Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage

Unit 10: Flowers &
Chapter 23
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Unit 10 Objectives:
Identify types of flower/foliage plants people buy in
different times of the year
 Time from planting to income production
 Understand watering precautions
 Transplanting indoor flowers/foliage to the
 The greenhouse environment
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Flower Business
People buy flowers at different times of the year for
different reasons
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Floriculture contributes $3 b to the economy each yr
Herbaceous Perennials
Classified as herbaceous if the top dies back to the
ground each winter, grows new stems each yr
 Classified as woody if the top persists
 Advantages
Don’t have to replant each yr
 The flower bed can change colors as one variety flowers,
then another
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Not as necessary to deadhead
Only bloom 2-3 wks
 Require pruning
May require transplanting every 2-3 yrs
 Growing Perennials
Proper soil preparation
Occasional maintenance
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Site influences the species grown
What might be an example?
Most prefer 6-8 hrs sun/d
 May have to consider wind protection for taller varieties
Color combinations
 Height coordination
 Bloom sequencing
 Plan on graph paper carefully
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Properly planned perennial gardens will have flowers that bloom
in each season
 Spring, early summer, midsummer, late summer/fall
 Plant in drifts
 Taller varieties to the back to act as a border
 6-12” for dwarf plants
 12-18” for medium sizes
 18-36” for tall plants
Soil Preparation
Good drainage necessary
 Don’t want it excessively moist during winter dormancy
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Incorporate organic matter or peat moss to improve drainage
Prepare in the fall
Especially good in raised beds
Usually planted in the spring (Apr – May)
Mail order nurseries will often ship bare-rooted
 Plant ASAP
Potted perennials
 Plant throughout the growing season
 If exposed to the outside temps through the winter – can be
planted in early spring
 Greenhouse grown – after last frost
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Cover exposed crowns after planting to protect
Weed-free bed
Grow best if planted before Oct 1 to ensure good rooting
Most need supplemental water until well established
 1”/wk
Once established – only water during dry periods
Water preferred over the soil rather than overhead to prevent
disease and shallow rooting
Incorporate a 4-12-4 or 5-10-5 @ 2-3 lbs/100 sq ft before
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Established plants
 Bone meal, superphosphate (0-19-0) in spring will be most
May have to stake taller varieties
Pinching back will produce bushier growth
Mulch helps control weeds
 Not too much mulch around the crown – will hold too
much moisture, results in disease
Winter protection
Most injured by heaving, not cold temps
Mulch will help protect
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Make sure the mulch isn’t too tight or thick
Dividing & transplanting
Maintains plant vigor & maximum flower production
 Usually every 3-4 yrs
 Some should never be divided
Timing is critical
 Midsummer to fall bloom – divide in early spring before too
much growth
 Spring to early summer – divide in the fall, after foliage dies
 Dig hole large enough to catch all the roots
 Carefully avoid root damage
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Diseases & Insects
Divide outside off first – more vigorous new growth
Clean off all other soil
May want to cut top back to 6”
Break apart by hand, or with sharp knife
Replant ASAP
Usually very healthy plants
Remove any dead plant material
From tips
Root cuttings
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Flowering Annuals
Will only persist if they reseed themselves
 Must be planted each yr
 Advantages
 Sturdy
 Cheap
 Easy to grow
 Produce instant color
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Bloom for most of the growing season
 Allow for experimentation
Replant each yr
 Constant deadheading to maintain flowering
 May begin to look worn out by late summer
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Fill spaces until permanent plantings are prepared
 Extending perennial beds
 Fill holes
 Cover spring blooming bulbs
 Fill planters, window boxes, hanging baskets
 Plant along fences, walkways
 Create seasonal color
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Site Selection & Preparation
Different species have different environmental
 Fall soil preparation is best
 Ensure good drainage
 Incorporate organic matter
 Use proper fertilizer
Seed Selection
Buy good, viable seed
 Old seed is less vigorous, reduced germination
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Buy hybrid varieties
