Engagement Through Innovative Search Features Track: Demand

Engagement Through Innovative Search Features
Track: Demand Gen, CRM & Intg. Strategy
Location: Sapphire H
Learn how to build contextually relevant search experiences for your customers by implementing
innovative features to improve customer loyalty and increase online sales.
Speaker - Paul Vallez, Director of Worldwide Search, HP.com
Used to work on ASK monster listing.
Talking a lot about online marketing advertising and driving users. But what
happens when you get them to that location? We will talk a lot about what we are
doing at HP.
Personal Key Learning – Came from ASK and was pretty cocky. Spent a lot of time
innovating in the space. Ha an opportunity to work for search engines and wanted
to go to a large brand and demonstrate the value. Wasn’t really open to new ideas
75% cocky
25% open to new ideas.
Talk about three key learnings
Key Learning #1 –
New companies like Fab and Shopkit
1. Enterprise search is ripe for disruption
a. Epect prepare and run towards it
Search/eCommerce Models have matured.
Creation: experiments, limited use
Survival: small community of partners and vendors
Growth: solid value proposition vendor consolidation
Leverage vendor community
Known benefits/risks
Flat growth
“google taught us how to search. “ we’ve gotten to the point where there is a large
equilibrium. There are only a couple vendors: google, bing, Yahoo!?
What typically happens is when you reach the equilibrium point you start to see a
decline. At that point lots of disruptive technology. Example: Qwikki (look up.
When it comes to the search market what we should expect to see is the decline
which is good for us because new technologies can be introduced and we get a
chance to jump into this disruptive behavior.
Are you prepared for this disruption?
Cisco: by the end of 2012 over 90 percent of information flowing through the
internet will be reach media (audio, images, video) NOT TEXT.
Search today: largely commoditized.
Exampels: best buy, amazon, HP
There is an image, pricing, features, etc.
They are spec heavy: price ratings disk space – doesn’t tell you what the product is
good for. When we talk about content we need to start talking about which content
will better engage our customers. If they can’t find it from you they WILL look
Key Point #2:Enterprises need to facilitate user research
1. we need to facilitate that research. Want to take a step back and show that
the internet = information (the internet is all about information)
2. The question is what is the right information for your customers?
3. Our answer? Customer centric content.
We need to make that information less about the product and more about the
They need to understand WHY the product is right for them.
2010 DMA Study: 43.7 percent of buyers tate they are taking more time to research
66% of buyers tate that vendor content/website influenced their purchasing
Example: Audience Centric Content
We serve consumers, enterprise customers, and people coming for support. When
you start segmenting these customers you have to begin asking what is the right
type of content.
Consumers: 3rd party riviews, price, videos, images, ratings
Enterprise: expert discussions, analyst reports, customer testimonials, customer
quotes, case studies
Support: how to videos, software updates, drivers, supplies and accessories.
The takaway:
There is no one size fits all of the customer. Need to segment your audience and
your content. Am I giving the right content, to the right customer, at the right time?
Key learning point #3: Deliver the right balance of content and user experience.
Search Storyboard- Consumer:
Decommodotize search experience
Better engage user
Faciliatate research
Increase Conversion Rate
We are dynamically focusing on search results that bring up the right TYPE of
information. They want to make sure that they can find anything related to your
products so they know if they are making an informed buying decision.
Rich Media Vs. Text
61% of all clicks were rich media not text
52% click through rate increase in storyboard search result
Overall Yield
43% increase in organic search results
10% increase in conversion rates
If you look across all channels – if we are generating 100m a year who can’t use an
extra ten million.
Key takeaways:
 Decommoditize your search experience: have to give them a reason to come
visit your experience. They may not buy on your website but they will get all
of the information they need from you.
 Prepare for a depper level of engagement beyond text: customers are really
engaging with content in a diff way. They are using YouTube as a search
 Segment your audience and develop customer centric content and
 75% of the time be open to new ideas – shift your ratio of cokcy to open to
new ideas ration: 25% cocky.
Prepare for the disruption – my 15 year old son is going to youtube – if these kids
User Generating Content: no brand wants to see anything with negative. Our
customers can tell when something is too curated. Better to get it directly. We
implemented a response button: if you don’t like the results then give us feedback.
What is the better proposition. Getting the negative centament on your website or
get positive reaction from your customers because you are open and honest.
Question: as a manufacturer have you received any pushback from your retail
partners? Holding back as a competitive reason to come back to HP.com vs. Amazon.
Any sort of channel conflict?
In my view you can make a higher profit margin going direct. Driving customers to
your website. Facilitate the research