NEWSLETTER December 2011

December 2011
From the Desk of Pastor Randy . . .
He who has not Christmas in his heart
will never find it under a tree.
This thought from Roy L. Smith brings home the point that the real meaning of Christmas is to be on the
inside not on the outside. So often we make the mistake of looking for Christmas joy, Christmas love,
Christmas hope and Christmas peace in packages, presents, people and parties – the externals of the
Christmas Season. We end up disillusioned and disappointed when all of the external events and
trappings of the season somehow fail to satisfy our thirst for meaning, purpose, and joy in life.
As we enter this Christmas Season may I offer this simple acronym as a reminder of how each of us
can cultivate and discover real joy and meaning during the holiday season. The secret to Christmas
joy, love, hope and peace is to center the season on CHRIST and cultivate a heart relationship with
C – CROSS! As you remember the baby born in a manger focus on the Savior who died
on the Cross!
H – HALLELUJAH! As we focus on Christmas this year, make sure you take plenty of
personal time to praise the Savior born in Bethlehem!
R – REMEMBER! December is a month for remembering…God’s past mercies, His present
blessings, family, friends, and lessons learned.
I – INTERCESSION! December is a great time to spend extra time interceding in prayer
for those God brings to our mind and heart.
S – SHARING! Find someone in need this month or take on a personal project as a family
and share your material goods and Christ’s love with another individual or family in
need. When we focus on others outside of ourselves it restores the joy of Christ to
our experience.
T – THANKSGIVNG! As you worship Christ this month and sing Christmas praises to His
name, pause to give thanks. Express your heartfelt gratitude to Him.
May you rediscover the real joy and meaning of Christmas this year!
5:00 PM
‘Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles’ presented by
Heather Blecher with Jews for Jesus
5:45 PM
All Church Carry-in Potluck Supper
Friday, Dec. 16&17 *6:00 PM
CAMEL LOT: Don’t Miss the Manger Children’s Christmas program
Saturday, Dec. 24
6:30 PM
Christmas Eve Service with Communion
Sunday, Dec. 25
10:00 AM Christmas Day Worship Service (ONLY ONE); NO Sunday School
11:00 AM Christmas Day Hispanic Worship Service
Sunday, Jan. 1
10:00 AM New Year’s Day Worship Service (ONLY ONE); NO Sunday School
Sunday, Dec. 4
11:00 AM New Year’s Day Hispanic Worship Service
Beloved Church,
We are excited about the great wonders that have been given in our church.
Throughout these 12 months, we have seen people surrendering at His feet,
recognizing Him as Lord of their lives, people desiring to obey God, making the
decision to be baptized. But above all, it has been a pleasure arriving at the end of the
year filled with blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ.
For now we are waiting to see how God will move among us, thinking about the
Christmas party we will have. We are expecting several families to visit us, of which
our prayer is that they will be impacted by Jesus through us and our service to Him.
We also are expecting a large number of Hispanic children who could make the
decision for God.
Pastor Torres
We have started the guitar class, and as of now, there are 5 students signed up, and with them we have
the hope of God to grow our worship team. We give thanks to our director, Jenyfher Torres, and for her
efforts in all this.
We believe that within the few we have, are mature Christians that could be qualified to be leaders in the
church. We ask for your prayers for all of us who are serving God, that He would keep us in good
physical health and spiritual integrity.
Pray that our Lord would destroy any fortress that impedes more families from coming to our city.
Pray that our Lord Jesus Christ would allow our more advanced brothers to continue to mature and that
all hindrances in their lives be taken away.
Pray for my family, that God would guard and protect us, so that we can serve Him with great care.
Pray that the Hispanic ministry would always glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you,
Pastor Fidel Torres
There is a need in the Hispanic Ministry–Fidel & Lulu met a woman who is needing clothing for a little
boy (size 6) and also for a baby girl due to be born in January. She said used clothing is fine, so if you
have something new or used to donate, please let me know or drop it off at the church office. I thought it
would be nice if we could shower this mother that they are ministering to with baby clothes or other
needs (diapers/wipes,etc), especially during the holiday season. Thank you and God bless you all.
{Penny Birky 461-4783}
The Quilters met on November 18. We tied a colorful "Scooby Doo" quilt throw. It was hung for sale or
to be donated to a worthy cause at a later time. Blocks were cut out using holiday fabrics to make
another quilt. We will not meet in December, but we will meet again on January 20 at 1:00 PM in
Room 4.
