La Marca Designing for learning references November 2014

‘Ambience plus service are key to library success’ 2005, in St Petersburg Times, 23rd
American Library Association (ALA) last updated 2013, Building libraries and library additions: A selected annotated
bibliography, ALA Library Fact Sheet Number 11.
Association of College and Research Libraries Established 2008, Academic Library Building Design: Resources for Planning, Wiki,
last updated 2014.
Australian School Library Association & Australian Library and Information Association 2001, Learning for the Future:
Developing information services in schools, 2nd edn, Curriculum Corporation, Carlton, Vic.
Australian School Library Association (ASLA) & Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) ‘Standards of professional
excellence for teacher librarians’, <
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) (2003) ‘ICT and motivation’,
Benya, James R 2001, Lighting for schools, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities,
Bernier, Anthony (editor) 2012, YA Spaces of your Dreams Collection, USA: Voya Press.
‘Beyond primary colours’ 2000, [Online Journal] School Library Journal. Accessed April 2005 at:
Bolan, Kimberly 2009, Teen spaces: The step-by-step library makeover, American Library Association, Chicago.
Building Futures 2014, 21st Century Libraries: Changing Forms, Changing Futures,
Building libraries and library additions: A selected annotated bibliography 2005, American Library Association Library Fact Sheet
No 11.
Chism, Nancy Van Note and Deborah J. Bickford, eds. 2003, The importance of physical space in creating supportive learning
environments: New directions in teaching and learning, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Designing Libraries - This site, controlled by a Community Interest Company, curates a range of materials about library design of
all kinds from the United Kingdom.
Dickmark, Moa 2014, ‘The Future of Learning Environments: An issue that concerns the students’,
Dillenbourg, Pierre 1999, 'What do you mean by collaborative learning?' in P. Dillenbourg (editor) Collaborative Learning:
Cognitive and Computational Approaches, Elsevier, Oxford.
Doll, C. A. 1992, ‘School library media centers: The human environment’ in School Library Media Quarterly, 20, pp. 225-230.
Dr Susan La Marca, Genazzano FCJ College,
Dotten, Rose 2002, ‘Library alive!: A new look for the future’, Ontario School Library Association, Canada
Dubber, Goeff & Lemaire, Kathy 2007, Visionary spaces: Designing and planning a secondary school library, Guidelines plus
series, School Library Association, United Kingdom.
Elliott Burns, Raylee 2003, ‘Space, place, design and the school library’ in Access, 17, 2.
Erikson, Rolf and Carolyn Markuson 2000, Designing a school library media center for the future, American Library Association,
Featherston, Mary ‘Redefining, re-designing schools – From instructional classrooms to convivial learning environments’ Inside
Out Project,
Feinberg, Sandra & Keller, James R. 2010, Designing space for children and teens: in libraries and public places, Chicago: ALA.
Fielding, Randall 2006, ‘Learning, lighting and colour: Lighting design for schools and universities in the 21st century’,
Fisher, Kenn 2001, ‘Building better outcomes: The impact of school infrastructure on student outcomes and behaviour’,
Schooling Issues Digest, Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
Fisher, Kenn 2005 Linking Pedagogy and Space, Dept. of Education and Training, Victoria,
Fisher, Kenn 2009, Pedagogy & space: Aligning learning & learning environments,
Fisher, Kenn, 2010, Technology-enabled active learning environments: an appraisal, CELE Exchange, ISSN 2072-7925
Fox, Robert & Stuart, Crit 2009, ‘Creating learning spaces through collaboration: How one library refined its approach’, Educause
Quarterly, 32, 1.
Freeman, Geoffrey, T 2005, ‘The library as place: Changes in learning patterns, collections, technology, and use’ Council on
Library Information Resources.
Haycock, D. K. 2003, The Crisis of Canada’s School Libraries: The case for reform and re-investment, (Report) Association of
Canadian Publishers, Toronto.
Haycock, Ken, 2007, ‘Collaboration: Critical success factors for student learning’ in School Libraries Worldwide, 13, 1, pp. 25-35.
Heppell, S. 2005, ‘Schools of the future, designs for learning communities’, Building Bulletin 95,
Higgins, Steven et. al. 2005, ‘The impact of school environments: A literature review, The Centre for Learning and Teaching’,
School of Education, Communication and Language Science, University of Newcastle.
Hill, Franklin 2002, ‘Building schools fit to compete: 10 educational trends are revolutionising school-design priorities’ School
Construction, Special Edition.
Dr Susan La Marca, Genazzano FCJ College,
‘Imagining the future of the school library’ – Designshare interview
International Association of School Libraries 2008, IASL PICTURE GALLERY
Jamieson, Peter & Kenn Fisher, Tony Gilding, Peter G. Taylor & A. C. F. Trevitt 2000, ‘Place and space in the design of new
learning environments’, HERDSA, Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 221 – 237.
(JISC) 2006 ‘Designing Spaces for Effective Learning: A Guide to 21st century learning space design’
Koskinen, Susan (compiler) 2004, ‘Environmental library design: Library and museum design resources’, University of California,
Berkeley Library.
Kugler, C. 2002, ‘Spaced out in the digital age: The future of library interiors’, Paper presented at The Inside Story: A Library
Interiors Forum, State Library of Victoria.
Lackney, Jeffrey 2003, ‘33 principles of educational design’,
La Marca, Susan 2003, The enabling adult: The role of the teacher-librarian in creating a reading environment, PhD Thesis,
University of Melbourne.
La Marca, Susan (editor) 2003, Effective learning spaces: Inspiration for school library design, SLAV, Victoria, Carlton.
La Marca, Susan (editor) 2007, Rethink!: Ideas for inspiring school library design, School Library Association of Victoria, Carlton
La Marca, Susan 2010 Designing the Learning Environment, ACER Press.
Library by Design The Library Journal in USA runs a regular section on design entitled Library By Design. These short and
informative articles are archived here:
LibrisDesign The Libris Design database:
Acoustics for Libraries [PDF]
Collection Preservation in Library Building Design [PDF]
Cost Estimating Simplified [PDF]
Daylighting Design in Libraries [PDF]
Furniture and Shelving [PDF]
Furniture for Libraries [PDF]
Library Collection Storage [PDF]
Library Interior Finish Materials [PDF]
Library Security [PDF]
Library Stacks and Shelving [PDF]
Lighting for Libraries [PDF]
Renovation or a New Library: A Planning Process [PDF]
Site Selection [PDF]
Dr Susan La Marca, Genazzano FCJ College,
Sustainable Library Design [PDF]
Technology Infrastructure Design for Libraries [PDF]
Universal Access in Libraries [PDF]
Wayfinding and Signage in Library Design [PDF]
Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) 2008, ‘Learning Spaces Framework:
Learning in an Online World’,
Milam, J & Graham, F 1995, ‘Facilities as change agents’, LLA Bulletin, Winter, p. 176-178.
Mitchell, Lisa 2006, ‘Building boom’ in Education Age, 28th August, pp. 4-5.
Myerberg, Henry 2002, ‘School libraries: A design recipe for the future’ KQWeb, ALA, Sept/Oct.
Nair, Prakash 2002, But are they learning?: School buildings - The important unasked questions’,
Nair, Prakash & Fielding, Randall 2005, ‘The language of school design: Design patterns for 21st century schools’,
‘National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities Library and Media Centre facilities design K to 12’ (extensive list of past
National Library of New Zealand, Arranging Library Fiction by Genre,
New Visions for Public Schools no date, ‘Developing a 21st century library media centre’, New York.
NMC Horizon Report 2014 K-12 Edition
Oblinger, D G (editor) 2006 Learning spaces, Educause.
This excellent collection is available online as an ebook or each chapter can be downloaded separately.
The second half of the collection contains a series of case studies. The contents of the first section includes:
 Chapter 1. Space as a Change Agent by Diana G. Oblinger
View: HTML | PDF
 Chapter 2. Challenging Traditional Assumptions and Rethinking Learning Spaces by Nancy Van Note Chism
View: HTML | PDF
 Chapter 3. Seriously Cool Places: The Future of Learning-Centered Built Environments by William Dittoe
View: HTML | PDF
 Chapter 4. Community: The Hidden Context for Learning by Deborah J. Bickford and David J. Wright
View: HTML | PDF
 Chapter 5. Student Practices and Their Impact on Learning Spaces by Cyprien Lomas and Diana G. Oblinger
View: HTML | PDF
 Chapter 6. The Psychology of Learning Environments by Ken A. Graetz
View: HTML | PDF
Dr Susan La Marca, Genazzano FCJ College,
Chapter 7. Linking the Information Commons to Learning by Joan K. Lippincott
View: HTML | PDF
Chapter 8. Navigating Toward the Next-Generation Computer Lab by Alan R. Cattier
View: HTML | PDF
Chapter 9. Trends in Learning Space Design by Malcolm Brown and Phillip D. Long
View: HTML | PDF
Chapter 10. Human-Centered Design Guidelines by Lori Gee
View: HTML | PDF
Chapter 11. Designing Blended Learning Space to the Student Experience by Andrew J. Milne
View: HTML | PDF
Chapter 12. Sustaining and Supporting Learning Spaces by Christopher Johnson
View: HTML | PDF
Chapter 13. Assessing Learning Spaces by Sawyer Hunley and Molly Schaller
View: HTML | PDF
O’Connor, Alison 2004, ‘An ecological sustainable school: Williamstown High School Bayview street in FYI, Autumn, 8, 2.
