Type of Context Clue

Context Clues
Type of
Context Clue
Antonym /
explanation /
example / logic
More Grammar
Example of C.C. in a sentence
Words with the same, or nearly the same meaning.
 Look for: in other words, that is, also known as,
sometimes called, or, like, as, resembles, compared to
A word or group of words that has the opposite meaning reveals the
meaning of an unknown term.
 Look for: but, in contrast, however, instead of, unlike, yet
Look for where the word is redefined.
 Look for: is defined as, means, the term
It was Nick’s turn to wash dishes and clean the
galley after breakfast. The boat’s kitchen was very
small, but it had everything they needed.
Although some men are loquacious, others hardly
talk at all.
Look for the words like or as nearby. These words introduce a
comparison that can help you understand a new word.
 Look for: in other words, that is, also known as,
sometimes called, or, like, as, resembles, compared to
Look for details in the surrounding sentence(s) to figure out the
meaning of a new word. The unknown word is explained within the
sentence or in a sentence immediately preceding.
 Look for: is defined as, means, the term
An appositive phrase is a group of words that explains the meaning
of a word coming right before it. An appositive phrase is usually set
off from the word it explains by commas and the word or.
 Typically inside an appositive phrase is one of the other
context clues, synonym, antonym, definition, contrast, etc.
Nouns: words preceded by “the,” “a,” or “an” are nouns
Verbs: shows action and often preceded by a noun
Adverb: often follows the verb and has an “-ly” ending.
Adjective: describes the noun in the sentence
Baleen whales have baleen in their mouths instead
of teeth. Baleen is the name for the 400 thin
plates through which the whales filter sea water.
Once you catch the wind, you glide along on waves of
air just like a bird.
That is when more than 10 million veterans of World
War II returned home. After fighting the war,
they wanted to start families.
First, workers on Earth put together modules, or
self-contained sections, of the space station.
Noun: On a computer, you can change a word by
simply moving the cursor to the place where you
want to make the change.
Verb: My grandpa putters around the house.
Adverb: He answered regretfully when he admitted
to cheating on a test.
Adjective: Her irreverent nature during the pledge
of allegiance resulted in a referral.
Using Context Clues
Your word with POS
Sentence with context clue
Type of context clue used