Example 1 - Faculty of Business and Society

Business School
Institutional Approval – Advanced Standing
IPAG – Ecole Superieure de Commerce
June 2009
This paper proposes institutional approval through advanced standing for the Ecole
Superieure de Commerce (IPAG). IPAG is one of the leading Business Schools
and has established sites in both Paris and Nice. The University of Glamorgan
Business School (UoGBS) and IPAG are looking to develop a collaborative Masters
programme in the area of International Business and Enterprise.
Such a
collaborative master’s degree will have several unique selling points and should
prove attractive to the postgraduate student market. This agreement will provide the
basis for such an arrangement. The next section will provide an outline of the
programme proposal.
The Proposal
The basis of the proposal is to develop a collaborative master’s scheme with IPAG
based on the existing and validated “MSc in International Business and
Enterprise” programme. We are looking to initiate this scheme from the 2009/2010
academic year. The proposal meets the need of the Bologna Accord through
increased student mobility, creating a European focus for Higher Education and
greater inherent study flexibility. The MSc in International Business and Enterprise is
unique within the Masters provision within both the UK and Europe in terms of its
subject content. The Scheme has been in existence since the 2008/2009 academic
year. In its first year it recruited nine students with minimal marketing or web
presence. During the 2008/2009 academic year is recruited over 35 students and is
one of the fastest growing masters’ programmes in UoGBS. The International Office
of the University of Glamorgan has informed us that there is strong interest in
African, Asian and European markets towards the award, especially the
“International Business” component.
Thus the evidence suggests that an
International Business themed master’s programme would be attractive to both
European and International markets although there is a need to build further brand
awareness to fully exploit this market. One method of building brand awareness will
be through collaborative master’s provision with significant European higher
education institution partners. Such a programme would possess several unique
attributes which would set it apart from UK and European partners: 
Successful students would achieve two Masters awards from 1 or 2 years of
Students would have the opportunity to experience postgraduate study in
different European countries.
Enhanced student experience with the opportunity to network with different
IPAG is in the process of validating a postgraduate programme with similar content
to the UoGBS Masters award. The collaborative masters would involve the IPAG
students completing the first semester of the programme in their institution. On
successful completion of these modules the students would join the University of
Glamorgan cohort and complete the reminder of the course at the University of
Glamorgan. The decision to accept student would be made by the IBE Scheme
Leader based on the successful completion of the Masters modules at the partner
institution. The scheme would import the 60 HEFCW/30 ECTS credits (3 modules)
attained from other partners under an accreditation of prior learning (APL) basis as
enabled under the Bologna Accord. Under the APL system the students receive
accreditation for completion of work covering the same competencies and learning
outcomes. Under this proposal students will enrol in the partner institutions and
complete modules with the same topics and learning outcomes as in the UoGBS
MSc in International Business and Enterprise programme. As per UoG regulations
the students would not be charged for the accreditation of these modules. Therefore
students would only be charged for the achievement of 120 credits on the
programme. Whilst the funding achieved would be lower than normally achieved
higher student numbers would make up this deficit. From 2010/11 we would expect
to recruit significant numbers (15-20 per year) of students from this institution.
Internal and external scheme and module validation procedures would be followed
for all APL accredited modules. For example, it would be an expectation that the
external examiner for the UoG Masters programme would be given the opportunity to
sample all accredited assessments from IPAG. The proposed scheme is illustrated
diagrammatically within Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Programme Structure
Diagrammatical Interpretation of MSc International Business and Enterprise
Collaborative Programme Structure
Glamorgan IPAG
Term 1
60 HEFCW/30 ECTS credits
(3 modules)
Term 2
60 HEFCW/30 ECTS credits (3 modules) completed at the UoG
60 HEFCW/30 ECTS credits (3
3 60 HEFCW/30 ECTS credit dissertation supervised by UoG
Year 2
Students awarded UoG Masters degree if programme has been
successfully completed.
Students in IPAG will return to their
institution to complete their Masters
No accreditation would be awarded under the APEL scheme provision.
The Partner Organisation - IPAG
The following sections provide detailed information regarding IPAG included courses
delivered, facilities and history and its current relationship with the UoGBS. IPAG’s
partners are state recognised institutions and comply with the higher educational
standards and requirements for their respective countries.
Rationale for the selection of IPAG as a partner organisation
IPAG has chosen to cooperate with the University of Glamorgan to develop a
Master’s programme for a number of reasons:
For many years, IPAG and the University of Glamorgan have had contacts;
they have been exchanging students within the Erasmus Programme since
Wales is a major centre for small business development and consequently a
highly relevant place for IPAG students to study this area.
The University of Glamorgan has developed a reputable programme in the
field of small business development..
IPAG’s partnership with a university in the U.K. allows students to appreciate
the British as well as an international approach to small business
development. Being exposed to these different approaches is important and
valuable for French students because they will be operating in an increasingly
global and homogeneous business environment, many of them choosing a
career that spans different countries. The ability to analyse in depth using
different tools and techniques in a variety of settings will enable these
students to integrate international companies at an operational level with the
skills to evaluate and develop an audit, make recommendations and
demonstrate innovative thinking from an Anglo Saxon viewpoint as well as a
French one.
This partnership will be an opportunity for both parties to develop further the agenda
of internationalisation. Beyond the recruitment of international and European
students this partnership provides students to experience the programme from
different cultural perspectives. However, in the future in the context of staff
development this partnership should also benefit staff at both institutions. Staff
mobility will be encouraged. Staff from both teaching teams could participate in
teaching arranged at the respective institutions. It is also expected that teams on
both sides of the Channel would contribute to each other’s teaching, either in person
or through the exchange of teaching resources. The use of electronic resources will
assist this process.
Cultural context
The Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur region and Monaco are extremely cosmopolitan
areas housing many international companies and hosting a great number of
international conferences. Nice has established itself as an international education
city with bi lingual education starting at primary level in most schools generating
demand for English language higher education programmes. The university and
business schools in the city are host to students from all over the world from Latin
America to Asia creating a vibrant and diverse population. The Cote d’Azur region
and the northern part of Italy just over the border have historically been home to
many small and medium sized businesses. To help with the setting up of these
businesses the Chamber of Commerce and other organisations in the region are
very involved with the development of these initiatives. Local academic research in
the universities and business schools in the region concentrate on innovation and
the incubation of business ideas, thus making this programme particularly
appropriate at IPAG Nice.
Academic Standing
IPAG was founded in 1965. The IPAG Business School, Nice was established in
1965. The institution has 1,250 students, 200 of them being international students. It
maintains partnerships with 80 universities in 24 different countries. The school is
also a member of the CCIS, EFMD, and EAIE. It is an Ecole Superieure de
Commerce, i.e. a private state recognised Business School with two centres in Paris
and Nice. Their diploma BAC plus 5 (a five year diploma equivalent to Masters level)
has been accredited by the French Ministry of Education since 1985 (see Appendix
A). The license is subject to renewal every 3 years, which involves inspection of
teaching and learning methods, courses, finances and infrastructure. IPAG has
been in the Erasmus/Socrates system, with ECTS credits since 1996. January 2009
was the most recent renewal of the accreditation IPAGs English language business
programmes are accredited by the CCIS and American consortium for study aboard
until 2014 which is the next data for renewal. The last review was in 2007. IRPAG,
IPAGs research body participate regularly in conferences and submit articles for
publication as required by the French Ministry of Education.
Quality Management/Assurance
IPAG uses several mechanisms to ensure quality of courses and delivery. There are
regular meetings of the Pedagogical Committee – a group comprising experts both
from IPAG and their partner universities as well as private sector professionals.
Every two weeks there is a meeting with all of the academic staff to discuss teaching
ideas, innovations and projects undertaken in the school. At these meetings, course
progressions are examined as well as coherence between courses and between
academic years of a subject area. On an annual basis IPAG has to submit all of its
programme modifications to the French Educational Ministry for validation and
registration. IPAG operates a system of student information meetings both with the
whole cohort of a course and with student delegates to ensure the smooth
functioning of a course and to identify any problems. The meetings are held
regularly throughout each semester. Where IPAG operates joint programmes, the
IPAG programme leader is present at any Exam board where IPAG students are
presented in order to have an overview of the progression of the students to provide
information where necessary.
