MPM1D - Mid-Term Exam Outline

MPM1D: Mid-Term Exam Review
Unit 1: Number Sense and Algebra
- Algebra and Polynomials
 Term, coefficient, constant, like terms, unlike terms, polynomial, monomial
 Simplifying like terms, distributive property, expanding expression
 Expanded form, decimal form, scientific notation
- Decimals, Percent and Scientific Notation
 Changing between percents, decimals, and fractions
 Comparing the values of percents, decimals, and fractions
- Equations and Inequations
 Solving equations by balancing
 Determining the perimeter and writing expressions in simplified form
 Solving word problems involving equations
- Exponents
 Eight rules of exponents
 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of exponents
 Simplifying and evaluating powers
 Solving word problems involving powers
- Integers
 Using order of operations (BEDMAS) to evaluate
 Rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing positive and negative integers
 Solving word problems involving the evaluation of integers
- Rationals
 Determining the ascending and descending order of rational numbers
 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions
 Determining the lowest common denominator between fractions
- Roots and Radicals
 Determining a square and cube root
Unit 2: Solving Equations/Linear Relations
- Solving Equations
 One/Two Step Equations
 One Fraction Equations
 Two Fraction Equations
- Direct Variation
 Graphing a relationship using a table of values
 Independent variable, dependent variable, constant of variation, slope, linear, origin
 Write equations to describe relationships in word problems
 Graphing a line using the equation of the line
- Partial Variation
 Equation of a line: y = mx + b
 Writing equations involving an initial value: y – intercept
 Identify the independent and dependent variables in word problems
 Fixed cost and variable cost
- Slope
 Determine the slope using rise over run
 Positive or negative slope
 Zero or undefined slope
 Word problems involving determining the slope
- Slope as a Rate of Change
 How to find the slope as a rate of change (using two points on the line)
 Comparing different slopes
- First Differences
 Using first differences to determine if a graph is linear
 Identifying the meaning of constant first difference