NOMINATION GUIDE 2013 Competition for the Arctic Inspiration Prize The Arctic Inspiration Prize is awarded annually to recognize and promote the extraordinary contribution made by teams in the gathering of Arctic knowledge and their plans to implement this knowledge into real world applications for the benefit of the Canadian Arctic, its Peoples and therefore Canada as a whole. The Prize is made possible through the generous endowment of the S. and A. Inspiration Foundation, the commitment of the ArcticNet Network of Centres of Excellence to voluntarily manage the Prize, as well as the contribution of numerous volunteers and partners. CONTENTS 1) Nomination Guidelines ……………………………………………………………………… 2 Nomination Process……………………………………………………………………… 2 Eligibility………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Priority Areas……………………………………………………………………………. 3 Review Criteria…………………………………………………………………………... 3 Review and Decision Process……………………………………………………………. 4 2) Nomination Package………………………………………………………………………… 5 General Presentation…………………………………………………………………….. 5 Covering Letter………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Section 1: The Team…………………………………………………………………….. 5 Section 2: The Knowledge to Action (K2A) Plan………………………………….…… 6 Section 3: Letters of Support…………………………………………………………….. 8 Section 4: CVs…………………………………………………………………………… 9 Section 5: Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC)…………………………………………….. 9 3) Checklist……………………………………………………………………..……………… 9 4) Deadlines……………………………………………………………………………………. 10 5) Contact……………………………………………………………………………………….10 1 1) NOMINATION GUIDELINES Nominators play an essential role in the success of the Arctic Inspiration Prize. Not only do they voluntarily invest their time and efforts to work with teams in putting together their nominations, they also promote the Prize and seek eligible and worthy teams. Given the nature of the Prize and associated award, nominators are expected to work closely with the nominated team to complete some of the Nomination Package sections (especially Section 3: Knowledge to Action (K2A) Plan. NOMINATION PROCESS 1. Nominators should read the About, Nomination and FAQ sections of the Arctic Inspiration Prize website before completing the Nomination Package. Contact the Arctic Inspiration Prize office for any additional questions about the program or the nomination process. 2. All sections of the Nomination Package must be completed. A checklist is provided to ensure that all sections are completed and that all required support material has been included. 3. Completed Nomination Packages and all required support material must be sent to the Arctic Inspiration Prize office before the deadline date. Incomplete nominations, or those submitted after the deadline date will not be accepted. ELIGIBILITY Teams may not apply directly for the Arctic Inspiration Prize; they must be nominated using the Nomination Package. Self-nominations are not accepted. The Prize is for teams only; no individual can be nominated. The Prize addresses worldly issues, therefore only secular, non-ideological nominations will be considered for the Prize. Officers of the Arctic Inspiration Prize organization and members of the selection committees are not eligible to be nominees or nominators for the Prize during their terms, and for six months following the end of their term. Where there is uncertainty about the requirements or processes for the Prize, the Arctic Inspiration Prize organization retains the right to interpret the contents of the nomination guidelines and package. Meeting the eligibility criteria allows teams to be nominated for the Arctic Inspiration Prize. It does not, however, guarantee that they will receive a prize. Decisions made by the selection committee are final and cannot be appealed. 2 PRIORITY AREAS: The knowledge being applied or mobilized must address challenges and opportunities of strategic importance to the Canadian Arctic and its Peoples. The Arctic Inspiration Prize will accept nominations that address the causes rather than the symptoms of one or more of the following priority areas in the Canadian Arctic. Sub-areas are provided as examples only. Education Primary and secondary scholastic retention Environmental education Capacity building Literacy Specialized training programs Human Health Community health and wellness Youth health Infectious disease Country food Socio-cultural Issues Community adaptation Resiliency Housing Cultural identity & traditions Environment Drinking water Ecosystems and wildlife Climate change Sustainability Economy Sustainable development Involvement and integration of communities Local business Tourism REVIEW CRITERIA: Nominations are assessed against the following review criteria: 1) Excellence and Composition of the Nominated Team Nominations must demonstrate the level of excellence and capacity of the nominated team. Clear identification of the team members and their roles and responsibilities; Demonstrated capacity and track record of team members to achieve the objectives of the proposed knowledge to action (K2A) plan. The team should include both knowledge producers and knowledge users. Individuals from user communities (northerners) must have meaningful engagement in the proposed K2A plan, not only as partners but preferably also as team members. 3 2) Expected Impacts and Added Value Nominations must demonstrate the expected impacts and added value of the K2A plan. Expected social, economic and/or health-related impacts of the proposed K2A plan; Well-defined performance and impact indicators; Feasibility of achieving the expected impacts. 3) Other Contributions to the Proposed K2A Plan Nominations must identify other contributions to the proposed K2A plan. The nature and extent of the confirmed financial and/or in-kind commitments to the nominated team by stakeholders/partners. The latter are all individuals/groups (including users) who have an interest in the outcomes of the proposed K2A plan; Planning for future financial and in-kind commitments. 