Resource Issues
The license from the French Ministry of Education is subject to renewal every three
years, which involves inspection of infrastructure. January 2009 was the most recent
renewal of the accreditation. Student support will be offered through the following
The Programme administrator at IPAG, who arranges teaching and exam
accommodations, to maintain student records and to deal with enquiries.
Teaching teams, which give access to a wide variety of subject specialists,
who provide information and give assessment feedback.
Student Orientation sessions.
Copies of lecture slides and other materials distributed or made available on
the Intranets.
Student representatives. They are requested (with elections if necessary) to
represent student interests and concerns on the Staff/Student Liaison
Committee, which meets at least twice during the semester.
Module feedback questionnaires. They help with regard to future modules and
Programme provision.
A supervisor assigned to assist students for their Dissertation.
IPAGs experience on similar programmes is that they need extra support to
ensure that they complete their dissertation on time. The course leader (with
the collaboration of UOG) will meet the students during the dissertation
semester in the UK to provide additional guidance for those students who
need it.
Student Support
All students receive help in finding accommodation – IPAG pays a student group to
support international students in all practical matters throughout the semester
including airport pickup service. Academic tutors for each year and each course are
available to speak personally with students on any course or personal matter and
help is given where possible. English language support is provided in the form of
access to existing English language courses as a supplement to an existing
programme of study and where a business course is taught in English to
international students, a corresponding English support course is organised for that
subject area. Students consult the intranet daily, to receive information on all aspects
of their courses, practical information and news. The IPAG student union organises
events, sports and weekends in order to help IPAG and international students to get
to know each other. Students are offered many mechanisms so that their voice can
be heard. Module leaders keep in close contact with them. They choose
representatives who are requested (with elections if necessary) to represent student
interests and concerns on the Staff/Student Liaison Committee. The Programme will
have a Staff/Student Liaison Committee that will provide a platform for the exchange
of views on any matters relevant to the Programme. It will be composed of the
Programme Leader and at least two student representatives. The Committee will
meet at least twice per semester and communicate any relevant points to UOG
scheme leader. At the end of each module, students fill in feedback questionnaires
which help with regard to future modules and Programme provision.
Learning Resources
At IPAG, all lectures will be conducted in designated classrooms where slide and
data projectors are available. A selection of lecture theatres, tutorial rooms and
workshop rooms are available as required. Along with classrooms of varying sizes
and amphitheatres, there are 3 computer rooms with open access all day. All of the
rooms have wireless and there are PowerPoint facilities available throughout.
Students will have access to networked computers on the IPAG campus. Teaching
material and other module information will be posted on IPAG’s Intranet. Students
have access to a documentation centre, providing books, magazines etc both in
French and in English. They also have access via the intranet to several databases,
including ABI Proquest and Factiva. If needed, they will also be provided with access
to several nearby University libraries in Nice. There is a cafeteria with a terrace and
a garden with seats for informal gatherings. IPAG is located in the centre of the town
of Nice and so is convenient for all facilities, transport and cultural activities as well
as nightlife. An information booklet is produced and updated each year giving
information on access to IPAG, costs, maps and contact details. This is sent to all of
our students.
Students at IPAG are also supported by:
A tutor that provides advice on issues such as finance, University
regulations, legal matters etc
Accommodation assistance
Support sessions for writing and presenting coursework and dissertations
Student Support and Guidance available from programme tutor
Student representatives on programme committees
The Students' Union
English Language support classes
An Orientation programme when joining the programme in Nice and
preparation for integration into UOG and into British culture.
Impact of IPAG students on Glamorgan Resources
Existing University of Glamorgan resources will not be impacted upon by this
proposal. This course draws heavily on electronic resources (journals and e-books)
within Findit. All modules are pre-existing within the University of Glamorgan
Business School and will be resourced as per existing delivery. The partners
deliveries of the APL modules would not draw on any UoG Business School blended
learning resources.
