Part 1: Overview of Intercampus Transactions Part 2: Test Your Knowledge Part 3: Form Practice Include intercampus recharges, interlocation transfers of funds and intercampus payroll transactions A system of Financial Control Accounts handles all intercampus transactions No checks written or credit cards used between campuses or between a campus and Office of the President (UCOP) Managed locally by Accounting & Financial Reporting, Payroll Accounting Services, and Budget and Institutional Analysis An IOC is a billing for costs incurred at one UC campus or at the UC Office of the President (UCOP) by another UC campus or by UCOP resulting in an expense transfer Complete the IOC Form AFTER the service is performed or the goods have been provided Conference registrations held on another UC campus Service department billings to PIs at other campuses Deposits that belong to another campus made at UCD in error Items sold to another campus from UCD Travel fees for conferences / meetings Typically the campus that is owed the money should initiate the IOC Think of it in terms of sending an invoice – the company that is owed the money, sends the invoice Exceptions to this are: Sending money to another campus when it was deposited in error at our campus Sending left over Agency Funds to another campus If the other campus initiates the IOC, make sure to provide them the: Chart Kuali Account Object Code (not object consolidations such as SUB3) Not sure about the Object Code? Run a FIS14 report using a keyword in the object name field How do they get there ? Accounting & Financial Reporting creates the Kuali documents or feed documents When do they get there ? If initiated at UCD and are received by Accounting & Financial Reporting by the monthly deadline and error free, they are entered by Accounting & Financial Reporting and will appear in ledgers during the last week of the month When do they get there – cont. ? If initiated by the other campus: and are received by Accounting & Financial Reporting by the monthly deadline, they are entered by Accounting & Financial Reporting and will appear in ledgers during the last week of the month and are received by Accounting & Financial Reporting after the monthly deadline but before the 5th working day of the following month, they are entered by Accounting & Financial Reporting and will appear in ledgers month end close If UCD is initiating An ILT (or ITF or ITOF) is a transaction that moves funds via a budget transfer between two UC campuses or between one UC campus and the UC Office of the President (UCOP) ILTs are used by academic departments, organized research units, research centers, and programs housed at OP to provide funding for various purposes at other UCs ILTs are not: Transfers of extramural research funds; these are handled via multi-campus agreements (MCAs) between each campus’ Contracts & Grants Accounting department UC Lab Fees Research Program UCD Toxic Substances Research Program UCDMC M.I.N.D. Institute UC MEXUS Program Gift and Endowment Awards ANR Grant Awards The campus that is sending the money should initiate the ILT Think of it in terms of writing a check – the company that is writing the check should send it Exceptions to this are: When UCOP pulls back funds, they usually initiate the ILT Ask the initiating campus for the UC Account and UC Fund they are using to send the funds Funds cannot be crossed if it is a fund source assigned by UCOP (e.g. 07427, 199XX, 69085, 69750 and Endowment Funds) If crossing funds, the first three digits of the UC Fund Group Code must be the same for both funds -Code can be found on a FIS237 report under OP Fund Group Higher education functions cannot be crossed for base budgeted funds such as State General Funds, State Specific Funds, Student Fee Funds, and the President’s Funds Gift and Endowment Funds that are not given to a specific higher education purpose and Self Supporting Funds may cross higher education functions Establish your Kuali account as soon as possible and give it to the other campus to include on the ILT form with your contact information Make sure the other campus includes the Kuali account in the explanation Check on status by calling the campus that is giving you the funds Got Questions ? Contact Accounting & Financial Reporting How do they get there ? The Budget and Institutional Analysis (BIA) Office creates a Budget document (BA or GLCB) When do they get there ? Before the month closes, usually around the 3rd working day of the following month Check the due dates for each fiscal period Before processing an IOC or an ILT, you should get familiar with the required chart string for the other campus It is highly recommended that the other campus’ information is provided before the goods / services are provided to facilitate the IOC process. UCD Accounting will only process an IOC form if all mandatory fields are provided. The Other UC Campus Information for Intercampus Charge (IOC) Form is a new resource to help obtain all mandatory fields. IOC ILT Strictly financial – expense transfers Strictly budgetary – appropriation transfers Limited to the billing of one campus by another campus for actual expenses incurred on behalf of the campus receiving goods or services Involve the actual transfer of funds to another campus for the receiving campus’ use in a specified project or program All agency account transactions use the IOC process One of our faculty members attended a conference at UCSF Registration fees should be paid using which type of Intercampus Transaction ? Which campus should initiate it ? One of our faculty members attended a conference at UCSF Registration fees should be paid using which type of Intercampus Transaction ? IOC since it’s an expense transfer Which campus should initiate it ? USCF because they are recharging UCD UCD wants to provide $2,000.00 in support funds from our department General Funds account to UC Irvine for an annual meeting on Economic History. UCI will pay all the expenses for the meeting Which type of Intercampus Transaction should be used to get the $2,000.00 to UCI ? Which campus should initiate it ? UCD wants to provide $2,000.00 in support funds from our department General Funds account to UC Irvine for an annual meeting on Economic History. UCI will pay all the expenses for the meeting Which type of Intercampus Transaction should be used to get the $2,000.00 to UCI ? ILT because UCD is sending the funds in advance Which campus should initiate it ? UCD because it’s the campus sending the funds UCD hosted an annual UC conference this year but next year UC Santa Barbara is hosting the conference The left over agency account money from this year can be sent to UCSB using which Intercampus Transaction ? Which campus should initiate it ? UCD hosted an annual UC conference this year but next year UC Santa Barbara is hosting the conference The left over agency account money from this year can be sent to UCSB using which Intercampus Transaction ? IOC since it’s an agency account Which campus should initiate it ? UCD because the agency funds are at UCD UCD received a check made payable to UC Regents and deposited a check that was intended for UC Berkeley Which Intercampus Transaction should be used to get the money to UCB ? Which campus should initiate it ? UCD received a check made payable to UC Regents and deposited a check that was intended for UC Berkeley Which Intercampus Transaction should be used to get the money to UCB ? IOC Which campus should initiate it ? UCD because they are refunding the money to UCB UCSF provided lab services to UCD and now must initiate an IOC. What accounting information should you provide? UCSF provided lab services to UCD and now must initiate an IOC. What accounting information should you provide? Chart Kuali Account Object Code DO NOT PROVIDE UC ACCOUNT & UC FUND UCD is providing funds to support a conference at UCB later in the year. UCD intends to transfer 47729 Gift Funds. Which of the following transfers are allowed?(if any) Fund 47729 to 55005 (Both have the Fund Group Code 408200) Fund 47729 to 69085 UCD is providing funds to support a conference at UCB later in the year. UCD intends to transfer 47729 Gift Funds. Which of the following transfers are allowed?(if any) Fund 47729 to 55005 (Both have the same Fund Group Code 408200) Fund 47729 to 69085 For Gift Funds, the Fund Group Code needs to be the same UCD is providing funds to support a conference at UCB later in the year. UCD intends to transfer 35700 Endowment Funds. Which of the following transfers are allowed?(if any) Fund 35700 to 35752 Fund 35700 to 55853 UCD is providing funds to support a conference at UCB later in the year. UCD intends to transfer 35700 Endowment Funds. Which of the following transfers are allowed?(if any) Fund 35700 to 35752 Fund 35700 to 55853 Neither! UCB must also use fund 35700 since it is an endowment fund (The funds are assigned by UCOP) Now that we know the basics, let’s see how we do it on the new Spreadsheet Forms ! Download the IOC form from the Accounting & Financial Reporting website: (Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Internet Explorer can be used only if you have the latest version) If you want to copy and paste data into the IOC form, please make sure you use PASTE SPECIAL VALUES / TEXT. ONLY data on the yellow shaded areas needs to be entered To fill out the form, you will need: Your department Kuali Chart, Account, and Object Code (these 3 fields are the required ones, but you can still input a Sub Account, Sub Object Code, and Project Code if applicable) Other Campus Contact Person’s Information: This is the person who provides you the FAU for his or her campus Other Campus FAU (Remember, red means required fields, AN = AlphaNumeric, N = Numeric, Digits = Number of characters) Use CAPITAL letters while inputting your First, Middle and Last Name. You need to enter the entire Middle Name, if you don’t have one, please enter 00. The 3 initials are used on your IOC document number Enter your phone number including area code, but no parentheses or hyphens, the cell is already formatted as a phone number format (enter 5307522887, the result will be (530) 752-2887) Enter your email address Choose your dean’s office highest ORG from the dropdown menu Choose the campus you are recharging from the dropdown menu Choose the appropriate chart (3, L, H, S, P, M or N) from the dropdown menu Enter your KFS Account in CAPITAL letters if it's not numeric Enter your KFS Sub Account in CAPITAL letters if it's not numeric and if applicable Enter your Object Code in CAPITAL letters if it’s not numeric Enter your Sub Object Code in CAPITAL letters if it’s not numeric and if applicable The description is limited to 40 characters, so be concise and specific If the IOC is a refund or a reimbursement, make sure you include “Refund” or “Reimb.” in the Description field It is critical to include “Refund” if you are returning money to the other campus. Doing so will trigger to change the credit “C” sign to debit “D” Enter the amount you are recharging. The amount cannot be negative; don’t use separators (numbers are already formatted) Enter the project code, if applicable The Reference field can be an IOC number or anything the department wants to use for their record; the field is limited to 8 characters The Prior Document # field needs to be filled out if your IOC is a refund to the other UC Campus or a reimbursement to us from the other UC Campus. Provide the document number including the origin code for the original recharge if it’s a refund or the original expense if it’s a reimbursement If you enter “Refund” or “Reimb.” in the description field, you get the following message in the “Reminder for refunds and reimbursements” column Provide the full name of your other campus contact person. The contact person should be the person who provides you the Full Accounting Unit (FAU) for his or her campus Provide the phone number with area code of your other campus contact person (input numbers including area code, but no parentheses or hyphens; it's already formatted as a phone number format) Provide the e-mail address of your other campus contact person Fill out each item highlighted in red for the other campus required fields. The chart string will change automatically if you change the campus to be recharged. In this example, we are recharging UCSF Again, these fields should be provided to you by your contact person who’s info appear on the “Other UC Campus” columns This field is optional; use it for any information you think is critical to have for the other campus while responding to the IOC Download the ILT form from the Accounting & Financial Reporting website: (Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Internet Explorer can be used only if you have the latest version) If you want to copy and paste data into the ILT form, please make sure you use PASTE SPECIAL VALUES / TEXT. To fill out the form, you will need: Your department Kuali Chart, Account, and Object Consolidation The UC Account & UC Fund associated with your department Kuali Account Other Campus UC Account, UC Fund and its local FAU Account Title: Enter campus and department or Program Loc 1 & Loc 2: Choose the appropriate campus designation Most transfers will be to the numeric location, in which case the Loc 1 box will be completed with 01-10 and the Loc 2 box will be completed with a 1. If transferring to an alpha location at another campus then the Loc 2 box will be completed with a 2 Enter the UC Account & UC Fund that pertain to your department Kuali Account in the first row, and input the UC Account & UC Fund provided to you from the other campus in the second row Remember, UC Account has 6 digits and UC Fund has 5 digits UCB UC Account starts with a letter Object Consolidation: Choose the appropriate from the dropdown menu (there is one for UC Davis and one for the other campuses) Fill out the local chart string for each campus (UC Davis and the other campus) The local chart string might not be the combination of UC Account and UC Fund Input the amount the UC Davis department is transferring to the other location in either current or base budget Check the box if the transfer is recurring or a one time transfer Provide a full explanation, including award numbers, principal investigator names, period of performances, etc. Provide the full name, phone # and email address of the ILT preparer The approver can be the department head or delegate. Enter the approver's full name and phone # The approver emails the completed form to, and states that he or she approves the transfer. Transfer the cost of Payroll and Benefits between UC campuses and/or UCOP for a “shared” employee UPAY 560-T, Temporary Interlocation Transfer or Multilocation Appointment Form UPAY 644-C-T, One-Time Payment Form The Policy and Procedures, along with the instructions and forms, can be found at Got Questions ? Contact Payroll Accounting Accounting & Financial Reporting Website UC Campus Account Strings Intercampus Transactions (IOC) Due Dates Interlocation Transactions (ILT) Due Dates Other UC Campus Information for Intercampus Charge (IOC) Form Example IOC & ILT Forms Questions ??? Thank you for attending!