
Unit Lessons
Work with multiple objects
Modify color in objects
Apply effects to objects and text
Apply a style to objects
Working with Objects
Fireworks provides many tools for
modifying objects
Objects can be combined with others
to become new shapes
You can apply fills, strokes and
effects to objects using the Property
Working with Objects
Objects can be joined using the
Group command
Group objects are treated as one unit
Ungrouped objects maintain their
original appearance
Combine Paths Options
Fireworks offers six ways to the
paths of two or more vector objects
– Join
– Split
– Union
– Intersect
– Punch
– Crop
Combine Paths Options
– Combines the paths of two or more
objects to create a single merged object
– Includes all points on both paths
– Overlapping area appears empty
– Can be used to join selected end points
of open paths
Combine Paths Options
– Splits the path of two or more objects
that had been combined using the Join
– Creates a path that is the sum total of all
selected areas
Combine Paths Options
– Creates an object by eliminating
everything except the overlapping areas
of the selected objects
– The topmost object carves its shape
through all lower selected objects
– The topmost path removes the areas of
the paths beneath it
Arrange Commands
Arrange commands change the
location of objects on the canvas
– Bring to Front
– Bring Forward
– Send Backward
– Send to Back
Align Commands
Align commands allow you to align
objects in relation to each other by
their sides or centers
You can also distribute objects
vertically and horizontally using the
Align command
Align options are available in the
Modify menu or Align panel
Modifying Objects
Vector objects can be modified by
– Applying fill color, gradients and
– Changing stroke color, texture, type
of edge, opacity and blend mode
Gradients are two or more colors
that blend into each other in a fixed
– Gradient options are found in Property
– Fireworks includes preset gradients
– Gradients can be edited with new
Patterns are chosen from the Fill
category list arrow
– There are many preset pattern fills
– Pattern fills can be modified
– Patterns can be previewed in the
Property inspector
– You can create a custom pattern
using a bitmap file of your own
Edges and Textures
Edges refer to the edge of a fill
applied to a vector object
The type of edge (hard, soft or
feather) make it appear to blend or
fade into the background
Edges and Textures
Textures can be applied to fills to
create a tactile illusion
Custom textures can be created from
bitmap files
Working with Effects
Effects are like filters that add the
illusion of depth and dimension to
Examples of effects include drop
shadows, blurs, and glows
Effects are found in the Property
Working with Effects
Multiple effects can be applied to
The Edit and arrange effects list in
the Property inspector lets you
– Change effect settings
– Temporarily hide an effect
– Rearrange order of effects
– Adjust opacity of effects
Working with Effects
Rearranging the
order of effects
allows you to see
different versions
of the same
Check mark
indicates effect is
Understanding Filters
Filters are very similar to effects
– Found under Filters menu
– Are not listed in Edit and
arrange effects list in Property
– Cannot be temporarily hidden or
Understanding Opacity
Opacity is the amount that an object
is opaque or transparent
– Completely opaque = 100% opacity
– Completely transparent = 0% opacity
Opacity settings are found in Layers
panel and Effects section of Property
Working with Styles
Styles are preset attributes that can
be applied to text and objects
Style attributes include
– color
– texture
– type of edge
Preset styles are found in the Styles
Working with Styles
Styles can be renamed and edited
The Edit Styles dialog box allows you
to control which attributes the style
should apply
– Example: Deselect the Font and Text
Size check boxes to maintain the
original font style and size
Working with Styles
You can create your own custom
styles and add them to they Styles
– Create an object and apply formatting
to it
– Select object
– Click New Style button in Styles panel
Working with Styles
Custom styles
appear at the
bottom of the
Styles panel
Custom style
named Metallic
Using Plug-ins
Plug-ins are mini applications that
add features or enhancements to
other software applications
– Eye Candy 4000 LE made from Alien
Skin products is an example of a
Using Plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop plug-ins are
accessible in Fireworks
– Open Fireworks Preferences dialog
– Click Folders tab to access folders
containing Photoshop plug-ins
– Click Import tab to determine how
Fireworks translates layers and text