Public and legal standing
IPAG is a non profit-making Association (French Law 1901) governed by a Board of
Governors composed of Academics, Directors of Industry, the President of the
Alumni Association, members of the government and Chamber of Commerce and
the president of the Association of Parents and the President of the IPAG
Language of tuition and of assessment
At IPAG, all classes in year 3 are taught entirely in English and most students in year
5 opt for the English route of dual degree at Masters level. In year 4 students either
study abroad or undertake work placements abroad – mostly in English-speaking
environments. In September 2009, IPAG in Nice is also launching a new
undergraduate programme in collaboration with one of their British partners – This
BA (Hons) in International Business will be taught entirely in English at IPAG in years
1 and 2 and in the U.K. for year 3. All programmes taught in English incorporate an
English language support element to ensure that students, both undergraduate and
Masters level possess the appropriate level of academic writing and presentation
skills required for a successful transfer to a British institution. All coursework and
examinations are given in English. The M.Sc. International Business and Enterprise
semester in Nice will be taught entirely in English, mostly by native English speakers.
IPAG is a member of the following: EAIE, EFMD, AACSB, Campusfrance and the
CCIS (an American consortium for Study Abroad.) There are over 6000 Alumni and
currently over 1000 full time students
Size of Institution
There are over 6000 Alumni and currently over 1000 full time students plus over 200
international exchange students per year, mostly studying at the Nice school.
Programmes offered range from a 3-year undergraduate programme taught in
English to a French 5-year programme, equivalent to Masters level with direct entry
points at each of the 5 years. Lecturers range from industry experts to Academics,
many from the French university system.
Currently, the English language
programme faculty comprises 90% Doctors or Doctoral students. IPAG has a
network of 92 university partners worldwide (of which UOG is one of the earliest
partners) and offers joint degrees with partners in the UK, Mexico, The Netherlands,
Sweden and Germany.
Expertise in field
IPAG is fortunate to be set up in a region where there are several Anglophone
educational establishments and many International companies whose working
language is English. This enables the school to recruit both academics and
practitioners of a very high standard. 90% of the faculty on the English language
programmes is either a Doctor or a doctoral student.
Existing collaborations with UOG or other UK/International HEIs
IPAG and UOG have been collaborative partners at undergraduate level since 1996
offering a dual degree arrangement for students from each institution. UOG
lecturers have also been active participants in the IPAG International weeks in the
past. IPAG are exchange partners with 92 institutions worldwide of which 11 are in
the UK. Other Dual degree collaborations at undergraduate level in the UK are with
Sheffield Hallam University, Napier University, University of Hertfordshire and
Nottingham Trent University. At Masters level, IPAG offer the following joint
programmes with partners abroad: M.Sc. International Marketing with Tourism and
Events with Napier University, Edinburgh; Master of International Business with EAE
Madrid and University CJ Cela in Madrid, M.Sc. Finance and Corporate Governance
with University of Hertfordshire, Greater London. The taught element of these
programmes are delivered one semester in one institution and the second semester
in the other institution in each case, leading to the awarding of 2 degrees at Masters
level, the M.Sc. and the State accredited IPAG BAC plus 5 diploma. Exam boards
and module content and examinations are the result of close collaboration between
the 2 institutions. Negotiation is in progress for joint Masters programmes with one of
IPAGs partners in Australia and Singapore and 3 others on the American continent.
It is part of IPAGs development strategy to open another 5 joint Masters
programmes in the next 5 years to offer sufficient choice for IPAGs 5th year students
who number over 300 per year.
Indication of financial position – minimum numbers and fee arrangements
Fee arrangements – Students recruited by IPAG will pay tuition fees to IPAG and
UOG will invoice IPAG for students sent for semesters 2 and 3 at £1000? per
semester. Given that official recruitment advertising by IPAG will start late for
September 2009, a group of 10 students is anticipated for 09/10 academic year. For
2010/2011 at least 20 students are anticipated. In France, there are annual fairs at
undergraduate and graduate levels allowing participating institutions to present their
programmes to students. The main tool used by IPAG to promote the MSc
International Business and Enterprise will be their participation in the most important
fairs at graduate level in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Indication of maximum numbers
IPAG do not have a maximum student number for logistical reasons. The school in
Nice has adequate capacity for students on Masters programmes as other joint
Masters programmes run the first semester at the UK partner and at IPAG in the
second and third semesters.
Quality assurance within IPAG
It is a part of the duties of the Programme Leaders at IPAG to assess the quality of
programmes, in particular through permanent contact with students and through
obtaining feedback from students by arranging for the completion of questionnaires.
