E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues

E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
E-Marketing: is the use of information technology in the
processes of creating, communicating, and delivering
value to customers, and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its
stakeholders. Its only one part of an organization's ebusiness activities.
The result of information technology applied to traditional
1. Increases efficiency and effectiveness
2. Transform many marketing strategies
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Compare and contrast ethics and law.
The implications of ethical codes and self-regulation.
Some of the main privacy concerns within traditional and digital contexts.
Copyright, patent, trademark, and data ownership issues related to the
Highlight key ethical and legal concerns related to online expression.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Software Piracy
40% of all software worldwide was pirated in 2001.
Piracy resulted in a US$10.7 billion loss for firms.
840,000 Internet sites sold counterfeited software.
Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Ukraine, and Russia have highest piracy rates.
Microsoft believes that education is the best weapon against piracy. Do
you agree?
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Ethics and Legal Issues
Ethics and law are closely related.
Ethics concerns the analysis of what is right and wrong and how we judge
the differences.
Modern technology presents a challenge to marketing ethics. Critical issues
Ownership of intellectual property
Freedom of expression
Use of data and its collection
Status of children and digital networks
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
The Problem of Self-Regulation
What are the roles of formal laws vs. free operation of the market?
Supporters of self-regulation stress the private sector’s ability to identify
and resolve problems.
Critics argue that incentives for self-regulation are insufficiently compelling
and true deterrence will not be achieved.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
The concept of privacy has both ethical and legal aspects.
There is legal confusion regarding privacy.
No specific privacy provision within the U.S. Constitution.
Privacy has been addressed in the common law of the courts.
Within society, privacy interests compete with concerns for safety,
economics, and need for association with others.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Privacy Within Digital Contexts
AMA Code of Ethics for Marketing on the Internet: “information collected
from customers should be confidential and used only for expressed
Online advertising firms such as Double-Click, have traditionally recorded
users’ click streams to form user profiles for marketing purposes.
Controversy arose in 2000 when Double-Click acquired consumer names,
addresses and buying histories and planned to combine the offline data
with click stream data.
Data can be obtained through cookies.
Cookies are packets of data that are created and stored on the user’s
hard drive in response to instructions received from a Web page.
Cookies allow marketers to pinpoint an individual’s online behavior.
‫‪E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues‬‬
‫حيث قامت مجموعه ( ‪ ) American Marketing Association AMA‬بوضع معايير محددة وواضحة‬
‫حسب المفاهيم والقيم االجتماعية السائدة في المجتمعات والمنظمات التي تطبقها ثم تقوم بتقييم اعمالهم والحكم‬
‫عليها وذلك يؤدي الى خدمة المشاريع التي تقدم خدمات التسويق وتسهيل اجراءات الصفقات بكفاءة وفعالية حيث‬
‫تشكل هذه المعايير مسئولية تحتم على الشركات القيام بها اما اصحاب الحصص والزبائن والموظفين‬
‫والمستثمرين ‪...‬‬
‫المعايير العامة‪:‬‬
‫يجب على المسوقين ان ال يسببوا االذى لالخرين ( ‪ :) Marketers must‬أي ان عليهم االلتزام بكل القوانين‬
‫والتعليمات والمعايير الموضوعة‪.‬‬
‫يجب على المسوقين بناء الثقة في نظام التسويق ( ‪:) Marketers must foster trust in marketing system‬‬
‫بمعنى ان تتطابق المنتجات مع حمالت الترويج التي يقومون بها وان تكون االتصاالت حول السلعة او الخدمة‬
‫صحيحة وليست مخادعة او مضللة ( ‪.) Not intentionally deceptive or misleading‬‬
‫يجب على المسوقين ان يطبقوا القيم االخالقية التي تحسن ثقة المستهلك في سالمة نظام التسويق‬
‫‪:‬االمانة ‪Honestly:‬‬
‫ان تكون الشركة صادقة في تعاملها مع اصحاب الحصص والزبائن وتقول الحق في كل الحاالت وجميع االوقات‬
‫وتقدم المنتجات بالجودة التي تعلن عنها‪.‬‬
‫‪:‬المسئولية ‪Responsibility:‬‬
‫قبول نتائج قرارات واستراتيجيات الشركة التسويقية وبذل الجهود لخدمة الزبائن وااللتزام بخدمة قطاعات‬
‫السوق الصغيرة كاالطفال والمعاقين‬
‫‪:‬العدل واالنصاف ‪Fairness:‬‬
‫الموازنة بين حاجات المشتري ومصالح البائع واالعالن عن المنتجات بشكل واضح دون خداع او تضليل ودون‬
