Good governance in MENA region

Ali Belghit
Good governance in the MENA region
After the democratic transformation and theinfluence of the Arab spring in the whole countries of
the Middle East and North Africa region; peopleare thinking whether the elections are enough to
guarantee the good Alternativehow’s will act in democratic way with the respect of the entire of
human rights,and how will it bring a sustainable solution for the economic problems? An
alternative that will submit all therevolution goals to achieve all the people needs good
But what is Good Governance?
As the UN defines it to 8 major characteristics. It is participatory, consensus oriented,
accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows
the rule of law. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into
account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making
positions. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of the society.
Why there is not Good governance in the MENA region?
Because there are a lot of factors lets speak about a few of them at first The need of real leaders
with ambitious a vision and a clear strategy until now almost of the headmasters in the whole of
the Arab countries are just looking for personnel interests they don’t worrying about their
peoples .
if anyone of us make a simple research in Google or other website he/she will discover a huge
number in dollar belongs to the bank counts of the fake Arabs leaders they are in the top lists
of the Corruption and non-transparent than the public affairs managers are not responsible and
are not oblige to make any social accountability even if it’s exist because of the absence of the
good juridical system so it is not efficient but worse than this it’s covering by bad juridical
system the result is all leaders are free from any control they do want they want to do no pursuit
on them, So the bad leaders give the real bad governance .
All the minorities who are representing the society are not integrated in the development process
each community has its own context but the Arabs governments worrying
What MENA region has do to get good governance?
To have good governance in all the countries of MENA region, we must do some strategic and
technical process I resume briefly
At first Establish a good citizen administration obtain sustainable department for good public
policy Promote the social accountability and responsibility by creating control mechanism in all
the administration process promote the independency and the integrity of the juridical system.
Than decentralize the politic policy system by give all people the chance to participate in decision
making also promoting the democracy amongt hem If we want to get real development we have
to integrate all the societyincluding all the minorities without any limitation to any minority let’s
saymore motivate them to participate in the wheel of democracy and development process
because they are the local communities they aware very good about their issues better than
Get the civil society involved and collaborate with it to be more aware about all the alternative
solutions and give civic society the chance to participate in all the public policy without any
There are also others steps we have to do
What are the needs of MENA region?
The main need for me is the desire to get real good governance and ofcourse are human,
financial resources of course, a strategy to realize it, and theexperience of countries where the
good governance is a reality.
If not now so when MENA region get good governance?
The Arab people depend a lot on the good governance as concept willbring democracy as
practice and will realize the respect of all human rights withoutany reserve, about the economic
side will get a big step forward when there is goodgovernance in the public policy.