©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs the macromolecular motions database: a standardized system for analyzing and visualizing macromolecular motions in a database framework werner g. krebs Gerstein Lab/Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry Yale University I. Motions and Civilization: James Watt & the two-stroke engine James Watt’s (1736-1819) most important improvement to the reciprocating steam engine (1769 patent) was the use of the double-action principle. In this system, the steam is used first on one side of the piston, then on the other. Source: http://cougar.slvhs.slv.k12.ca.us/~pboomer/physicstextbook/ch9.html Source: http://www.cchem.berkeley.edu/~shkgrp/people/boisvert/thesis/ch2.html GroEL GroEL motion: “GroEL as a twostroke engine” Image Credits: http://www.protein.bio.msu.su/biokhimiya/contents/v63/full/63040444.htm ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs GroEL Molecular Mechanism of Hebb Learning? If two Source: http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~bar ton/picture/cam/cam002.html of neural network learning: Mechanical Function interconnected neurons are frequently activated together, the strength of the connection between them should be Calmodulin Engineering Equivalent CampK2 Actin No Complete Structure Moves and relaxes in response to calcium levels Autophosphorylation sensor Memory Device switch memory involves a hinge motion Motion tenses synapse distance Motor Analogue or Digital Integrator (capacitor, storage tank, mechanical counter, flip-flop) increased. Image Credit: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/cell_motility/actin / Hebb rule Complex Component ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs Interpolation Engine 1: Adiabatic Mapping with a patched XPLOR The molecule is deformed in a series of small steps. (For the server, we divided the distance between starting and ending positions into an equal number of steps) Energy minimization is performed after each step to produce structures with comparable energies. Problems arise for large deformations if the energy minimization methods cannot effectively remove the accumulated stresses ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs movie in science Volkman, B., Lipson, D., Wemmer, D. and Kern, D. "Twostate allosteric behavior in a single-domain signaling protein" (2001) Science. Published in March 23 Science. 30S ribosome RNA motion Recently modified morph server software to analyze nucleic acid motions. Completed custom morph of 30S subunit of ribosome for V Ramakrishnan, J Ogle et al. queue_manager ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs Protein Morpher in Action ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs “Some months ago I had Testimonials 0 submitted the coordinates of our glycerol kinase structure which revealed substantial domain , the manuscript is heading to Biochemistry and motion… Well I'd like to include a web address pointing to the morphed GK movie on your server … for the reviewers to look at…. Many thanks!” -- Dr. Cory Edward Bystrom, Ph.D. (via email) Formerly, Institute of Molecular Biology University of Oregon Presently, Senior Research Scientist New Zealand Diary Research Institute “I really like the motions database ….” Testimonials I -- Prof. Helen M. Berman, Ph.D. (in person) Professor of Chemistry Adjunct Professor, Biological Chemistry President, American Crystallographic Association, (1989-90). Director, RCSB Protein Data Bank Rutgers University New Brunswick, N.J “I think your Testimonials II morphing server would be a fabulous way to get a feeling for the difference between two structures when RMS isn't useful. By making a movie, someone could see the ways in which two structures are similar or different. Have you used it for this purpose? This is what we wanted to do by submitting two structures to it. We have docked two tRNA structures in two different ways and wanted to "animate" the difference between the two dockings. Thanks, Russ. ” -- Russ B. Altman, MD, PhD (via email) Associate Professor of Medicine (and Computer Science, by courtesy) Director, Biomedical Informatics Training Program Associate Director, Stanford Medical Scientist Training Program Thrust Leader, Molecular Science at NPACI/SDSC President, International Society for Computational Biology Stanford Medical Informatics Stanford University Medical Center 251 Campus Drive, MSOB X-215 Stanford, Ca 94305-5479 you are the master, “Werner, Testimonials III it looks so cool! My colleagues flip out about this…. Thanks again and I hope we can keep in touch, I have more stuff about moving proteins coming. ” -- Prof. Dorothee Kern, Ph.D. (via email) Assistant Professor of Biochemistry