Latimer County Tourism Trust Authority (LCTTA) Board Meeting

Latimer County Tourism Trust Authority (LCTTA) Board Meeting
Minutes of April 12, 2013
The LCTTA Board met April 12, 2013 in the Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room
under the direction of the newly elected officers. The meeting was called to order at 2:37
pm by Chairman Maryellen Mooney. Roll was called and the following members were
present: Maryellen Mooney, Chairman (Ch); Jodie White, Vice Chairman (VC); Mae
Mings, Secretary, Mr. Leland Walker, and Dana Hugle, Executive Director. A quorum
was present. Also attending was Lori Chrestman, Clerk.
Adoption of Agenda: A motion to adopt the stated agenda was made by Ms. Mings and
seconded by Mr. Walker. The motion carried.
Approval of March 8, 2013 Minutes: The following changes were made:
Pg 1, “Website Issues” Change last sentence to say, “She pointed….” Vice “He….”.
Pg 2, “Trust Indenture & Bylaws, a. para 2: Add word “incomes” to end of sentence.
“ “ “ a. para10: Remove paragraph entirely and add new paragraph: Ch Shaw state a
concern regarding the use to promote private businesses. LCTTA needs further discussion
and information about this issue.
Page 3, “ “ b. para 1, 2nd sentence: Add the word “timer” to read “If a timer were to…”
Mr. Walker moved to approved the LCTTA March Minutes with the three changes; Ms.
Mings seconded. The minutes were approved with the three changes.
Financial Report: Ms. Hugle stated it was obvious the Board was starting a busier time by
from the Purchase Order listing. The Financial Report was accepted as presented.
Public Comment: No Public Comment was made.
Website Issues:
Ms. Hugle passed around to each member the “revamped LCTTA brochure”. The
number of events listed has been pared down to encourage the visitor to go to the website
for more information. Ch Mooney stated it was much easier to read.
Mr. Walker asked Ms. Hugle if she could add one photo, what would it be. Ms. Hugle
replied it would be a motorcycle picture or one of downtown Wilburton.
Ms. Mings asked how often the brochure would be updated. Ms. Hugle replied that
would be the Board’s decision to make. An initial order of 5,000 would be a good starting
point for distribution throughout the State. When the amount starts to get low, the Tourist
Fulfillment Department notifies her of the need to replenish.
VC White stated, “I like it. If I were asked, I‘d tell them about historic places and
water opportunities, but not about Wilburton Main Street.”
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Mr. Walker stated he was asking that question because we are advertising for all
events, but car event is being advertised already through a different approved grant
application. Perhaps that shot should be removed and another replace it. Ms. Mings stated
she would like to see pictures of the inside of the lodge. Ms. Hugle stated that with nine
runs scheduled, obviously fun runs have become popular so maybe that should be featured.
Ch Mooney stated she liked the number of pictures featured as the brochure is not
cluttered and is easy to read with good words: “EXPLORE” is well placed.
Ms. Hugles said she would put the brochure on the agenda for the May Board
Meeting. Mr. Walker stated he was ok with Ms. Hugle selecting a picture to replace the
autos, swapping it out, and then going straight to print. Ms. Hugle said she recommended
a short initial run of 5,000 brochures. Then after seeing how it was accepted, review and/or
revise it and then have 5,000 printed. She stated she didn’t know the precise cost, but the
price at Stigler Printing for 5,000 is around $1,000.
Ch Mooney asked the Board their thoughts on that. VC White made a motion to
print 5,000 brochures at Stigler Printing at a negotiated price not to exceed $2,000,
negotiated and upon brochure approval by Dana Hugle. Ms. Mings seconded the motion.
Ch Mooney asked for discussion. There being none, the motion passed when voted on.
Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Grant Applications:
1. Merle Cox, Manager of Robbers Cave State Park, thanked the Board for the Grant
to print the 3-1/2”x8-1/2” advertising cards for the June 29th Antique Tractor and
Implement Show. He gave a card to each Board member and stated that he expects
the Tractor Show to grow each year in popularity and attendance which will
encourage more vendors to participate.
2. Mgr Cox brought the Board up to date on the Weekend Getaway results stating it
was very profitable. Besides Oklahoma there were visitors from north Texas and
Arkansas. He stated they sold more groups coupons in Dallas/Ft Worth than in
Oklahoma City and Tulsa metropolitans. It worked out lodging was full one
weekend with Texas tourists and the next with Oklahoma tourists.
3. Mgr Cox and Ranger Jimmy Elder submitted three applications:
a. $1464: Radio Advertising Spots (Tractor Show on June 29, 2013) with KMCO
and KMAG/KKBD: Begin 2 weeks before with 4 a day for 14 days or 56 total
spots from KMCO and 138 total spots with KMAG/KKBD with web stream, both
stations have a western venue of music.
Mgr Cox stated the funding was for two markets: Ft Smith and McAlester.
This second year contact has been made and we have confirmed craft vendors,
food vendors, and pony rides which were not offered our inaugural event. By
running the ads to the east and west of Wilburton, we should attract a large
audience. Ft Smith has more exposure with more spots but it is a larger market.
Ms. Hugle stated she has used both stations and had good results from each.
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Mr. Walker made a motion to approve the radio station advertising grant for
the Tractor Show. VC White seconded the motion after which Ch Mooney asked
for discussion. There being no further discussion, the motion was approved.
b. $476: 4 ea 4’x8’ Banners from Stigler Printing (Tractor Show on June 29, 2013):
The $476 included the free artwork done by Stigler Printing. The banners are
similar in design to the rack cards. Will distribute 3 to 4 weeks prior. VC White
asked if the banners were date specific to be used only this year. Mgr Cox
replied there is no specific date, just the phrase “last Saturday in June”. The
intent is to use them repeatedly until they are rotten.
VC White moved to approve the Grant Application for 4 banners as
submitted. Ms. Mings seconded the motion. Ch Mooney asked for discussion.
Ms. Hugle suggested he keep the banners similar to the cards in color. She said
words are not necessary; just having pictures is good. She volunteered to help
with the design by working with Stigler Printing.
Ch Mooney called for a vote and the motion passed.
c. $2,175: Inflatables (July 4th Event): 4 ea with Delivery/Setup/Attendants
Mgr Cox stated he was reapplying for the inflatables based on the discussion at
the last Board meeting. They were very popular with the kids from the time they
were set up at 1:00 until dark when they were closed down. The big difference is
last year my staff watched everything and everyone. This year the contractor
carries his own liability insurance: they set up, maintain, watch the kids, and
tear it down as well.
Ms. Hugle asked if this company has the same weather policy. Mgr Cox stated
he did not know but would check.
VC White stated she liked any activity that doesn’t cost the family; they will
find money for food and for beer, but these July 4th events are what builds the
memories and building memories is what this is all about. This is a good activity.
Mgr Cox stated he would check the contract for more details. Last year the
Robbers Cave Park staff was responsible and they were stretched to their limit
with traffic control and all their other duties. This contract calls for them to
supply the attendants which will make it easier on everyone.
Mr. Walker made a motion that based on an acceptable weather clause
whereby we have the option to cancel due to weather conditions within a
reasonable timeframe and not be penalized, the application to fund the
inflatables be approved. Ms Mings seconded the motion. A discussion was
called for. There was no further discussion and the motion passed with the vote.
4. Mayor Stephen Brinlee presented a Grant Application for $1500 for the July 4th
Fireworks Display at Robbers Cave State Park. He explained due to the unfortunate
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accident last year the Latimer County Firefighters Association is unable to put on
the fireworks display this year. This is an important event for Latimer County, an
attraction that has been a huge success for years and attracts over 5,000 people. A
group has gotten together and found a contractor in Kansas to put on the display for
$10,000 which included fireworks and personnel to put on the show. The total cost
could be handled by donations, but will need LCTTAs approval of this grant to get
the total needed.
Ch Mooney asked what provisions had been made for bad weather
contingency. Mayor Brinlee stated the contract has both a primary date and
alternate rain date.
Ms. Mings stated she felt it is important to have many events for the family
to draw them to the celebration.
Mr. Walker said his thought is to have a draw to get them there early to
enjoy the whole day, not to come only for the fireworks.
Mgr Cox stated last year people started coming in early and set up their
grills and stay for the whole day. Available events/features such as the
inflatables were used as soon as they were available.
Mr. Walker stated he would encourage a carnival in the future. While it
might not be free, it should be at a low cost and would be a good draw. Mgr Cox
said it was too late to consider for this year, but would look at it for next year.
Mayor Brinlee stated the $10,000 for the contracted fireworks show has
received pledges of $2500 from the A-OK Railroad, $2500 from Robbers Cave
State Park, and the City could pledge $2500, with the remainder coming from
donations from both the private and public sector. The banks usually donate
$500 each.
Ch Mooney asked what the total dollar committed was at this time.
Mayor Brinlee replied $7500, but the fiscal year begins July 1st. Ch Mooney
asked if they would accept payment after the event on the 4th. Mayor Brinlee
said the contractor has stated he needs $2500 down and does not seem worried
about when the remainder would be paid. He asked about traffic control and
who was responsible for that. “We can help with that especially if needed just
at the end of the fireworks with the departures.”
Mgr Cox stated there has been a problem with the traffic in the past. He
stressed it is important to carry on the fireworks tradition. The unforgettable
accident left us up in the air. Mayor Brinlee came up with this plan to involve
all of us but will make it happen. When we visited with the contractor, he stated
that it was important to him that he put on a big and good enough show so we would
invite him back. The critical factors are there are no local people involved except for
some labor to help set up and tear down. It is terrific we are not involved in the
actual fireworks display itself.”
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Mayor Brinlee stated that he is working with the Chamber of Commerce
to set up a bank account to have a clear and transparent record of the funds
received and spent. He anticipated the fund drive to include several boot drives.
Ch Mooney stated, “My druthers is that we continue this tradition. We
are already getting calls about the fireworks show.” Ms. Mings added the Chamber
is also receiving calls about the fireworks show who say their local show is not as
good as ours, so they are coming here to see a good one.
Ch Mooney asked if there was a motion.
VC White stated she was calculating for the total of $10,500. With
adding up the donations Mayor Brinlee had listed, still was short $1500. If LCTTA
committed to $1500 and put that amount in the bank as seed money, people would
see that we are doing something positive to keep the fireworks show alive. This is a
different perspective than asking for dollars for a commercial event to make their
dollar profit. This is a public event and there should be no profit enjoyed here.
Mr. Walker moved to table this grant application until the Board sees
how the fund raising goes.
Mayor Brinlee asked if it takes 60 days for the LCTTA process to get a
purchase order? Ms. Hugle asked when the first fund raiser was scheduled.
Mayor Brinlee stated one was scheduled for this weekend, April 13th
Mr. Walker asked what amount did they normally bring in. Mayor
Brinlee stated he didn’t have the information on the contributions. When he asked
the Firefighters Association about their funding, they did not have the records
available to tell him.
Ch Mooney stated there was a motion on the floor to table the
application. Is there a second? There was no response, so Ch Mooney stated the
motion died for lack of a second to the motion.
Mr. Walker asked how long the Firefighters Association had been
doing the fireworks display. Manager Cox stated he thought it was 22 to 25 years.
Ch Mooney questioned them not have accounting information available.
Mayor Brinle stated there was none when he asked and he thought the
accounting process should be standard, open and available every year.
Ms. Mings stated she has a list of names from Ch Donoley of those who
donate to the fireworks show every year. It does not include the amounts given, but
she will call the donors on the list. She continued, “I suggested to Mayor Brinlee that
we ask Tony Johnson and the 4H to have a fund raiser like they did 2 weeks ago. It
was Very Good, so good they totally sold out within one hour!”
VC White moved that LCTTA be a sponsor for the July 4th Fireworks
Display and pledge up to $1000 with the stipulation they continue raising funds for
future fireworks events. Ms. Mings seconded the motion with an amendment to raise
the amount to $1500.
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There then was a discussion on the parliamentary procedure for an
amendment to a motion. It was determined the Board was in concert with the
procedures. VC White stated she would second the amendment.
Ch Mooney asked for discussion of the amended motion.
Mr. Walker stated the event has been funded with public funds for
over 20 years. Why would it still not continue to be funded?
Ch Mooney called for a vote on the amendment to the motion. The
vote was yes, and it passed.
Ch Mooney called for a vote on the amended motion. The motion
passed with two yes votes from VC White and Ms. Mings. Mr. Walker voted no.
Ch Mooney stated she does not vote unless there is a tie vote.
Mayor Brinlee thanked the Board for their generosity. Ms. Hugle
told Mayor Brinlee she would get with him the next week to explain the PO process
and to get it started.
Ms. Hugle presented a packet from Dr. Vieux, Chairman of Fall Festival
Committee. The packet started with a letter from Dr. Vieux explaining his absence
from the April and May Board Meetings and included a “Request for Funding
Assistance” with six (6) items listed.
