IPL Final Project - Drexel University

Kaitlin Sagaas
March 6th, 2010
IPL Final Project
1. Can I get a good job with an undergraduate degree in Psychology?
Needed by: no need by
Can I get a good job with an undergraduate degree in Psychology?
name: Rachael Stamm
from: animaluver123@hotmail.com
confirm: animaluver123@hotmail.com
location: Millersville, Pa
area: Psychology
reason: my own advancement
school: No
sources_consulted: N/A
Greetings from the ipl2,
Thank you for your question about jobs you can get with an
undergraduate degree in psychology. I looked through several
resources for the information and the results are promising.
There are many types of jobs you can get with a psychology degree
that vary from social services to working in sales. Each of these
jobs are an ideal career choice for someone with bachelor’s
degree in psychology.
I found several sources that provide in-depth information on
different careers you can have with an undergraduate degree in
Psychology. In order to find accurate information, I searched in
Google with the subject “jobs in psychology with a bachelor's
degree”. I consulted several websites and provided the best and
most accurate information that will help you in career choice.
This is a link to my search results.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
The best information I found was from Hanover College, in which
the psychology department provides an in-depth look about what a
psychology degree entails and what types of jobs you would be
interested in, including descriptions of how to obtain jobs in
federal and state government jobs.
Another great place to look for information of jobs in psychology
and what each career entails is the Online Psychology Career
Center. This website is a great place for all your questions,
including what types of jobs are available, how to get letters of
recommendation, and even a breakdown of the psychology job market
in the United States. It is important to be well-informed as to
what type of job market you are facing before you actually step
into the world of psychological careers.
A simple website I found that provides simple and straightforward
information about psychology careers, called About.com, provides
eleven different types of careers and gives a detailed paragraph
of each career that may spark your interest.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
A confident website I found written by a former professor
herself, Dr. Margaret A. Lloyd, provides a straightforward list
of entry-level positions that psychology majors obtained right
out of college with their undergraduate degree. This website
provided different and diverse job titles, and many of the ones
you may be interested in can be searched for in the Occupational
Outlook Handbook, which can be accessed by clicking on that link
at the top of the page. This is the link to the entry-level
careers page.
This leads me into the last bit of information that I would like
to provide you with, which is salary for a person with an
undergraduate degree in psychology. I found a website titled
payscale.com that lists the types of jobs that someone can obtain
with a psychology degree and the amount of money they make
yearly. I hope this information will be useful to you and may
help influence your career choice.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
I hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have any
other questions or need further assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact us. Thanks for using ipl2!
Question 1 Comments:
On this question, I spent approximately two hours. I wanted to provide the patron with decent sources
that would provide her with accurate and detailed information, so that I could meet the requirements
that she was looking for. It was important to me to start with basic information and then provide her
with more specific information so that I could provide her with a complete and well-rounded answer. A
simple search of jobs with a psychology degree on Google brings up many different sites that may seem
suitable to answer the question about jobs she can obtain with a psychology degree, but I felt the best
websites to give her in my answer should be educational and at least one should end with an edu. I
searched through my results, scanning most of them to find the best one. The article I found was from
Hanover University and covered the basic aspects and additional information for a psychology major.
Next, I wanted to provide her with place that she could find any information on psychology, and I
thought that providing her with a website completely about psychology was smart .With that in my
hands, I knew I needed to go a step further and find the specific information on this website about
bachelor’s degrees in psychology so that she could go back and visit this site even after she obtains a
career in psychology. With the information at hand, I then decided to post a website that listed specific
jobs and their descriptions to give her a selection of jobs she may be interested in. I decided the best
website to provide her with was from About.com, which supplied various jobs and descriptions, nothing
more, nothing less. This was a decent website, I however, felt it was my duty to give her a realistic
approach to getting a job with a psychology degree, so I tracked down a website, written by a doctor of
psychology, that provides a directory of entry-level jobs she may be interested in. with the information I
provided, I felt my question was answered completely, however, I thought it would be useful provide my
patron with a website that would influence her decision to get a certain job by listing salaries that she
could make with a psychology degree.