4) Management and Governance The proposed plan must include workable management and governance structures. Effective accountability mechanisms, whether through incorporation as a not-for-profit organization or some other means; Proven track record in leadership, management and/or governance of the individuals/organization proposed for these roles; Realistic and well justified budget and timeline; Communications plan; Integration of users into management and governance. REVIEW AND DECISION PROCESS: The Arctic Inspiration Prize Office first screens nominations for eligibility and applicability. A Screening Committee reviews all eligible nominations and selects a shortlist of up to 10 top ranked applications to be forwarded to the Selection Committee. Out of the shortlisted nominations, the Selection Committee will select from one to five Prize recipients with associated awards totalling up to $1 million CAD. The Prize will be offered to those teams and nominations considered outstanding by the committee. Please note that the decisions of the Selection Committee are final. There is no appeal process. 4 2) NOMINATION PACKAGE GENERAL PRESENTATION The complete Nomination Package consists of a Covering Letter and 5 Sections: Section 1: The Team Section 2: The Knowledge to Action (K2A) Plan Section 3: Letters of Support Section 4: CVs Section 5: Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC) Provide the application in black ink at letter quality, with no more than six lines per inch. Ensure that type size for fonts measured in points (pts) is no smaller than 12 pts. Condensed type is unacceptable. Use letter format white paper, 8.5 x 11 inches (21.5 cm x 28 cm), with minimum margins of 3/4 of an inch (1.905 cm) all around. Number the pages consecutively for each section. Graphs and illustrations may be included, but will count as part of the page limits set out below. Either single or double column presentation of text, graphs, or illustrations is acceptable. Any extra material will be removed. COVERING LETTER (Maximum of 2 pages) A covering letter, signed by both the nominator and the individual designated as the Leader of the nominated team must be included. The letter should include some general information about the nominator and their rationale for putting forward this nomination. SECTION 1: THE TEAM Section 1 consists of freeform text sections. Please note that in order to be considered complete, the nomination must contain all of the elements described below. 1. Past Achievements of the Nominated Team (Maximum of 3 pages) Clearly describe the nominated team’s achievements in the following categories: Contributions to knowledge; leadership in the transfer of knowledge; and other appropriate contributions. Indicate if the achievements have been made jointly by the members of the nominated team or mostly realized individually so far. The significance and impact of team member’s achievements for which the nomination is being put forward over the last ten years. 2. List of Team Members (No page limit) Alphabetically list all of the key individuals in the nominated team. Provide the full contact information (address, phone number & E-mail if available) for all team members. For each team member, provide a short (1/4 page max) description of his/her role in the proposed K2A plan. Emphasize the role and involvement of northern team members in the K2A plan, both as knowledge producers and/or knowledge users. 5 SECTION 2: THE KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION (K2A) PLAN Section 3 consists of freeform text sections as well as a budget table (Item 4). Nominators are expected to interact closely with nominated teams to complete this section. Please note that in order to be considered complete, the nomination must contain all of the elements described below. 1. Executive Summary (Maximum 1/2 page) Provide a ½ page summary clearly describing the goals and objectives of the proposed K2A plan. Please write for a general audience using plain language as the summary may be used for communication purposes, such as press releases. 2. Explanation of Overlap (Maximum 1/2 page, if applicable) Where there is significant overlap or reasonable cause for perceived redundancy between the proposed K2A plan and other ongoing K2A activities conducted by the team, provide a short explanation describing the differences between the proposed plan and the current activities. Describe how the proposed K2A plan will complement or build on the activities of the other initiative(s). 3. The Plan (Maximum of 5 pages) The proposed K2A plan should be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders and must integrate users and partners. At a minimum, the plan should: Define the priority area(s) addressed by the plan and the anticipated benefits to the Canadian Arctic and its Peoples. Describe the team’s proposed activities, addressing each of the review criteria listed. Present a vision of what the team proposes to achieve, including specific goals and objectives. Include a description of the expected results and outcomes, linking these with the proposed activities and demonstrating when and how progress will be measured. The plan should clearly establish objectives, performance measures/deliverables and Timelines. Include a strategy with respect to engaging the user communities and encouraging collaboration between knowledge producers and users. Indicate in which region(s) of the Canadian Arctic the project will predominantly take place or affect. 