Network Complaint Handling Education FINAL 04 17 2012 Policy


Network Handling of

Customer Complaints

Policy and Procedure Material

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Network Handling of Customer Complaints Rev: 4 17 2012

Customer Complaint Escalation Process

I. Objectives

State the benefits of a consistent, problem handling and customer complaints program

Identify customer complaint language according to the Bank of America definition of a complaint

Identify customer complaint trigger language

II. Handling Customer Complaints

Bank of America is focused on delivering a world-class experience for every customer, every time. Bank of

America is committed to ensuring that our customers’ problems are handled effectively and consistently, and

Bank of America is committed to providing exceptional treatment while resolving customer issues. We are changing our culture by creating complete clarity around our problem handling process, including complaint tracking, reporting and resolution.

What Are the Benefits of a Customer Complaints Process?

Understand the top complaint types customers are facing today

Provide leaders with a single source for reporting the complaints

Take a proactive approach to respond to customer inquires

III. How Do Customer Complaints Evolve?

Customer complaints typically evolve from problems, and problems typically stem from service requests.

Service requests are normally the result of a customer needing assistance with some type of maintenance, correspondence or research. Service requests may also include questions, inquiries or concerns regarding customer service received, existing accounts, account maintenance, fees or new products.

A service request may lead to a customer problem or a potential problem. A problem occurs when a product or service did not perform according to the expectations of the customer or the bank.

If a problem is not resolved to the satisfaction of the customer, the problem may become a customer complaint .

A complaint is a situation where the problem is escalated due to customer dissatisfaction with the handling of or the resolution of the underlying issue.

To identify a customer complaint and track it appropriately, you will need to understand the enterprise definition of a complaint.

IV. Definition of a Complaint

In addition to the existing written (formerly FDCPA) complaint process that exists, the definition of a complaint will be expanded to include any situation in which a customer demonstrates dissatisfaction with the handling of, or the resolution of the underlying issue, and/or results in the customer:

Requesting to go on record as being dissatisfied with the condition or resolution of a service request, or

Referencing legal or media assistance , or

Requesting to escalate their problem beyond your immediate management .

Bank of America: Proprietary

Network Handling of Customer Complaints Rev: 4 17 2012

Definition of a Complaint


Customer complaint trigger language will help you identify complaints that must be tracked.

Customer Complaint Trigger Language

If a customer uses complaint trigger language and the customer’s issue is not resolved by the first point of contact, then the complaint must be escalated. Trigger language includes reference to “go on record,” reference to media or legal assistance, or requests to escalate a problem beyond immediate management. Examples of complaint trigger language include:

 I’m going to contact the news media.

I ’m going to contact the radio station, so they can tell everyone.

 I’m going to call my attorney.

This is not legal.

I want the number/address for your president, so that I can call/write a letter.

I expect you to respond to my problem in writing.

There are other types of language that a customer may use which will not be escalated.

Customer Criticism and Media Buzz

It is important that you are able to distinguish customer complaint trigger language from other types of language a customer may use which is considered a criticism or media buzz. Criticism and media buzz language are not tracked as a complaint.

Below are examples of customer criticism and media buzz language:

Customer Criticism Language

Examples of customer criticism language include:

Your bank is horrible.

 Your fees are too high and I don’t like them.

I am going to tell all of my neighbors about this.

 I am closing my accounts because you don’t know how to conduct business.

Customer Media Buzz Language

Examples of media buzz language include:

 You can’t refund my fees, but you sure can take the TARP money.

 You’re charging all of these fees to make up for your losses.

How can you get away with charging this new annual fee on my credit card?

I heard your bank president on the news last night.

Notice that in the examples of criticism and media bu zz language, the customer does not request to “go on record”, reference media or legal assistance, or escalate beyond immediate management.

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Network Handling of Customer Complaints Rev: 4 17 2012

V. Point-of-Contact Resolution

You may have situations in which a customer uses complaint trigger language, but you are able to resolve the problem to the customer’s satisfaction by the end of the interaction. In these types of situations, you are not required to escalate the problem as a complaint.

For example, during an interaction with a customer, he says, "This is not legal.” You continue the conversation using problem handling skills. If at the end of the interaction the customer understands the situation and is satisfied with the outcome, you will not escalate the complaint even though the customer used complaint trigger language during the conversation.

If you ever have a question as to whether or not to escalate a complaint, escalate it. You always have the option of escalating or reporting a customer complaint. This helps us ensure each customer feels respected and NAlued.

VI. Overview

Now that you have completed the Network Handling of Customer Complaints Process training, you should now be able to:

State the benefits of a consistent, enterprise level, problem handling and customer complaints program

Identify customer complaint language according to the enterprise definition of a complaint

Identify customer complaint trigger language

After identifying a complaint, you will need to escalate the complaint, following the Customer Complaint Escalation


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Network Handling of Customer Complaints

Overview continued…

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A. Overview

1. Bank of America is committed to ensuring that our customers’ problems are handled effectively and consistently, and Bank of America is committed to providing exceptional treatment while resolving customer issues.

