration: A bridge vibrates under the influence of marching soldiers, the housing of a motor vibrates owing to periodic impulses from an irregulation in the shaft, and a tuning fork vibrates. When exposed to the periodic force of a sound waves. These forces oscillations have the frequency of the external force and not the natural frequency of the body. However,the response of the body depends on the relation between the forced and natural frequency. A child using a swing learns that by pumping at proper time intervals he can make the swing move with a large amplitude. Resonance: Forced vibrations are set up in an elastic body when it coupled to a vibrating body. If a natural frequency of the coupled body is the same as that of the vibrator, there is resonance. For resonance there is a rapid transfer of energy and a resultant louder sound. The reinforcement of sound by resonance with its accompanying release of large amount of energy has many useful and many obnoxious consequences. Resonance of a radio loudspeaker to certain frequencies produces an objectionable distortion of speech or music. But the resonance of the air column in an organ pipe amplifies the otherwise almost www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com inaudible sound of the vibrating air jet. We define resonance as, 'If one of the two bodies of the same natural frequency is set in to vibrations, the other body also vibrates with larger amplitude under the influence of the first body" Progressive waves: The sound waves propagate through the air indefinitely fill the energy carried by them becomes zero because of damping. Such waves are called progressive waves. They do not return to the source at all. For example 1. If a man standing on a mountain cliff and shout loudly, the sound waves travel in all directions through the air around the source. If the waves, on their way do not encounter obstacles, they continue to travel in the medium without interruption. 2. When a stone dropped in to a pond of water, waves travel from the point of disturbance till they reach shore. Transverse waves and longitudinal waves are also progressive waves. Stationary waves: Stationary waves are formed when two waves of equal frequency and equal amplitude travel in opposite directions along the same path. Consider a wave pulse travelling down along a stretched rope tied to a rigid pole when the pulse arrives at the pole, it exerts an upward force on the support. By Newton's third law, the pole exerts an equal but opposite force on the rope. this reaction by the pole generates a pulse at the pole which travels back along the rope in a direction opposite to that of the incident pulse. The reflected pulse returns with its transverse displacement ''reversed''. Hence a wave reflected from a rigid end undergoes a phase change equal to π (180°) As the rope continuously producing pulses, we observe continuous reflections take place at the pole (fixed end). This means that two waves, one incident and other reflected, travel through the rope simultaneously. The two waves the superpose on each other. This super www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com position gives rise to a resultant wave, that is stationary wave. The single rope appears as double because of the formation of loops or segments. The appearance of loops is due to simultaneous travelling of incident and reflected waves and are seen as such because of the persistence of vision of our eye. In stationary wave there are particles which undergo minimum displacement. These points are called 'nodes'' (N). Similarly there are particles which under go maximum displacement and the points are called antinodes (A.N). We know that distance between as wave length denoted by symbol λ . The two successive antinodes or nodes are separated by a distance equal to λ /2. Distance between a node and the successive antinode is equal to λ /4. The vibration of all points with in a loop (between nodes) are in phase and are out of phase with respect to the points in the adjacent loop. Energy is trapped in a fixed region of medium. Velocity of sound in Air: The speed of wave is the distance it moves per unit time. The speed depends upon the kind of wave and the properties of the medium. The speed of sound varies greatly with the material through which it travels. The following table shows values for the speed of sounds in several common substances. Speed of Sound at 0° C (32°F) in Various Medium MEDIUM m/sec Air 331.5 Hydrogen 1270 Carbondioxide 258 Water 1450 Iron 5100 Glass 5500 Since sound waves are longitudinal waves, the speed v is given by the equation (1) ...............................(1) Where E is the bulk modules for fluids Young's modules for solid rods and ρ is the density of the medium. In a gas at constant temperature, the bulk modules is the pressure of the gas. When sound waves travel through a gas, the compressor and rare fractions. Occur so rapidly that the changes are practically adiabatic. The adiabatic modules of elasticity is γ times the isothermal modules P, Where γ is the ratio of the specific heat of the gas constant pressure www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com to the specific heat at constant volume (C v) For gases then v= γp p C γ Where = C p v (γ = 1.40 for air and other diatomic gases) However, there is a simpler and direct method of finding the value of v. This method involves the formation of standing waves in air and the phenomenon of resonance. When sound of certain of frequency (n), travels through air with velocity v, the value of v is velocity = frequency × wave length i.e. v = nλ Very Short Answer Questions 1 Mark 1. What is a damped vibration? A- Periodic motion of decreasing amplitude are called damped vibrations. 2. Define Natural vibrations of a body? A- The oscillation or vibrations of a body are called natural or free vibrations if it is vibrating without the influence of any external periodic force. 3. Define vibration of a body? A- To and fro motion of a body about its mean position is called vibration. 4. Define a progressive wave? A- A wave originating by a source and travelling forward in a medium is called a progressive wave. 5. What are 'nodes' and 'antinodes' in a stationary wave? A- Nodes are the points in a stationary wave where the particles undergo minimum displacement and antinodes are points where the displacement is maximum. 6. Define Resonance? A- Resonance is the phenomenon in which if one of the two bodies of the same natural frequency is set into vibrations, the other body also vibrate under the influence of the first body. 7. On what factors does the frequency of a body depends? A- The frequency of a body depends on its a) elastic constants b) dimension and c) nodes of vibration. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com Short Answer Questions 2 Marks 1. Explain the terms natural and forced vibrations what is the difference between them? 1. When a body is set into vibrations and then left to itself, the vibrations are called natural or free vibrations 2. When a body executes vibrations under the action of a external periodic force then the vibration of the body are called forced vibration. 3. Natural vibrations repeat at the free or natural frequency of the vibrating body. 4. Whereas forced vibrations execute vibrations under the influence of an external periodic force. 2. What is a resonating air - column? 1. When the natural frequency of the air column of a tube coincides with the frequency of the vibrating tuning fork the air column would be in resonance with tuning fork 2. Such an air column is called a resonating air column. 3. Why do marching men step-out, when crossing a bridge? - While marching on the bridge, if the frequency of vibrations of their marching become equal to that of bridge, the bridge starts vibrating with large amplitude to resonance and the bridge may collapse. Hence the marching men are asked to step out when they are crossing the bridge. 4. A node is created on the surface of water in the glass tube whey? - On the surface of water in the glass tube which acts as the rigid end, the air particle are not free enough to vibrate longitudinally. There fore anode is formed at this point. 5. Draw the figure of stationary wave label node and antinode. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com Essay Questions 4 Marks 1. Derive v = 2ν (l2 - l1) or derive an expression to determine the velocity of sound using resonating air-columns? A. Let l1 be the length of air-column at the first over tone of resonating air column. The excited tuning fork is kept horizontally just above the open-end of the glass tube. The distance between open-end of the glass tube and tuning fork is considered to be the end correction ''e'' A node is formed at water level in the glass tube and an antinode is formed near the open-end. The distance between a node and antinode is λ /4. ∴ l1 = λ /4 When the reservoir of water "R" is further lower a second mode of vibrating in resonating air column is obtained at 3λ / 4 ∴ l2 = 3λ / 4 .............. (2) To eliminate the end correction we subtract (1) from (2) l2 - l1 = 3λ / 4 - λ / 4 = λ /2 (or) λ = 2 (l2 - l1) ......................(3) The velocity of sound in air at room temperature is given by v = nλ Considering ν as the frequency of the tuning fork and l as wavelength. Substituting (3) in (4) we get v = ν × 2 (l2 - l1) ∴ v = 2ν (l2 - l1) www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com 2. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves? Transverse wave longitudinal wave 1. Vibrations of particles of medium 1. Vibrations of particles of medium are at right angles to the direction are parallel to the direction of wave of wave propagation. propagation. 2. A wave consist of a crest and trough. 2. A wave consist of a compression and a rare fraction. 3. It exhibits polarisation. 3. It does not exhibit polarisation. 4. The distance between two successive crests (or troughs) is equal to λ (wave length) 4. The distance between two successive compression (or rarefaction) is equal to λ (wave length) 5. It can be produced in solids and to little extent in liquid (water) 5. It can be produced in solid, liquids and gases. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com 3. Distinguish between progressive and stationary waves? Progressive waves Stationary waves 1. These waves are produced by vibrating source and continuously travel forward in the medium. 1. These are formed when two waves of equal frequency and equal frequency and equal amplitude travel in opposite directions along the same path. 2. These waves travel in the form of crests and troughs through the medium in all directions. 2. These waves are confined to a fixed region of the medium where they form node and antinodes. 3. All the particles have same amplitude and frequency everywhere in the medium, Every particle undergoes the maximum displacement at one time or the other. 3. Amplitudes of different particles in the medium are different at different points. It varies from a minimum at nodes to a maximum at antinodes. 4. The phase of vibration changes far different points along the wave at any particular instant different particles have different phases. 4. The vibration of all the points within a loop are in phase and are out of phase with respect to he points in the adjacent loop. 5. Distance between crests or troughs is λ 5. Distance between successive nodes or antinodes λ /2 successive 6. Energy is carried continuously by forward moving waves through out the medium 6. Energy is trapped in a fixed region of medium. 7. Every particle undergoes maximum displacement at one time or other. 7. The particle at nodes undergo only minimum displacement, while at antinodes they undergo only maximum displacement. www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com Objective Type Questions. I. Multiple Choice Questions. 1. Velocity of sound in air is a) v = ρ γ p b) v = ρ p γ c) v = γ p ρ d) v= p ρ () 2. In a resonating air column experiment with a closed-end tube, first resonance occurs when the length of the air column is 10 cm. Second resonance occurs at () a) 5 cm b) 20 cm c) 30 cm d) 40 cm 3. A medium transmits a sound wave by virtue of its? a) elasticity b) inertia c) density d) elasticity & inertia () 4. The wavelength of a wave is the a) distance between two vibrating particles with a phase difference of π b) distance between a crest and a consecutive trough. c) distance between any two particles vibrating in same phase d) distance between any two particles in out of phase by π /2 5. Distance between a node and the next antinode in a stationary wave is 10 cm. Then the wavelength is () a) 5 cm b) 40 cm c) 20 cm d) 10 cm 6. In a stationary wave, the point at which displacement is maximum is called. ( ) a) node b) antinode c) crest www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com d) trough 7. If a spring is compressed and released, then the wave generated is a) longitudinal b) transverse c) stationary d) None of these () 8. Periodic vibrations of decreasing amplitude are called a) forced vibrations b) damped vibrations c) natural vibrations d) None of these () 9. On reflection form a rigid or fixed end, a wave undergoes a phase change of ( ) a) π °/2 b) π ° c) 3π °/2 d) 2π ° 10.Which of the following relations is wrong? () a) v= γ p ρ b) c) v = 2ν (l2 - l1) d) γ = cv / cp 11. Velocity of sound in vacuum is a) zero b) 330 m/s c) 340 m/s d) None of these () 12.The reason for the continuous decrease of the amplitude of vibrating bodies ( ) a) Weight of body b) lapse of time c) resistance offered by surrounding air d) None of these 13.On reflection from a rigid end a wave undergoes a phase change of a) 0° b) 90° c) 180° d) 360° www.sakshieducation.com www.sakshieducation.com 14.The verify of sound in air can be determined experimentally using the formulae? a) v = nλ b) v = c) γ = () λ p ρ cp cv d) v = 2υ (l2 - l1) 15.The distance between two successive node is a) λ /2 b) λ /4 c) λ d) 2λ 16.The distance between two successive peaks is a) λ /2 b) λ c) λ /4 d) 2λ () 17.Wavelength of sound whose velocity 350 m.s -1 and frequency 1000 Hz is a) 3.5 cm b) 35 cm c) 28.5 cm d) 26.5 cm () () II. Fill in the blanks 1. Every system has its own frequency called _______ 2. The vibrations that take place under the influence of external periodic force are called _______ 3. When two waves of equal frequency and amplitude travel in opposite direction _______ are formed. 5. Distance between two successive node is _______ 6. Distance between a node and the next antinode is _______ 7. Particles undergo maximum displacement at _______ in a stationary wave. 8. Particles undergo minimum displacement at _______ in a stationary wave. 9. The velocity (v) of sound wave of frequency (n) and wavelength (λ ) is given by _______ 10.Periodic vibrations of decreasing amplitude are called _______ 11. SI unit of wavelength is _______ 12.SI unit of frequency is _______ 13.The vibrating particle is a medium carry only _______ 14.The frequency of the tuning fork depends on its _______ 15.The frequency of the simple pendulum depends only on its _______ III. Match the following 1. On reflection from a rigid wave undergoes a phase change of www.sakshieducation.com ( ) a. λ /4 www.sakshieducation.com ( ) b. λ /2 ( ) c. 180° ( ) d. 330 m/s 2. Newton-laplace formulae 3. Energy is trapped in a fixed region 4. Distance between a node and the successive antinode is γ p 5. At 0°C the velocity of sound in air ( ) e. v = ρ f. 350 m/s g. stationary wave h. zero Answers I. Multiple Choice Questions 1. c 2. c 4. d 5. c 7. b 8. a 10. d 11. a 13. c 14. d 16. b 17. b 3. c 6. d 9. b 12. c 15. a II. Fill in the blanks 1. Natural frequency 2. Forced vibrations 3. Stationary waves 4. π or 180° 5. λ /2 6. λ /4 7. Antinode 8. node 9. nλ 10. damped vibrations 11. Metre 12. Hz 13. energy 14. dimensions 15. length III. Match the following 1. c 2. e 3. g 4. a 5. d www.sakshieducation.com