I was very pleased with the answer I provided to this question. The question asked was very basic and
broad, and another person answering this question could have sent the first few websites they found in
searching for this information, but I felt it was my duty to look at different websites and judge the
accuracy and usefulness of the information provided as a means to give my patron the best answer
possible. I felt it was also important to give her a diverse list of websites so that if she did not find what
she was looking for on one website, she may be able to find it on another one. I felt I answered her
question entirely and was extremely satisfied with the answer I provided. For a question similar to this
one, in the future I would follow the same procedure I used for this question.
2. When diving an ocean blue hole, why is tide a factor?
Needed by: no need by
When diving an ocean blue hole, why is tide a factor? I've read
about the "suck and blow" and that a vortex is created, but
there's seemingly no website that explains exactly what happens
during this "suck and blow."
name: Megan
from: megkhicks@gmail.com
confirm: megkhicks@gmail.com
location: Sellersburg, IN
area: Geography
reason: For my own information.
school: No
sources_consulted: wikipedia, dive belize
Greetings from IPL2,
Thank you for your question about what happens during the tide
known as the suck and blow phenomena when diving into a blue
hole. I have located several sources that answer your question.
The suck and blow is caused by difference in water surface
elevation. A blue hole is initially caused by the tide rising,
which pushes the water from the ocean into the blue hole. When
the tide goes out, the pressure is released and out of the blue
hole. This leads to the idea of sucking and blowing. The sucking
is of that of the water pressure pulling the water into the blue
hole, and the blowing is the water rising out of the hole that
looks slightly like it is boiling up out of the hole. These
tides are affected by wave action and ocean currents.
In order to find this information, I searched Google with the
search terms “tides, blue holes”. Here is a link to my search
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
In order to find information about tides blue holes, I visited
this website that described tidal underwater caves of the
Bahamas. This website described how the tide actually moves in
and out of the blue hole to create the suck and blow technique. I
found this information in the last two paragraphs of this
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
In order to explain the suck and blow technique in purely
scientific terms, I visited this website that explains the
details. After high tide, a vortex is created that describes the
sucking in which currents are strong enough to pull water and
anything else into the blue hole. When that pressure releases,
the water boils over. The water pressure tries to equal itself
out but can only do so for about 45 seconds, in which it is safe
to dive in. Because of the tidal flow, each vortex brings enough
food to feed the shark and other underwater animals that live in
the blue holes.
In order to look at illustrations and diagrams of this process,
you can look at this website.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
In order to properly dive into blue holes without having the tide
affect your safety, a website explaining the basics of blue
holes, and the types of blue holes that have varying
distinctions, I visited this website.
I hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have any
other questions or need further assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact us. Thanks for using ipl2!
Question 2 Comments:
This question I found was difficult to answer. I spent more than three hours on answering this question
because of the amount of research I had to do. I felt the patron provided me with a appropriate
question, but was looking for information that was not necessarily available on the internet. I searched
many websites that only gave tourist information, rather than any scientific information on why the tide
is a factor in the suck and blow technique in an ocean blue hole. I had to search through many pages
before I could find anything that had tourist information but also provided scientific information, and
this was about Blue Holes of the Bahamas. This website gave the basic information about how blue
holes were created, how they work, and what happens with a tidal pull. I felt this information would
provide the simple facts that would answer her question. However, I felt I needed more evidence to
support the information that was supplied on the first website. With more searching, I stumbled upon
this website that was a blessing in disguise for me to answer my question. It provided an in-depth
description of what blues holes were and what they looked like when the vortex was created. This
website also provided pictures of the vortex, and even diagrams of what would happen during the
vortex, making the process virtually simple to understand. Because I had provided two sources of
information for the question to be answered, I simply felt I needed to provide the patron with other
pictures and visual composites, I decided to search for the Bahamas caves since the location was for
ocean blue holes. The last website I provided had more diagrams, which I thought would be helpful in
answering the question, as scientific questions are better understood visually rather through the written
I was only adequately satisfied with the information I provided for my patron. I felt that I relied too
heavily on Google and did expand my search to other scientific search engines that could have been
more help. I searched Google Scholar, but was unable to find any articles or journals that would give me
complete access to their information. I felt as though I should have provided titles of books for her and
thought of others ways to word my search to find different results. I usually do not feel like my answer is
satisfactory unless I provide four or more sources, or at least three reputable websites that would be
extremely helpful to my patron. The websites I provided felt only adequately beneficial to her, and I
would have tried many different searches in the near future to give my patron a more well-rounded
3. What is educational psychology and what is religious psychology?
Needed by: 3/3/2010
what is education psychology?
what is religion psychology?
name: NINA
from: nharenjanee81@gmail.com
confirm: nharenjanee81@gmail.com
location: jakarta
grade: 4
area: Psychology
school: Yes
length: Other ()
sourceschecked: google.com
dontuse: Textbook
Hello from ipl2!
Thank you for your question about what educational psychology and
religious psychology are.
1.Educational psychology is the study of how people learn in
school settings, the usefulness of education, and how students
and other students interact with each other. This can also be how
teachers and students interact, or get along with each other.
Here are a few websites that explain the basic definition of what
educational psychology is.
To find what educational psychology is by using websites, I used
google.com and typed into the search bar, “definition of
educational psychology”. To use this website, click on the link
To find the simplest answer for what educational psychology is, I
looked at this website. The basic definition of education
psychology can be found here.
I looked at another encyclopedia that is geared towards kids. It
is from factmonster.com
Here is the link for the definition of educational psychology:
2.Religious psychology is the study of religious experiences,
beliefs, and activities. I found this definition by searching
“kid’s encyclopedias” on google.com. From the search results, I
found this website, encyclopedia.com, and typed in “psychology of
The link for the basic definition of the psychology of religion
can be found here. You can expect to find a paragraph describing
what psychology of religion is and who first studied the concept
of the psychology of religion.
Have an adult help you read and view this site. You should also
check your school library for less complex sources on both
educational and religious psychology are.
I hope this answers your question! Please contact us again if you
need more help. Thank you for using ipl2!
Question 3 Comments:
I was excited to answer a question under the Youth category, because it gave me a chance to answer the
question differently. I knew that it would have to be worded differently and the research would have to
be in simple terms. I spent a total of two hours on this question. I reviewed the training manual as to
how to answer a child’s reference question, and went to work on the question. However, in doing my
research, I felt that it was practically impossible to try and find a website on psychology that would be
beneficial and simple for a fourth-grader to use. I was also slightly surprised that a fourth-grader had to
research psychology at all. With this in mind, I searched high and low for a suitable website that a child
could understand. After much consideration, the first website I picked to explain what educational
psychology was from the dictionary that provided a simple definition. I still, however, felt that some of
the words describing the psychology were too hard for a child to understand. With this in mind, I knew I
needed to provide a kid-friendly definition. I then took the initiative to search for kid’s dictionaries on
Google, and came across Fact Monster. This provided me a better definition, but I was still dissatisfied
with the information I felt I had to provide to the patron, finding no other way to answer the question.
For the second part of the question, as to what religious psychology was, I followed the same strategy.
Initially, I had to reword the definition to look up psychology of religion, and found the best definition
through encyclopedia.com. This definition was even more complex then the first one, however, it was
harder for me to find anything else, so, under these circumstances, I provided this definition to the
patron. I used the disclaimer to warn the patron to ask an adult for help with understanding this
I was satisfied with the answer that I provided to my patron. Considering the age of my patron, and the
content of the question, I felt I tried my best to give the best and the simplest form of answer. Before
starting the question, the training manual warned that I sometimes may not find content that is suitable
for children, and to provide what I could. Answering the initial question in my own terms gave me the
confidence that I was fulfilling my duties as a reference librarian to provide the best help that I could to
the library world. In the future, I would seek harder to find websites that are geared specifically towards
children to find an answer that I could feel completely confident about.
4. Confirmation of a car bought in 1973 from Hitler made the Guinness Book of World Records
Needed by: 3/10/2010
I need to confirmation that in 1972 or 1973, a Guinness Book of
Worl Records was set for the most money ever paid for an
automobile: $93,000. It was at a Kruse Auction for Hitler's
former parade car, a Mercedes-Benz 770K, purchased by Billy
Tanner of Alabama, then optioned to Don Tidwell. Many people have
conveyed this story to me but I have not found the actual record
name: Heidi King
from: heidi@heiditking.com
confirm: heidi@heiditking.com
location: Tallahassee, FL
area: General Reference
reason: I am writing a book.
school: No
sources_consulted: I do have some info from the
trivia-Library.com site (Adolf Hitler's Big Car) and
word-of-mouth sources but would like the actual Guinness Book
Thank you !
Greetings from ipl2!
Thank you for your question about finding information to confirm
the fact that Hitler’s car, a Mercedes-Benz 770k was sold at a
Kruse Auction in January of 1973. These facts actually apply to a
second Hitler car that concerns Bill Tanner who paid $93,000 for
it; however, the most money ever paid for the original car driven
by Adolf Hitler in parades was $153,000 that was bought by a
Pennsylvania man looking to use it for a park called Dutch
Wonderland. I could not track down the exact listing in the 1973
Guinness Book of World Records, but I did, however, find several
newspaper articles from 1973 that concerns your question. If you
feel you need the exact description from the 1973 Guinness Book
of World Records, please check your local library.
Here is a link to your county library system so that you may
search for this particular book.
To confirm the facts and answer this question, I used Google and
searched “Kruse Auction History”. I found a link at the bottom of
the page called “Timeline of Kruse Auction History”.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
On this page, I clicked on the 1970’s box and had listings of all
types of historical information in the Kruse Auction History.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
From here, I clicked on January 1973, and found many different
articles on the auction of Hitler’s car and the price it was
auctioned off for. Many of these articles require a subscription;
however, I found a few articles that are actual copies of the
newspaper and the article that describes the auction.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
This article is a simple tidbit from the Sarasota-Herald Tribune
that explains the car that was originally sold for $153,000 to
Earl Clark, and describes the second car that was auctioned off
to Bill Tanner, who paid $93,000 for the second car. Since this
article is a day after the actual auction, there is no mention of
Don Tidwell obtaining the car from Tanner.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
This article is from The Victoria Advocate in which the newspaper
gives a lengthy article of the history behind the cars and the
details of the auction.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
This article is published in The Tuscaloosca News, which includes
a simple description on the auction and descriptions of each of
the cars.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
For a simple description of the Mercedes-Benz 770k and Hitler’s
association to the car and auction, please check out Wikipedia.
The last paragraph explains Gustaf Mannerheim's 770K, the
original name for the car.
A community of users maintains or edits this source. Because
membership in this community may include non-experts, information
taken from this source should be verified using other, more
reliable sources.
I hope this information will be helpful to you. If you have any
more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for
using ipl2!
Question 4 Comments:
This question involved a confirmation of a fact from the Guinness Book of World Records that I knew I
couldn’t get my hands on; however, I felt that I would be able to track down the information through
different sources on the internet. I spent a total of two and half hours on this question. My best
reference for me personally was Wikipedia, that provided me with the right information, and I went
from there to try and find confirmation and concrete evidence to provide to my patron. The question
the patron asked was actually not the right information, so I was hopeful in finding proof to provide her
with the correct answer. With this in mind, I ended up searching through newspaper articles. I found
these articles from a search of the auction name, and struck gold. The search through newspaper
articles was a first for me, and I found Google’s supply of newspapers on the internet incredibly helpful
to me. Finding one newspaper article that supplied the basic information led me to other articles, each
of which provided me with a confirmation of the information I was looking for.
Because this was a ready-reference question, and I was able to provide more than three sources, I was
definitely satisfied with the answer I provided. Furthermore, I felt pleased with the fact that I didn’t
provide the patron with information on a website that may not be true or couldn’t be confirmed, and
used my search skills to provide something concrete that she could feel confident about. In the future, I
would use the search skills I learned on this question for other questions. Using newspaper articles that
are available to me through Google may be a big help to me in the future.