Opening the Book, Unknown date, ‘First impressions’,
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) 2008, ‘OECD work on future educational environments’,
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) (2013), “Executive summary”, in Innovative Learning
Environments, OECD Publishing.
Radcliffe, D., et al 2008, Designing next generation places of learning: Collaboration at the Pedagogy-Space-Technology Nexus,
Raeco 2014, Look Book: Designing Library Spaces, Victoria, Aust.: Raeco.
Reddy, Muriel 2004, ‘A model school for all’ in Education Age, November 29th, pp. 6- 7
Reimagining Learning Spaces Project
How does the physical environment of school libraries influence pedagogic practices and learning outcomes?
Resources for School Librarians - This page of links is curated by a retired USA school librarian. It comprises to interesting lists of
links: Building and redesigning libraries and Design for patrons with disabilities
Rippel, Chris 2007, ‘What libraries can learn from bookstores: Applying bookstore design to public libraries’, INFOcus,
Rixon, Greg 2014, ‘The Changing Role of the School Library’, SLA Design awards address, October 2014.
‘Robin Hood Foundation – Library Initiative’,
Rudd, Tim, Carolyn Gifford, Jo Morrison and Keri Facer 2006, ‘What if …? Reimaging learning spaces’. Open Education report,
Sannwald, W. W. 2001, Checklist of library design considerations (fourth edition), American Library
Dr Susan La Marca, Genazzano FCJ College,
Association, Chicago.
Sargeant, Jennifer 2008, 'Reconfiguring Space, Place and Purpose' Synergy, 6, 1. pp 13 – 15.
Schneider, Mark 2002, Do school facilities affect outcomes?, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities,
The School Libraries Project - The School Libraries Project is an initiative of the Capitol Hill Community Foundation. Both the
Foundation and the Project are all-volunteer efforts in Washington DC, USA. The website outlines the 8 school libraries that
were part of the project.
Scibsted, Evantheia 2005, ‘Way beyond fuddy-duddy: Good things happen when the library is the place kids want to be’ in
Edutopia, October.
Siddiqi, Anooradha Iyer 2010, The Library Book: Design Collaborations in the Public Schools, Princeton Architectural Press.
Sinclair, Bryan 2007, ‘Commons 2.0: Library spaces designed for collaborative learning’, Educause.
Slesin, Suzanne 2007, ‘Live and learn’ in O at home: An Oprah magazine, 4, 2, pp 84 - 93.
Somerville, M M & Collins, L 2008, ‘Collaborative design: A learner-centered library planning approach’, The Electronic Library.
Sturm, Brian W. 2008, 'Imaginary Geographies of Childhood: School Library Media Centers as Secret Places' in Knowledge Quest,
46, 5.
Todd, Ross 2008, Turning on the lights: Key challenges for Leaning, Libraries and teaching in a Googleised world,
Truett, C. 1994, ‘A survey of school and public children’s library facilities’ in School Library Media Quarterly (Winter), pp. 91-97.
Watson, Les (editor) 2013, Better Library and Learning Space: Projects, Trends and Ideas, UK: Facet Publishing.
Whisken, Anne 2012 onwards, Regular creator of the Learning Landscapes section in Synergy (SLAV) where the author is
documenting the design of her school’s new library. The articles explore the theory and planning for this new facility, they
iCentre’s Virtual Dimension – One School Library’s Use of Digital Spaces,10,.1, 2012.
Library Learning Spaces: One School Library’s Initial Design Brief, 10, 2, 2012.
Library learning spaces: Data gathering to inform, 11, 1, 2013.
Library practice and Information Commons understandings, 11,2, 2013.
Learning Landscapes: Teacher-librarians in the Design Process, 12, 1, 2014.
YA spaces of your dreams’, A regular section in the USA journal VOYA.
Dr Susan La Marca, Genazzano FCJ College,