Congress - NEHSHomework

Vocabulary Congress Chapter 12
 Baker
v. Carr
-Joint Committee
 Cloture
 Congressional
-Majority leader
 Constituent
-Pork barrel
 Earmarks
 Filibuster
-Regulatory policy
 Gerrymandering
-Standing committees
 Gridlock
 Viewed
as the citizens’ direct link to the branch
of government that is responsible for forming
public policy.
 Functions
include: representing the interests of
constituents, lawmaking through consensus
building, oversight of governmental agencies,
policy clarification, and ratification of public
 Congress
has come under public criticism
 Polls
have reflected deep voter concern
regarding the issues of congressional gridlock,
term limits for representatives and senators, and
the influence of lobbyists and PACs on
 Many
newly elected representatives have
committed themselves to reforming
congressional structure, procedures, and
Review of Congress according to
 Basis
of constitutional authority is found in Article I
House member must be at least 25 years old, an
American citizen for seven years, and an inhabitant
of the state the representative represents.
Representatives serve two-year terms
senator must be 30 years old, an American citizen
for nine years, and a resident of the state the
senator represents. Senators serve six-year terms.
Review of Congress according to
powers delegated to Congress,
listed in Article I Section 8 include the
power to tax, coin money, declare war, and
regulate foreign and interstate commerce.
congressional comes from the
“necessary and proper” clause, which has
been referred to as the elastic clause.
Review of Congress according to
 House
of Representatives has the power to begin
all revenue bills, to select president if there is no
electoral college majority, and to initiate
impeachment proceedings.
 Senate
has the power to approve presidential
appointments and treaties and to try
impeachment proceedings.
 Congress
may overrule a presidential veto by a
two-thirds vote of each house.
 In
first ten years of Congress, over 1/3 of the senators
resigned before the end of their terms.
 In
the House a large number of representatives
served only one or two terms.
 As
political parties developed, congressional
reelection rate increased.
 Influential
senators and representatives could use
their office as an entrée to the presidency.
 Reapportionment
Act of 1929 still standing law.
 Provides
for a permanent size of the House and
provides for the number of seats, based on the
census, of each state.
 Each
 Left
seat represents around 650,000 people
up to each state to determine makeup of each
congressional district=charges of political
 Look
up and add to notes:
Wesberry v Sanders (1964)
Baker v Carr (1962)
 In
1995 Court ruled that a district in
Georgia, which was apportioned to
create representation for AfricanAmericans, was unconstitutional.
Election of Incumbents
 Once
elected a sitting representative has a
distinct advantage (unless there is a
scandal, 1992 many incumbents decided
not to seek reelection or were defeated).
 Statistics
of incumbency are staggering:
only 2 members of Congress lost in 1986,
only 1 in 1988; on average fewer than 2%
are defeated in primaries and less than 7%
defeated in general election.
Election of Incumbents
 Senate
reelection rate is slightly lower; House
members who represent smaller districts,
senators represent the interests of an entire state.
 Why
do incumbents have this advantage?
Incumbents are highly visible.
 Representatives
are quick to take credit for
obtaining funds through legislation that favors
their home districts called earmarks (called pork
barrel legislation).
 Bicameral
(two-house) structure of the
Congress made it a necessity to develop an
organization that would allow both houses
to conduct business and accomplish main
function of passing legislation.
 Each
house has presiding officer.
 Speaker
is selected by the majority party.
 1994
mid term elections Republican chose
controversial and conservative Newt Gingrich.
Earned reputation as most powerful speaker, but
power declined in 1996.
 After
loosing seats in 1998 mid term election,
Gingrich resigned.
 Dennis
Hastert was elected and became longest
serving Speaker until 2006, when Democrats elected
first woman speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Now John Boehner
 The
speaker presides over the House
meetings, expected to be impartial (even if
member of majority party).
 Very
powerful: recognizes speakers,
referring bills to committees, answering
procedural questions, declaring the
outcome of votes
 Speaker
Names members to all select
(special) committees and conference
 Speaker
usually votes only to break a tie,
has power to appoint temporary speakers
(pro tempore) to run meetings
 Third
in line after vice president to succeed
the president
 President
of the Senate is the vice president
of U.S.
 Only
specific power he has is to break ties.
the House, real power in the
Senate lies with the Senate Majority
Senator was Senate Majority
Leader for 10 years
The Committee System
 Committee
chairs, representatives who chair
the standing committees of the House and
Senate, wield a lot of power
 Committee
chairs selected as a result of the
seniority system.
 Four
types of committees exist in both houses
 Standing
committees deal with proposed bills
and are permanent, existing from one
Congress to the next.
The Committee System
 Examples
of standing committees are Banking,
Foreign Affairs, Energy, Governmental Affairs,
and Appropriations
 Select
committees are specially created and
conduct special investigations. Ex: Watergate
Committee, Whitewater affair
 Joint
committees are made up of both houses for
the purpose of coordinating
investigations/special studies and to expedite
business between both houses.
The Committee System
 Conference
committees resolve legislative
differences between the House and Senate.
 Ex: Crime
Bill of 1994 and Welfare Reform Act of
1996 had to go through a conference committee.
 Many
bills must be resolved in this manner.
 Committee
makeup is determined by the
percentage of party representation in each
The Committee System
 Each
house has a party system that organizes and
influences the members of Congress regarding
policymaking decisions.
 Majority
and minority leaders of both houses
organize their members using whips (assistant
floor leaders).
 Whips
are responsible for keeping party members
in line and having an accurate count of who will be
voting for/against a bill.
 The
avenues taken by Congress to achieve
policymaking go beyond the mere passage of
 Congress
has legislative and nonlegislative
 Constitutional
amendments, election of a president
and vice president if there is no electoral college
majority, impeachment, approval of executive
appointments, and congressional oversight are used
by Congress to influence and determine public policy.
 The
most important function of Congress is the
legislative responsibility.
 Understanding
how a bill becomes a law (see
next slide)
 If
the president vetoes the bill, Congress must
vote separately to determine whether each house
has a two-thirds majority to override it.
kinds of legislative actions taken by Congress:
-Distributive: results in the distribution of goods and/or
services to the general population (highways, health
-Redistributive legislation: involves taking money from one
segment of the population from taxes and giving it back to
another through entitlements such as welfare.
-Regulatory legislation- sets limits on groups and
individuals, through acts such as Clean Air and Water Act
Lobbyists and Interest Groups
 Lobbyists
and interest groups have
grown in importance as a major
influence in the passage of legislation.
 If
Congress is supposed to be the
people’s representative, then the extent
of the influence of special interests is a
very important question.
 Constituency
relationships provide
essential information and services and are
the foundation for reelection.
 Members
of Congress must represent their
districts, taking into account individual
constituents (the people of an area or
district who vote for their congressman and
are represented by him/her for the
congressional period), organized interests,
and the district as a whole.
 The
public gives Congress the lowest approval rating, yet
every election they send a majority of incumbents back to
 Gridlock
is problem- Congress is seen as inefficient
 Congress
does not reflect the views of its constituents
 Representatives
take advantage of their perks
 Representatives
are so busy running for office, that they
become beholden to special interest groups and PACS
 Congress
either delegates too much power to the executive
or has tried to take control, becoming an imperial Congress
Contract with America
up the Contract with America
and write down the ten items that
the contract promised the
American people.
Short answer essay due Monday
 Political
scientists have described Congress as
“imperial” in its relationship with the president in
regard to formulation of domestic and/or foreign
-Define “Imperial Congress”
-Give two examples of how Congress has become
imperial in its relationship to the president since
1976, using either domestic or foreign policy to
illustrate your answer.