5. What is the philosophy of religion and why is this important to a Christian?
1.what is philosophy of religion
2.How is philosophy of religion important to you as a christian
name: osam adjekum
from: agnusdei2@yahoo.com
confirm: agnusdei2@yahoo.com
location: accra-Ghana
area: General Reference
reason: assignment
school: Yes
Greetings from ipl2!
Thank you for your question about the philosophy of religion and
why philosophy of religion is important to a Christian
individual. I found several resources that answer your question.
Philosophy of religion is the philosophical study of breaking
down major themes and concepts of religion that is not limited to
the debate over the existence of God, moral and ethical concepts
of religion, and applies all the areas of philosophy to its
field. The Philosophy of religion discusses religion as a whole
entity and breaks down these concepts by various sources
In order to find this information, I searched “Philosophy of
Religion” on Google. Here is the link to my search results.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
To find and understand what philosophy of religion is, and how it
is studied, I searched this website to learn what types of
concepts of religion are studied. A detailed explanation of this
branch of philosophy can be found here.
To find a less discreet definition of philosophy of religion, I
searched “Definition of Philosophy of religion, and came across
an introduction to many lectures about the philosophy of
religion. Search results can be found here.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
The best place to look for all types of information on the
Philosophy of Religion and a breakdown of what is studied, what
has been discovered, and most importantly, what Christians
believe in can all be found on this website.
Because many people who study the philosophy of religion have to
be objective in their studies, they can either be believers or
non-believers. As a Christian, philosophy of religion is
important to their faith because they believe in certain
philosophies that all Christians follow; there are certain areas
of Christianity that has to directly with philosophy, such as
Natural Law Theory that deals directly with ethics, and moral
relativism, in which Christian believes that there are absolutely
no ethical truths. Knowing what the Christian religion is about,
what they believe in, it is easier to understand Christian
philosophy because it blends Christian theology with the basic
questions of philosophy.
In order to find out the connection and disciplines of
Christianity and philosophy, I searched “Christianity Philosophy”
and found many different search results that analyzed the
philosophy of Christianity.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
To find out the most important sections of the Christian view of
Philosophy, I searched this website that explains four types of
philosophical problems that challenges the Christian faith.
Descriptions of the most important philosophers that influenced
and questioned Christianity can be found on this website. It is
important to know that both St. Augustine and Plato are essential
parts of Christian history.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any more
questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for using
Question 5 Comments:
Because I had previously answered a question similar to this question concerning psychology, I felt I
knew what type of information I had to provide to my patron. However, I also felt as though I had more
freedom to give my patron better websites because it was general question, rather than a question
listed under the Youth section. In total, I spent an hour and a half on this question. My search engine
was, as always, Google. I once again felt that it was vital to provide a website from an educational
website initially because the information would be accurate and give my patron confidence in my ability
to provide respectable research to them. I also followed the strategy of providing my patron a defined
website on philosophy so that he could get the full explanation of what the philosophy of religion is. I
then decided to provide a detailed definition of the Christian philosophy and the reasons why the
philosophy of religion is important to Christians. In order to answer this, I provided the simplistic view of
the Christian philosophy and followed up with a thorough section on how Christianity and philosophy
are connected.
In doing this research, I felt confident I could provide an appropriate response to my patron’s question
because I had confidence in finding the information they were looking for, and weeding out the
websites that did not have relevant information that would help my patron in their quest to find
information on Christian philosophy. For the future, I feel as though I could have provided a book or two
that is based on the subject matter my patron was looking for. In doing this, it would have made my
patron feel more comfortable in knowing there are other resources besides the ones I provided him
6. Where can I buy French macaroons in Philadelphia, P.A.?
Needed by: 3/6/2010
Where I can buy French macarons in Philadelphia? I am trying to compile a complete list of sources. FYI,
this is what a macaron is:
I already know I can find them at Parc and at Patisserie Miel... but I would like to know where else.
