Course 417 – Group Counseling Practices – Final exam study guide Question 1) Match the following client behaviors with the appropriate stage of group process. By putting the letter for the different stages next to the best behavior that describes it. 1) 2) 3) 4) Dominance ( ___ ) Openness ( ___ ) Identity conflict ( ___ ) Loss ( ___ ) A) Final stage B) working stage C) Transitional stage D) Initial stage Question 2) Match the following client behaviors with the appropriate stage of group process. By putting the letter for the different stages next to the best behavior that describes it. 1) 2) 3) 4) Group cohesiveness ( ___ ) Control ( ___ ) Intimacy ( ___ ) Unfinished business( ___ ) A) Initial stage B) Transitional stage C) Working stage D) Final stage Question 3) Match the following counselor behaviors to the stage of group process. By putting the letter for the different stages next to the best counselor’s behavior that describes it. 1) 2) 3) 4) Models openness ( ___ ) Encourages healthy confrontation ( ___ ) Remains non-defensive ( ___ ) Helps finish business. ( ___ ) A) Working stage B) Transitional stage C) Final stage D) Initial stage Question 4) Match the following counselor behavior to the appropriate stage of group process. By putting the letter for the different stages next to the best counselor’s behavior that describes it. 1) 2) 3) 4) Models acceptance ( ___ ) Helps self-exploration ( ___ ) Helps group process conflicts ( ___ ) Deals with loss ( ___ ) A) Final stage B) Initial stage C) Transitional stage D) Working stage Question 5) Match the following beliefs/behaviors with the client type. By putting the letter for the different client type next to the best beliefs/behaviors that describes it. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) I am right and you are wrong. ( ___ ) Relates superficially ( ___ ) Frightened and inhibited to share ( ___ ) Irritates others often ( ___ ) Usually in a crisis ( ___ ) A) Intellectualizer B) Self-righteous C) Passive aggressive D) Confusion creator E) Silent client Question 6) Match the following belief/behavior with the client type. By putting the letter for the different client type next to the best beliefs/behaviors that describes it. 1) 2) 3) 4) Fear of Self-disclosure ( ___ ) You think that’s bad look at me now ( ___ ) Expresses thoughts not feelings ( ___ ) Control of feelings ( ___ ) Blames therapist or other group members for their personal problems. ( ___ ) A) Silent client B) Hostile C) Monopolizer D) Intellectualizer E) Codependent Question 7) Match the appropriate response by the counselor to the problematic client type. By putting the letter for the different client type next to the response by the counselor that describes it. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Uses nonverbal exercises to bring out feelings (___) Invites to speak (___) Controls the amount of attention the client gets (___) Teaches appropriate expressions of anger (___) Encourages spontaneity (___) A) Silent client B) Passive aggressive C) Boring D) Hostile E) Confusion creator Question 8) Match the following therapist response with the problematic client type. By putting the letter for the different client type next to the response by the counselor that describes it. 1) Teaches appropriate attention getting behavior. 2) Probes into client’s underlying feelings about people. 3) Cuts off over expressive individuals A) Self-righeous B) Intellectualizer C) Monopolizer Question 9) Please fill in the blank. The possibility of ______________ though not generally desirable, is an 'escape hatch' necessary to the group process. Question 10) Please fill in the blank. ___________________ grow out of serious consideration of differing alternatives. Question 11) Please fill in the blank. __________________ are used to praise or encourage. Question 12) Please fill in the blank. A cause of dropping out may be that members find it impossible to become ____________ of others and _________ things about themselves. Question 13) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : The therapists offer of professional help. A) Supporting statements B) Challenging statements C) Provides the therapeutic factors to the group members Question 14) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : The Therapist. A) Sub-group or slitting B) Tardiness absences sub grouping C) The group’s primary helper Question 15) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : Derived from member expectation and direction from both the leader and influential members. A) Tardiness absences sub grouping B) Provides the therapeutic factors to the group members. C) Group norms Question 16) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : Used to suggest an interpretation or confront inconsistencies. A) Good decisions B) Challenging statements C) Effective disagreements Question 17) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : Occurs when participants don't understand the value of conflict and can not channel it constructively. A) Sub-grouping or splitting B) Good decisions C) Distributive conflict Question 18) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : Threatens the integrity of the group. A) Sub-groups or spitting B) The group’s primary helper C) Tardiness absences sub grouping Question 19) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : Important or an effective discussion. A) Effective disagreement B) Good decisions C) Distributive conflict Question 20) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : Interpersonal conflict A) Effective disagreement B) Good Decisions C) Distributive conflict Question 21) Please fill in the blank. : One reason why subgrouping is damaging to the group is because it prevents clients from __________________ their learning of new behaviors from the group to real life situations. Question 22) Please fill in the blank. : _________________ is inevitable in any group and is not necessarily negative if harnessed by the therapist to serve the group. Question 23) Multiple choice, choice the answer that best describes the faze. : Select the most appropriate active listening skills. A) B) C) D) Reflecting, summarizing, attending Paraphrasing, restating, encouraging Demanding, yelling, putdowns Both A & B Question 24) True or False: It is the responsibility of the speaker to organize his/her thoughts before presenting them. Question 25) True or False: It is the responsibility of the listener to tune out distractions. Question 26) True or False: Barriers to effective communication include: age, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical/mental capacity, language and differences in perception. Question 27) True or False: Heterogeneity in groups can enhance the treatment experience. Question 28) True or False: Group feedback is a disadvantage of group counseling. Question 29) True or False: A closed group by definition is a group that does not allow members to be added after the group has started. Question 30) True or False: Prejudice is an intrapersonal dynamic of group. Question 31) True or False: Emotions have little influence in communication because mature people keep their emotions under control.