More uniform size
Increased plant vigor
Better quality flowers
Starting Plants Indoors
Use clean containers
 Fill to 2/3 capacity
 Plant at proper depth
 Bottom heat is helpful
 60-75º ideal
 Use mild fertilizer after plants begin growth
Low nutrient content is best at planting
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Planting Times
Wait till after last frost
 <60º soil temp will reduce germination & growth
Sowing Seed Outdoors
Sow in vermiculite filled furrows
 Germination is often reduced
Soil crusting reduces water presence
1/2” depth
 Easy to overwater
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Setting out Transplants
Can have flowers sooner than growing from seeds
 Buy only healthy plants
 Harden off properly
 Plant in a hole that will hold all the roots comfortably
Setting Plants
Remove paper from a fiber pot and plant
Remove upper part to conserve moisture to around the plant
Will create a wick effect
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Thin to recommended spacing for best results
Ensures proper amounts of:
Especially in outdoor-grown plants
8-12” general recommended spacing
Water enough to keep soil moist (don’t get soggy)
 Drip systems are ideal
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Don’t want to wet flowers or foliage
More susceptible to disease
Keeps soil surface from crusting
 Prevents weeds
Keep soil surface from crusting
 Pull weeds by hand
Feeder roots from flower to flower may be injured if you
mechanically cultivate
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Stirs and uncovers weed seeds
Remove spent flowers and seeds pods
 Ageratum, calendula, cosmos, marigolds, pansy, zinnia,
petunias, etc
Support for bad weather for tall plants
 6” shorter than the mature plant
 Begin when they are 1/3 of mature height
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Ensure proper soil nutrients
Soil testing
Prior knowledge
Add to damp soil
 Apply w/ watering
Contain embryonic plant & stored food
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Site Selection & Soil
Well-drained loam
 Use organic matter
Bulb planter, hand trowel, or nursery spade
 Planted in fall/spring (depending on variety)
 Follow depth recommendations for each variety
Small amount of fertilizer covered w/ soil on bottom of
bed before planting (5-10-5)
 Small amount in the spring
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Care & Flowering
Dig up after foliage turns yellow & dies
 Some must be dug each yr to maintain the best flowers
Tulips, hyacinths
Others only need to be dug every 3-5 yrs
Daffodil, crocus, lilly
Dust w/ a pesticide to prevent infestation
 Store in peat moss or sawdust
Bulb Pest & Diseases
Keep bed weed and trash free
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Use chemicals only if necessary
Forcing Bulbs
Artificially breaking dormancy
 Pot & store at 40-50º for 10-12 wks
 Bring into a cool room w/ partial light
 Will then bloom after taken from cool storage w/in 5 wks
Flowering House Plants
Several keys to growing good flowering house plants
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Know proper light requirements
 5 categories
Full sun: >5 hrs direct sun/d
Some direct sun: brightly lit, <5 hrs direct sun/d
Bright indirect light: considerable light, no direct sun
Partial shade: indirect light, various intensities/durations
Shade: poorly lit, away from windows
Constant temps are best
 60-68º ideal
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Water requirements are not as high as we think
Many die from overwatering
Water only when they are a little dry
Must have good drainage
Can bottom or top water
General Care
5-5-5 fertilizer will usually provide ample nutrients
Slow release will eliminate risk for burning
Don’t fertilize a dormant or overly dry plant
Collect dead leaves
Loosen crusted soil
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Repot no more than 2” greater than previous pot
 Only after flowers have faded
 Remove damaged/unhealthy roots
Depends on type of plant
 Generally leaf/stem cuttings
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
The Greenhouse Environment
3 purposes
Controlled environment for plants grown on large scale
 Grow plants when not possible outdoors
 Extend growing season for plants that would go dormant
Should receive maximum amount of sunlight
 Should control:
 Moisture
 Ventilation
 Climate
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
Humidity is important to help maintain shape &
nutrient transport
 Ventilation
Exchanging air is crucial for optimal growth
 Ensures proper temp & humidity
Climate affects heating/cooling systems
 Features
Various base materials
 Covers
Glass, soft plastic, acrylic panels, poly panels
Unit 10: Flowers & Foliage
No homework on this unit!
Exam 3 next time
Open notes/book
 Units 6-10
 Must make arrangements for notes before you leave!