2. This Customer Complaint Escalation Process is being implemented to reinforce our effort to deliver world-class service to every customer, every time.

3. Networks are still required to follow all service standards and processes as outlined in their General

Services Agreement, Schedules, Statements of Work or other contractual agreements that are in place with Bank of America. This includes, but is not limited to, following all Service Level Agreement

(SLA) requirements, performance standards and any transparency related requirements that are in place.

B. Escalation

1. Customer informs the Network of a problem or concern.

2. Network associate (NA) reviews the problem and attempts to resolve.

3. If the NA is able to resolve the concern, no further action is required.

4. If the NA is unable to resolve the concern, the NA will escalate to their immediate manager, the

Network Supervisor (NS).

5. If the NS is able to resolve the concern, the NS will clearly document the system notes with the issue and the resolution. No further action is required.

6. If the NS is unable to resolve the concern, the NS a. Send the template and the supporting documentation (previously referred to as the packet) to within 1 business day of receipt

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Network Handling of Customer Complaints

Check Your Knowledge

Rev: 4 17 2012

Scenario 1

In this example, Mrs. Smith has called in with a service request. The conversation has led to a customer problem.

At this point of the conversation, you have introduced yourself and verified the identity of Mrs. Smith.

Now, you will examine the remainder of the conversation. Review the dialog and identify complaint trigger language that is used during the conversation.


When I spoke to one of you last week, I told you that I was going to have problems sending in my next payment in on time. I told you that in advance. Now, I received a past due notice from you and a late charge. I am so upset.

I can appreciate what you must be experiencing now, Mrs. Smith, and I want to help you.

I certainly don’t believe that.

We provide a 15 day grace period in which you may submit your payment and still be considered current. As I look at your account, your payment came in a week after the grace period, and for an amount less than the required payment amount.


I explained my reasons to the person with whom I spoke to last month. Do you people not keep notes? I’ve had it. I want to speak to your manager. You people can’t be allowed to do this. After I speak with your boss,

I’m calling the Channel 5 News to tell them what crooks you are, and then I am getting an attorney!

Yes, Mrs. Smith, I’ll let my manager know that you want to speak with her. May I place you on hold while I get her?

Don’t make me wait too long.

I’ll do my best. Thank you.

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Network Handling of Customer Complaints Rev: 4 17 2012

Check Your Knowledge


Scenario 1 – Key Point 1

This was an example of Complaint Trigger Language where the customer referenced legal and media assistance. Key points you should remember about complaints are as follows:


: A situation where the problem is escalated due to dissatisfaction with the handling or resolution of the underlying issue which results in the customer using Complaint Trigger Language to:

Reference legal or media assistance, or

Request to go on record as being dissatisfied with the condition or resolution of a service request, or

Request to escalate their problem beyond your immediate center/site management.

Scenario 1 – Key Point 2

If a customer uses complaint trigger language, and the customer’s concerns cannot be resolved, the customer must be escalated or the complaint must be tracked. In doing so, determine if other lines of business or partners need to be consulted.

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Network Handling of Customer Complaints

Check Your Knowledge


Scenario 2

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In this example, Ms. Tanner has called in with a service request. The conversation has led to a customer problem.

At this point of the conversation, you have introduced yourself and verified the identity of Ms. Tanner as an authorized third party.

Now, you will examine the remainder of the conversation. Review the dialog and use your Quick Reference Card and Online Resource Site to help identify complaint trigger language that is used during the conversation.


My name is Josephine Tanner. I am hoping you can help me rectify something that has been going on for months.

Hello Mrs. Tanner. I’ll be happy to help in any way I can. What is your concern?

I have been patiently waiting for my request to be processed, and it seems to be taking forever.


I apologize that you have been waiting so long Mrs. Tanner. As I look at your file, it seems we are missing some information and mailed out a request several weeks ago asking for the information.

You must be kiddin g! I don’t recall receiving a request for additional information.

Based on what I see, just a few things are needed for your request to be processed.

That can’t be right. I provided all the requested information months ago.

I want to talk to the person in charge of your area, right now, to let them know what you people are putting me through by holding up the processing of my request!

Mrs. Tanner, I can certainly understand your frustration. Let me get my manager, and bring him on the line.

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Network Handling of Customer Complaints

Check Your Knowledge


Scenario 2

continued …

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That’s fine. But I am immediately going to ask to be transferred to his manager.

This is ridiculous!

Scenario 2

– Key Point 1

This was an example of Complaint Trigger Language where the customer requested to escalate their problem beyond your immediate management. Key points you should remember about complaints are as follows:

Complaint : A situation where the problem is escalated due to dissatisfaction with the handling or resolution of the underlying issue which results in the customer using Complaint Trigger Language to : record as being dissatisfied with the condition or resolution of a service request, or r problem beyond your immediate center/site management.

Scenario 2 – Key Point 2

Make every attempt to diffuse the situation. Refer to the procedures for proper tracking and handling of the complaint.

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