The Lowcountry Regional Water System Commission (herein

The Lowcountry Regional Water System Commission (herein referred to as “LRWS” of the “Commission”) held its
regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 200 Jackson Avenue East, Hampton South
Carolina. The meeting was advertised as prescribed by law.
Commission Present:
John Rhoden, Hampton
Henry Tuten, Varnville
Rocky Hudson, Brunson
Peggy O’Banner, Yemassee
Dr. Roy Hollingsworth, Hampton County
Officers Present:
Brian Burgess, General Manager
Marlene Marchyshyn, Treasurer
Kari Foy, Staff Engineer
Sharon Barnes, Secretary
Visitors Present:
Kevin Brown
Rose Elliott Dobson
Quorum Met:
1. Call to Order
Chairman John Rhoden called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation- Dr. Roy Hollingsworth gave the invocation
Pledge of Allegiance- Conducted by all.
3. FOIA Compliance Report
As required by Code of Laws of South Carolina, notice of this LRWS Commission meeting was posted prominently
in the offices of the Commission at least twenty-four hours in advance. In addition, the local news media and all
persons requesting notifications of meetings of the LRWS Commission were notified of the time, date, and place of
such meeting, and were provided with a copy of the agenda at least twenty-four hours prior to this meeting.
4. Adoption of the Agenda
Moved by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth to adopt the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Approval of Minutes: September 22, 2015
Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth to approve the minutes of the September 22, 2015
meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Financial Report
The financial report for the month of September 2015 was presented by Marlene Marchyshyn and is summarized
September 2015:
Total Actual Monthly Revenue: $223,960.31 (Over $26,870.17)
Total Actual Monthly Expenditures: $228,761.93 (Over $31,671.79) Over due to payroll ended on 8/28/15, but was
not processed until September 2015.
Cash Account Balances (Unrestricted funds)
Gross Revenue cash account balance: $105,078.25
Operating cash account balance: $30,057.12
Operating Reserves
Project Reserves
Moved by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth to approve the Financial Report. Motion carried
7. Operations Report
The Operations Report for September 2015 was presented by Brian Burgess and is summarized below:
The water system total gallons produced for the month was 24,008,800 with total gallons sold at 13,825,501.
Total percentage inefficiency was 42%. The wastewater system total gallons received was 22,539,800 with a
total gallons treated at 12,192,496. Total percentage inefficiency was 46%. Total active water services was 3,069
with total active sewer services at 2,753. Total work hours were 4,290.25 with 60.25 hours overtime in Distribution
and Collection and 17.50 hours overtime in Treatment. There were 2 Workers Comp incidents, but no loss time
Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth to approve the Operations Report. Motion carried
8. Managers Report
The Managers report for October 2015 was presented by Brian Burgess and included the following:
Operations are going well at this time with no major issues.
Hampton County Fire Chief Greg Cook met with Brian and LRWS Staff members at the Lowcountry Regional
Industrial Park to review the fire protection system, especially the fire pumps and the water storage tank. As part of
the assest transfer from Hampton County, LRWS will be maintaining the fire protection system. An action plan has
been formed by LRWS to meet with the existing industry to seek input and development of fire protection rates that
generate revenue to maintain the fire protection system.
During October 2nd - 5th, we received approximately 6 to 8 inches of rain. There were no major issues due to this
volume of rain.
LRWS is still searching for property in which to locate our Operations Center. Several sites have been viewed.
LRWS is waiting on Mead Westvaco to approve a draft agreement for the funding commitment for the Phase 2
sewer pump station project at the Southern Carolina Industrial Campus. Due to several issues concerning the
environmental review for CDBG funds that LRWS will not be able to complete construction by the end of
March 2016 to accommodate Project Vittorio. The Southern Carolina Regional development alliance has been
On October 15th and 16th, Dr. Roy Hollingsworth and Brian attended the National Incident Management System
(NIMS) 400 class.
The LRWS Distribution and Collection crews recently completed training for confined space, trenching and shoring
operations and practices which are all OSHA required.
Brian has prepared a letter for the customers of the Cumming’s Water System informing them of the proposal for
LRWS to assume the operations of the system and invite them to a public hearing. This will be a joint letter from
LRWS and the Cummings Water System, so we have left message for Mr. Cannington to review the letter. We are
waiting to hear from Mr. Cannington.
Brian gave an update on the Cricket Communications concerning the cell towers. Cricket Communications had
elected to not change anything with the agreement and will continue to pay the rent as agreed for the next four years.
Moved by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth, seconded by Rocky Hudson to approve the Manager’s Report. Motion carried
8 (A)Engineers Report
The Engineers report was presented by Kari Foy and included the following:
Kari discuscussed the pump station and gravity sewer project at the South Carolina Industrial Campus. LRWS is
finalizing bid documents and planning to advertise the project to receive bids in early December. The goal is to give
a contractor the notice to proceed in early January. We were persuing CDBG funds for this project, but due to the
environmental review delays encountered with that funding option, the alliance notified LRWS that will not be used.
