
Appositive Phrases
Verbals - Participial, Gerund, and Infinitive Phrases
Appositive Phrases
An appositive is a noun or noun
phrase that replaces a noun that is
close to it in a sentence. It is generally
set off by commas, but no commas are
used if the sentence needs the
appositive to make 100% sense
Appositive Examples
The author O. Henry wrote “One
Thousand Dollars.” O. Henry is an
essential appositive and uses no
 O. Henry, a former convict, settled in
New York.
The appositive a former
convict is NOT essential to the meaning
of the sentence and IS set off by
Appositive Examples
The successful singer Michael Jackson died in
Michael Jackson - Essential
Michael Jackson the successful singer died in
Michael Jackson, the successful singer, died in
2008. the successful singer is non-essential.
Verbs that act as Nouns and Adjectives
Participial Phrases
A participle is a verb form acting as an
adjective. They usually end in –ing or
 Participial Phrases are always used as
adjective phrases that modify nouns or
 Comma rules are similar to appositives
and the participle should be close to the
word it modifies.
Participial Phrase Examples
Sitting in his office, the President called
the Vice-President.
Jen, waving good-bye, drove away.
Gerund Phrase
A Gerund is a verb that ends in –ing and
functions as a noun.
A Gerund Phrase consists of the gerund
and all of its modifiers.
Remember that Present Participles end
in –ing also, but they act as adjectives.
Gerund Phrase Examples
Driving a car takes concentration.
 Driving a car – Gerund Phrase
 Paul finished painting the ceiling.
 painting the ceiling – Gerund Phrase
 A dog, wearing one of these collars, is
protected against fleas.
 wearing one of these collars – Participial
Phrase – acts as an adjective
Infinitive Phrase
An Infinitive Phrase is a Verbal that
begins with the word to and is followed
by a verb and all of it’s modifiers. It
functions as a Noun, Adjective, or an
 Do not confuse Infinitive Phrases and
Prepositional Phrases. Prepositional
Phrases consist of the word to followed
by a noun.
Infinitive Phrase Examples
He helped to build the roof.
 to build the roof – Noun
 I need a book to read on vacation.
 to read on vacation – Adjective, book
 The officer returned to help the
 To help the inspector – Adverb, returned