‫تالعب بثقة الزبون‬
‫‪E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues‬‬
‫‪:‬االحترام ‪Respect:‬‬
‫االعتراف بالكرامة االنسانية لكل اصحاب الحصص‪ ،‬احترام االختالفات بين االفراد وعدم تصوير السلوكيات في المجتمعات‬
‫بشكل يتنافى مع االخالقيات كالجنس‪ ،‬االستماع لحاجات الزبائن وبذل الجهود لتحسين رضاهم‪.‬‬
‫‪:‬االنفتاح ‪Openness:‬‬
‫قبول النقد البناء من الزبائن واصحاب الحصص‪ ،‬توضيح خصائص المنتج ومخاطر االستخدام التي قد تؤثر على الزبائن‪،‬‬
‫كشف االسعار بالكامل‪.‬‬
‫‪:‬المواطنة ‪Citizenship:‬‬
‫انجاز المسئوليات االجتماعية والحضارية والمحبة للبشر ( ‪ ) Philanthropic‬والقانونية واالجتماعية التي تخدم اصحاب‬
‫الحصص‪ ،‬المساهمة في تحسين البيئة في المجتمعات‪ ،‬التحسين العام للتسويق وسمعته‪.‬‬
‫ان كل قطاع سواء صناعي او تسويقي له قضاياه االخالقية الخاصة به التي تتطلب سياسات معينة‪ ،‬وتقوم الـ ( ‪ ) AMA‬من‬
‫خالل موقع ويبها بالتدخل في تطبيق هذه االخالقيات حيث تشجع عمليات التطوير لها وتحاسب كل من يخالف هذه المعايير‬
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
The Privacy Debate
 Supporters of systems such as Double Click's argue that users wish to
receive the
benefits of targeted advertisers.
Critics point out that most users do not understand how computers process
Preliminary terms of the FTC agreement include:
 Obligation to provide notice of data collection.
 Ban on combining existing data with personal information unless opt-in
permission is obtained.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
The FTC and Privacy Norms
The FTC has identified the following norms for the ethical use of consumer
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Protection of Digital Property
The law protects intangible or intellectual property through 3 basic mechanisms
• Copyright
• Patent law
• Trademark
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
 Copyright is the primary means of protecting most expression on the Internet.
 Doctrine of Fair Use
Ability to copy protected material for education and news reporting.
 Doctrine of First Sale
Limit the ability of copyright holder to obtain profit after the initial time at
which the material is sold.
 Other copyright protection under No Electronic Theft Act and Digital
Millennium Copyright Act.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
 Trademark law concerns the ownership of intellectual property that identifies
goods or services.
 Trademark law as been applied to the Internet naming system of domain
 Similarities in names may result in trademark infringement claims.
 Cyber squatting involves the registration of domains that resemble or
duplicate existing ones.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
 Applying patent law to computing is an uncertain but developing field.
 Creators of software are attempting to make use of patent law protection.
 Advocates argue that granting of patents for software will encourage
Critics argue that patents will have stifling and monopolistic effects.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
• Licenses are increasingly popular method of intellectual property protection.
– Allow the buyer to use the product but restrict duplication or distribution.
• Licenses may be two basic types
– Shrink-wrap or break-the-seal licenses
– Click wrap licenses where the user is required to click a button to accept
the terms
• Legal trend favors enforcement of software licenses.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Online Expression
• Freedom of expression is protected by the First Amendment.
• Internet technology has resulted in what many consider inappropriate or
untargeted types of consumer contact.
– Spam is the mass distribution of unsolicited electronic mail.
• CAN-SPAM Act creates a framework for email marketing.
• Expression directed to children remains a highly visible issue within online
law and ethics.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Emerging Issues
• Online governance
– The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
was formed in 1998.
• Jurisdiction
– The ability of a court or other authority to gain control over a party.
– Traditionally based on physical presence.
– Treaties may provide for international resolution and enforcement.
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
Emerging Issues
• Fraud
– The use of deception and false claims to obtain profit.
• The Internet provides opportunities for novel deceptions.
– Spoofing is the use of e-mail or Web sites to impersonate individuals or
• The FTC, FBI, and state agencies have increased their efforts to track and
prosecute fraudulent conduct
E-Marketing Ethical and Legal Issues
FBI Investigates Online Fraud
‫ ) لمكافحة االحتيال‬FBI ( ‫موقع مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي‬