Annex 10 - Group discussion presentation (Vietnam)

Cyber crime issues – current state of cyber security
readiness and cyber crime enforcement capability
Viet Nam Hitech Crime Investigation Department
Dr. Tran Van Hoa
Brunei – April 2010
Police General Department of Criminal
Investigation and Prevention
Hightech Crime Department
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
- Division 1: Staff Division
- Division 2: In charge of Cyber Crime
- Division 3: In charge of crimes using Hightech
- Division 4: Liaison Office in HCMC
- Division 5: In charge of data recovering, e-evidence collecting
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Group discussion
 Vietnam High Tech Crime Division (VHTCD) was established on
2 March 2005.
 VHTCD’s responsibilities are to prevent and combat high tech
crime in all forms; recover, analyze e-evidences to assist
operational investigation requests.
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Cyber crime issues
- In 2010 Vietnam has 22 Million internet users and 7 ISP.
- Based on internet, Cyber crime is no border crime
- Criminals and terrorist groups explore more ways to work together
- Cyber crime becoming more organized and nowadays as a
transnational business, damage the nation infrastructure, economy and
national security.
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Current state of cyber security readiness and cyber
crime enforcement capability
Increasing Threat of cyber crime and the necessity to take countermeasures:
1. The increasing use of new technologies, automated attacking tools by cyber
criminals (SQL injection, fake IP, fake email, fake mobile phone number, using
proxy server…)
2. Challenges in combating trans border cyber crime:
- New technique for tracking Internet cyber attacks;
- Issues of international co-operation in cyber crime investigation and
information exchange and jurisdiction.
- Tracing and identifying criminals; Initial information gathering and undercover
online investigations;
3. Digital forensic analysis of evidence and data recovering;
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Cyber crime issues
- Amendment of cyber crimes to new criminal code;
- Legal issues relating digital evidence of procedural law
- Issues of manpower and training for law enforcement forces, public
prosecutor and judges
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Current state of cyber security readiness and cyber
crime enforcement capability
Other trend in cyber crime methods:
- The growing profit from cyber attacks by targeting core banking,
internet commerce website (data usually have credit card information).
- Cyber criminals can choose to operate from geographic locations
where penalties for some forms of cyber crime may not yet exist.
- Cyber attacks can silently steal information without leaving behind any
damage that would be noticed by a user, escape detection in order to
remain on host systems for longer periods of time.
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Cyber crime issues
+ Increasing use of mobile communication devices for attacking by cyber
+ Using new technologies allow cyber criminals, terrorist organizations to
transcend borders and operate internationally with less chance of
+ It is estimated that only five percent of cybercriminals are ever
arrested or convicted.
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Cyber crime trend
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Cyber crime issues
Current issues:
e-Crime dominated by fraud
Online banking and credit cards
Targeted attacks to gain data
Individuals, e-commerce sites, transaction processing
Anonymous and international
Activity is global and hard to trace
Fast, irrevocable, unidentifiable payments
Virtual payment systems are method of choice
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Cyber crime issues
Some typical methods attack of cyber crime:
- Denial of service (DDoS, botnet), virus, malware, phishing… Malicious
code can scan a victim’s computer for sensitive information, such as
name, address, place and date of birth, social security number, mother’s
maiden name, and telephone number. Full identities obtained this way
are bought and sold in online markets.
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Cyber crime issues
- Stolen credit card numbers and bank account information can be sold
- Cyber criminals offer services: ship goods, change the billing address,
manipulation of stolen PINs or passwords.
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Current state of cyber security readiness and cyber
crime enforcement capability
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Fraud using e-commerce
Credit card fraud
Steal bank account, credit card information with following modus operandi:
1- Attacking shopping website via SQL Injection to obtain email list, credit
card number, personal information
2- Phishing,
3- Collecting, buying credit card number on internet
4- Stealing credit card information by using Keylogger, spyware…
5- Skimming
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Current state of cyber security readiness and
cyber crime enforcement capability
Significant increases in credit and debit card fraud: 6 modes operandies:
1- Selling credit card information on internet, almost to criminals in
foreign countries
2- Using credit card information to make fake ATM card and cashing
in ATM
3- Using credit card information to make fake color credit card, paying
for luxury services and goods in shops, hotels, air fairs…
4- Using credit card information to buy (card absent) in web shops
5- Shipping: Using credit card information to buy goods in internet
and sending it to other and collect later
6- Transfer money from stolen credit cards to bank account, for
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Current state of cyber security readiness and
cyber crime enforcement capability
Fraud using e-commerce:
- Auction fraud
- Non-delivery fraud
- Money invest Fraud
Money laundering using e-money:
Transfer money from stolen credit cards, bank accounts to emoney accounts : e-gold, webmoney, paypal, e-passport...
Or Western Union, bank account of the criminals
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Current state of cyber security readiness and cyber
crime enforcement capability
- E-mail fraud containing fraudulent details notifying win
of million of USD to cheat and obtain personal assets.
- Access to database of telecommunication companies,
banks, government agencies, enterprises… and steal
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Current state of cyber security readiness and cyber
crime enforcement capability
Need a better Measurement:
In 2009: 5 amendments regarding cyber crime in the Penal Code of Vietnam:
- Article 224. Spreading virus to computer networks, harm to computer network,
telecommunication networks, internet and digital equipments.
- Article 225. Blocking or causing operation disorders to computer network,
telecommunication networks and digital equipments (DDOS, BOTNET attacking).
- Article 226. Illegally Spreading information into or illegally using information in
computer networks, telecommunication networks or internet (hacking, abuse).
- Article 226a. Illegally accessing to other people's computer networks, internet,
telecommunication networks or digital equipments.
- Article 226b. Using computer networks, internet, telecommunication networks or
digital equipments to obtain other people's assets (fraud).
This is important cyber crime law, developing with international assistance.
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Current state of cyber security readiness
and cyber crime enforcement capability
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Current state of cyber security readiness and
cyber crime enforcement capability
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International co-operation
- Exchange of information, experience
- Cooperation on cyber crime investigation
- Training for law enforcement agencies in less developing countries
on cyber crime investigation and data recovering
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Vietnam Hightech Crime Department
Thank you
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