VC White stated she would like to see what others “are bringing to
the table” for advertising, not just what LCTTA is providing.
a. Item 1. $350 for reprinting Fall Foliage Cruise Promo Cards (2-sided, full
color, UV Coated, 2,500 units – 5.5”x8.5”. Ms. Mings stated Dr. Vieux
needed to get more printed. These have already been approved to hand out
at events. He is asking that we pay for it after the fact.
Ch Mooney stated these are things listed that the Board has already
voted to say, ‘No’ to the request. Ms. Hugle replied some on the list are
and some on the list are new. They are being presented to be revisited
because of the discussion at the last Board meeting.
Mr. Walker moved that the Board not accept Item #1. VC White
seconded the motion. Ch Mooney asked for discussion. The motion was
approved as made.
b. Item 2. $450 for 2 nights at the Lodge for TV production crew from “My
Classic Car” programming to cover 27th annual cruise. Ms. Hugle stated it
was hard to believe there lodge rooms were available for this year; she
thought they were already booked up. Dave Shaw raised the issue 2 months
ago if there is a need to advertise. Is the Fall Fest already at capacity? Is
there room to grow?
Ms. Mings stated she thought the people can and will stay at
McAlester. Further, they should use their travel budget for rooms. Ch
Mooney disagreed saying she wanted them to stay in Latimer County so we
get their travel money.
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Mr. Walker stated that EOSC is a great place to be housed. He
requested Ms. Hugle check that option out.
VC White moved to not pay the $450 for housing of the TV crew.
Ms. Mings seconded. The vote was called and the motion passed.
Ch Mooney stated that items #3 through #6 have already been
denied. Ms. Hugle stated they were being presented because they can be
used by the infrastructure; the signs are of a general nature, not specific to
the Fall Fest. She asked if the Fest is growing, is there a need to assist with
the publicity.
NOTE: Mr. Walker departed the Board Meeting at this time.
Ch Mooney commented on the past and present attitudes.
Ms. Hugle stated she liked the idea of a bank of banners to be used
by everyone authorized to use like the motorcycle signs. Ch Mooney stated
the Main Street Program would not be able to use the “Park & Ride” or the
“Restroom” signs.
c. Ms. Mings moved to approve Item #3, $120 for one 3’x8’ banner:
“Motorcycle Parking” and it remain the property of the LCTTA Board.
VC White seconded the motion.
Ch Mooney called for a vote and the motion passed.
Ms. Hugle stated she would have the policy/procedures guide for
the May Agenda to regulate the use of banners and signs.
d. Item #4, $240 for two each 3’x8’ vinyl banners “Free Park and
Ride”, & “Main and Central”. There was a general discussion about this
request which concluded the determination there is no need for this at any
LCTTA event except for the Fall Fest.
VC White made the motion to not purchase Item #4. Ms. Mings
seconded. Ch Mooney called for a vote and the motion passed to not
purchase the two banners.
e. Item #5, $600 for one 5’x30’ color vinyl banner, “Welcome
Entertainment Stage”. VC White moved to not purchase Item #5, 5’x30’ banner.
Ms. Mings seconded the motion. Ch Mooney asked for discussion and then
called for a vote The motion passed to not purchase the banner.
f. Item #6, $800 for six each 4’x8’ color vinyl banners,
“Restrooms”. Ms. Hugle stated that a 4’x8’ banner is huge. That size is
used for people who are driving by; banners for people who are walking is
smaller. StitchNStuff has the capability to make so we could purchase from
a local vender. But the signs definitely need to be smaller.
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VC White moved to request Dr. Vieux resubmit Item #6 after Ms.
Hugle and he have a discussion as the purchase point (local vs out of town).
Ms. Mings seconded the motion. After a call for discussion, Ch Mooney
took the vote and the motion passed to delay voting on Item #6.
New Business: There was no new business.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
A discussion was held reference the need for grant applicants to give a detailed report as to
the numbers of participants and the dollars and how they were spent, the return on the
dollar and the overall budget of the organization. The idea is to assist the start up of a
business and then the business would grow enough to be able to advertise on their own.
The Board would expect to support for only 3 or 4 years depending on the event.
VC White made a motion to adjourn with Ms. Mings seconding. The motion passed and
the LCTTA Board adjourned at 4:25 pm.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 10, 2013, 2:30pm, at the Chamber of Commerce
Conference Room.
Maryellen Mooney, Chairman
Jodie White, Vice Chairman
Leland Walker
Mae Mings, Secretary
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