Version 0.1 TAMU CSCE 655 Amir Fayazi Shiue-Mei Huang Spencer Huang Dheeban Srinivasan Govindarajan [TWITTERPEEK - VISUAL EXPLORATION OF TWITTER SPHERE] This is the proposal to be developed by Fall 2010 CSCE 655 Team. Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] CONTENTS Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................2 1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................3 2 Conceptual basis ...................................................................................................................................................3 3 Team .....................................................................................................................................................................4 4 Research components ..........................................................................................................................................4 4.1 5 External Interfaces ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Research benefits..................................................................................................................................................5 5.1 6 External Interfaces .......................................................................................................................................5 Prior work .............................................................................................................................................................5 6.1 External Interfaces ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7 Project plan ...........................................................................................................................................................7 8 Supplemental meterials ........................................................................................................................................9 9 8.1 Amir Fayazi ...................................................................................................................................................9 8.2 Shiue-Mei Huang ..........................................................................................................................................9 8.3 Spencer Huang ...........................................................................................................................................10 8.4 Dheeban srinivasan govindarajAN .............................................................................................................11 References ..........................................................................................................................................................12 2 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 1 [TWITTERPEEK] INTRODUCTION S1: Announce Research Topic – Motivate Excitement – Grab Reader’s attention The research theme we are addressing in our project is visual exploration of twitter sphere. We feel that this is a very important detail to be addressed, given the progressively larger attention that social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, etc are getting. Especially Twitter is not anymore a mere social network; it is fast becoming one of the most important online Information diffusion medium. S2 : Explain the importance of the topic – Make the reader care The two specific details we are addressing in our project are: Firstly, we are providing a visualization of relationship of a specific user to others based on tweet-similarity, twitter’s location and time. Such visualization will help the user to find out other users in the twitter sphere, who are closer to him in all the above mentioned aspects and help him in forming his social network based with similar people. Secondly, we are providing a visualization of the spread of influence of a user’s tweets. We believe this feature will let the user to visually understand the influence and total spread of all his tweets. We feel that such a feature is a cool feature, as any user would want personally want to know about his total influence in the twitter sphere. S3: Identify most significant prior work and conditions S4: Identify the gap in the field – What is missing in the prior work that your research will address 2 CONCEPTUAL BASIS S1: Your long term objective for this line of research. This is just a part of the entire scheme of things regarding twitter in the long term. The other parts include designing a better ranking mechanism. These entirely improve the overall usability of twitter. S2: Research contribution of proposal, the primary objective. Use of a new visualization technique and thus improving the overall presentation of the contents to the user. S3: Principal hypothesis: the most important statement of what your research will establish that is new. Use of a ‘so & so’ (yet -to - be decided) visualization technique for this twitter domain , thus improving the user understanding of the data being represented. 3 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] S4: Rationale: how/why is this achievable? Please pour in your ideas here guys 3 TEAM The team is composed of Amir Fayazi, Shiue-Mei Huang, Spencer Huang, and Dheeban Srinivasan Govindarajan. Each team member’s specialties is described as the following: Amir Shiue-Mei loves to observe people and try to understand their behaviors. She worked in Geographic Information Society. Its mission was to provide consultancy to the Taipei city government. At there, she had to talk with clients and understand their needs, and then try to help with their problems. These experiences could help to discover needs and understand behaviors in this project. Spencer is an experienced graduate student who has worked in the IT industry for a while. Since he is familiar with Java EE platform and he has exercised publically available YouTube API in the past, his skill set is best suited for the development of a project that is related to social network and he can contribute by implementing parts relate to data retrieving, natural language processing, data modeling, and algorithms. Dheeban is a computer science graduate student with undergraduate research experience for about 2 years, working on problems in the area of artificial intelligence. His current interest and work is in the application of machine learning to information retrieval and Ranking mechanism / visualization for social networks. He is also proficient in Java programming language. Hence, he can contribute in implementing parts relating visualization and designing logic to explore various large social graphs. 