Sacramento City BTSA Program Program Assessment 2011 1|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Table of Contents BTSA Program Narrative ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Program Standard 1: Program Rationale and Design ................................................................................................................. ............................................... 4 Program Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Program Standard 3: Support Providers and Professional Development Providers ................................................................................................................ 10 Program Standard 4: Formative Assessment System ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 Program Standard 5: Pedagogy ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Program Standard 6: Universal Access: Equity for All Learners ............................................................................................................................................... 23 Program Standard 6a: Universal Access: English Learners ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 Program Standard 6b: Universal Access: Special Populations ................................................................................................................................................. 28 BTSA Course Syllabus ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Assessment Tools as reported in the Biennial Report .............................................................................................................................................................. 51 State Survey. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52 Mid-Year Survey ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Program Exit Survey .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 57 Logs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 57 Assessment of Candidates ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64 Program Summary .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Program Design ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 59 Course of Study (Curriculum and Field Experience) .................................................................................................................................................................. 60 Assessment of Candidates ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 77 2|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Part I: BTSA Program Narrative Program Standard 1: Program Rationale and Design Program Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration Program Standard 3: Support Providers and Professional Development Providers Program Standard 4: Formative Assessment System Program Standard 5: Pedagogy Program Standard 6: Universal Access: Equity for All Learners Program Standard 6a: Universal Access: English Learners Program Standard 6b: Universal Access: Special Populations 3|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs INDUCTION PROGRAM STANDARDS Category A: Programs Exhibit Effective Design Principles Program Standard 1: Program Rationale and Design The induction program incorporates a purposeful, logically sequenced structure of extended preparation and professional development that prepares Participating Teachers to meet the academic learning needs of all P-12 students and retain high quality teachers. The design is responsive to individual teacher's needs, and is consistent with Education Code. It is relevant to the contemporary conditions of teaching and learning and provides for coordination of the administrative components of the program such as admission, advisement, participant support and assessment, Support Provider preparation, and program evaluation. The program design provides systematic opportunities for the application and demonstration of the pedagogical knowledge and skills acquired in the preliminary credential program. The program design includes intensive individualized support and assistance to each participant, collaborative experiences with colleagues and resource personnel, and an inquiry-based formative assessment system that is built upon the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. The induction program collaborates with P-12 organizations to integrate induction program activities with district and partner organizations’ professional development efforts. 4|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Evidence Sources Narrative ` The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction Program is designed to offer support and induction to eligible first and second year teachers in order to improve student achievement, offer equitable learning opportunities and to retain quality teachers in the district. The Induction Program is based on program goals and specific learning outcomes for Participating Teachers and is consistent with Education Code to provide: Participating Teachers the opportunity to complete all the requirements for the California Professional Clear Credential. Implementation of an effective system for formative assessment, Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), Induction Standards and state adopted student content standards. Participating Teachers the opportunity to be effective in teaching students who are culturally, linguistically, and academically diverse performance on state-adopted content standards through enhanced training information and assistance for Participating Teachers. A trained Support Provider to provide intensive individualized support to each Participating Teacher based on assessed needs. An effective transition into the teaching career for first-year and second-year teachers in California. Improve the educational performance of pupils through improved training, information, and assistance for new teachers An opportunity for the professional success and retention of new teachers. California Credential Requirements CSTP Induction Standards CRTPN Meeting Agendas 5|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Improve the rigor and consistency of individual teacher performance assessments and the usefulness of assessment results to teachers and decision makers. An individual induction plan (IIP) is in place for each participating beginning teacher and is based on an ongoing assessment of the development of the beginning teacher. Foster continuous program improvement through ongoing research, development, and evaluation. IIP Program goals and vision BTSA Induction Handbook These program goals and vision are illustrated in the BTSA Induction Handbook that is provided to all Participating Teachers and is also explained at the annual BTSA Induction Orientations/Academy. The design is relevant to the contemporary conditions of teaching and learning and provides for coordination of the administrative components of the program such as admission, advisement, participant support and assessment, Support Provider preparation, and program evaluation. Admission The Sacramento City Unified BTSA Induction Program has established formal linkages with the Human Resources department. The personnel analysts provide written information about the BTSA Induction Program to all new hires as part of their contract package. New hires complete a New Hire Form, which the personnel analysts submit to the BTSA Induction Program upon completion. The contract package also includes a BTSA Induction brochure and a program application. Each eligible teacher signs either the Participating Teacher Agreement or the Decline to Participate Form and submits it the Personnel Department as part of their contract package. The BTSA Coordinator reviews New Teacher Hire Form BTSA Induction brochure Program App Participating Teacher Agreement Decline to Participate Form 6|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs each New Hire Form to ensure that all eligible Participating Teachers are identified and eligible for placement. The Induction program leader informs eligible teachers of their options to complete the requirements for the professional credential at one of the BTSA Induction Orientations/Academies in September/October. Participants also receive a credential advisement from the BTSA Coordinator via email and district mail. The coordination of admission and advisement ensures that all Participating Teachers are identified and matched in a timely manner with a Support Provider. Credential Advisement BTSA Induction Academy Orientation The program hosts a BTSA Induction Orientation/Academy each September. For those participants that join the program after this time, the program provides additional orientations. The orientations/academies are intended to offer a venue where Participating Teachers and Support Providers can obtain program specific information, engage in initial conversations, have the opportunity to identify with the larger group, and mingle. The program leader describes the requirements for the clear credential and informs Participating Teachers of their responsibility to accumulate evidence of reflective practice, to document all professional credential requirements, and, at the end of program participation, to organize this evidence to support their application for a professional credential. These details are explained in detail at the Orientation/Academy, are provided in written form to each participant via the Formative Assessment for California Teachers User’s Guide, and are available on PTRA cycle CSTP Induction Standards Continuum of Teaching Practice 7|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Induction Components and Assessment The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction Program is designed to achieve specific learning outcomes for Participating Teachers. Through completion of the FACT system, professional development opportunities, and a focus on the Induction standards, Participating Teachers: Use the plan, teach, reflect and apply cycle to improve their teaching practice; Use the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), Induction Standards and The Continuum of Teaching Practice as the basis for a systematic approach to teaching; Apply knowledge of the state-adopted framework and instructional materials in one content area to support student achievement of the state content standards; Demonstrate effective teaching strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners, including English learners and special populations; Use technology and healthy environment strategies to support student learning; Actively participate in a professional learning community with colleagues. FACT User’s Guide Program Assessment 2012\FACT2010\C.Inquiry into Teaching and Learning FACT Materials The Support Provider uses The FACT User’s Guide to inform and guide the Participating Teacher in assessing his/her own skills and growth as a professional educator based on evidence collected over time. Professional decisions related to teaching and professional development are documented in a formal, written Individual Induction Plan (IIP). 8|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs The Inquiry Process During the BTSA Induction process each Participating Teacher develops at least two (2) Induction Inquiries that contain evidence and reflections from: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Class profile, School Resources and School Context Three (3) Focus Students Case Studies Observations by Support Provider Individual Induction Plan (IIP) to guide each inquiry Reflective conversations that demonstrate progress through the IIP and summarize a growth recorded on the IIP Self- Assessment Continuum of Teaching Practice Focused Inquiries Evidence to support completion and competence of the Induction Standards components The purposeful collection of these items during the Induction program assists in the systematic demonstration of skills and knowledge acquired during the preliminary credential program. Professional Development for the Participating Teacher The Participating Teacher is provided an opportunity to network with other professionals during weekly meetings with their support provider. The Support Provider, each year, spends a total of sixty (60) contact hours, in Year 1 and a total of fifty-five (55) hours in Year 2 in individualized formative assessment activities with the Participating Teacher. These are recorded on the Induction Standards Evidence Records Winter Seminar: Agenda Article 1 Bookmark Colloquium agenda and materials Professional Development Catalog 9|Page Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs All Participating Teachers are to attend: The development and maintenance of Individual Induction Plans Winter Seminar: a Support Provider/Participating Teacher collaborative event held in January Colloquium: an end of the year Support Provider/Participating Teacher collaborative and reflective event held in May or June Individual weekly meetings with the Support Provider Professional development opportunities are provided through the district’s Academic Office around each of the Induction Standards helps to ensure that all students receive fair and unbiased instruction in an equitable learning environment. Through conversations with their Support Provider, each Participating Teacher chooses specific professional development sessions to attend. Session attendance is based on needs and desires as identified by the participant. The intent of the professional development sessions is to surface previous learning from their teacher preparation and help Participating Teachers identify meaningful ways in which to demonstrate their knowledge. A representative from the BTSA Induction program is also a member of the Academic Office, which published an annual Professional Development Catalog. Participating Teachers complete 20 professional development hours in addition to the 18 Common Planning Time hours required by the district each year related to their site goals as well as related to their Individual Induction Plan, approved and documented by their Support Provider in Site administrators facilitate Common Planning Time with each grade level or S:\Departments\nts\ECO\ECO Application.pdf 10 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs subject area team. This is a very powerful strategy for Participating Teachers to learn from colleagues and the site administrator, as they become equal members of the grade level team at their site. The structure of Common Planning Time is a site driven reflective conversation, facilitated by the site administrator, with the intent to increase every student’s achievement through an instructional response by engaging in data inquiry in order to examine: ECO Alternative Induction/Early Completion Option Timeline Demographic data Social and emotional data Academic achievement data Past and current practices It is also a time to: Develop an action plan as an instructional response Establish targets for students, classes, and the grade level Identify needs, responsibilities, and resources Many of the activities that Participating Teachers participate in during Common Planning Time are supplemented and directly connected to the activities experienced through the FACT Modules. Both Common Planning Time and FACT are driven by data inquiry processes and provide direct linkages to what is taking place in the classroom. Early Completion Option (ECO) The BTSA Induction ECO program was designed to “enable interested candidates with previous teaching experience to serve in the public schools”. Ed Code section 44468 (e) allows eligible individuals to complete a Commission- Mid-Year Survey Support Provider IIP 11 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs approved induction program in a shorter time frame (one year instead of two). It also allows the individuals the opportunity to earn a Professional Clear Credential. Candidates who are interested in this option must complete an ECO application and agree to the attached requirements for the program. Candidates must have previous teaching experience and a letter of recommendation from their current site administrator. Applicants must also include contacts for three professional references. Alternative Induction Program (AIP) The Bechtel Foundation and the Workforce Investment Board have provided grant funding, to SCUSD and California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) for collaborating to create and implement an Alternative Induction Program for unemployed teachers and offer an opportunity to expand credential authorizations in order to increase employability. The Alternative Induction Program (AIP) is an opportunity that will enable recently unemployed teachers to complete their Induction program requirements in order to clear their multiple or single subject credential. This program is designed for recently laid off beginning teachers who have five-year, preliminary teaching credentials. The Alternative Induction Program will give recently laid-off novice teachers an opportunity to clear their credential by teaching a before-school or after-school class in math or science under the tutelage, and with the support of, experienced teachers in these fields of study. In addition, Participating Teachers will complete all the requirements of the state’s Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) system and Induction Standards. 12 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Evaluation Participant outcomes and program goals provide criteria for program evaluation. Evaluation data is analyzed to inform the Induction program about identified strengths and areas for growth. The program examines data from Participating Teachers, Support Providers, site administrators and program leadership regarding program services and professional development offerings. Sources of evaluation data include: BTSA Statewide Survey results, Formal and informal review results, Local evaluation data completed by Participating Teachers, Support Providers, and site administrators FACT documentation Individual Induction Plans BTSA Induction Participant Logs, available on The program uses these multiple measures to collect feedback about program quality, effectiveness, and pacing of the formative assessment system from participants over time. This evidence is reviewed not only for completion but analyzed for trends that might indicate program weaknesses in professional development for program participants. The structure of the delivery of services and/or the kinds of professional development offered to program participants is frequently revised to better achieve program outcomes and goals. All program evaluation data is shared with program sponsors and participants through program meetings (e.g., Advisory Committee, Leadership Team, and Support Provider Trainings and meetings) on-going in order to systematically improve the Monthly Support Provider Network Meetings BTSA Induction Handbook Roles and Responsibilities: Support Provider Support Provider Agreement 13 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs SCUSD Induction Program. The program provides systematic opportunities for Participating Teachers to learn and apply successful strategies for English learners and special populations through FACT participation, development of related Individual Induction Plan, courageous conversations, and directly aligned professional development opportunities. As a result of their experience in and completion of an Induction program, Participating Teachers have the skills and the commitment to engage in regular, job-embedded, collaborative professional learning. The Program Leader verifies completion of the Induction requirements, as well as any other requirements as listed on the Participating Teacher’s Preliminary Credential, and then completes an online application for the Participating Teacher for his/her Professional Clear Credential. The participant is notified at each step of the application process. The recommendation for the professional credential is based solely on the verification of satisfactory completion of all specified teacher performance. Evaluation of teacher performance remains the responsibility of the designated site administrator. Evidence collected by Participating Teachers or their Support Providers in formative assessment activities and/or to document completion of the requirements for the professional credential is not used in employment decisions made by the district. Leadership Meeting Agendas Advisory Board Agendas Invite to the Advisory and Leadership team Participating Teachers are advised to retain a copy of all documents submitted to the BTSA Induction Program. If a program participant leaves the program before completing the requirements for the professional credential, the Induction program to which the teacher transfers can request his/her file. The files will be 14 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs sent to Induction programs upon written request from the Induction program. All individual files for Participating Teachers will be maintained at the District for seven years. Support Provider and Training The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction Program’s first goal is to assign Support Providers to Participating Teachers that are at the same school site, grade level(s), and/or subject matter area(s). Every conscious effort is made to make these types of matches happen. On the application Participating Teachers may identify a Support Provider by name or select one of the following options as being most important in the consideration of their future match: same site, same grade level/assignment, similar student demographics, or close proximity to their school site. Teachers are thoughtfully paired considering criteria such as geographic proximity, grade level and subject matter assignments. As noted, the BTSA Induction program leader considers all the information about the Support Provider’s background and experiences to make the best matches with Participating Teachers who have applied to the program. Effective interpersonal and communication skills are criteria for Support Provider selection. All Support Providers receive specific training in interpersonal skills, developing a trusting relationship, beginning teacher development, and differentiating support during the FACT Training. The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction Program has clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of Support Providers in writing in the BTSA Induction Handbook, the Support Provider Roles & Responsibilities form and the Support Provider Agreement. These are provided to all Participating Teachers, Support Providers, and Site Administrators. All Support Providers sign the Support Provider Agreement, affirming their understanding of the program goals and expectations, and their intent to carry out the responsibilities of the program at the first Support Provider Meeting in August. Regional Cluster Meetings 15 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Program Leadership The SCUSD BTSA Induction Program design includes a full-time interim coordinator with oversight and implementation authority over all aspects of the program. The Coordinator facilitates two leadership teams: Advisory Board and the BTSA Leadership. The program also provides ongoing professional development and any additional program training components (e.g., FACT new/refresher training and IRIS). The Program Coordinator facilitates these professional development opportunities. Program Assessment 2012\CRTPN Agendas The SCUSD BTSA Advisory Board serves as the representative team that supports and collaborates with the program to implement the program components. The Advisory Board provides input from many constituencies involved in the induction program. Members of the Advisory Board are chosen for their experience and/or expertise in teacher education and their willingness to gather and share information with their constituency group. Each member has received general training in induction and formative assessment and is familiar with the Sacramento City Unified School District Induction Program. It is the responsibility of the program leader to convene and facilitate the meetings. The Advisory Board includes: First Year Induction Participating Teacher Second Year Induction Participating Teacher New Support Provider Experienced Support Provider 16 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Site Administrators Human Resources Director Sacramento City Teachers’ Association Representative Institute of Higher Education Representatives Leadership Team Member BTSA Induction program leader The Advisory Board members demonstrate a commitment to the Sacramento City Unified School District Induction Program through attendance and active participation at advisory meetings quarterly. They agree to a two-year service term. In addition to an Advisory Board, the induction program is supported by an Induction Program Leadership Team that works in collaboration with the BTSA Induction program leader to provide guidance and to ensure a complete induction program for all Participating Teachers. This decision making team consists of several members, all of which are Support Providers representing various contexts (elementary, middle school, high school, and special education) and is chaired by the BTSA Induction program leader. The Leadership team meets monthly. The collaborative relationships that have been built with local institutions of higher education have strengthened the community for Participating Teachers from preservice through Induction and into their professional growth goals for the future established within the FACT system. The BTSA Induction program leaders participate in ongoing professional development through regular attendance and 17 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs participation in a variety of local and state gatherings. These include BTSA Regional Cluster meetings and professional development sessions, state meetings and professional development sessions, and have an active role in the Capital Region Teacher Preparation Network (CRTPN) Meetings (see CRTPN Meeting Agendas). Through the Capital Region Teacher Preparation Network, the Induction program leader meets quarterly with representatives from regional teacher preparation programs to exchange information regarding program goals, content, design, and anticipated changes in the program. The California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) provides common standards that link the teacher preparation program and the induction program within the Learning to Teach Continuum. These quarterly CRTPN meetings provide a venue for collaboration with representatives from other BTSA Induction programs and with representatives from local Institutes of Higher Education (IHE). Participants include the following BTSA Induction programs and their representatives: El Dorado County BTSA Induction Consortium, San Juan Unified School District BTSA Induction, Placer BTSA Induction Consortium, Tri-County BTSA Induction Consortium, Elk Grove Unified School District BTSA Induction, Yolo/Solano BTSA Induction Consortium, Sacramento BTSA Consortium, Washington Unified School District BTSA Induction, Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction, Fairfield/Suisun Unified School District BTSA Induction, Napa Unified School District. Representatives from IHE partners include Sacramento State University, Brandman University, National University, University of Phoenix, University of California, Davis, William Jessup University, and Alliant International University. Both network groups meet several times a year to discuss professional 18 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs development activities and implement the integrated Learning to Teach Continuum for the teacher candidate. INDUCTION PROGRAM STANDARDS Category A: Program Exhibit Effective Design Principles 19 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Program Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration The Induction program articulates with preliminary teacher preparation programs and P-12 organizations in order to facilitate the transition from teacher preparation to Induction and build upon and provide opportunities for demonstration and application of the pedagogical knowledge and skills acquired in the preliminary credential program. The Induction program collaborates regularly with partner school district personnel. These may include: human resource professionals for identification, eligibility, requirements for participation, and completion; educational services personnel regarding curricular and instructional priorities; and site administrators for site support of the candidate and the program. Collaboration between the Induction program and administrators establishes a professional, educational community, ensuring structures that support the activities of Induction and coordinating additional site/district professional development opportunities. Programs offer professional development for site administrators that emphasizes the importance of new teacher development, identifies working conditions that optimizes Participating Teachers’ success and implementing effective steps to ameliorate or overcome challenging aspects of teachers’ work environments, and the foundations and processes of Induction, in order to effectively transition the new teacher from Induction to the role of professional educator. Narrative Evidence Sources 20 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs The BTSA Induction program leaders participate in ongoing professional development through regular attendance and participation in a variety of local and state gatherings. These include BTSA Regional Cluster meetings and professional development sessions, state meetings and professional development sessions, and an active role in the Capital Region Teacher Preparation Network (CRTPN) Meetings. The quarterly CRTPN meetings provide a venue for collaboration with representatives from other BTSA Induction programs and with representatives from Institutes of Higher Education (IHE), including Intern Program Partners. Participants include the following BTSA Induction programs and their representatives: El Dorado County BTSA Induction Consortium San Juan Unified School District BTSA Induction Placer BTSA Induction Consortium Tri-County BTSA Induction Consortium Elk Grove Unified School District BTSA Induction Yolo/Solano BTSA Induction Consortium Sacramento BTSA Consortium Washington Unified School District BTSA Induction Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction Fairfield/Suisun Unified School District BTSA Induction Napa Unified School District BTSA Regional Cluster Meeting Agendas CRTPN Meeting Agendas Representatives from IHE partners include: Sacramento State University Brandman University National University 21 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs University of Phoenix Project Pipeline Intern Program University of California, Davis Alliant International University William Jessup University The quarterly CRTPN meetings help to facilitate conversations and growth across the Learning to Teach System. Information is shared in a reciprocal fashion in this professional education community. The roles and responsibilities of all co-sponsors and partnering organizations are clearly stated in the Roles and Responsibilities and/or Memorandums of Understanding. Fiscal and personnel resources are shared among sponsors. MOU’s Credential requirements Through these meetings representatives have been able to exchange information about the transition of teacher preparation programs and induction programs to the new credential requirements. Teacher preparation program participants solicit feedback about the strengths and weaknesses in their programs as observed in new teachers participating in local induction programs. They share information about the timelines for their implementation of the new standards and information about the progress of the development and implementation of the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA). Induction directors are able to make more informed decisions about professional development needed by novice teachers through these discussions with teacher preparation program personnel. Goals of these meetings are articulation of the design, content and rationale of the teacher preparation and professional induction programs and improved transitions for novice teachers. As a result of these strong partnerships there is an increased understanding of pre-service requirements (including the role and implementation of the TPA), Special Education agreements, invitations to speak with IHE graduating students, invitations to attend IHE hosted Career Fairs, invitations to speak with Support Providers regarding opportunities for furthering their 22 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs education, and the opportunities to purchase higher education units for BTSA Induction experiences. Additional linkages have been formed with California State University, Sacramento. Participating Teachers can earn six units of graduate level credit for each year of full participation in the induction program. Support Providers can also earn six units of credit for supporting a teacher in FACT Year 1 formative assessment activities and another six units for supporting a teacher in FACT Year 2 activities. Participating Teachers and Support Providers can use these six units of credit from their work in the induction program towards several of the Masters Programs available at CSU, Sacramento. In addition to CRTPN meetings, the program leader also meets quarterly with the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board serves as the representative team that supports and collaborates with the program to implement the program components. The Advisory Board provides input from many constituencies involved in the induction program. Members of the Advisory Board are chosen for their experience and/or expertise in teacher education and their willingness to gather and share information with their constituency group. Each member has received general training in induction and formative assessment and is familiar with the Sacramento City Unified School District Induction Program. It is the responsibility of the program leader to convene and facilitate the meetings. The Advisory Board includes: First Year Induction Participating Teacher Second Year Induction Participating Teacher New Support Provider Experienced Support Provider Site Administrators Human Resources Director Advisory Board Meeting Agendas Advisory Board Invitation 23 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Sacramento City Teachers’ Association Representative Institute of Higher Education Representatives Leadership Team Member BTSA Induction program leader The Advisory Board members demonstrate a commitment to the Sacramento City Unified School District Induction Program through attendance and active participation at advisory meetings. They agree to a two-year service term. In addition to an Advisory Board, the induction program is supported by an Induction Program Leadership Team that works in collaboration with the BTSA Induction program leader to provide guidance and to ensure a complete induction program for all Participating Teachers. This decision making team consists of several members, all of which are Support Providers representing various contexts (elementary, middle school, high school, charter school, and private school), and is chaired by the BTSA Induction program leader. The Leadership team meets monthly. Early Completion Option (ECO) Alternative Induction Program (AIP) The Alternative Induction Program (AIP) designed for recently unemployed beginning teachers who have five-year, preliminary teaching credentials and recent graduates with a preliminary credential. The AIP will give recently laid-off novice teachers an opportunity to clear their credential by teaching a before-school or after-school class in math or science under the tutelage, and with the support of experts in the field as well as a Support Provider. The District is also currently working with CSUS to offer a series of classes that will result in the opportunity to participate in the CSET exam process, which would lead to Foundational Level General Science and Foundational Level Math supplemental credentials. Obtaining the Foundational Level Math credential will enable teachers to teach general mathematics, BTSA Leadership Team Meeting Agendas AIP/ECO timeline 24 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, and consumer mathematics. Earning the Foundational Level General Science credential will enable these teachers to teach introductory and general science, introductory life science, and introductory physical science. A strong source of internal communication and collaboration with Support Providers can be found around the professional development sessions offered. The BTSA Induction program is part of the Sacramento City Unified School District Human Resources Services department and program leadership works closely with the Academic Office by attending meetings every other week and collaborating in the support of novice teachers. All of the professional development offerings are aligned to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), Induction Standards, student content standards, state adopted frameworks, and/or the District initiatives. All teachers, including BTSA Induction Participating Teachers, have access to all District professional development appropriate to their teaching assignment via eSchools. The primary goals of the professional development opportunities provided are to: Offer a rich array of learning opportunities for District educators that are structured in a series format and that provided a coaching model. Make the process of registration, attendance, and obtaining credit simple, reliable, and efficient. The District utilizes the Electronic Registrar Online system (eSchools). Make access to the professional development information (including newsletters, schedules, times, locations, presenters, hours available, prerequisites, transcripts, and changes to any of the information listed) easy and predictable. Build capacity to deliver and sustain a comprehensive program that offers District teachers meaningful and timely professional development opportunities, choice, and structure. BTSA Induction Participating Teachers use the District’s eSchools or the internal Professional Development Catalog Induction Standards eschools 25 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs website ( for information on professional development opportunities. They register on-line on eSchools using their employee number or on using their username and password. Attendance and credit for all sessions are entered into both systems for program participants (both Support Providers and Participating Teachers). Professional development opportunities are offered to all P-12 teachers and address a wide variety of topics, as illustrated in the Professional Development Catalog. Credential Advisement Additional communication and collaboration take place as the program advises all new hires about their credential completion requirements through the Personnel Analysts at the time of hire. Each Participating Teacher is assigned a Support Provider within two weeks after they have applied to the program. The program hosts a BTSA Induction Orientation/Academy each September. For those participants that join the program after this time, the program provides additional orientations. The orientations/academies are intended to offer a venue where Participating Teachers and Support Providers can obtain program specific information, engage initial conversations, hear vital program information, have the opportunity to identify with the larger group, and network. The program leader describes the requirements for the clear credential and informs Participating Teachers of their responsibility to accumulate evidence of reflective practice, to document all professional credential requirements, and, at the end of the program, to organize this evidence to support their application for a professional credential. These details are explained in detail at the Orientation/Academy, are provided in written form to each participant via the BTSA Induction Handbook, and are available on It is during this venue that the Support Providers and Participating Teachers begin to consider TPA experiences as they work through the Context for Teaching and Learning and the Assessment of Teaching and Learning processes in the FACT system. Support Providers Support Provider/Participating Teacher Matches Orientation/Academy BTSA Induction Handbook FACT system Context for Teaching and Learning Assessment of Teaching and Learning Initial Observation 26 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs are trained about the pre-service experiences of the new teachers, including training around the TPEs and the TPA, during the required FACT Training. The Assessment of Teaching and Learning module of the FACT system explicitly addresses and honors the Participating Teachers previous experience. This module allows the Support Provider to become aware of their Participating Teachers’ current strengths and areas for growth. Using this conversation and the Initial Observation evidence from the Support Provider, Participating Teachers can investigate their teaching practice from the point at which they are, not at a prescribed place. This targeted communication is another way that the program works to bridge the experience between pre-service and induction. Additionally, the BTSA Induction program provides a yearly training for the administrators that have Support Providers, Participating Teachers, or both at their sites. This provides an opportunity to share the program goals, explain the structure, and provide the roles and responsibility of the various stakeholders. At this time administrator trainings are held individually as needed. Yearly Administrator Training 27 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs INDUCTION PROGRAM STANDARDS Category A: Programs Exhibit Effective Design Principles Standard 3: Program Personnel The induction program selects, prepares, assigns, and evaluates Professional Development Providers and Support Providers, using well-defined criteria consistent with the provider’s assigned responsibilities in the program. The program assures that the assignment of Participating Teachers to Support Providers occurs in a timely way allowing the pair to begin working together when teaching begins whenever possible. The program ensures a system of support that includes a readily accessible Support Provider and, as needed, certificated person(s) experienced in the curricular area(s) of the candidate’s assignment. Consistent with assigned responsibilities, program personnel (such as program management, Professional Development Providers, Support Providers, and credential analysts) receive initial and ongoing professional development to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the program and skilled in their roles. Support Provider training includes the development of knowledge and skills of mentoring, the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, Induction Standards, Pedagogy and Universal Access as well as the appropriate use of the instruments and processes of formative assessment systems. The program regularly evaluates the performance of Professional Development Providers and assesses the quality of services provided by Support Providers to Participating Teachers. The program leader(s) provides formative feedback to Professional Development Providers and Support Providers on their work, retaining only those who are effective. Narrative Evidence Sources 28 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Program places a high priority on recruiting and retaining qualified Support Providers. The District selects Support Providers using criteria established by the program. The program uses an application, recommendation and interview process to select Support Providers. Selection criteria are consistent with the Support Provider’s specified roles and responsibilities, including but not limited to the following: a) knowledge of beginning teacher development; b) knowledge of the stateadopted academic content and standards and performance levels for students, state-adopted curriculum frameworks, and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession; c) willingness to participate in professional training to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective support provider; d) willingness to engage in formative assessment processes, including non-evaluative, reflective conversations about formative assessment with Participating Teachers; e) willingness to share instructional ideas and materials with Participating Teachers; f) willingness to deepen understanding of cultural, ethnic, cognitive, linguistic, and gender diversity; g) effective interpersonal and communication skill; h) willingness to work with Participating Teachers; i) demonstrated commitment to personal professional growth and learning; and j) willingness and ability to be an excellent professional role model. Support Provider Application Support Provider Roles and Responsibilities CSTP Support Provider Agreement FACT Training In addition to identifying the criteria above when recruiting Support Providers, the criteria is explicitly identified in the Support Provider Agreement, and the Support Provider Application documents that Support Providers complete as part of the selection process. On the application form, prospective Support Providers describe their knowledge and skills in each of the areas described above, and provide additional information about their background and experience in these areas during the interview process. The Sacramento City Unified School District Selection Process includes: Submission of the BTSA Induction Support Provider Application by the applicant; Individual interviews in front of a panel (including members of the BTSA Leadership Team and the Advisory Board, as well as veteran Support Providers and site administrators) that includes program developed questions that address the above specified criteria; Discussion by the interview panel members of the candidates’ qualifications with respect to the specified criteria to decide whether or not to recommend each candidate to be a BTSA Induction Support Provider; A written agreement by all recommended candidates to complete a scheduled training in the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) and mentoring support strategies before they are assigned to work with any participating teacher. Academy BTSA Induction Handbook Advisory Board Meeting Agendas BTSA Leadership Team Meeting Agendas assessments 29 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs During the application process, information is included regarding the candidate’s experience as a mentor teacher, subject matter project participant, department chair, reading coach, BTSA program graduate, or similar recognition of exemplary teaching and knowledge of content specific pedagogy as well as his/her training, background, and experience in specific grades and subject areas. Candidates with experience and training in several grade levels or subject areas, as well as graduates from our BTSA Induction Program, are particularly desirable. All recommended Support Providers must commit to a scheduled Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) Training Series at the time of selection to ensure that the program can match trained Support Providers with Participating Teachers in a timely manner. New Support Providers attend the first Support Provider network in August to meet their experienced colleagues. All new Support Providers are assigned a Support Provider “buddy” who will coach and support them in their new role during their first years as a Support Provider. Professional Development Providers’ specified rolls and responsibilities Participating Teacher Application Support Provider/Participating Teacher Matches The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction Program’s first goal is to assign Support Providers to Participating Teachers that are at the same school site, grade level(s), and/or subject matter area(s). Every conscious effort is made to make these types of matches happen. Participating Teachers are asked to identify a match preference on their applications. On the application they may identify a Support Provider by name or select one of the following options as being most important in the consideration of their future match: same site, same grade level/assignment, similar student demographics, or close proximity to their school site. Teachers are thoughtfully paired considering criteria such as geographic proximity, grade level and subject matter assignments. Whenever possible, Participating Teachers are assigned a Support Provider at the same site and at the same grade level and/or subject area. As noted, the BTSA Induction program leader considers all the information about the Support Provider’s background and experiences to make the best matches with Participating Teachers who have applied to the program. Matches are made based on the needs of Participating Teachers and the background, experiences and expertise of the Support Providers to meet those needs. In making matches the BTSA Induction program leader considers grade-level, content areas and proximity of sites, as well as teaching assignments. Matches for all participants are intended to last for the Participating Teacher’s two-year induction program experience. Participating Teachers are asked on surveys during the school year about their relationship with their Support Provider. The BTSA Induction program leader monitors all of the surveys and calls Mid-Year Survey 30 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Participating Teachers and/or Support Providers if concerns are shared on surveys or if it is apparent from survey data that Participating Teachers and Support Providers are not meeting regularly and/or completing the program requirements in a timely manner. Most of the assignments for BTSA induction first year Participating Teachers are shared at the first Support Provider Network Meeting in August. Support Providers then contact their Participating Teachers and are strongly encouraged to meet with them and assist in setting up their classrooms before the first day of school in September. Second year Participating Teachers will continue to work with their year one Support Provider unless they or their Support Provider requests a change. Participating Teachers continuing in the program frequently meet with their Support Provider during the summer and always before the start of school in September. Support Provider Network Meetings Reassignment Document If there are requests by Participating Teachers or Support Providers for reassignment the BTSA Induction program leader evaluates the information presented on the Reassignment Document received from the party requesting the change and has a separate conversation with both the Participating Teacher and the Support Provider. Requests for reassignment are either resolved or honored based upon the results of these conversations. Effective interpersonal and communication skills are criteria for Support Provider selection. All Support Providers receive specific training in interpersonal skills, developing a trusting relationship, beginning teacher development, and differentiating support during the FACT Training. However, there are times when a Support Provider or Participating Teacher is dissatisfied with the pairing. When this occurs there are clear procedures in place for reconsidering assignments in a timely manner. The dissatisfied participant contacts the BTSA Induction program leader to discuss their concerns. The BTSA Induction program leader contacts the other partner and then meets separately with the Participating Teacher and the Support Provider. After meeting with both the Participating Teacher and the Support Provider, the BTSA Induction program leader either re-assigns the Participating Teacher to another Support Provider or; If the concerns have been addressed in the meetings, the BTSA Induction program leader facilitates a meeting with the Participating Teacher and Support Provider to discuss the new agreements that have been agreed to by the partners. 31 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs During BTSA Induction Academy, the BTSA Induction program leader reviews the steps to take if the match is not working. The Reassignment Document is contained in the BTSA Induction Handbook, which is distributed to all participants prior to or during the BTSA Induction Academy. Additionally, participants are provided with multiple ways to contact the program leader. When less than ideal matches are made, the BTSA Induction program leader helps identify additional resources for assistance. For example, Support Providers teaching in a different content area or grade level are encouraged to contact the site reading coach or department chair to assist them in meeting the needs of their Participating Teachers. When matches cannot be made at the same site, Support Providers are encouraged to use other means of communication in addition to their weekly meetings, such as interactive journals, e-mails and telephone calls to provide timely support. The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction Program has clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of Support Providers in writing in the BTSA Induction Handbook, the Support Provider Roles & Responsibilities and the Support Provider Agreement. These are provided to all Participating Teachers, Support Providers, and site administrators. All Support Providers sign the Support Provider Agreement, affirming their understanding of the program goals and expectations, and their intent to carry out the responsibilities of the program at the first Support Provider Network Meeting in August. The Support Provider Agreement and the Support Provider Roles & Responsibilities are communicated to all program participants in the following manner: Support Providers receive written information during recruitment, selection, training, and network meetings. Participating Teachers receive information about the roles and responsibilities of their Support Provider at an orientation meeting and in their BTSA Induction Program Handbook. They also receive a copy of the BTSA Induction Program Handbook along with a letter sent by the New Teacher Support Department informing them of teachers on their staff that are participating in the program, and in one-on-one meetings with Participating Teachers, Support Providers, and/or the BTSA Induction program leader. The Advisory Board and the Leadership Team receive information at regularly scheduled meetings and also have the opportunity to annually revise the process and the criteria based on evidence collected in formal and informal reviews. 32 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Professional Development Providers: The program selects Professional Development Providers carefully to enhance program capacity and to ensure high quality staff development for all program participants. Due to budget constraints at this time all Professional Development and Professional Development Providers are through the district Academic Office. Selection criteria are consistent with the Professional Development Providers’ specified roles and responsibilities, including but not limited to the following: a) knowledge of state-adopted academic content standards and performance levels for students; b) state-adopted curriculum frameworks, and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession; c) knowledge of teacher development and the research base that informs induction content and practices; d) knowledge of adult learning theory: e) experience in training, facilitation, and presentation; f) knowledge of group process and high quality professional development elements; g) knowledge of cultural, ethnic, language/linguistic, cognitive, and gender diversity; h) willingness to work with others to create a collegial learning community; i) possession of effective interpersonal communication skills; and j) demonstrated commitment to personal professional growth and learning. The Professional Development Providers are contacted by the program leader. The program leader provides the Professional Development Provider with pertinent information regarding the program, Induction Standards, and the professional development session. All presentations are reviewed by the program leader. The Professional Development Providers within the Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction program are asked to complete the programs Professional Development Provider Agreement before conducting professional development sessions. All professional development sessions include an evaluation at the conclusion of each session. The BTSA Induction Program leader, Leadership Team, and Advisory Board use the data collected from evaluations to determine effectiveness of the staff development sessions and to plan future professional development for the Induction program. The BTSA Induction program is part of the Sacramento City Unified School District’s Human Resources department and collaborates with the Academic Office. Teachers use the district website (eSchools) or our internal website ( for information on professional development opportunities. Teachers register on-line on eSchools using their employee number or on using their username 33 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs and password. Attendance and credit for all sessions are entered into this system. This information is also entered in Professional Development opportunities are offered to all P-12 teachers and address a wide variety of topics. The BTSA Induction program leader and Leadership Team develops, prepares, and delivers the majority of training for Support Providers through planning and facilitating the FACT training, monthly induction network meetings and individual meetings with Support Providers and Participating Teachers. The BTSA Induction program leader invites outstanding, experienced Support Providers to apply to become FACT and/or Professional Development Providers in area in which they have expertise. Qualified applicants submit an application packet that includes the following: A letter of application, no longer than three pages, that states the prospective trainer’s qualification and experience related to the position. A current resume A letter of recommendation from their administrator A signed statement of agreement regarding the roles and responsibilities All selected trainers are expected to participate in three network meetings that are designed to support their role as Professional Development Providers. The BTSA Induction program leader works to guide and support the work of the Professional Development Providers. The Professional Development Providers provide training in such areas as Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT), specific content areas, instructional strategies, engagement, analyzing data to assess learning, lesson planning and backward planning, child development, classroom organization, and classroom management. BTSA Induction program leader attends Cluster One FACT Network Meetings and Cluster One Directors Meetings. These meetings provide ongoing education and training in FACT, adult learning theory, leadership, and presentation and facilitation skills. The BTSA Induction Program collects evaluation feedback from Participating Teachers, Support Providers, and every participant at professional development offerings. This feedback can be done in written form or through assessments. These evaluation feedback forms are shared with our Leadership Team and Advisory Board. This is valuable program feedback, in that it provides the BTSA Induction BTSA Regional Cluster Meeting Agendas 34 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs program with needed information to evaluate and retain the Professional Development Providers who provide quality offerings that best meet the needs of the program. CRTPN Meeting Agendas The BTSA Induction Program provides formative feedback in a variety of ways. Not only is feedback shared from assessments and survey results with stakeholders, but data is shared via weekly newsletters, monthly newsletters, and monthly network meetings. Additionally, also provides feedback to all participants on the completion of critical program milestones along with FACT Modules completed. All of this information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to our Participating Teachers, Support Providers and Professional Development Providers. The BTSA Induction program leader closely monitors all of these types of formative feedback to ensure quality is being carried out in every aspect of the program. This information is valuable in retaining qualified Support Providers and Professional Development Providers. 35 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs INDUCTION PROGRAM STANDARDS Category A: Programs Exhibit Effective Design Principles Program Standard 4: Formative Assessment System The induction program utilizes a formative assessment system to support and inform participating teachers about their professional growth as they reflect and improve upon their teaching as part of a continuous improvement cycle. Formative assessment guides the work of support providers and professional development providers as well as promotes and develops professional norms of inquiry, collaboration, data-driven dialogue, and reflection to improve student learning. The program’s inquiry-based formative assessment system, characterized by a plan, tech, reflect and apply cycle, has three essential components: standards, evidence of practice, and criteria. The formative assessment processes, designed to improve teaching practice, are based on The California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and in alignment with the P-12 academic content standards. Evidence of practice includes multiple measures such as self-assessment, observation, analyzing student work, and planning and delivering instruction. An assessment tool identifying multiple levels of teaching performance is used as a measure of teaching practice. Reflection on evidence of practice is a collaborative process with a prepared support provider and/or other colleagues as designed by the induction program. Participating teachers and support providers collaborate to develop professional goals (an Individual Induction Plan) based on the teacher’s assignment, identified developmental needs, prior preparation and experiences, including the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) results, when possible. The Individual Induction Plan (IIP) guides the activities to support growth and improvement of professional practice in at least one content area of focus. The Individual Plan (IIP) is a working document, and is periodically revisited for reflection and updating. 36 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Narrative Evidence Sources The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction program utilizes the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) system to support and inform Participating Teachers about their professional growth as they reflect and improve upon their teaching as part of a continuous improvement cycle. Formative assessment data guides the classroom teacher in planning appropriate instruction to assist each student in focusing his or her learning. Through the FACT system Participating Teachers collect evidence for Induction Standards 5-6, engage in focused professional growth activities, receive individualized support from a trained Support Provider and engage in continuous reflection and discussion of evidence in order to make professional judgments about their teaching practice. THE FACT SYSTEM includes all elements of thoughtful practice: inquiry, reflection, observation, goal-setting focuses on Action Research allows Participating Teachers to identify areas of strength and areas of study or focus, directly related to his/her classroom centers on data and research engages the Support Provider as a guide and agent for growth assists teachers in meeting the learning needs of students while growing as professional educators promotes teacher confidence, efficacy, and increases teacher retention allows the teacher to build upon their teacher preparation experience in order to guide formative assessment work relative to their current teaching context is based on multiple sets of standards o Academic Content Standards o California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) o Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs FACT FACT User’s Guide CSTP 37 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs The FACT system guides the work of Support Providers and Professional Development Providers by utilizing multiple processes. Participating Teachers are partnered with veteran educators who have been trained to support novice teachers. These Support Providers use the skills of cognitive coaching, mentoring, and modeling to support Participating Teachers’ growth. The Plan, Teach, Reflect, Apply (PTRA) cycle is used in each module to help Participating Teachers grow as professionals and meet the needs of students. Practicing the PTRA cycle with their Support Providers promotes growth in daily practice and leads to increased student achievement. PTRA Cycle Self-Assessment Support Providers observe Participating Teachers as they teach, gathering evidence during an instructional session. Following the observations, they conference together, share observation evidence and other classroom data (e.g. student work samples, lesson plans) to inform future practice. In addition, Participating Teachers have the opportunity to observe skilled veterans at work in the classroom. Participating Teachers focus on student achievement by examining students’ work. They analyze student assessments to guide their planning and instruction. Participating Teachers better understand how to differentiate instruction by focusing on specific students, and carefully analyze their work and the modifications made in instruction. A close examination of student work helps Participating Teachers become more astute observers. Within each module of the FACT system, Participating Teachers are asked to pause and step back from their practice. This is to allow them to thoughtfully examine what they do, how they do it, and how it affects student learning. The FACT system provides frequent opportunities for Participating Teachers to reflect on module activities, capture current thinking, and note possible changes in their future practice. Participating Teachers regularly reflect upon and assess their current level of Practice, through a collaborative dialogue with a Support Provider, to synthesize their learning and influence future practice. Together, they consider evidence gathered and complete a self-assessment that influences decisions regarding changes in instructional practices and student achievement in their classroom. The FACT system contains performance-based, job-embedded modules to support Participating Teachers as they move their practice forward. Through the use of evidence collection and ongoing self-assessment, 38 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs each module is designed to focus on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Induction Standards while incorporating the K–12 California Academic Content Standards for Students. The modules are described below: Module A: Context for Teaching and Learning In Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers learn about their environment and the resources and challenges it offers. Most importantly, they complete a class profile which allows them to closely examine the students in their classroom and the diversity within. With the guidance of their Support Providers, they gather information and discuss the implications of their findings regarding their classroom, school, district, and community. The information gathered guides instructional and management decisionmaking, and helps identify areas for professional growth. The participants are encouraged to visit the District’s Enrollment Center and the Parent Resource rooms available at many of the school sites. Additionally the Family and Community Engagement Office offer a host of resources and is a tremendous value added to all stakeholders. Module A : Context for Teaching and Learning The module spirals into levels of graduated depth and complexity. Collecting and Contextualizing supports the gathering of information about students, families, school site, district, and community. In Extending, Participating Teachers are asked deeper, more sophisticated questions about differentiation, embedding new knowledge, and working collaboratively around the information gathered. Each level offers the opportunity to reflect on how the information will enable Participating Teachers to teach effectively and help their students learn effectively. Module B: Assessment of Teaching and Learning The Assessment of Teaching and Learning is the bridge between teacher preparation and Induction programs, comparing the outcomes and processes of each. During this module Participating Teachers consider the knowledge and skills acquired during teacher preparation (for example results of the Teacher Performance Assessment), their current context for teaching, and evidence gathered by their Support Provider during a classroom observation. In engaging in this process the participants complete a KWO chart that examines what they know about their instructional practices, what they want to know and what they’d like their Support Provider to observe during a classroom observation. The self-assessment tools helps Participating Teachers identify strengths and areas for growth leading to the development of Individual Induction Plans (IIP) that are used in subsequent Inquiries. In addition, Participating Teachers and their Support Providers identify resources and types of support needed to meet Participating Teachers’ professional growth goals. These conversations also tie directly into the Common Planning Time facilitated Module B: Assessment of Teaching and Learning KWO 39 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs by each school site and driven by data inquiry. Module C: Inquiry into Teaching and Learning The Inquiries within FACT are a structured series of teaching activities where Participating Teachers explore aspects of their teaching practice. In collaboration with their Support Provider, they assess their practice, gather information, and collaborate with colleagues. Participating Teachers develop an inquiry question (based on CSTP and Induction Standards), create and implement an action plan, reflect on collected evidence, and apply new learning to future practice. Action plan results are used to guide future professional development. The overall goal of the inquiry is for Participating Teachers’ instruction to have a positive impact on student achievement. During the Inquiry module, Participating Teachers gather baseline information, assess their current professional practice, and prepare a plan for professional development in an area they have targeted for growth. While Participating Teachers choose the most appropriate professional development sessions to attend, based on their IIPs, the program and the District provide teachers with a plethora of professional development sessions from which to choose. Participating Teachers engage in a variety of data gathering practices (such as consultation with colleagues, peer observations, and professional readings) as they implement and modify their action plan. Finally, Participating Teachers reflect on the activities, analyze what they have learned, and implement new learning. These IIP activities help inform Participating Teachers about their practice and how to best focus future professional development efforts. Module D: Summary of Teaching and Learning During the final module, Participating Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on and summarize the growth made during Induction. Participants utilize a Culminating Questions and Reflections Guide to help organize their thinking, reflections, and growth. Support Providers assist them in the selection of significant work that illustrates their growth over the last year. This selection enables Participating Teachers to showcase and discuss their newly acquired professional insights and skills as they reflect on their work and learn from the expertise of others. The module illustrates and celebrates the work of both the Participating Teachers and their Support Providers as collaborative teaching professionals. The Plan-Teach-Reflect-Apply cycle is the structure that underlies all the activities of the FACT system. As Participating Teachers progress through each FACT module, they follow a delineated cycle of: planning for instructional activities; teaching a specific lesson, series of lessons, and/or groups of students; reflecting upon that teaching experience; and Module C: Inquiry into Teaching and Learning Module D: Summary of Teaching and Learning 40 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs applying new knowledge to future practice. The FACT system provides a way for Participating Teachers and Support Providers to identify teaching strengths and areas for growth based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, the K-12 Academic Content Standards for Students and the Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs. The Participating Teacher – Support Provider relationship offers a significant level of professional growth and development based on the depth and regular interactions that take place throughout the year. Questions and Reflections Guide Continuum of Teaching Practice Winter Seminar Data – collected during FACT modules – includes: observation, student work, lesson plans, and recorded reflections. Evidence of the CSTP and Induction Standards is generated as FACT modules are completed. These evidence pieces provide the focus for reflective conversations between Support Providers and Participating Teachers and may be used to demonstrate understanding and application of Induction Standard key concepts. The Continuum of Teaching Practice (CTP) is the assessment tool utilized in the FACT system by Support Providers and Participating Teachers as a measure of teaching practice. The CTP enhances the usefulness of research-based standards. For each of six broad standards, the CTP identifies the underlying goals and provides a detailed narrative describing specific actions, attitudes, and understanding needed to attain each goal. The CTP also depicts what key aspects of each standard look like in action across a continuum of developing practice, as a teacher moves from being a novice to an expert. Efforts by the Participating Teacher to move across the continuum result in improved student learning. Coupled with the standards, the CTP provide readers with common concepts, language, and examples that, together, can serve several, sometimes overlapping, purposes. The FACT system includes regular opportunities for reflective writing and conversation with a trained Support Provider. FACT reflection is aimed at action, using the information that teachers gather through the formative assessment process to identify areas of strength and growth, and ultimately improve teaching practice. Use of the Inquiry process in the FACT system guides and informs Participating Teachers about their own professional growth. Through a structured series of teaching activities in which a teacher explores a specific aspect of teaching practice, the inquiry serves as the analysis of current practice, investigation of new 41 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs strategies, and application of new learning, to ultimately improve classroom practice and student achievement. The Inquiry is individualized and relevant to each Participating Teacher’s classroom. Inquiries lead to autonomous, self-reflective practitioners who continue to grow and improve throughout their career. An Inquiry provides the Participating Teacher with an opportunity to: Gather information about their practice Identify an area of focus/goal Research information related to the goal Develop and implement an action plan Reflect on collected evidence Apply new learning to future practice Measure each standard of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) in relation to the state-adopted academic content standards and performance levels for students and the Standards for Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Engage the Support Provider and Participating Teacher in a collaborative assessment of teaching practice against a set of specific criteria within the research cycle The Individual Induction Plan (IIP) is the foundation for the Inquiry, and is updated regularly throughout the Inquiry process. The IIP guides the activities to support growth and improvement of professional practice in at least one content area of focus. The IIP identifies what the Participating Teacher wants to explore during the Inquiry in the form of a question. IIP(Action Plan) The focus question is revisited during the course of the Inquiry and can be altered or changed entirely. The IIP is considered a “living document” and is periodically re-visited and updated accordingly throughout the Inquiry process. The IIP document follows the entire Inquiry process and concludes with areas to record Reflection and Application. 42 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs INDUCTION PROGRAM STANDARDS Category B: Programs Provide Opportunities for Participants to Demonstrate Effective Teaching Program Standard 5: Pedagogy Participating Teachers grow and improve in their ability to reflect upon and apply the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the specific pedagogical skills for subject matter instruction beyond what was demonstrated for the preliminary credential. They utilize the adopted academic content standards and performance levels for students, curriculum frameworks, and instructional materials in the context of their teaching assignment. Participating Teachers use and interpret assessment data from multiple measures for entry level, progress monitoring, and summative assessments of student academic performance to inform instruction. They plan and differentiate instruction using multi-tiered interventions as appropriate based on the assessed individual, academic language and literacy, and diverse learning needs of the full range of learners (e.g. struggling readers, students with special needs, English learners, speakers of non-standard English, and advanced learners). To maximize learning, Participating Teachers create and maintain well-managed classrooms that foster students’ physical cognitive, emotional and social well-being. They develop safe, inclusive, and healthy learning environments that promote respect, value differences, and mediate conflicts according to state laws and local protocol. Participating Teachers are fluent, critical users of technological resources and use available technology to assess, plan, and deliver instruction so all students can learn. Participating Teachers enable students to use technology to advance their learning. Local district technology policies are followed by Participating Teachers when implementing strategies to maximize student learning and awareness around privacy, security, and safety. 43 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Narrative Evidence Sources 44 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs When shared by the Participating Teacher, Teacher Performance Assessments (TPA) and/or portfolios from teacher preparation programs are utilized to assess each Participating Teacher’s level of proficiency on the use of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). It is the option of each Participating Teacher to provide these documents. Assessment of Teaching and Learning in FACT provides the forum and the conversation for this sharing. Through the use of the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT), the Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction program provides opportunities for Participating Teachers to grow and improve in their ability to reflect upon and apply the CSTP and the specific pedagogical skills for subject matter instruction beyond what was demonstrated for the preliminary credential. In Year One, Participating Teachers complete Assessment of Teaching and Learning. The tools in this activity provide the Participating Teacher the opportunity to compare and contrast the outcomes and processes of their teacher preparation program with those of the induction program. During the Assessment of Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers consider their prior knowledge and skills gained from teacher preparation, their current context for teaching, and evidence gathered in a classroom observation by a trained Support Provider. This process helps Participating Teachers identify strengths and areas for growth on the CSTP. This identified growth is then captured on the self-assessment tools that are visited regularly throughout the BTSA Induction experience. FACT User’s Guide CSTP Assessment of Teaching and Learning Continuum of Teaching Practice (CTP) The CSTPs are one of the main components of FACT. As part of the FACT process, Participating Teachers, in collaboration with their FACT trained Support Providers, assess their practice based on a collection of evidence that is related to the CSTPs. This process is completed several times during the two year program and it serves to document their growth over time. The FACT formative assessment tool that is utilized for this purpose is the Continuum of Teaching Practice (CTP). Utilizing evidence collected by the Participating Teacher (instruction plans, student work, etc.) as well as Support Provider observation notes directly related to elements of the CSTP, the Participating Teacher self-assesses his/her practice on the CTP. The program staff provides a CSTP booklet and CTP to all Participating Teachers at the mandatory BTSA Induction Academy. The CTP markings throughout the FACT process serve to follow and monitor the Participating Teachers progress on the continuum of practice. Participating Teachers also develop Individual Induction Plans (IIP) four times throughout the BTSA Induction experience. The use of the IIP IIP (Individual Induction Plan) 45 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs allows for documentation of teaching strengths based on the CSTP, growth needs, desired student outcomes, and steps needed for implementation of the IIP goals. It also offers a place for application and reflection about the Inquiry process. Within year two of the FACT process, the Modules build upon the first year experiences by allowing the Participating Teacher to more deeply examine his/her practice. All Participating Teachers complete every FACT event as documented on and in the Induction Portfolios that are submitted for review at the end of the BTSA Induction experience. Participating Teachers have numerous and ongoing experiences with the state adopted content standards and frameworks, as well as district-adopted materials. The District provides access to the technology plan, standards-based curriculum program materials that include grade level content standards, and framework references. The Academic Office offers professional development sessions focused around classroom instructional materials. The State Board of Education (SBE) approved materials provide resources that support BTSA Induction Academy Participating Teachers efforts to build an effective environment and provide content specific lessons to improve student achievement. All teachers, including BTSA Induction Participating Teachers, have opportunities to attend curriculum professional development sessions. The Participating Teachers’ professional development in content areas is recorded on throughout their BTSA Induction experience. All of the formative assessment materials utilized through FACT, including student work and reflective writings, are collected either electronically on BTSA Induction flash drives or through email, or hard copies are sent via District mail or are submitted directly to the office. This serves as evidence of professional growth and development of the Participating Teachers knowledge and understanding of state-adopted content standards and performance levels for students, state adopted curriculum frameworks, and adopted texts and instructional materials at the appropriate grade levels. Participating Teachers submit required formative assessment documentation as evidence of completion of credential requirements as documented on milestones. Participating Teachers use and interpret multiple sources of assessment data throughout the FACT system. During Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers are asked to look at the profile of their class, including CELDT scores from English learners. Additionally, performance levels of all students are defined by the SBE and are categorized on the California Standardized Testing and Induction Standard 5 Pedagogy FACT Timeline School Community Profile 46 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Reporting (STAR) program as: Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic and Far Below Basic. This terminology is directly referred to and utilized in Inquiry into Teaching and Learning as Participating Teachers sort and analyze entry-level and summative assessment data. Participating Teachers complete a Class School District Community profile in Context for Teaching and Learning in order to learn about their particular teaching environment and context. Included in this data are language levels of English learners and the identified needs of special population students, including the identification of GATE students. This information is used to help the Participating Teacher plan and apply this information to understand their class, school, district, and community. Participating Teachers practice preparing a lesson series in Inquiry into Teaching and Learning by considering all elements necessary to ensure that the lessons meet the needs of all students. The Essential Components of Instruction tool structures this process. The Participating Teachers identify content standards in student friendly language and learning goals that will be communicated to the students and families. Summative as well as progress monitoring assessments are identified as are the methods/criteria that will be used to interpret results. The Participating Teachers utilize the results of an entry-level assessment to identify skills needed for the lesson series. The data from the entry level assessment is analyzed by deciding what the assessment results tell about what students understand or can do before instruction begins. Participating Teachers are asked to decide what they will do differently for the students who demonstrate proficiency or advanced skills (benchmark students) and what they will do for the student who is below (strategic) or far below basic (intervention students). Participating Teachers identify what additional support will be needed to address the needs of these students. Participating Teachers engage in this process a number of times during their two year experience. Participating Teachers are expected to differentiate instruction based on the assessed instructional needs of all learners and adjust instruction based on formative assessment. Participating Teachers demonstrate their understanding of the content frameworks and content standards using the embedded assessments within their adopted curriculum materials. In the Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers collect extensive data on their students and are required to revisit this profile throughout the year. Participating Teachers discuss this data with their Support Providers using the CSDC Conversation Guide. Specifically, Participating Teachers talk about how the information aids in the designing and delivering of instruction; and in what ways the Participating Teacher adjusts lesson delivery to ensure that Class Profile Professional Development Assessment of Teaching and Learning Inquiry into Teaching and Learning 47 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs all students have access to the core curriculum. Participating Teachers and Support Providers document this conversation in the Reflecting and Applying sections of the Conversation Guides. The BTSA Induction program provides professional development opportunities several times a year. The program offers Classroom Organization and Classroom Management. Each of these sessions is offered three times a year and they are differentiated by elementary, secondary, and special education. The program also provides materials and resources related to classroom management. Conversation Guides Participating Teachers study their school-wide discipline plan and the implication of this (e.g. tardy and attendance policies office referral procedures) on their classroom management plan and discuss how these rules provide a fair and respectful climate for student learning, during Context for Teaching and Learning. Participating Teachers present a layout of their classroom and discuss how they address appropriate prevention and intervention for classroom safety concerns. They are asked to document their thinking behind designing seating arrangements and the placement of students with special needs. Lastly, Participating Teachers are asked to think about the community that surrounds their students and the implication for connecting instruction to the students based on cultural or economic factors inside that community. Participating Teachers often live in neighborhoods outside the attendance areas of their students, so thinking about how the school’s geographic location influences student safety, health and well-being and learning is vital. This learning is documented through the FACT process. It is imperative that schools are orderly places where students and staff can learn and teach in a safe environment. At site and District orientations, and at professional development sessions, classroom health and safety issues are addressed focusing on CSTP Standard 2. The Site Administrator Agreement requires that site administrators, or their designees, provide an orientation to all beginning teachers. This orientation should include site resources, personnel, procedures and policies. Site orientation also provide information regarding site or District mandated trainings (e.g. Child Protective Services and child abuse prevention, identified health issues for current students, District required parental right and notification materials, i.e. emergency cards, free and reduced lunch, healthy insurance, transportation, yearly calendars, uniform complaint procedure, sexual harassment prevention policy, etc.). This information is also found in parent, student and/or staff handbooks. Schools and District personnel assist Participating Teachers in verifying documentation using the FACT Site Orientation Checklist. This checklist is evidence in the Induction Portfolio along with a reflection on the use of these resources. Completion is verified on 48 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Participating Teachers communicate through a variety of electronic media, including, in order to record and update their progress. The most frequently used form of electronic communication among teachers is email. All teachers within the District have internet access though their schools and/or home and can access email and from either place. New teachers are asked to discuss with the Support Providers how they collaborate electronically with colleagues to diagnose students’ learning needs and identify teaching strategies to help them meet academic content standards. Participating Teachers are informed of technology resources through access to, Support Providers, Informational Services an Educational Technology department, the Academic Office, and discussion within Context for Teaching and Learning (Resources and Site Orientation). Participating Teachers are linked to a variety of resources through that help them and their students examine websites for authenticity, reliability, and bias of data gathered. Participating Teachers use District provided data programs and discuss with their Support Providers how to use the data to diagnose the learning needs of students. Participating Teachers consider how data is used to determine report card grades and how they will use student information systems to communicate with students, parents, and families regarding progress. With their Support Provider, they talk about how the calendar impacts the pacing guide/curriculum map/scope and sequence of instruction and how to collaborate with colleagues to maximize that amount of time in which students are actively engaged in appropriately designed instruction. Through FACT, Participating Teachers create up to two lesson plans a year that require them to consider what technology resources they will use to enhance instruction and what technology resources their students will use during the lesson series. This happens during the inquiry process in FACT. Participating Teachers implement lesson plans in their classrooms, reflect on the implementation, and make modifications. Participating Teachers are encouraged to collect evidence such as: a description or picture of their classroom environment that shows how they promote effective use of technology, e.g. how is the room set up to enable teacher-led problem-solving activities or to allow students use of technology resources to gather information or manipulate data during small group or independent work time computer schedules and sample activities one or more lessons that helped students critically evaluate authenticity, reliability and bias of at 49 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs least two web sources for a classroom topic (grades 4-12) use of technology to support inquiry or gather information for research (for example: list of URLs for at least two online resources to support student investigations, learning or research for one theme or topic; printouts of emails used for collaboration with teachers or students in other classroom or with experts in the field) In the Assessment of Teaching and Learning and in Inquiry into Teaching and Learning, the Support Provider observes the Participating Teacher in relation to CSTP and the Induction Standards. The Participating Teacher and Support Provider have an opportunity to focus on how the learning environment promotes sufficient use of technology. Evidence is documented on 50 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs INDUCTION PROGRAM STANDARDS Category B: Programs Provide Opportunities for Participants to Demonstrate Effective Teaching Program Standard 6: Universal Access: Equity for All Students Participating Teachers protect and support all students by designing and implementing equitable and inclusive learning environments. They maximize academic achievement for students from all ethnic, race, socio-economic, cultural, academic, and linguistic or family background; gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation; students with disabilities and advanced learners; and students with a combination of special instructional needs. When planning and delivering instruction, Participating Teachers examine and strive to minimize bias in classrooms, schools and larger educational systems while using culturally responsive pedagogical practices. Participating Teachers use a variety of resources (including technology-related tools, interpreters, etc.) to collaborate and communicate with students, colleagues, resource personnel and families to provide the full range of learners’ equitable access to the state-adopted academic content standards. Narrative Evidence Participating Teachers are required to protect and support all students. “Protecting” implies that Site Administrator they create safe learning environments free from bullying, racial, gender, sexual and religious Commitments harassment. Anti-bullying resources and sexual harassment prevention training are available through the District. “Support” means that Participating Teachers encourage all students to achieve and that they provide the appropriate assistance to students in an educational climate that improves academic performance. Site administrators or their designees are expected to conduct a site orientation that includes information on what site resources are available to address issues related to bullying, racial, gender, sexual and religious harassment. In addition, every Participating Teacher is expected to attend the District mandated New Employee Orientation in which they are informed by the Human Resources department about their responsibility as a mandated reported for child abuse. New Employee Orientations are District mandated and take place every two weeks. All employees must attend a New Employee Orientation prior to beginning service. This is another avenue in which they are provided information with their role as a mandated reported for 51 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs child abuse. The New Teacher Support Department provides each new teacher and site administrator with a New Teacher Handbook. Participating Teachers also receive a BTSA Induction Handbook. The New Teacher Handbooks contain sections referring to behavior regarding gender and sexual orientation. These guidelines serve as a basis for conversation among staff members and/or Support Providers regarding appropriate teacher and student conduct. Participating Teachers are expected to have conversations with their students regarding student behavior expectations and appropriate conduct regarding harassment. New Teacher Handbook BTSA Induction Handbook Access to high-quality educational experiences is the right of every student and the responsibility of every teacher. Providing a positive learning environment that is inclusive means attending to curriculum design, curriculum content and intentional use of inclusive teaching practices is the expectation. Curriculum Design: Participating Teachers are required to engage in structured collaborative work with their Support Providers. The Conversation Guide in FACT Context for Teaching and Learning prompts Participating Teachers to study their Class Profiles. Specifically, Participating Teachers identify and note the background experiences, languages and skills/abilities that are represented by the students in the classroom. They document how this information can be used to connect with students and build on their prior knowledge, experience and goals. Curriculum Content: Participating Teachers work with their Support Providers to ensure that references and/or research referred to is culturally appropriate, and that materials and online resources reflect a range of variety of viewpoints and cross-cultural comparisons. Specifically, Participating Teachers are asked to use the Conversation Guide for Equity in Context for Teaching and Learning to talk about and document ways they ensure that the classroom provides images and positive language that mirrors the population diversity in the school, county, and state. Conversation Guides Context for Teaching and Learning Class Profile Inclusive Teaching Practices: Participating Teachers use the tools in FACT Context for Teaching and Learning to incorporate different teaching techniques and strategies to accommodate the different ways student’s process information. They include activities that promote interaction collaboration and shared reflection among students; they are clear and explicit about goals, 52 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs expectations, traditions, and administrative practices; they anticipate issues that might arise from some of the “invisible” diversity in the class; they take a flexible approach to teaching to increase opportunities for students to access supportive resources such as teaching notes, audiovisual materials, on-line teaching and learning materials; they think of students as individuals rather than as representatives of particular groups; they try to get to know their students and encourage their students to get to know each other; they actively discourage language and behavior which is racist, sexist, homophobic, culturally offensive, or which demeans people with disabilities. Participating Teachers are encouraged to ensure that damaging statements do not pass without comment; they allow students to disagree with them or others, but within guidelines that promote a safe learning atmosphere in the classroom, and are prepared to respond to student feedback. Participating Teachers demonstrate their application of this through the design and delivery of their lesson series in Inquiry into Teaching and Learning, and through observations conducted by the Support Provider throughout the year. Participating Teachers are also expected to document their ongoing growth during the BTSA Induction experience through an Equity Self-Assessment, as well as submit four pieces of self-selected evidence they have collected over the two years that they feel best supports their efforts in meeting the standard. Induction Standard 6: Universal Access for All Students form S:\Departments\nts\Electronic Forms\BTSA FORMS\New Folder\Finished\SelfAssessment(E) .pdf The bias free classroom is achieved through 1) flexible, unbiased curriculum with supporting materials that enhance diversity, 2) teacher attitudes that reflect sensitivity to other cultures, and 3) personal style and delivery that provide a role model of acceptance and belief in the value of cultural diversity. With the guidance and support of the Support Provider, Participating Teachers systematically examine their personal beliefs, values, and behaviors and what impact that these have on their teaching. Issues around equity and diversity are surfaced and discussed at various professional development sessions. Participating Teachers and Support Providers utilize the Conversation Guides in Context for Teaching and Learning to talk about what steps should be taken to recognize Participating Teachers biases that they may bring to the classroom. They reflect, in collaboration with their Support Providers, on the impact any prejudice they may have on students’ success. Participating Teachers also have the opportunity to attend professional development sessions that focus on identify one’s own bias. There is a District focus on culturally responsive pedagogy and on professional development in this area at most sites. 53 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Culturally responsive pedagogical practices are shared and encouraged. In Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers are asked to identify what District resources support the development of culturally responsive teaching practices. Culturally responsive instruction is referred to as instruction driven by performance and delivery standards that recognize that need to build upon the characteristics, learning styles, strengths, interests, and cultural background/heritage of students in the classroom; capitalizing on what student know, rather than on what they don’t know when they enter the classroom; and to validate and empower all learners. The District also provides a number of comprehensive trainings in the area of Culturally Responsive instructional strategies. Lastly, each Participating Teacher examines how instructional bias may contribute to their teaching context. They also explore academic achievement gaps between minority students and high achieving students, if present. Activities in the Class School District Community activity within the Context for Teaching and Learning assist the Participating Teacher in recognizing institutional bias. Participating Teachers and Support Providers continually take part in professional conversations that focus on articulating core academic standards-based instruction. Participating Teachers seek out colleagues to refine instructional practices as they teach the academic content standards. This takes place at site and District grade level articulation meetings, faculty meetings, and during standards-based trainings. Each Participating Teacher completes FACT Context for Teaching and Learning which includes in-depth conversations with their Support Provider regarding their instructional practices related to student academic content standards. This is evidenced in FACT Reflective Conversations and on the self-assessments which utilize the Continuum of Teaching Practice. Communicating with students, parents, and community regarding student progress is an important part of promoting student achievement. District Board Policy, Administrative Regulations, and District mandates require teachers to maintain regular communication with parents regarding their child’s progress. Participating Teachers demonstrate the ability to communicate about students’ progress in some of the following ways: Progress reports and report cards Parent/teacher conferences 54 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Teacher and school newsletters Teacher, students, and site handbooks and notifications Family academic events such as Back-to-School, Open House, Family Nights Attendance at Student Study Teams and/or Individual Education Plan meetings Providing translation services for parents whose primary language is other than English Participating in meetings to inform parents and/or community about standardized testing, promoting/retention guidelines, No Child Left Behind, etc. Participating Teachers are asked in Context for Teaching and Learning to begin and maintain a home/school communication log. They discuss this tool with the Support Provider, specifically focusing on the strategies that are used to ensure positive communication with students and families. Support Providers work with their Participating Teachers to talk about how best to communicate with hard-to-reach parents and families to discuss what adjustments the Participating Teachers may need to make to be more accessible to parents and families. Participating Teachers are also asked to address how they will positively acknowledge all students’ families (two-parent, single parent, and other). The full range of learners refers to the variety of students a teacher works with. Teachers are expected to differentiate instruction based on the assessed instructional needs of all learners and adjust instruction based on formative assessment. With Support Providers, Participating Teachers are expected to discuss: How data is used to identify the greatest areas of learning needs How student strengths are identified and how these strengths are used to support learning How students use their strengths to take ownership of their learning What flexible learning groups would meet students’ learning needs What effect these groups will have on students ability to meet academic content standards These discussions are documented in Context for Teaching and Learning on the Conversation Guides and on the ongoing Self-Assessment Record. 55 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs a) Teaching English Learners To ensure academic achievement and language proficiency for English Learners, Participating Teachers adhere to legal and ethical obligations for teaching English Learners including the identification, referral and re-designation processes. Participating Teachers implement district policies regarding primary language support services for students. Participating Teachers plan instruction for English Learners based on the students’ levels of proficiency and literacy in English and primary language as assessed by multiple measures such as the California English Language Development Test (CELDT), the California Standards Test (CST), and local assessments. Based on teaching assignment and the adopted language program instructional model(s), Participating Teachers implement one or more of the components of English Language Development (ELD): grade-level academic language instruction, ELD by proficiency level, and/or content-based ELD. Participating Teachers instruct English learners using adopted standardsaligned instructional materials. Participating Teachers differentiate instruction based upon their students’ primary language and proficiency levels in English considering the students’ culture, level of acculturation, and prior schooling. Narrative The Sacramento City Unified School District adheres to legal and ethical obligations. The District has a method for identifying, referring, and re-designating English learners’ proficiency levels and students with special needs. Towards that end, the District provides training on the purposes, content, analysis and use of the CELDT test results for Participating Teachers. Additionally, Participating Teachers discuss the District’s English Learner Master Plan as it relates to the application of appropriate pedagogy and the District’s re-designation process and criteria. Participating Teachers are expected to work with their Support Providers to review the English learner’s home language and to identify resources available to assist with communications with parents and families who do not speak English. Evidence Induction Standard 6a: English Learners “Ethical obligation” means that Participating Teachers protect and support all students by designing and implementing equitable and inclusive environments. Specifically, this means instructing all English learners for the purpose of advancing their English proficiency and providing them with equal access to the core curriculum. Each Participating Teacher is expected to have a site orientation that includes information about the instructional program for English learners on their site and the resources in place to support them. If students require support in first language materials, the Participating Teacher accesses program materials available at the site to bridge the language barrier from the District’s 56 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Multilingual Department. Each Participating Teacher participates in professional development activities related to assessing English learners. Participating Teachers gather assessment data on their classes and in Context for Teaching and Learning, to discuss how the CELDT subtest scores help identify students’ strengths and areas in need of additional or specialized support. Information from the CELDT is used to determine levels of English language ability within the classroom, to set up learning groups, and to plan what information will be used to gauge student progress over time. With the Support Provider, Participating Teachers analyze and adapt lesson plans to provide needed instruction for all students, based on their performance levels. In Inquiry (Module C), Participating Teachers complete Essential Components for Instruction. Specifically, Participating Teachers record how CELDT data is considered for students to be successful during the lesson series. Inquiry Module C Conversation Guides In addition, Participating Teachers are required to instruct English learners by utilizing components of English Language Development (ELD). State board adopted instructional materials include instruction for these components of ELD. Within training opportunities provided through the District. Participating Teachers become familiar with methods and strategies in the instructional materials, which may be used to deliver instruction to English learners. In Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers discuss and document conversations around the following prompts with their Support Providers: How do these materials support English learners in learning the curriculum and content standards? What supports do I need to assist my English learner? What supports do I need to advance my own teaching practice of English learners? How will I use the ELD standards to support my English learners in learning the curriculum? Participating Teachers need to demonstrate the ability to modify their instructional delivery to English learners in order to make grade level subject matter comprehensible and accessible, by using a variety of systematic teaching strategies that develop concepts and critical thinking. As evidence of this ability, Support Providers observe their Participating Teachers using an optional SDAIE Observation Checklist. In FACT, Participating Teachers track the progress of an English learner focus student and document 57 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs the use of ELD strategies, adopted instruction materials, and strategies for differentiating instruction for the assessed proficiency levels of English learners. Within professional development workshops, Participating Teachers are provided an opportunity to learn to work with cultural issues as well as learning styles. Lesson plans from FACT documentation that Participating Teachers are delivering appropriate instruction, based on the cultural and experiential needs of their English learners. In Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers discuss and document conversation around the following prompts with their Support Providers: How do I assess English learners to ensure they have access to the core curriculum? How is information from school and grade level assessments used to plan instruction? How am I using the electronic learning resources to support instruction and to connect to the standards? How many students have access to email and internet at home? How will I adjust my teaching to provide for those who do not? How am I using and adapting lessons to develop students’ informational literacy and problemsolving skills? These discussions are documented in Context for Teaching and Learning on the Conversation Self-Assessment Record Guides and on the ongoing Self-Assessment Record. 58 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs b) Teaching Special Populations To ensure academic achievement for Special Populations, Participating Teachers adhere to their legal and ethical obligations relative to the full range of Special Populations (students identified for special education, students with disabilities, advanced learners and students with a combination of special instructional needs) including the identification and referral process of students for special services. Participating Teachers implement district policies regarding support services for Special Populations. Participating Teachers communicate and collaborate with special services personnel to ensure that instruction and support services for Special Populations are provided according to the students’ assessed levels of academic, behavioral and social needs. Based on assessed student needs, Participating Teachers provide accommodations and implement modifications. Participating Teachers recognize student strengths and needs, use positive behavioral support strategies, and employ a strengths-based approach to meet the needs of all students, including the full range of Special Populations. Participating Teachers instruct Special Populations using adopted standards aligned instructional materials and resources (e.g., varying curriculum depth and complexity, managing Para educators, using assistive and other technologies). Narrative Evidence Special populations are defined as students who qualify for special education under the 13 qualifying disabilities in the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students, who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), have a set of procedural safeguards and due process rights that are more protective than those students without an IEP. Legal and ethical obligations are defined by each Participating Teachers’ teaching assignment and credential. Participating Teachers use the tools in FACT, Context for Teaching to identify special education students early in the year. Specifically, they note students with medical conditions, students with IEPs, students with 504 plans and students with previous interventions, and GATE identified students. With their Support Provider, they discuss what information is required to monitor students with IEP and Student Success Team (SST) interventions on an ongoing basis. Participating Teachers, with their Support Providers, discuss what their legal and ethical responsibilities in regard to a student’s IEP. Conversation Guide: Teaching Special Populations Induction Standard 6b Special Populations Site Administrator Commitments 59 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Statues, local decisions and additional documents define the methods for identifying and referring students for special services, such as through a SST. Participating Teachers meet with their site administrator or designee during a site orientation (or with a Support Provider) to discuss the legal requirements of the IEP; to identify the site resources; a contact person for the IEP; the Resource Specialist; school/District psychologist and/or social worker available to meet the needs of special populations. Participating Teachers receive opportunities for professional development sessions that focus around policies, procedures, and access. Participating Teachers meet with their Support Providers to discuss the information they gathered in Context for Teaching and Learning and talk about the SST process. They discuss the purpose of SSTs, strategies to utilize prior to the SST, how the Participating Teachers works with the SST, and what are the responsibilities after the SST meets. Participating Teachers record their ongoing learning on the A-7 Conversation Guide and on the E-2 Self-Assessment tool. E-2 Self-Assessment tool Participating Teachers work with their site administrator or designee to identify the contact people onsite that provide student support services, in addition to the Student Support Services Department that resides at the District Office. If available, Participating Teachers identify counselors, Healthy START personnel, nurse, resource specialist, school/District psychologist, social worker or others who may assist the teacher in meeting the needs of their students. Participating Teachers are expected to collaborate and cooperate in the development and implementation of the IEP as it pertains to mainstreaming in the general education classroom and documented on the IEP goals form. In Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers discuss the following with their Support Providers: What personnel, equipment, and assistive technologies are available at my site to support the learning of my special needs students? How do I access these resources to support my special needs students/ How can I best use the site resources? Participating Teachers may demonstrate knowledge by submitting evidence showing they collaborate and cooperate in SST meetings during the year, as needed, and appropriate to determine a student’s eligibility for referral and assessment; the IEP process follows if needed. Teachers participate 60 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs depending upon who is referred from their classes. Accommodations and modifications are selected by IEP team based on individual student need. They are cited in the student’s IEP. According to the special education terms, modifications refer to changes in the way students access learning, which may change the actual standards a student, is working toward. Accommodations refer to changes in the way a student accesses learning, without changing the actual standards a student is working toward. Teachers demonstrate that they can modify their classroom arrangement, management, lesson content and delivery to accommodate students before referral SST or to the IEP process. This is documented through FACT in Inquiry into Teaching and Learning, Essential Components for Instruction. Participating Teachers identify what accommodations or modifications they have in place during their lesson series for students on an IEP, students with a 504 plan, and/or any student at risk. Participating Teachers select a focus student who represents a special population student to use as a case study during the inquiries. Participating Teachers use entry level assessment information to anticipate support that the student will need (instructional or behavioral). Participating Teachers consider work habits, interpersonal skills, academic ability and interests. The analysis of student work requires that Participating Teachers examine what students achieved in relation to the academic content standards taught and the learning goals identified in the lesson series. Participating Teachers discuss with their Support Providers what they learned about the efficacy of their modifications and/or accommodations, what the work sample tells about the effect of the instructional strategies used and what appropriate interventions will be provided for students who did not meet the learning goal. Participating Teachers are also asked to identify a plan for students who exceed the learning goals. These conversations are documented in the Inquiry into Teaching and Learning. If there is no special education student attending the teacher’s classroom, the Participating Teacher can visit another teacher’s classroom where a special needs student attends. Teachers are expected to institute positive behavioral support strategies to help the students maintain behavior that is appropriate and that does not escalate into a negative event. This requires that teachers closely monitor students’ abilities and skills through difference methods of assessment (State and District, grade level exams, curriculum embedded exams, class assignments, etc.) Rather than assume a “deficit model”, this information helps the teacher know what students know and are able to do with and/or without the use of supplementary aides and supports. Building upon this knowledge is considered a “strengths-based” 61 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs approach to instruction. Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the student’s whole environment by determining the developmental expectations of students and purpose for the child’s behavior. They develop and implement positive behavioral support strategies to assist the student in the general educational environment including playground, bus cafeteria, library, extracurricular activities, etc. As part of the training available through professional development opportunities, Participating Teachers learn about the assessment of strengths of students with disabilities as well as gifted and talented students. This includes analysis of student work, learning styles, how to identify background experience and knowledge, learning preferences and differentiated instruction. Participating Teachers are familiar with, and use as appropriate, the District’s strength-based program. Inquiry into Teaching and Learning documents the integration of this program into lesson design where appropriate. Communication with students’ families, caregivers, and health professionals regarding student health and safety is accomplished in numerous ways such as: School and District orientations that provide information regarding required parental rights and notification materials (emergency procedure cards, uniform complain procedures, sexual harassment policy, etc.) Back-to-School and Open House nights which provide opportunities for Participating Teachers to communicate with parents about their child’s well-being. Parent newsletters that contain information regarding health and safety Use of translators as appropriate Use of nursing services as appropriate Participation in SST meeting, IEP meetings, and 504 meetings that deal with the health and wellbeing of identified students. Communication log Students that have standards-based IEP goals and instruction are taught the grade-level content standards. Special Education does not have a separate set of grade-level content standards for academic areas. The state board adopted instructional materials contain suggestions and resources for varying curriculum depth and complexity. New teachers are expected to receive some orientation on these materials (teacher edition, student texts, support materials, and enrichment resources). In 62 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Context for Teaching and Learning, Participating Teachers and Support Providers discuss how they are incorporating this learning into lesson design and delivery. They also discuss what the goals that all parents and families hold for their children; what are the individual goals and what steps need to be taken to build a learning team with them. Participating Teachers are asked to identify the technology resources that accompany their instructional programs. They talk with their Support Provider about: How do I use the electronic learning resources to support instruction and to connect to the standards? How am I using technology in lessons to increase students’ understanding of standards? How am I using the adapting lessons to develop students’ information literacy and problem solving skills? This conversation is documented in Conversation Guides. Participating Teachers are offered professional development opportunities that include the following topics: Creating a climate for learning (safe, nurturing classroom climate that build community) Instructional strategies for student success Differentiated instruction Strategies for effective home visits Families as partners Positive behavioral support strategies How to effectively collaborate Through these multi-faceted structures, strategies, and resources Participating Teachers are provided with meaningful support and opportunities. 63 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Part II: BTSA Course Syllabus The Participant’s Journey – A Timeline The AIP/ECO Participant Journey FACT: Formative Assessment for California Teachers Flowchart FACT Conceptual Framework FACT System Modules and Documents Schedules 64 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Part III: Assessment Tools as Reported in the Biennial Report Assessment Tools as Reported in the Biennial Report State Survey Mid-Year Survey Program Exit Survey Professional Development Session Evaluations Logs State Survey Once the annual State survey is received it is initially shared and analyzed through the cluster region gatherings. The program leader participates in this process and then engages with Support Providers, Leadership Team, and Advisory Board in order to further analyze, identify trends and patterns, and plan for the improvement of the program. The plan, implement, reflect, and apply process is crucial in this area and allows for planned, shared, and meaningful growth. Mid-Year Survey The mid-year survey data that is gathered from Participating Teachers and Support Providers allows for program leadership to formatively assess the program effectiveness and make both short term and long term program changes. This data is shared with the Support Providers, the Leadership Team, and the Advisory Board. Once analyzed and discussed, the data is used to driven program development and improvement. 65 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Program Exit Survey At the completion of the program each Participating Teacher is provided with an opportunity to share feedback on program components (FACT, implementation of induction standards, induction portfolio, Support Providers and the support provided, available resources, as well as anything else that they’d like to share. This feedback is then submitted to the program leadership. The data is shared with Support Providers, Leadership Team, and the Advisory Board and used to improve the effectiveness of the program. Professional Development Session Evaluations Evaluations are collected at the conclusion of each of the professional development sessions that are offered. When the professional development session is conducted by the Academic Office, there is an opportunity to engage with that office in order to gather this information. Once gathered the data is compiled and used to improve future sessions, connect with current participants about the experience and determine appropriate next steps and/or offerings. Logs One of the many uses for is to document Participating Teacher and Support Provider meeting time together. These logs identify the standards discussed, work conducted, time spent, members in attendance, and next steps necessary to continue to move the thinking, conversations, and work forward. 66 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Part IV: Program Summary Program Design Course of Study (Curriculum and Field Experience) Assessment of Candidates 67 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Program Design Sacramento City Unified School District’s BTSA Induction Program is built around the FACT System, which: includes all elements of thoughtful practice: inquiry, reflection, observation, goal-setting focuses on Action Research allows Participating Teachers to identify areas of strength and areas of study or focus, directly related to his/her classroom centers on data and research engages the Support Provider as a guide and agent for growth assists teachers in meeting the learning needs of students while growing as professional educators promotes teacher confidence, efficacy, and increases teacher retention allows the teacher to build upon their teacher preparation experience in order to guide formative assessment work relative to their current teaching context is based on multiple sets of standards Academic Content Standards California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs The FACT system guides the work of Support Providers and professional development trainers by utilizing multiple processes. Participating Teachers are partnered with veteran educators who have been trained to support novice teachers. These Support Providers use the skills of cognitive coaching, mentoring, and modeling to support Participating Teachers’ growth. The Plan, Teach, Reflect, Apply (PTRA) cycle is used in each module to help 68 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Participating Teachers grow as professionals and meet the needs of students. Practicing the PTRA cycle with their Support Providers promotes growth in daily practice and leads to increased student achievement. Within the past two years the program has undergone a few program modifications. The District has significantly increased the amount and diversity of professional development sessions offered at the school site level. The BTSA Induction program is able to work collaboratively with sites around site specific professional development. The focus of all District professional development is a closer look at teaching and learning through the vehicle of data inquiry. The BTSA Induction program relies heavily on District and school site specific professional development offerings in order to ensure Participating Teachers have a variety of professional development opportunities that are focused around District and site specific goals. Professional Development opportunities that revolve around teaching and learning and that are driven by data inquiry process. The BTSA Induction program works with the Academic Office and individual school sites employing Participating Teachers and Support Providers while offering additional support around the professional development planning and implementation. The BTSA Induction Program staff has decreased. Previously the program was supported by two clerical employees, two Teachers on Special Assignment, and one Human Resources Director. The program is now supported by one clerical, one interim coordinator, and one HR Director. The Human Resources Department and the Teachers’ Union work collaboratively to ensure system-wide knowledge base of essential roles, responsibilities, departments, and resources as provided by the District. The program is led by the interim coordinator and supported by both a Leadership Team and an Advisory Board, which serves as the representative teams that supports and collaborates with the program to implement the program components. Members of the Leadership Team and the Advisory Board are chosen for their experience and/or expertise in teacher education and their willingness to gather and share information with their constituency group. It is the responsibility of the program leader to convene and facilitate the meetings. 69 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs The Sacramento City Unified BTSA Induction Program has established formal linkages with the Human Resources department. The Personnel Analysts provide written information about the BTSA Induction Program to all new hires as part of their contract package. The contract package also includes a BTSA Induction brochure and a Program App. The Human Resources department also works with the BTSA Induction program in the recommending of the Clear Credentials. The program leader works with the Personnel Analysts to ensure that all requirements on the Preliminary Credential are met prior to recommending for the Clear Credential. Participant outcomes and program goals provide criteria for program evaluation. Evaluation data is analyzed to inform the Induction program about identified strengths and areas for growth. The program examines data from Participating Teachers, Support Providers, site administrators and program leadership regarding program services and professional development offerings. Sources of evaluation data include: BTSA Statewide Survey results, Formal and informal review results, Local evaluation data completed by Participating Teachers, Support Providers, and site administrators FACT documentation, including Individual Induction Plans Program Exit Surveys Professional Development session evaluations BTSA Induction Participant Logs, available on The program uses these multiple measures to collect feedback about program quality, effectiveness, and pacing of the formative assessment system from participants. Data is collected over time from these multiple sources that reflect constituencies of the Induction Program. The Induction Program leader, Induction Leadership Team and the Advisory Committee review data as it is submitted and adjustments/ improvements are made to the program based on evaluation of the data. This evidence is reviewed not only for completion but analyzed for trends that might indicate program weaknesses in professional development for program participants. The structure of the delivery of services and/or the kinds of professional development offered to program participants is frequently revised to better achieve program outcomes and goals. 70 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Course of Study (Curriculum and Field Experience) Participating Teachers are in classrooms as the teachers of record and are performing the duties of the assignment for which they were hired. The following is a timeline that speaks to the experience of a Participating Teacher. The Participant’s Journey – A Timeline July - October Point of Hire: new hire completes a New Teacher Hire Form that is given to them when they sign their contract. The Personnel Analysts receives the New Hire Document and then provides teacher with BTSA Induction program information. Information is then provided to the BTSA Induction program. BTSA Induction program emails a welcome email and an application to all eligible new hires. Participating Teacher receives a credential advisements completed by the BTSA Induction program. Participating Teacher is matched with an experienced Support Provider, based on the preferences indicated on Participating Teacher’s application. Support Provider contacts Participating Teacher and establishes a schedule to being meeting weekly. Participating Teacher and Support Provider begin/continue meeting and developing a trusting relationship as they review previous years’ experience during weekly meetings (Year 2: continues working with previous Support Provider, or is matched with a new Support Provider, if necessary) 71 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Participating Teacher and Support Provider attend a BTSA Induction Orientation/Academy. It is at this Academy that the Participating Teacher is introduced to the materials and engages in dialogue intended to bridge the gap between their TPA experience and Induction. Participating Teacher and Support Provider complete the BTSA State Consent. Participating Teacher and Support Provider register on October - November Participating Teacher and Support Provider engage in Context for Teaching and an Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice. o The Context for Teaching process involves engaging in conversations that assist in completing a class profile, school information, district support, community links, and conversation guides (focused around pedagogy, equity, English learners, and special populations). o The Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice process involves engaging in conversations that assist in the reflection of a teacher preparation information, a review of the CSTPs and the Induction Standards, and an informal observation. These self-assessment activities help prepare the Participating Teacher for their initial inquiry. o Participating Teacher may choose to attend professional development sessions that are of particular interest and continue to reflect and build relationship with the Support Provider. o Support Provider supports and guides the Participating Teacher in creating an Individual Induction Plan (IIP) to guide their inquiry. The IIP includes an inquiry question, identify two focus students o Year 1: Representative Students (Full Range of Learners), Special Populations student, and English Learner student. o Participating Teachers and Support Providers participate in a mid-year survey o Year 2: Representative Students (Full Range of Learners) Special Populations student, and English Learner student. 72 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs November - May Participating Teacher works with Support Provider through an inquiry. The IIP is embedded across the inquiry. The inquiry begins with a Participating Teacher’s focus. The Participating Teacher and the Support Provider create an action plan, identify the essential components for instruction, observation; analysis of student work, and summative assessment, and concludes with additional reflection. Participating Teachers have the option of participating in a mid-year Induction Portfolio review. Participating Teacher may choose to attend professional development sessions that relate to and support their identified area of focus. Participating Teacher and Support Provider conclude their first inquiry process and begin their second inquiry process. Participating Teachers and Support Providers complete the BTSA State Survey. With their Support Provider, the Participating Teacher engages in a Summary of Teaching Practice activity. May - June Participating Teachers conclude their second inquiry process. Participating Teacher and Support Provider attend the CSTP Colloquium. Year 1 Participating Teacher receives feedback indicating completion of Year 1 of Induction. Participating Teacher continues trusting relationship with Support Provider and prepares to enter Year 2 of the program. Upon completion of Year 1, a completion document from is available. Participating Teacher submits an Induction Portfolio and provides feedback via an exit survey to inform the program of alignment with the program goals, the support around the Induction standards, and the impact of the formative assessment structure. The Induction Portfolio is reviewed. Once all requirements have been met, the Participating Teacher is notified and the program leader or the Personnel Analyst applies for the Participating Teacher’s credential with CTC. 73 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Year 2 Participating Teacher receives feedback indicating completion of Year 2 of Induction. Upon completion of Year 2, a completion document from is available. In providing meaningful and appropriate support throughout this timeline, the BTSA Induction program utilizes the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) system to support and inform Participating Teachers about their professional growth as they reflect and improve upon their teaching as part of a continuous improvement cycle. Formative assessment data guides the classroom teacher in planning appropriate instruction to assist each student in focusing his or her learning. Through the FACT system Participating Teachers collect evidence for Induction Standards 5-6, engage in focused professional growth activities, receive individualized support from a trained Support Provider and engage in continuous reflection and discussion of evidence in order to make professional judgments about their teaching practice. Support Providers and Participating Teachers engage in weekly communication and interactions throughout this process. The FACT system contains performance-based, job-embedded modules to support Participating Teachers as they move their practice forward. Through the use of evidence collection and ongoing self-assessment, each module is designed to focus on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Induction Standards while incorporating the K– 12 California Academic Content Standards for Students. The modules are described below: Module A: Context for Teaching and Learning In Context for Teaching, Participating Teachers learn about their environment and the resources and challenges it offers. With the guidance of their Support Providers, they gather information and discuss the implications of their findings regarding their classroom, school, district, and community. The information gathered guides instructional and management decision-making, and helps identify areas for professional growth. 74 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Module B: Assessment of Teaching and Learning The Initial Assessment of Teaching is the bridge between teacher preparation and Induction programs, comparing the outcomes and processes of each. During this module Participating Teachers consider the knowledge and skills acquired during teacher preparation (for example results of the Teacher Performance Assessment), their current context for teaching, and evidence gathered by their Support Provider during a classroom observation. The self-assessment tools helps Participating Teachers identify strengths and areas for growth leading to the development of Individual Induction Plans (IIP) that are used in subsequent Inquiries. In addition, Participating Teachers and their Support Providers identify resources and types of support needed to meet Participating Teachers’ professional growth goals. Module C: Inquiry into Teaching and Learning The Inquiries within FACT are a structured series of teaching activities where Participating Teachers explore aspects of their teaching practice. In collaboration with their Support Provider, they assess their practice, gather information, and collaborate with colleagues. Participating Teachers develop an inquiry question (based on CSTP and Induction Standards), create and implement an action plan, reflect on collected evidence, and apply new learning to future practice. Action Plan results are used to guide future professional development. Module D: Summary of Teaching and Learning During the final module, Participating Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on and summarize the growth made during Induction. Support Providers assist them in the selection of significant work that illustrates their growth over the last year. This selection enables Participating Teachers to showcase and discuss their newly 75 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs acquired professional insights and skills as they reflect on their work and learn from the expertise of others. The module illustrates and celebrates the work of both the Participating Teachers and their Support Providers as collaborative teaching professionals. English Language Learners The Sacramento City Unified School District adheres to legal and ethical obligations. The District has a method for identifying, referring, and re-designating English learners’ proficiency levels and students with special needs. Towards that end, the District provides training on the purposes, content, analysis and use of the CELDT test results for Participating Teachers. Additionally, Participating Teachers discuss the District’s English Learner Master Plan as it relates to the application of appropriate pedagogy and the District’s redesignation process and criteria. Participating Teachers are expected to work with their Support Providers to review English learners’ home language and to identify resources available to assist with communications with parents and families who do not speak English. Special Populations Legal and ethical obligations are defined by each Participating Teachers’ teaching assignment and credential. Participating Teachers use the tools in FACT, Context for Teaching (Module A) to identify special education students early in the year. Specifically, they note students with medical conditions, students with IEPs, students with 504 plans and students with previous interventions, and GATE identified students. With their Support Provider, they discuss what information is required to monitor students with IEP and Student Success Team (SST) interventions on an ongoing basis. 76 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Assessment of Candidates All candidates use and submit formative assessment tools from the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) system. The Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction program utilizes the FACT system to support and inform Participating Teachers about their professional growth as they reflect and improve upon their teaching as part of a continuous improvement cycle. Formative assessment data guides the classroom teacher in planning appropriate instruction to assist each student in focusing his or her learning. The Participating Teacher provides evidence that all requirements have been completed. Within the Induction Portfolio they must provide the following: FACT documentation Evidence as described in Induction Standard 5: Pedagogy Evidence as described in Induction Standard 6: Universal Access: Equity for All Students Evidence as described in Induction Standard 6a: Teaching English Learners Evidence as described in Induction Standard 6b: Teaching Special Populations Once this evidence has been received it is reviewed and evaluated by the BTSA Induction program leader. Should additional information be required this information is communicated to the Participating Teacher and the program leader and Participating Teacher work to address areas in need of additional documentation and/or clarification. The program leader asks the Participating Teacher to complete an exit survey; signs the Verification of Induction Program Completion Form provided by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing; and sends the signed form along with the Participating Teacher’s folder to the Human 77 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs Resources Director. The Human Resources Director will complete and submit the online application to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. 78 | P a g e Sacramento City Unified School District BTSA Induction 5.24.2012 Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs