Title - WJEC

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Unit aim:
The Ethics of food production and the consumer
Entry 2 / 3
This unit aims to enable learners to know how the transport of food affects the environment, and how ethical retailing and consumer choices can
help to reduce the impact of transport on the environment.
Learning Objective:
Lesson 1:
To be able to identify
the Issues involved in
food production.
Lesson 2:
To know the places in
the world where food
consumed in the UK
originates from.
Lesson 3:
To be able to give some
examples of places and
produce that is grown in
the UK.
Lesson 4: To know how
food is transported and
to be able to explain the
changes of
transportation of food
over time.
Tasks/Activities :
•Spider diagram
•Annotated picture of fair
trade logo on a choc bar.
•Watch the video clip.
•Discuss the issues involved in food production and complete spider
•List the food you have eaten this week- where has that food come
•Examine a Cadburys chocolate bar: what change has been made
recently on the packaging? Discuss what this represents.
•Ask the class to form groups each with a selection of supermarket
goods. Group to identify country of origin and display these as a table.
•Pupils to draw different items (or using ICT) and using an atlas/mapstick these to the map, labelling the countries of origin in the
appropriate location.
•You tube clips: child labour and farm
exploitation e.g.
•Supermarket goods.
•World map/ Atlas
•Blank table template.
•Completed Table
•Pupils to be given a check list or a sort activity to stimulate
discussion, of produce originating from the UK or imported.
•After selecting the items produced in the UK, find out where they are
produced and transfer this information on to a map or display.
•Create a poster or leaflet about locally produced food and drink from
somewhere in UK
•Pupils to be shown a PPT of images of ways of transporting goodsthey are to select those that are appropriate for food transportation
and present as a list.
•Pupils can have a ‘spot the difference’ activity and using source cards
can describe the difference between he transportation methods over
the century.
•List from checklist or sort
•Map and display
•PPT of images
•Source cards to show differences in
•Written description
•Checklist or sort activity.
•Pictures or atlas of locations and
•ICT resources.
Lesson 5: To
understand the idea of
‘food miles’
Lesson 6: To have some
awareness of the
amount of food miles
they personally ‘use’
Lesson 7: To
understand how
consumers can reduce
the impact on the
Pupils to be shown video of journey of fish from sea into a fish
finger on a plate
Make True/False cards for students to select based on food
miles information
Produce a flow chart showing journey from food source to
List foods they like to eat and find out which country some
things come from
Research how many food miles are involved (many products
now have this on the label)
Describe their families shopping pattern and look at transport
Identify and describe one way their family could reduce food
•Invite an outside speaker from an environment agency. E.g. Friends
of the Earth, Oxfam, any Consumer group/association. Class, in
groups should prepare questions in anticipation. They must include
questions about what consumers can do to be more ethical
•Create a display/poster as a group or individually, on the findings on
what can you do to preserve the environment. Alternatively this could
be done as a verbal presentation or a PPT presentation.
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Lesson 8: To look at
Show video: Wal-mart (who own Asda) The new Green
ways a supermarket
Giant, discuss
giant is attempting to
Create a poster showing some of the things they are trying to
reduce harmful effects
do and the effects they will have
on the environment
Extension task: Could research the attempts the
supermarkets their family uses ‘green’ policy
U-tube E2 Transport – Food
Supporting text books
Very useful data to stimulate
resources on Wikipedia: Food
miles (for staff)
 Flow chart
 Discussion
 Sorting exercise
Teacher may find Wikipedia
information detailed above
 Research at
supermarkets and
 Written piece or labelled
External Speaker.
 Discussion/ verbal
presentation- (witness
Wal-mart:: The new green giant
 Poster
 Research
Lesson 9:
To understand how
consumers can be more
•Play the banana game and discuss responses and spot the
•Produce a poster about the inequalities of food production
highlighting the shocking statistics you discovered in the banana
• Banana Game:
Lesson 10:
To be able to describe
ways in which
consumers can make
ethical choices.
•Create a list of ‘I am going to’ statements and pupils can choose
which one they could do to make a difference- which one is relevant to
their lifestyle and could actually do e.g. buy fair trade chocolate only
on the way to school.
•It may be possible to present this information through outside
speakers or case studies.
•Pupils can create an argument to present to family and friends to win
support for making a difference.
•This could be presented and peer assessed- pupils could vote on
what action seems the most achievable.
•Stimulus material/case studies.
•Speakers/ case studies/ source cards.
•Verbal presentations
(witness statements)
•Mini projects/campaign