Virginia Thomsen/Delma Carr
CAMEL LOT: Don’t Miss the Manger
Saturday, December 3 , 1:00-3:00 PM
Wednesday, December 8th, 5:15 PM
Saturday, December 10th, 1:00-3:00 PM – DRESS REHEARSAL
Wednesday, December 14th, 5:15 PM
Friday, December 16th, *6:00 PM–CAMEL LOT: Don’t Miss the Manger program
Saturday, December 17th, *6:00 PM–CAMEL LOT: Don’t Miss the Manger program
Children participating in the program are asked to be at the church by 5:00. If you have questions,
contact Michael Gennarelli.
JEWS FOR JESUS: Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles
Heather Blecher of Jews for Jesus will speak at the Hastings E-Free Church on Sunday, December 4 at
5:00 PM. Jews for Jesus uses creative methods and contemporary issues to present the message that
Jesus is the Messiah to Jewish people around the world. To
Heather Blecher and other Jews for Jesus staff, the objective
evidence of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, and the
transformation in their own lives provide ample evidence that
Jesus was who he claimed to be – the Jewish Messiah. Blecher
will be happy to answer questions after the presentation.
There is no admission charge.
Following the presentation, make plans to join us as we
fellowship together with a Carry-in Potluck meal, to begin
around 5:45 in the Fellowship Hall. If you are attending the
event, please bring a main dish and a side accompanied with
a salad or dessert. How can you help? 1)We need
volunteers to help with set-up/clean-up for the potluck. 2)
We need a couple or individual to take Heather Blecher back on Monday to the Omaha airport. Call
Cindi Salazar {461-5460} if you have questions.
Tuesday, December 13
7:00 PM
Room 6
Sunday, December 11
12:00 Noon
Fellowship Hall
‘COURAGEOUS’ Men’s Study
Saturdays, Dec. 3 & 10
7:30-8:45 AM
Youth Room
Dec. 4
Dec. 11
Dec. 18
Dec. 25
Jan. 1, ‘12
Ben/Merisa Mattley
Mark/Patti Krueger
Dan/Amanda Fitzke
(Volunteers needed)
(Volunteers needed)
Chris/Stephanie Shade
Adam/Amy Hoagland
Kelly Hoff/Kim Anderson
_____________/Kiara Carson
Jenny Messerer/Mari Sayer
Dian Eigenberg/______________
ONLY One Service @ 10:00 AM / NO Sunday School
ONLY One Service @ 10:00 AM / NO Sunday School
(11:00 service only)
Kiara Carson & _______________
Jessica Ablott & _______________
Leah Trausch & Christy Vontz
Sara Horstman & _______________
(6:30 – 8:00 PM each Wednesday night)
Dec. 7 Penny Candy Night
Dec. 14 Celebrate the Birth of Jesus!
Dec. 21 Christmas Break
Dec. 28 New Year’s Break
Jan. 4 Regular AWANA night
If you are unable to serve on your assigned date in either Nursery or Children’s Church, try and switch
with someone on the schedule. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Alanna Armstrong at or 402-463-1441. Also, we are always looking for volunteers in Nursery,
Children’s Church and Awana. Contact Alanna if you are interested in serving.
The Awana T & T Club is proud to announce the Clubbers of the Month for September 2011 were
Karis Huyser and Gabe Conant. Karis is a 5th grader and the daughter of Nathan & Shalene Huyser.
Gabe is a 4th grader and the son of Jason & Dawn Conant.
The Clubber of the Month Award is earned by the collection of points that are awarded on several
items which include attendance at meetings and attendance at Sunday School, and the wearing of the
Awana uniform. Points are also awarded for bringing a bible for the evening. Most of the points are
awarded for the number of sections passed in their books. Extra points can be earned for bringing
LIVING STONES Student Ministries
December 2011 / January 2012
Project: Christmas
Our Jr. & Sr. High small groups are taking on 5 families in our community for Christmas. They will be providing
ingredients for Christmas dinner and presents for the kids. December 14th is our last night of youth group for
2011, and we will spend the evening shopping/preparing their gifts and food for their families. We will also be
going an extra hour and will end at 9:00 PM. If you are assigned to bring something for your family, this is the
night to bring it.
December 14th – 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
30 Hour Famine Update
Our youth group spent the month of November learning about this topic of poverty and what God has to say on
the issue. To put our learning into action on November 18 & 19 we participated in a 30 Hour Famine to raise
month for World Vision. Our kids surpassed our goal of $1,000 by raising a grand total of $1,540!!! This money
will be able to feed several kids for the entire year! We are very proud of our youth for stepping up to the
challenge. It’s very exciting to see our youth serve God and others locally and globally the last couple of months.
Sr. High Shopping Trip
On Saturday, December 3rd, Sr. High Youth will venture to the Omaha Mall. The cost is $10 + $$$ for 2 meals.
We’ll be gone from 9:00 AM to 7:00 (approx) Sign up in the youth room by November 30th.
Check out our website for information, parent & student resources at: