AF&HS Tailored Information Kiosk

What does it
take to lose
A Healthy
Diet and
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• Most overweight and obese women know the
dangers of being above their ideal weight. So why
are many of these women not successfully losing
the weight they desire? Through extensive
research by experts, the problem has surfaced.
Women lack motivation, accurate knowledge, and
the tools required to successfully lose weight and
change their current lifestyle to a healthy, more
fulfilling lifestyle.
has created a complete system
which solves this problem by providing
expert nutritionists and
trainers, state of the art exercise
facilities, and many techniques
to boost motivation for a positive change of
lifestyle within these women.
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Five Steps to Weight Loss
• Having trouble sticking with your weight-loss regimen? You're not alone. But once you've made a commitment to
lose weight, there are five easy steps you can take to maintain your enthusiasm and motivation.
Step One: Describe Your Goal
• It's not enough to say that you want to lose weight. You
must have a specific goal in mind. Whether it's a dress
size or an ideal weight, you should write down what
specifically you want to accomplish.
• Women are better able to stay on the path toward
their goal when they have clearly defined and described
what it is. The goal becomes more real and more
Step Two: Define Your Motivation
• This sounds simple, but you need to accurately define
and state what your motivations are for losing weight. I
recommend that you write down at least five reasons
why you want to achieve the goal that you described in
step one.
• Do you want to lose weight to lower your risk for
heart disease and hypertension? Is it to look better and
feel better about yourself? Is your motivation to live a
long, vibrant life, full of playing with kids or grandkids,
traveling, dancing?
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Step 3: Create a Plan
• Successful weight loss starts with a simple mathematical equation: you've got to BURN more than you
consume. To lose 1 pound a week, you must consume 3,500 fewer calories than you expend. This amounts to
decreasing your caloric balance by 500 calories/day.
• The most sensible approach to weight loss is to decrease caloric intake and increase energy expenditure
through exercise. Most people will begin to lose weight if they decrease their caloric intake below 1,500
calories/day and do aerobic exercise for 15-20 minutes three to four times per week.
Your weight loss plan should include
a combination of the following:
• Cardiovascular Exercise
• Weight Bearing Exercise
• Proper Nutrition
** Remember, exercise is critical
to looking good as you lose weight.
Step Four: Chart Your Progress
• If your goal is to lose several pounds or dress sizes, it may take
you several weeks or months to get there. And, there may be
pitfalls and "roadblocks" along the way. However, you don't want to
lose your motivation, so keep a record of your progress in a
notebook or on a calendar.
When you start to feel discouraged because you're still not where
you want to be, or because you've slipped up, look over your notes.
When you see the progress that you've made, you'll feel more
enthusiastic and confident to continue on your path toward weightloss success — at all costs!
• It's very important not to neglect this step. Make little notes
about how you made good choices at the grocery store, about how
you ate only one Oreo instead of a whole bag, how you did your
cardio exercises three times this week. Ignore the obstacles and
continue with your journey.
• Remember, you didn't gain the excess weight overnight, so losing
it will likely take more than one day. If you take note of the little
steps you've successfully accomplished you'll reassure yourself
that you can make it the rest of the way.
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Step Five: Celebrate Your Success
• As you chart your progress at the end of the day or week, or whenever you
need a little boost, celebrate your success. Give yourself a mental pat on the
back, do a little happy dance, spend a little quiet time in the den with a good
book or movie, or get your nails done.
• Treating yourself feeds into your brain's reward system and keeps the mental
and spiritual energy flowing to keep you moving toward your goal. Also, share
your success stories with friends, coworkers and family members. As they
share in your joy, it will stroke your enthusiasm and propel you further along.
** Beware of saboteurs
Some people may say that you're denying yourself too
much, or that you're getting too thin. Sometimes even a
spouse will get jealous because you're turning more
heads now. Proceed with caution and don't fall for those
tactics. Remember, it's where you want to be, not them!
Healthy Diet
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Return to Nutrition Menu
• There are many different approaches to eating healthy.
Some use the food pyramid, others count calories, and others
use protein to fat to carbohydrate ratios. The method you use
depends on your goals and body type. What is most important is
being conscious of what you eat.
• The suggested way to approach a healthy diet is to consult
a nutritionist. This may be costly, but it is worth it in the long
term. Most of use shy away from this due to the cost,
but you may never get the results you seek, if you do not have
A solid knowledge of food consumption and its break down.
• A nutritionist will provide you with a meal plan that is tailored
to your individual needs. At that point, the rest is up to you, but
your efforts will be very rewarding. Other benefits include:
maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol, glucose, and blood
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• Women receive private consultation with
expert nutritionist and trainer who works on a
one-on-one basis to create meal and exercise
plans to meet their specific ‘suggested’ goals.
Meet as often as desired with nutritionist and
trainer for assessment of progress.
 We have available an interactive website that
provides information about nutrition and
provides tools to aide in our weight lose
program, such as: BMI and heart rate
calculator, caloric intake and calories burned
counter, and graphs to track progress. Between
appointment times with the nutritionists and
trainers, women can track their progress at
home using the tools on the website.
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• It is very important that you
research everything about the diet
program you plan to use before you
• It is also very important that you
are able to go through with the
entire program.
• Not doing so may result in poor
health, chances of not attaining
results, and most commonly,
becoming a ‘yo-yo’ dieter.
• For more information on popular
diet programs and products, go to
resource page by clicking on the [i]
button at the bottom.
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• Being overweight or obese is a problem that
needs to be addressed, but taking dieting to
the extreme can create a bigger problem. The
two most common eating disorders are:
anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
• It is easy for dieters, especially younger
dieters, to be succumbed by these illnesses.
• It is advised to seek professional help if
these problems begin to surface.
• Symptoms to look for are, but not
limited to, visit: Anonymous One
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First step to Exercise – A Fitness Orientation
• Learn how to effectively use equipment in the Aphrodite
Fitness Center! A Fitness Orientation will give you a chance
to meet with a member of our fitness trainer to show you
how to use all of our equipment and get the most out of
your work out. The fitness trainer can help you learn proper
exercise technique and feel more comfortable in our fitness
• Our 6,500 square foot facility has over
30 resistance training machines, 11,000
lbs. of free weights, and a lot more. If
there is equipment that
you would like to learn
how to use effectively,
a Fitness Orientation is
The perfect way for
You to learn…and it is
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Most Popular AF&HS Fitness Classes
• KICKBOXING: Prepare to sweat during this powerful calorie burning class.
Combine a variety of punches and kicks into a heart-pumping workout.
Increase self-confidence, flexibility, coordination, speed, and stamina. Get
lean and mean while having fun. LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED
• STEP: A complete, moderate/high intensity aerobic workout with step
patterns, which are not too complex, allowing participants of
beginner/intermediate levels to keep pace. Weights and resistance bands may
be incorporated to add resistance and tone muscles for a COMPLETE total
body workout. Burn calories and fat, and strengthen your heart...Step Into
• CARDIO FUNK: A dance-oriented cardio class that incorporates elements
of jazz, modern, and club style dance for an awesome total body workout.
Packed with fun to follow combinations, you’ll still be shaken your groove thing
after you leave!
• MODERN/JAZZ DANCE: This is a great intro class if you’ve never
taken a dance class before or if you want to improve your technique. Using
classic dance styles: ballet, jazz, and modern, you will increase flexibility,
agility, grace, and pizzazz! LEVEL: ALL
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Most Popular AF&HS Fitness Classes
• TOTALLY TONE: A total body toning class that
incorporates weights, resistance bands, balls, and more.
Sculpt and build strong muscles in both your upper and lower
body. Learn about the muscle groups and body mechanics
while pumping your way to better health! LEVEL: ALL
• PILATES: This is the workout that Hollywood actors and
actresses swear by! Utilizing elements of dance and yoga this
class strengthens and tones your abdominal muscles, lower
back, arms, and legs. LEVEL: ALL
• CARDIO SPLASH: Burn more fat & enjoy less impact on
the joints. This comprehensive workout will get your heart
pumping while toning your muscles. (Water exercises may
vary from shallow to deep water) LEVEL: ALL
• YOGA: Achieve total enlightenment through physical
stretching, physical poses, breath work and some deep
relaxation. LEVEL: ALL
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Healthy Diet
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Problems 2
Exercise 3
Overview 4
Healthy Diet 3
Overview 5