IN-Class PowerPoint

Chapter 3: Mental
and Emotional
Mr. Ramsey
Do-Now Activity
• Write a short paragraph describing what you think are the
most important influences on someone’s personality are. This
does not have to pertain to a specific person, just a general
overview of influences. Skip a few lines then write down one
thing you would like to learn about mental and emotional
What is someone’s
• Definition: a combination of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
that make you different from everyone else.
• How you would handle certain problems and situations.
Self-Concept vs. Self-Esteem
• The way you view
yourself overall.
Your abilities
How you feel you fit in
As a student, friend, teams
• How you feel about
• Do you like yourself?
• Do you feel good about
who you are?
• Confidence around others
• Responsibility
How can we build Self-Esteem?
Set realistic goals
Focus on your strengths and work to improve them.
Ask for help!
Accept that perfection is not achievable.
Remember that everyone makes mistakes.
Motivate yourself.
• An emotion is a feeling that comes about based on different
situations in life.
• In two minutes, list as many different emotions (At least 5)
that you can think of in your packet. Below are two examples
to get you started.
• Happiness
• Joy
Expressing Emotions
• No emotion is good or bad by itself.
• How you express emotion is what makes it good or bad.
• The way you express emotions affects you mental/emotional,
social, and even physical health.
• Learning how to express emotions healthily is important to
overall health.
Basic Emotions to Express
• A state of uneasiness,
usually associated with
future uncertainty.
• Talk to a family member or
• Avoid avoidance
• The body’s alert system
in reaction to a potential
• Find a support system
• Keep fear/panic out of the
center of attention
Emotional Needs
• Needs that affect your feelings and sense of well-being.
To love and be loved
To belong
To make a difference
To be helped or help others
To understand or be understood
What is Stress?
Distress (Negative)
• Stress that can help you
reach your goals.
• Stress that prevents you
from doing what you
need to do, or stress that
causes discomfort.
• Trying out for a sports
team of school club.
• Getting into an argument
with a friend or family
Fight-or-Flight Response
• As your body prepares for action, it releases adrenaline, a
hormone that increases the level of sugar in the blood, giving
your body extra energy.
Skills for Managing Stress
• Relaxation
• Laughter and a Positive Outlook
• Physical Activity
• Time Management
Take-Home Challenge
• Time management consists of utilizing
strategies in order to use time more
efficiently. One of those strategies is to write
a daily planner. Create a daily planner for
tomorrow from the time you wake up, to the
time you will go to sleep and challenge
yourself to stay on task as best as you can.
• Hand your version of a daily planner next
Do-Now Activity
• Think about a time where you had to cope
with the loss of a loved one. How did you
feel? What did you do? Would you have
liked someone to help you in some way?
Write a paragraph describing the
experience. If you have not had a loss in
your life, think about how you would help
a friend who has lost a loved one and
discuss that topic.
Coping With Loss
• Grief: the sorrow or sadness caused by the loss of a loved
• Grief Reaction: the process of dealing with the feelings that
follow the loss of a loved one.
• Stages of Grief:
Chapter 4: Mental
and Emotional
What is a disorder?
• A disorder is a disturbance in the
normal function of a part of the body.
• Think about it… Do you feel that a
disorder can be as problematic as a
physical disorder?
Anxiety Disorder
We know what anxiety is.
And we know what a disorder is.
So what do you think an Anxiety Disorder is?
Intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning
• An exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object
Small spaces
Common Disorders
• Mood Disorder: A disorder in which a person undergoes
changes in mood that seem inappropriate or extreme.
• Major Depression: When people lose interest in life and can
no longer find joy in anything.
• Schizophrenia: a severe mental disorder in which people lose
contact with reality.
• Intentional
taking of one’s
own life.
• Individual Therapy: a single person and a therapist meet
alone to discuss problems. Offers the most privacy and is
usually used for first timers.
• Group Therapy: a single therapist meets with several people
who have the same problem. This teaches group members to
offer support and show empathy towards one another.