6 4. Budget The budget information is requested to help the Selection Committee define the amount of the award associated with each Prize. It also helps the Selection Committee assess the accountability, management skills and level of planning of the nominated Team and their K2A plan. 4a. Budget Table Using the Table below, describe the estimated total costs & partner contributions (cash & inkind) associated with the proposed Knowledge to Action (K2A) plan for the first 2 years (from 01 January 2014 to 31 December 2015). Also indicate the resulting amount requested from the Arctic Inspiration Prize (Total Cost – Partner Contributions = Requested from AIP). DIRECT COSTS OF K2A PLAN (First 2 years) Item Total Cost ($) Cash &($) In-Kind Partner Contributions ($) Cash In-kind AI Prize ($) Requested from AIP 1) Salaries & benefits a) Team members b) Other salaries (Please specify) 2) Equipment/Facility a) Purchase or rental b) Operating costs 3) Materials & Supplies 4) Travel a) Meetings/Conferences b) Other 5) Communications (Please specify) a) Workshops/Meetings b) Other (Please specify) 6) Knowledge to Action activities, excluding workshops and meetings (please specify) a) b) 7) Other items (Specify) a) b) 8) Total for first 2 years 7 4b. Budget Justification (no page limit) Provide a justification and details for each budget line item in the table above, including cash and in-kind contributions from partners (if any). Important contributions from partners should be reflected in the Letters of Support (see Section 4). 4c. Management, Accountability and Contingency (Maximum one page) Provide details on the management, accountability and governance of the K2A plan and associated budget. What organization will be leading the financial oversight of the K2A Plan and associated budget? You may include an organizational chart. Indicate how you could deliver the proposed K2A plan if only a portion of the amount requested from the Arctic Inspiration Prize was allocated. 5. References Cited (if needed, no page limit) Provide a bibliography of all references cited in previous sections. 6. Acronyms (if needed, no page limit) Provide an alphabetized list of all acronyms used in the application. SECTION 3: LETTERS OF SUPPORT (Maximum of 15 letters) Letters of support are a crucial element of nomination packages. Nominations should include letters of support for all major partners contributing to the K2A plan either as a funding partner, knowledge producer or a knowledge user. The letters should be addressed to the Selection Committee by contributing stakeholders, receptors and partners in the K2A plan and confirm support, participation and/or expected new incremental in-kind or cash contributions. Nominations reflecting large scale (national level) and/or southern driven K2A plans should place particular attention in including letters of support from northern organizations and stakeholders, demonstrating their involvement and the value of the plan for the Arctic at the local and/or regional level. Letters of support should: Describe potential involvement and/or added-value of the proposed K2A plan to the stakeholder’s current and future activities; Come from a senior executive with signing authority for the contributions being committed (if applicable); Indicate the level, duration, and nature (cash and/or in-kind) of anticipated support for the proposed plan; Indicate current and past associations with team members if applicable; Not be template formatted by the Nominator; and Be original documents, clearly addressed towards the Nomination to the Arctic Inspiration Prize. If a member of the nominated Team is also a principal of a collaborating or supporting organization, another senior official must sign on behalf of that organization. 8 SECTION 4: CVs Up to 10 up-to-date short CVs (max 2 pages each) of the nominated team members, including the team leader, should be included with the application. Only the first 2 pages of individual CVs will be forwarded to the selection committee. SECTION 5: VULNERABLE SECTOR CHECKS (VSC) (For all nominated team members) Any K2A plan that involves working with vulnerable members of society such as minors, the elderly or persons with disabilities are required to provide Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC) for every members of their proposed team without exception. Nominations without VSCs for each team member will not be considered for the Arctic Inspiration Prize. Information and guidelines for obtaining a VSC are available at: It is the role of the nominators and nominated team leaders to make sure that VSCs are obtained for all team members before the nominations submission deadline. 3) CHECKLIST Each section must be submitted in the following order. The page limit for each section is indicated in brackets. COVERING LETTER (Maximum of 2 pages) SECTION 1: THE TEAM 1. Past Achievements of the Nominated Team (Maximum of 3 pages) 2. List of Team Members (No page limit) SECTION 2: THE KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION (K2A) PLAN 1. Executive Summary (Maximum 1/2 page) 2. Explanation of Overlap (Maximum 1/2 page, if applicable) 3. The Plan (Maximum of 5 pages) 4. Budget (Budget Table and justification, no page limit) 5. References Cited (if needed, no page limit) 6. Acronyms (if needed, no page limit) SECTION 3: LETTERS OF SUPPORT (No more than 15 letters) SECTION 4: CVs (Up to 10 up-to-date CVs of maximum 2-pages each) SECTION 5: VULNERABLE SECTOR CHECKS (VSC) (For all nominated team members) 9 4) SUBMISSION AND DEADLINE The deadline for submission of the full Nomination Package is Tuesday, September 3, 2013. One hard-copy of the complete Nomination Package (all sections), with original, signed letters of support, must be submitted to the Arctic Inspiration Prize office by mail and postmarked by September 3, 2013. If sent close to the deadline, the application must be sent by overnight courier. One electronic copy (in .PDF format) of the complete Nomination Package (all sections) must be submitted to the Arctic Inspiration Prize office by E-mail by September 3, 2013. The Arctic Inspiration Prize Office will confirm receipt of the nomination with the nominator within one week of receipt. 5) CONTACT Mailing Address Arctic Inspiration Prize Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, Room 4081 1045, avenue de la Médecine, Université Laval Quebec City (Québec) Canada, G1V 0A6 Tel: 1 (418) 656-5233 Fax: 1 (418) 656-2334 E-mail: 10