They have obtained additional money from commerce and locally so that will allow us to achieve this scope.
Moved by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth to approve the Engineer’s Report. Motion carried
9. Old Business
A) Transfer of Cummings Water System owned by Mr. William Cannington to LRWS
Nothing was discussed on the Transfer of Cumming’s Water System owned by Mr. Cannington to LRWS.
10. New Business
A) Resolution 2015-06 Hours of Work Policy Amendment
The Resolution Amendment would allow the General Manager the flexibility to change the in field plant hours
seasonally. In the winter months the hours would be from 8:00pm to 5:00pm while in the summer months the hours
would be from 7:00am to 4:00pm. The hours would also include a lunch hour for the field employees which was not
previously included. Also this Resolution would allow LRWS to close the office for employee training.
Moved by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Peggy O’Banner to adopt the Resolution 2015-06 Hours of Work Policy
Amendment. Motion carried unanimously
B) Erin Armstrong Parker Reference to Bill
Ms. Erin Armstrong Parker had written several letters and the one which was published in the Hampton County
Guardian expressed her concern that her bill was incorrect. Ms. Parker was urged to attend a LRWS Board Meeting
to further express her thoughts to the board, but declined. After the commission reviewed the bill, it was found to be
A motion was then made by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth that Brian write a letter responding
to Ms. Parker stating the bill had been reviewed and was found to be correct. Motion carried unanimously.
C) Policy for Performing Background Checks
This policy allows LRWS to have criminal background checks performed on all new employees as well as annual
driving record checks on current employees.
Motion was made by Henry Tuten, seconded by Rocky Hudson to adopt the Policy for Performing Background
Checks. Motion carried unanimously.
D) Agreement for Centralized Collections Module with QS1
This new system works through the internet rather than the phone line and uses touchscreen technology. It is
designed for processing multiple payments which will expedite the customer’s wait time. This new technology will
also make LRWS compliant with the credit card chip technology. The total initial cost of the system is $2,427.73
with a monthly software fee of $125.00 or 1,500.00 annually.
Motion was made by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Peggy O’Banner to contract the Agreement for Centralized
Collections module. Motion was carried unanimously.
E) Dixie Poly Drum Delinquent Account
The Dixie Poly Drum Company closed and left a balance due on account in the amount of $5,270.00. The company
has a bankruptcy attorney, but has not officially filed for bankruptcy. During this time, the owner of the property on
which the debt exists wants to lease the property to a new renter. The new client has in turn filed an application for
water and sewer service. This service was denied by LRWS due to the existing debt on the property. The renter then
turned this info over to their company attorney to contact the land owner in hopes to clear up this debt so that their
application can proceed. This sounds promising that we should get results in clearing this outstanding debt.
F) Transfer of the Zahler St. Elevated Tank & Property in the Town of Yemassee
It was mentioned that lightening has struck the tank and damage has occurred. Mrs. O’Banner stated that she
thought there was insurance on the tank through the Town of Yemassee. The damage is approximately $1000.00 or
more so far. Damage occurred to the electrical boards and replacements have been ordered. The full extent of the
damage has not been fully accessed. The transfer of this property needs to occur so it was suggested that a letter be
written to council addressing the transfer.
G) Economic Development Agreement with Meade Westvaco
A correction was made on the Economic Development Grant Agreement by Brian Burgess on page two in the first
paragraph. For the record, the date of January 7, 2017 was changed to January 1, 2017. With this agreement, Meade
Westvaco will donate $270,000.00 to LRWS in order to help facilitate the development of the sewer pump station
in the Southern Carolina Industrial Campus.
Motion was made by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Peggy O’Banner to approve the Agreement with Meade
Westvaco for the new wastewater pump station. Motion was carried unanimously.
H) Election of Officers
Two offices are open for election, Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The floor was opened for nominations.
Motion was made by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Henry Tuten that John Rhoden be re-elected as Chairman. No
more nominations were made. John Rhoden accepted the nomination as Chairman.
Motion was made by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Peggy O’Banner that Henry Tuten be re-elected as ViceChairman. No more nominations were made. Henry Tuten accepted the nomination as Vice-Chairman.
11. Comments or Questions
The Town of Hampton has requested that the star from Nevamar be placed on the Jackson St. Tank.
Motion was made by Henry Tuten, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth to allow the Nevamar Star to be placed on
the Jackson St. Tank. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Executive Session
Motion was made by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Dr. Roy Hollingsworth to enter into Executive Session to discuss
a personnel matter as related to the General Manager. Motion carried unanimously.
No decision was made, only discussion.
Motion was made by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Henry Tuten to reconvene to regular sessions meeting. Motion
carried unamiously.
13. Adjournment
Moved by Rocky Hudson, seconded by Henry Tuten to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting then
adjourned at 5:33 pm.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Sharon Barnes