4 RESEARCH COMPONENTS 4.1 RESEARCH COMPONENT – DATA COLLECTION COMPONENT 4.2 RESEARCH COMPONENT – EVALUATION COMPONENT The conceptualization of TwitterPeak is done on the basis of requirements collected from a group of 6 people in the age group of 21-25 years of age. Hence, these requirements were analyzed and the user needs were collected. With this user needs collected from the Needs & Requirement analysis phase, we have planned for the following 4 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] evaluation schedule: First, during each phase of the development of our TwitterPeek, we have planned to check with the user needs, i.e, whether each module we build are actually addressing the user needs or not. This can be summed up as our formative evaluation phase. Then, when the final product is finished, we will be submitting this to our project advisor (which is our submission of project), in order to make sure that our product has met the expected standard of implementation. This can be viewed as the summative evaluation for our project. Apart from these, during the building of the product & the interface, we have planned to get informal feedback from the same 6 set of people, whom we contacted in our requirement analysis phase to get some quick informal evaluation about our product. This is our quick & dirty evaluation. Once, our product is completed, we have planned to test our product on a set of 40 user apart from these 6 people who have actually been involved in quick & dirty evaluation. We have planned to conduct on an field study type of evaluation, by showing demo of our product at the people’s house, thus by letting them to try our product at their natural environment, without any constraints. This constitutes our outsider evaluation. Apart from these, we developers will also be testing our demo from the user’s perspective and this constitutes our insider evaluation. The goal of the evaluation is to get feedback regarding the features which we have implemented overall – whether people liked it or not?, and also to get feedback about the individual components of our system – whether they found it useful. The third goal is to get feedback which will help us to improve our system in the future days to come. We have decided to go for – Observation method in an uncontrolled environment through informed consent of the user. We have also planned to use the ‘think-aloud’ method with our users. The recording technique we have planned to use is “Taking Notes” of user’s experience and comments. These above details will serve as our qualitative evaluation. Also, we have planned to supplement this process with a questionnaire of “Structured Task” & a “Likert Scale” style evaluation sheet at the end of the user testing phase to get the quantitative feedback from the user. 5 RESEARCH BENEFITS 5.1 6 EXTERNAL INTERFACES PRIOR WORK Vizter Vister is a visualization system for the user to explore his social network. The view of the network will be presented to the user in a node-link network layout (i.e like the social network graph view we have seen so far). Vizter uses a spring – embedding layout (i.e, nodes repel each other beyond some small distance, hence they give this bouncing effect and looks nice to see). Total interaction is only simple mouse based. The nodes can be dragged to different location, double clicking on the nodes expand or contract the node – increasing the size and also expanding the node’s network. Exploration is highlighting links/nodes based on connectivity. Also, view of inter-linking of nodes, manual explicit zoom by some specific user operation and sometimes implicit zoom operation. Searching users based on queries, highlights the user by adding an “aura” around the user and increasing the size of the node. The following figure shows the Linkage view – with zooming, panning and Link highlighting. 5 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] Figure.1: Linkage View X-ray mode to visualize number of friends, different genders in a community (i.e male and female) and also to find and resize communities with the users in one’s social network. This is shown in Figure.2, 3 & 4. Fig1: X-ray view of genders Fig2: X-ray view of groupd Fig3: Normal view of clusters TwitViz This is a tool to allow the user to explore their social network on twitter based on their interest. It provides only 2 features – one is keyword view i.e, displays relationships between keywords of interest and users tweeting about them, thus helping in identifying users with similar interest to befriend – this helps the users with initial group formation especially. Second – it just displaying the reciprocal followers i.e, mutual followers - this helps the user to know how many of whom he is following is following him back. The same ‘node-link’ layout of ‘vizter’ is used with the same ‘zooming’ techniques. The following figure.1 Shows the TwitViz interface. 6 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] Figure.1: TwitViz Interface 7 PROJECT PLAN 7 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 8 [TWITTERPEEK] Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] Figure x: Ghant chart As the above figure suggested, we have the following deliverables: proposal refinement, lo-fi prototype, user studies 1 and 2, functional prototype 1, and final presentation & paper. For the proposal refinement, Amir would discuss contribution and research benefit; Mei would discuss evaluation and scenarios; Spencer would discuss development plan; Dheebann would discuss abstract and prior work. All members must complete by the time specified in the figure. For story boards and lo-fi prototype, Dheeban would develop data gathering component, Amir and Spencer would develop other components for this prototype. Mei would elaborate on the storyboards. Again, the deadline is listed in the above figure. For User study 1, all members would perform the necessary evaluation, qualitative analysis, and obtain feedbacks. For Functional prototype 1, Amir and Mei would develop the visual component; Spencer would develop the evaluation component; and Dheeban would development data collection component. Deadline has been specified. For User study 2, all members together would develop corresponding evaluation tasks, collect feedbacks via user studies, and analyze quantitative data. Then for final paper and presentation, Amir would complete method and evaluation section. Mei would complete design process. Spencer would complete approach and help on evaluation. Dheeban would develop related work. Deadline has been scheduled. From the above figure, user study 1 is dependent on the completion of lo-fi prototype. User study 2 is also dependent on functional prototype 1. 