name: Olivia
from: olivia.given@gmail.com
confirm: olivia.given@gmail.com
location: Philadelphia
area: Other
reason: To find macarons to eat!
school: No
sources_consulted: simple Google search for "macarons
Question 6 Comments:
In starting the research for this question, I found that research would be harder then I initially thought it
would be. I definitely first read the link my patron provided so that I was able to differentiate between a
French Macaroon and a regular macaroon. What I found, ultimately, is that French Macaroons are not
sold many places in Philadelphia. I spent a total of two hours on this question. My search varied many
ways, from French Macaroons in Philadelphia, to French Bakeries, only led me to a few different places.
Because the patron provided with two of the most popular places in Philadelphia that sold French
Macaroons, I had trouble moving out of that box. Luckily, with my different searches, I found a couple of
restaurants that she could buy Macaroons from and even visit the restaurant and have the French
macaroons as a dessert. The first restaurant I found came from a search with the basic search string of
“French Macaroons”, however, the other restaurant, which is predominately a Chinese restaurant, I
found through a review of French Macaroons, and I also provided the link to the review in case my
patron wanted to further investigate the restaurant. The major problem I faced when searching for
French Macaroons was that many of the local businesses listed on Google did have not websites, so I
could not check their menus to provide my patron with concrete evidence that French Macaroons were
sold there. I only provided her with two places to find these yummy desserts, only because these were
the two places I could find menus that listed the desserts.
My level of satisfaction when answering this question was adequate, simply because I reached too many
dead ends, and felt like I was not providing the patron with enough information that would suit her. If I
had to do anything different with a future question that concerns research on food and places, I would
most likely look into their location, search for their public libraries, and try to track down travel guides or
food guides to provide the patron with, simply because, even in this day and age, not everything is on
the internet.
7. Free websites that list controversial topics
Needed by: 3/13/2010
I am looking for free databases of resources or websites with
links to current controversial topics similar to CQ Researcher .
name: Katrina Baecht
from: kbaecht@kippaustin.org
confirm: kbaecht@kippaustin.org
location: Austin TX
area: Internet
reason: To help a teacher & her students.
school: No
sources_consulted: IPL. ;-)
Greetings from ipl2!
Thank you for your question on how to find websites or databases
that cover controversial issues and topics. I have found several
resources with links that will be helpful to in your quest to
provide these websites to a teacher and her students.
In order to find the best resources for your question, I search
google with the search string, “controversial issues and topics”.
These are my search results so that you may duplicate the search
for your own exploration.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
One of the best resources I could find is procon.org, which has
many different topics and issues separated into categories that
are accessible with a click of a button. This website is designed
especially for teachers to use and study. It is a one-stop shop
to find an issue that someone may be personally interested in,
and covers a variety of topics, including issues that are
considered to be highly controversial. Here is a link to this
Another great resource that provides links to various issues
concerning anything and everything around the world is the public
agenda website. This link covers information for the public as a
whole to discuss and research. The website provides both issue
guides and research studies that contain important topics and
A great place that deals with a wide variety of issues and
provides an in-depth look at each issue is socialissues.com. This
website covers the smallest issues from smoking to abortion, and
provides adequate research for anyone who is looking to get
better acquainted with the controversies of the world.
As for databases that are similar to CQ Research, I had a hard
time finding many that were accessible for free. I searched
google with the search string, “controversial issues databases”
that brought me to pages that provided me with several resources
that can be used only if you have access through your college. CQ
Research may be the only accessible database concerning
controversial issues and topics that is free to the public. Here
are my search results from google to replicate in case you wanted
to search using the same search string.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
Such a website like this is called Facts on File. If you are
interested, you can sign up for a tree trial of this program,
which provides a thorough and up-to-date look into issues
currently affecting our economy and society today.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
Many different schools provided a list of places, including
websites, books, and databases that are useful in finding
controversial issues and topics. For your exploration, here is a
link to a diverse list of resources that can be worth taking a
look at to see if any of these websites meet your needs, or if
can find access to some of them.
There are thousands of different resources out there that can be
helpful in breaking down issues and topics that are affecting our
world today, however, it is crucial in determining if the
information you are looking is helpful and accurate. The
resources I provided will hopefully help you in your question for
satisfactory links and sources to controversial issues and
topics. If you have any other questions or need more information,
please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for using ipl2!
Question 7 Comments:
This question, for me, as the researcher, was a good topic for me to search to learn how to find useful
websites that can help everyone. Because I answered this specific question, I feel like the information I
found will be of use to me in the future when helping other patrons in my career as a librarian. This
question was quite challenging to me because I did an extensive search, and the best websites I found to
answer this question were all inaccessible unless through a college website in which only students were
able to use their services. Because of this fact, I felt like I had to find one database that was free and
covered controversial topics, so I researched each database I found, and could only offer the patron a
free trial of a specific database called Facts on File that could be extremely useful to her. As for websites,
I was able to provide the patron with a mass of sites that are useful in her quest to seek controversial
topics. Some websites had only specific and predominant topics, while others an unlimited amount of
controversial issues to pick from.
Because this was a ready-reference question, I felt as though I had completed the question thoroughly. I
made sure to browse the websites that I offered to my patron to make sure the information was both
useful and sufficient for my patron to use. In the future, I would probably browse more databases, and
find different ways to get limited free access for my patron or even provide her with suggestions to
access these databases from colleges or libraries.
In my quest to answer questions through Internet Public Library, I discovered the hardships that
reference librarians face every day in working at a public or academic library. The questions that were
presented to us through ipl2 were questions that could be found in any library, except that as the
researchers, our only option was to depend on the World Wide Web to answer questions. Initially,
answering simple questions through the internet by providing sources for the patron to research
themselves seemed like it would be a breeze, considering the amount of information someone could
find on the internet, however, things are much harder to track down if you do not know where you are
looking. I tended to pick the questions that were very general, so that I would have a broad spectrum to
work with. However, in picking my questions, I had a hard time understanding what the patron was
actually asking, and I was anxious in using a post-a-note to ask for more information, fearing that I
would exceed the 24-hour time limit, so I took what I knew from the question and tried to answer the
best I could. My research varied from being very easy and quick to provide the patron with answers, to
spending hours upon hours looking in different places to find a question that was very specific and
hidden. The biggest indelicacy of answering questions through email services is that the reference
librarian does not have the freedom to investigate the research she is doing with the patron to make
sure it fits the patron’s needs; rather we have to depend on our own judgment to see that we are
answering the question provided to us the best we can. It is certainly helpful getting an immediate
response from a patron in questioning our research, to know if we have to take a different turn, or even
start over in our research, in different situations such as live chat session or even face to face, rather
than an email service, where this expediency is impossible.
The overall experience as an ipl2 reference librarian was enjoyable, considering the fact that I never got
a response from any of my patrons requesting more information, giving me the confidence that I
answered every question effectively. My questions were all pretty straightforward, and although I had
hit a few bumps in my research, it was not completely impossible to answer all of my questions, and give
up or unclaim any of them. Because the experience overall was pleasant, I see the future of email
reference continuing to grow as many people depend on the computer for their main source of
exploration and research. The Internet Public Library is a convenient way to obtain information from
reference librarians without having to step out of your house. This will be vital in patrons who are willing
to submit their question and wait for a response, in order to get the most out of email reference
services. However, the one setback of any internet reference services is that they don’t have the
accessibility of books to fall back on when research fails over the internet. Going to a public or academic
library can always guarantee a patron immediate information that is both useful and valuable to the
What I have learned from this project is that there are many different ways to be an accomplished
reference librarian, and that it takes time and effort to provide your patrons with the best care.
Information is limitless and to become the reference librarian that knows where exactly to look for the
information is key in providing the best services possible. Because of this experience, becoming a
reference librarian for a short time has given me the confidence and preparation to face any type of
question at an actual library and not be overwhelmed by the productivity I must produce in order to
satisfy the library world.