Business Awards - Hampshire Chamber of Commerce

Succeeding at Business Awards
Maureen Frost
Deputy Chief Executive
Why enter Business awards
Which Awards to enter
What to consider on your entry
What not to include
The Awards Ceremony
Maximising the benefits
Judge for Portsmouth Business Excellence Awards
Judge for South Coast Business Awards
Judge for SE region Chamber Awards
Judge and mentor Local Business Accelerator Awards
Steering Group for Inspire Awards
Awards organising partner for Winchester Business
Excellence Awards
Why Enter Business Awards?
Raise company profile
Good for staff morale
Focus on the business
Can highlight areas for improvement
Credibility with customers/suppliers
Which Awards to Enter
Benefits e.g. profile/cash prize etc
What to consider on your entry (1)
Self complete or nominated
Word count/attachments
Multiple entries
Sufficient information
Equal attention to each element
What to consider on your entry (2)
• Provide all necessary info
• Contact points
• Entering the same category again
Next steps
• Presentations
• Judges visits
What not to include
• Reems of paper/lengthy booklets
• CD’s – the judges do not have time
• False information
• Irrelevant points
• Telephone numbers for testimonials –
need to include these not give the judges extra work
• Free samples
The Awards Ceremony
Check the date and attend
If a team category take the staff
Don’t expect to win!
Do expect to be photographed if you do!
Know who will be collecting the award
If you win respect those after you and keep celebrations
quiet until ceremony over
Maximising the benefits
• If you win issue a press release asap
• If given a certificate publicly display it
• If given a logo add it to your website
• Use social media to tweet etc linking to
the awards social media coverage
• Tell your staff and customers – you should
Be proud!
• If unsuccessful ask for judges feedback on
Areas to improve
Good Luck!!
The Natural Travel Collection
Who we are:
The Natural Travel Collection
Who we are:
Wildlife Tour Operator, Winchester
The Natural Travel Collection
Who we are:
Wildlife Tour Operator, Winchester
Wildlife Worldwide, Dive Worldwide, Travelling Naturalist
The Natural Travel Collection
Who we are:
Wildlife Tour Operator, Winchester
Wildlife Worldwide, Dive Worldwide, Travelling Naturalist
A portfolio of trips to over 120 countries
The Natural Travel Collection
Who we are:
Wildlife Tour Operator, Winchester
Wildlife Worldwide, Dive Worldwide, Travelling Naturalist
A portfolio of trips to over 120 countries
Tailormade & group tour itineraries
The Natural Travel Collection
Who we are:
Wildlife Tour Operator, Winchester
Wildlife Worldwide, Dive Worldwide, Travelling Naturalist
A portfolio of trips to over 120 countries
Tailormade & group tour itineraries
3 directors + 20 staff (p/t + f/t)
The Natural Travel Collection
Winchester Business Excellence Awards
Winner – Online Excellence
The Natural Travel Collection
Winchester Business Excellence Awards
Winner – Online Excellence
Winner – Best use of Technology
Winner – Small Business
The Natural Travel Collection
Winchester Business Excellence Awards
Winner – Online Excellence
Winner – Best use of Technology
Winner – Small Business
South Coast Business Awards
The Natural Travel Collection
Winchester Business Excellence Awards
Winner – Online Excellence
Winner – Best use of Technology
Winner – Small Business
South Coast Business Awards
Winner – Best use of Technology
Winner – Small Business of the Year (2014)
Business Awards
Business Awards
• The Application process
Business Awards
• The Application process
• The Award affect
Business Awards
The Application process
Business Awards
The Application process
Day-to-day work : company analysis
Business Awards
The Application process
Day-to-day work : company analysis
Business planning, future proofing
Business Awards
The Application process
Day-to-day work : company analysis
Business planning, future proofing
• Identifies strengths, successes & achievements
Business Awards
The Application process
Day-to-day work : company analysis
Business planning, future proofing
• Identifies strengths, successes & achievements
Identifies problems and weaknesses
Business Awards
The Application process
Day-to-day work : company analysis
Business planning, future proofing
• Identifies strengths, successes & achievements
Identifies problems and weaknesses
• Prioritise finding solutions
Business Awards
The Application process
Day-to-day work : company analysis
Business planning, future proofing
• Identifies strengths, successes & achievements
Identifies problems and weaknesses
• Prioritise finding solutions
Free advice and recommendations
Business Awards
The Award affect
Business Awards
The Award affect
Office environment, staff morale
Business Awards
The Award affect
Office environment, staff morale
Promotion, marketing and PR.
Business Awards
The Award affect
Office environment, staff morale
Promotion, marketing and PR.
Client confidence, sales, new clients
Business Awards
The Award affect
Office environment, staff morale
Promotion, marketing and PR.
Client confidence, sales, new clients
Contacts, networking and associates
Business Awards
Is it worth it?
Business Awards
Is it worth it?
Win or not - Yes
Business Awards
Is it worth it?
Has it helped us?
Win or not - Yes
Business Awards
Is it worth it?
Win or not - Yes
Has it helped us?
Win or not - Yes
Business Awards
Is it worth it?
Win or not - Yes
Has it helped us?
Win or not - Yes
Should you enter?
Business Awards
Is it worth it?
Win or not - Yes
Has it helped us?
Win or not - Yes
Should you enter?
Win or not - Yes
Business Awards