Dept. of Biochemistry, MS 009 Brandeis University Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA Press Testimonials Mentioned in NetWatch column, s.v. “Protein Shake” in Science (1999) 284(7), p. 871. It was also noted by the HMS Beagle Biological Web Magazine as a “Web Pick”. It is mentioned in Philip E Bourne, Judith Murray-Rust, Jeremy H Lakey Current Opinion in Structural Biology 1999, 9:9-10. How we add value Database of Macromolecular Motions 230 200 automatically found in PDB manually curated from literature user-submitted Motions in PDB db 3800 Database as fraction of all motions (not to scale) What are they? Proteins, Nucleic Acids (Hammerhead) Sidechains (trivial), Loops (LDH), Domains (ADK), Subunits (Hb) When a Ligand Binds: Open, Closed Essential link between structure and function catalysis, regulation, transport, formation of assemblies, and cellular locomotion A complicated biological phenomena that can be studied in quantitative detail changes in thousands of atomic coordinates macromolecular motions information, size, then packing based classification Calmodulin Snapshot of welcome screen Snapshot of motion entry HIV Reverse Transcriptase N umb er K no wn F or ms Size of Motio n Mechani sm of Examp les Motio n # H in ge TIM, LDH , TGL14 F ragm ent Shear Insulin 3 U nc las sif iableMS2 C oat 3 D om ain Subunit Allosteric PFK, H b, GP N on-allos teric Ig VL-VH U nc las sif iable Motion 2 f orm s H in ge LF, AD K, C M 16 Shear C S, TrpR , AAT 8 R ef old Serpin, R T 3 Special Ig elbow 1 U nc las sif iableTBP, EF -tu 3 H in ge F ragm ent Shear U nc las sif iablebR 1 f orm 4 2 1 D om ain R ef old H in ge LF~TF ,SBP 10 Shear H K~PGK,H SP 4 Special U nc las sif iableMy osin 4 Subunit Allosteric N on-allos teric U nc las sif iablePCN A, GroEL 3 information, size, then packing based classification Citrate Synthase How we add value Database of Macromolecular Motions 230 200 automatically found in PDB manually curated from literature user-submitted Motions in PDB db 3800 Database as fraction of all motions (not to scale) How we add value II Notably Motionless 1% Database of Macromolecular Motions 230 Unclassifiable 20% 200 automatically found in PDB manually curated from literature Hinge 45% Other/NonAllosteric 7% user-submitted Allosteric 7% 3800 Partial Refolding 4% Nucleic Acid 2% Shear 14% ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs mechanisms of motions by packing Packing classification is Notably Motionless 1% dominated by Unclassifiable 20% Hinge (45%) Unclassifiable (20%) Shear (14%) categories Hinge 45% Other/NonAllosteric 7% Allosteric 7% Partial Refolding 4% Nucleic Acid 2% Shear 14% ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs mechanisms of motions by size Complex 5% Subunit 11% Fragment 22% Domain 62% fragment motions better studied fragment motions (93% known) are better studied than domain motions (72% known) most likely explanation: experimentalists better able to study smaller motions ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs Suspected 7% Fragment Suspected 28% Domain Known 72% Known 93% percent studied by technique Other CD ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs TRX MD NMR X-ray NMR MD TR X-ray CD Other 95% 7% 3% 2% 2% 1% X-ray Studied Not-studied Experimental Methods and Simulations Users Sequence/Structure Alignment ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs Modified Sieve-Fit Superposition Screw-Axis Orientation Homogenization Database Information Interpolation Visual Rendering Web Report ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs alcohol dehydrogenase ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs diphtheria toxin (DT) Impossible morph; example of domain swapping. Not a true motion. ©2001 Werner G. Krebs. All Rights Reserved. http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/~wkrebs conclusions Macromolecular Database useful tool for obtaining information on protein and nucleic acid motions Integrated morph server actually a software suite that homogenizes, interpolates, visualizes, and analyzes protein and nucleic acid motions and stores results in database Morph server can handle loosely related protein structures, so useful as a tool for evolutionary morphs as well as protein motions Macromolecular Motions Database amendable to statistical analysis and automatic data-mining techniques Data integrated into Partslist Database (http:/www.partslist.org) Remains a fertile area of research acknowledgements Prof. Mark Gerstein Dr. Vadim Alexandrov Nat Echols Dr. Yuval Kluger Dr. Jiang Qian Cyrus Wilson Hiyuan Yu Ronald Jansen & Jochen Junker Rest of Gerstein Lab Research committee: Prof. Dieter Soll Prof. Jennifer Doudna Rest of MB&B Faculty Viewers Like You