IPAG uses several mechanisms to ensure quality of courses and delivery. There are
regular meetings of the Pedagogical Committee (Comité de perfectionnement) – a
group comprising experts both from IPAG and their partner universities as well as
professionals. Every two weeks there is a meeting with all of the academic staff to
discuss teaching ideas, innovations and projects undertaken in the school. At these
meetings, course progressions are examined as well as coherence between courses
and between academic years of a subject area. Every year, IPAG has to resubmit all
of its programme modifications to the French Educational Ministry for validation and
Academic Quality Procedures
Information available to students
Students are provided with e-mail and computer accounts and have password
protected access to information on the current intranet. IPAG is considering the
introduction of a new virtual learning environment such as blackboard. Students are
issued with a comprehensive generic student handbook annually which covers both
curriculum, regulatory and support information, supplemented regularly with specific
course materials. The IPAG handbook includes a two page summary of academic
and non-academic regulations which students are required to sign each year.
Written exam papers are produced in secure conditions and special examination stationery
is used with the provision for concealing candidate identity. Only approved calculators are
allowed. a register of external invigilators is held, all of whom are trained by IPAG. Final
exam scripts are held for 10 years as a requirement of the French Government. Internal
moderation is not in place and is currently only used in cases of dispute.
Student representation and feedback
There are effective mechanisms for representing the student voice. Student representatives
are in place, averaging one representative and alternate per 30 students. Elected
representatives meet with the director each semester and a written report of these meetings
is produced and circulated. Year tutors meet twice each semester with the full year group for
feedback and in addition a formal feedback questionnaire is used. This year the
questionnaire is being issued on-line for the first time.
Attendance monitoring
Attendance is monitored by the use of registers and recorded in the student administration
office as continued absence would affect students’ grades. Non-attendance is followed up by
tutors and guidance on requirements is published in the handbook.
Staff Development
This partnership will be an opportunity for both parties to develop further the agenda of
internationalisation. Beyond the recruitment of international and European students this
partnership provides students who choose to study at IPAG during semester 1, to
experience the same programme from 2 different cultural perspectives. However, in the
context of staff development this partnership should also benefit staff at both institutions.
Staff mobility will be encouraged. It is anticipated that staff from both teaching teams will
participate in the international weeks arranged at the respective institutions. It is also
expected that teaching teams on both sides of the Channel would contribute to each other’s
teaching, either in person or through the exchange of teaching resources. UG will be invited
to send a visiting lecturer to IPAG during their international week either in January in Paris
and/or in November in Nice. IPAG will, in return send a visiting lecturer to UG during
semester 2. Similar short-stay exchanges could be envisaged at other times of the year by
IPAG’s management structure includes a Board of Directors (Conseil
d’Administration) responsible for IPAG’s budget and for appointing the Director, an
Advisory Panel (Comité de Perfectionnement) to guide its academic approach and
portfolio and an Executive Committee (Comité de Direction) to head the strategic
management through five operational sections. External consultants have been
employed to conduct a review of processes to ensure that IPAG moves forward with
an effective management and administrative structure.
Human Resources
IPAG has 25 permanent teaching staff supplemented by around 200 part time staff and 20
visiting professors. The staff recruitment policy is based on maintaining a balance between
academic staff and practising managers in different business areas from both private and
public sectors. Staff are managed in five sections with a Head of Section and appropriate
administrative support. A administrative member of staff supports the Director of
Development and International Relations and take administrative responsibility for Masters
programmes. Staff development is managed informally as needs arise. IPAG feels that staff
development needs are identified and addressed satisfactorily as the academic coordinators
know their staff well, given the size of the permanent staff body. For Masters programmes,
staff will benefit from exchange visits and sharing of expertise. Workshops are planned at
the start of partnerships to facilitate the implementation of strategies and procedures. There
is no formal system of peer review and observation and no formal appraisal system at
present. Student feedback questionnaires are in place and contain questions relating to the
performance of teaching staff. Responses are used by managers to inform curriculum
adjustments and any necessary staff development. The organisational chart for IPAG is
displayed in Appendix B
Appendix A: French Ministry Proof of Status
Appendix B: IPAG Organisational structure