Part2 - leadershiporganizational

2.1 Selective perception is the tendency to single out those aspects of a situation,
person, or object that are consistent with one’s needs, values, or attitudes. This
perceptual distortion was identified in a classic research study involving executives in a
manufacturing company. When asked to identify the key problem in a comprehensive
business policy case, each executive selected a problem consistent with his or her
functional area work assignments. Most marketing executives viewed the key problem
area as sales, whereas production people tended to see the problem as one of
production and organization. These differing viewpoints would likely affect how each
executive would approach the problem; they might also create difficulties as the
executives tried to work together to improve things.
I would advise managers to overcome selective perception by asking others their
thoughts of the individual and compare those thoughts with ones own.
2.2 Clayton Alderfer’s ERG theory is also based on needs, but it differs from
Maslow’s theory in three main respects
 First, ERG theory collapses Maslow’s five needs categories into three:
existence needs, desires for satisfying interpersonal material well-being;
relatedness needs, desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships; and
growth needs, desires for continued personal growth and development.
 Second, ERG theory emphasizes a unique frustration-regression
component. An already satisfied lower-level need can become activated
when a higher-level need cannot be satisfied. Thus, if a person is
continually frustrated in his or her attempts to satisfy growth needs,
relatedness needs can again surface as key motivators.
Maslow advocates physiological, safety, social, esteem and selfClayton Alderfer’s ERG theory is also based on needs, but it differs from
Maslow’s theory in three main respects
 First, ERG theory collapses Maslow’s five needs categories into
three: existence needs, desires for satisfying interpersonal material
well-being; relatedness needs, desires for satisfying interpersonal
relationships; and growth needs, desires for continued personal
growth and development.
 Second, ERG theory emphasizes a unique frustration-regression
component. An already satisfied lower-level need can become
activated when a higher-level need cannot be satisfied. Thus, if a
person is continually frustrated in his or her attempts to satisfy
growth needs, relatedness needs can again surface as key
Maslow advocates physiological, safety, social, esteem and selfactualization.
 Third, unlike Maslow’s theory, ERG theory contends that more than
one need may be activated at the same time. Maslow’s theory is
based on one level of need can be achieved a time.
Third, unlike Maslow’s theory, ERG theory contends that more than one
need may be activated at the same time. Maslow’s theory is based on
one level of need can be achieved a time.
2.3 Managers versus Leaders
A key way of differentiating between the two is to argue that the role of
management is to promote stability or to enable the organization to run smoothly,
whereas the role of leadership is to promote adaptive or useful changes. Persons in
managerial positions would be involved with both management and leadership
activities, or they could emphasize one activity at the expense of the other.
Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what
needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and
collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.
2.4. (TCO A) Organizational Behavior is just common sense and has little
relevance for managers today. Discuss this statement giving examples to
support your answer. (Points : 30)
See p. 4 of textbook that OB is a science.
Tools such as LSI and OCI are available to help give direction to where the member
and organization is heading.
As a manager, I would be specific, use examples of situations that made me give such
a feedback. Citations of incidents would be a good way of communicating whether
the commendation is a praise or an area that needs improvement. I would follow
the guidelines of the organization if provided, such as the US Navy in rating rating a
Sailor. I would get the facts validating or negating what is heard over the grapevine.
I would get gather evidence from both sides if there are conflicting theories.
I will not overload the recipient with information and be conscious of what the
respondent can take in based on body language.
6. (TCO D) Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what
happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience
to highlight one of the stages. If you have no team experience,
utilize the case study you completed in connection with same. (Points : 20)
The five stages of team development are as follows:
1. Forming stage - members are interested in getting to
know each other and discovering what is considered
acceptable behavior. Determine the real task of the group
and defining group rules.
2. Storming stage - hostility and infighting may occur,
coalitions may form as individuals compete to impose
their preferences on the membership group to achieve a
desired status position. Member's expectations at this
point must be clarified.
3. Norming stage - the group begins to come together as a
coordinated united but difficulties may emerge as
minority points of view, deviations from group directions
and criticism may be discouraged because members are
4. Performing stage- a mature, organized, and wellfunctioning group emerges; the group is able to deal with
complex tasks and handle internal disagreements in
creative ways. The group structure is stable and the
members are motivated by group goals and are generally
You can imagine the Seals that led the mission to kill Bin
Ladin. Despite the team members' differences, they were
able to function and execute the mission that was
5. Adjourning stage. The group is able to disband, if
required, when the work is finished. When I was part of
Navy Customs Mission India, we regressed after we
trained the incoming mission to do the job and getting
ready to get back to the stateside. Some wanted to stay,
but the mission is over for that group and had to disband.
Service members were welcome to join other missions or
sign up for similar missions as well.