• Family Therapy: a therapist seeks to improve troubled family
Mental Health Providers
• Psychologist: a mental health professional who is licensed by
the state lived in to perform therapy.
• Clinical Social Worker (CSW): certified mental health
professional with a master’s in social work.
• Psychiatrist: medical doctor with a specialty in mental health
problems. This is the only provider that can provide
medication for disorders.
You fell in love with bridges,
but never touched the water.
You fell in love with gardens,
but never touched a flower.
You fell in love with seasons,
but never watched the snow melt.
You fell in love with everyone else,
except yourself.
Chapter 10:
Do-Now Activity
• Write down everything that you had
for breakfast this morning.
Underneath that list of food and
drink, write a few sentences
describing whether or not you feel it
was a healthy breakfast and why.
What is Nutrition???
• The study of nutrients and how
the body uses them.
So… What are Nutrients?
• Substances in foods that your
body needs to grow, have energy,
and stay healthy.
Appetite vs. Hunger
• Psychological desire for
• The body’s physical need
for food
Influences on Food Choices
Taste preference
Look, feel, smell
Family traditions
Nutrients for Wellness
• Carbohydrates: sugars and starches that occur naturally in
foods (mainly plants)
• Proteins: nutrients that your body uses to build, maintain, and
repair cells and tissues.
• Fats: promote healthy skin and growth and consist of two
different kinds.
• Saturated Fats: solid at room temperature and are bad for your
health. (butter, cheese, fatty meats)
• Unsaturated Fats: Remain liquid at room temperature and should
be included in your diet. (olive oil, nuts, avocados)
• Vitamins: substances that help your body fight infections and
use nutrients
• Minerals: elements that help form healthy bones and teeth
• Water
My Plate
Eating a Variety of Foods
Quick Write!
• Based on the information just covered, create a healthy dinner
time meal that you feel is healthy and could also be enjoyable.
Use the second page of you’re my Plate in order to create the
Balancing Calories with
Physical Activity
• Calorie: a unit of heat that measures the energy from food
and measures how much energy your body uses.
• Most teens need around 2,000 calories per day in order to
perform regular activities.
• If you eat more calories than your body uses you could begin
to gain weight.
• What factors could make it so you would need more calories
in your diet without gaining weight?
• Physical activity (moderate or intense)
• Body type and size
Nutrition Facts Label
Foodborne Illness
• Sickness resulting from eating food that is not safe to eat any
• Ways to prevent foodborne illness:
Wash your hands and use clean utensils
Separate raw and cooked foods
Cooks food until completely done
Chill or freeze when necessary
When in doubt, throw it out
Breakfast Tips
• After a night’s
sleep your body
needs fuel to kick
start your energy
• Round out the
meal with fruits
Lunch and Dinner Tips
• Vary your proteins
• Limit fats, sugars, and
• Balance out the plan
by creating a food
Healthy Snacking
• Avoid snacking right
before meal time.
• Choose healthy
• Choose nutrient
dense (a large
amount of nutrients
per calorie)
Eating Healthy While Eating Out
• Make sure to control the portion sizes that you eat. (i.e. No 20
oz. steaks from Longhorn)
• Try ordering a healthy appetizer choice as the meal. (Cheese
fries or onion rings are not healthy)
• If the restaurant’s portion sizes are large, try eating half of it
and taking the rest home for another meal.
• Select foods that are grilled rather than fried.
Take-Home Challenge
• Further your research: The nutrition guidelines we are
learning about are a fairly general and basic guideline for the
majority to live by. However, there are many different diets a
person can choose to partake in due to health, moral, or a
variety of other reasons. Pick one of the 8 diets provided and
create a short review of that diet. What does it consist of?
When did it become popular? Is it successful? Etc. This is a
critical thinking question so you must USE YOUR BRAINS.
Weight Watchers
The Zone Diet
-Raw Food
-Jenny Craig
•Test next week!!!
•Study the packet!!!