8 8.1 SUPPLEMENTAL METERIALS AMIR FAYAZI Dd 8.2 SHIUE-MEI HUANG Technical skills Languages: C, C Shell, Fortran, HTML, MapBasic, Matlab, SQL, Visual Basic. Technical knowledge: Familiar with MS Windows, Fedora Linux. Experience Research Assistant 08/2008-02/2010 Taiwan Geographic Information Society Taipei, Taiwan Participated in “Promoting GIS Development in Taipei City Government” project. Researches and studies were performed on the GIS development of Taiwan and the rest of the world in order to provide consultancy to the Taipei city government. Software Engineer 08/2005-07/2008 YULON GROUP Sin Etke Technology Corporation Taipei, Taiwan Participated in the research and development of in-vehicle navigation system. Leader of a team of four, focusing on gathering information and producing the “point of interest” part of the map. Education 9 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] Texas A&M University 09/2010 – continue College Station, Texas Enrolled in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, in pursuit of M.S. in Computer Science. National Central University 08/2002 – 07/2004 Taipei, Taiwan Graduated with M.S. in Geophysics; specialized in Seismology, Tectonics, and Geoscience Information. Research Area Through my academic background and employment experiences, I have a growing interest in scientific visualization and human-computer interaction. I would like to combine my knowledge in earth science and computer science to explore methods that are capable of integrating GIS set of tools with Scientific Visualization software together to create a comprehensive software environment for the visual display of geographically registered environmental data sets, and to further enhance our cognitive abilities in emergency and disaster decision-making. The related courses that I am taking are Human Centered System and Information(CSCE 655) and Database System(CSCE 608). 8.3 SPENCER HUANG Technical skills Languages: Proficient in ASP.Net, C++, Java Perl, and Python; familiar with C++. Technical knowledge: Apache-Tomcat server, Eclipse IDE, MS Visual Studio, MySQL database, Oracle database, Oracle Weblogic server, Resin web server. Familiar with Java EE platform and platform. Familiar with MS Windows, Fedora and Ubuntu Linux and some knowledge of Cisco IOS. Experience Application Developer (Intern) 05/2010-08/2010 Cisco System San Jose, United States Joined the Business Unit of Enterprise Collaboration Platform (ECP). Developed a Web-based testing automation tool using Java EE platform to improve integration testing effort for OpenAPI team of ECP. Application Developer 12/2006-04/2008 PChome-Skype Taipei, Taiwan Developed Servlet-related Web-based systems under Java EE platform. Implemented and integrated systems using Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) along with Oracle Weblogic (formally BEA) application server. Incorporated reusable components such as Spring and Hibernate framework as well. Developed above mentioned systems in team settings; some projects were customer-centric, while others were web-service for internal usage, and almost all required integration with existing Skype systems. Quality Assurance Tester 10/2004-11/2006 Trend Micro Taipei, Taiwan Prepared test plan, test cases, and testing environment. Conducted conformance testing and performance testing using Ciso/3Com equipments, Spirent testing instruments, and Agilent testing instruments. Implemented Perl/Shell script testing automation on Linux platform. 10 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 [TWITTERPEEK] Education Texas A&M University 09/2009 – continue College Station, Texas Enrolled in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, in pursuit of M.S. in Computer Science. Georgia Institute of Technology 08/2000 – 07/2004 Atlanta, Georgia Graduated with B.S. in Computer Science; specialized in Networking, Database, and Software Engineering. Research Area My research area mainly focuses on Information Retrieval, specifically on the modeling and the analysis of large social network. I have taken CSCE 670 Introduction to Information Retrieval and currently am taking CSCE 689 Internet Scale Data Management, in which both are taught by Prof. Caverlee. In the past, I have examined sites such as YouTube and developed profile based search optimization via vector-space approach. Recently, the semantic web and semantic tagging based applications have also become part of my research interest. 8.4 DHEEBAN SRINIVASAN GOVINDARAJAN Technical Skills Programming: Java, C, C++ Scripting Languages: Shell Scripting, JavaScript Web: HTML, DHTML, CSS Operating Systems: Windows, Linux Experience Research Intern, Indian Institute of Technology at Kharaghpur Winter 2007 Study of various reputation based trust models for structured Topologies in Peer-to-Peer Networks. Mentor: Asst. Prof. S.K Ghosh, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Education M.S in Computer Science Texas A&M University, College Station, U.S.A B.E in Computer Science and Engineering Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Anna University, India Exp. Spring 2012 Spring 2010 Research Area I am interested in the intersection of Machine Learning, Information Retrieval and Web. I am also interested in using visualization of Social Networks. The courses I am taking this Fall 2010 are: Internet Scale Data Management (CSCE 689), Human Centered System and Interaction (CSCE 655) and Analysis of Algorithms (CSCE 629). 11 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655 Version 0.1 9 [TWITTERPEEK] REFERENCES 12 Final Project Proposal | TAMU CSCE 655