Debra Rowe
Renewable Energies and Behavioral Sciences
Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability
Higher Education Associations’ Sustainability Consortium
Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education
Today’s Topics
Part I What is Sustainability and Greening?
Part II Examples and Resources: Create sustainability related activities and policies on campus
Part III National Trends
Part IV Conclusions
Throughout this session = Next Steps for You
Sustainable Development is often defined as:
“meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
World Commission on Env. and Development. (1987).
Our Common Future. England: Oxford University Press.
The Three Components of Sustainable Development
What Businesses call “The Triple Bottom Line”
Education for a
Sustainable Society:
“enables people to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in decisions
…, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future.”
• Resilient
• Optimistic
• Committed
• Tenacious
• Assertive
• Cope effectively with change
• Emotionally intelligent
• Persuasive
• Empathetic
• Coalition builder
• Mediate and resolve conflicts
• Challenge the status quo effectively when appropriate
• See the small steps and the systemic changes needed for a more sustainable future, convert it into a tasklist and timeline, and follow through effectively.
Sustainable Communities
Public Choices and
Skills/ Values
Private Choices and
Sustainable Economies
Why Sustainability Now?
We are the first generation capable of determining the habitability of the planet for humans and other species.
life supporting resources
Global Perspective consumption of life supporting resources
Effects in Our Lifetime
Climate change = =
Civilization Disruption
Disruption of food production and the food chain
More extreme weather events
Disruptions of ecosystems, including water supplies
Spread of disease e.g. West Nile, Malaria
Submersion of land masses – was 1 to 4 foot sea level rise now up to 48 feet
50% of world’s population lives on the coasts
Sources: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, EPA
Plus according to the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, all ecosystems are stressed and at risk!
• Getting to the fun stuff!
• Public unaware that we are exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet. The U.S. has approximately
5% of the world’s population and is consuming 25% of the world’s resources.
Public unaware that we can build stronger economies that will produce quality of life and reduce human poverty and suffering, environmental degradation and social injustice now.
A rapid shift in mindset is needed and education to action is the key.
SHIFT OUR Institutions’ and our
What You Can Do –
Most Important Next Steps
What You Can Do On Campus?
Sustainability film series - with discussions afterwards that lead to possible actions
Sustainability speakers
Sustainability entertainers
Sustainability related community projects
Clothing and other stuff swaps
Sustainability living contests in collaboration with residential halls
Small but permanent impacts, such as signage on energy and pollution savings
work with facilities, bookstore, and graphic arts profs
use downloadable poster
sustainability primer
Annual events
Freshman pledge
Sustainability living campaigns
Add sustainability to all your events
Trash free events, Fair trade products
Carbon neutral music and other events
Campus Consciousness Tour
Green music – list of 185 artists and 277 different songs – will be on NACA’s site soon
Reach out to other groups to go green
Mayors, businesses and non-profits
Dining halls – local and organic – waste sculptures
Use the media – students have the power
Create visuals and call the TV stations and newspapers
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter what you do
Engage MTV-U to include sustainability ideas
USA Today wants your stories =
Also upload your videos to
• Time/CNN;
• Newsweek;
• Washington Post;
• New York Times;
• MTV;
• HE publications;
• Science Magazine
• You can help change media – MTV story
Local Professional Development
Offerings You can Use
1. “ Campus Sustainability Catalyzing
Days ”: Targeted Meetings plus
Faculty/Staff Development.
2. Capturing the Shifting Campus
Culture on Video to Promote More
Positive Change - put in the recreational buildings/union/MTV-U
Be part of the national events:
National Teach-In on Climate Change – show the webcast
Powershift –
Recyclemania –
Campus Ecology and National Campus Chill Out –
Create your own at
Campus energy wars
Imagine students and staff literate in the real world sustainability challenges and engaged in the solutions
Provide the models and opportunities for practicing the changing of behaviors and policies
Imagine a country where all college students get involved in helping to solve our societal problems through their academic assignments and residential/student activities.
Bring in entertainers and events that can also teach sustainability
Sustainable Waves
Sustainable Living Roadshow
Eco-info zone
Solar stage
Conscious carnival midway
Renewable fuel vehicles
Green market place
Green film festival
Green educators
Umphrey McGee organization, Native Energy, etc.
Campus GreenGame - players come up with actions, plans, and policies that lead to lowering the campus footprint and that reduce operating costs game.shtml
“Tool Kit” for Creating a Better World:
Ideas for Campus Activities that
Support and Educate About
Sustainable Living
ACPA – Residential Curricula
Culture Making and Legislative Activities:
Each student participating in a campaign as a freshman, and then organizing a campaign.
Ex. – UNC ICARE, Fair Trade, Campus Climate
Challenge, Political Campaigns, Student
Green Fees, Divestment (ex: Sudan), Nike
(tell the stories!)
Climate Change
We can’t have watered down legislation
Civic engagement – Feed in tariffs or auction the credits!
U.S. Partnership for Education for
Sustainable Development:
Convene, Catalyze and Communicate
Sector Teams: Business, Higher Education, K-12,
Communities, Faith, Youth…
The United Nations
Decade of Education for
Sustainable Development
Leverage for action!
Select examples internationally in higher education:
ESD is a guiding principle in the
European Union.
A requirement for all graduates in Sweden.
World Federation of Colleges and
Sustainability is smart business:
Cradle to Cradle (McDonough) – clean factories
Biomimicry (Benyas – Like nature, efficient and not toxic) – Butterflies and snail wisdom
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Natural Step (Sweden and U.S.) – building agreements
Natural Capitalism (Lovins, Harvard Business
Review) – negawatt
Ethical Markets – Hazel Henderson
Mid-Course Correction – Ray Anderson – no toxic legacy
Trends and resources in sectors – some examples
Business - LOHAS, SOL Sustainability Consortium,
CERES, Businesses for Social Responsibility,
Shareholders, Investors (e.g. Swiss RE)
Communities - Mayors Climate Protection and
Smart Growth, Grand Rapids model
K-12 – Nat. Assoc. of Independent Schools, U.S.
Partnership resources
Faith - National Religious Partnership and
Interfaith Alliance, Regeneration Project
Youth – Driving the changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GREAT NEWS!!! We’ve created a
National Trend in higher education
1. National higher education associations and disciplinary associations are creating initiatives in education for sustainable development.
2. Three national networks with resources for you!
Mission and
Student Life Community
For higher education,
Sustainable Development integrated into the above areas.
1. The Initiative
• Signed by over 600 presidents & chancellors
• Goals:
– model climate neutrality for society
– contribute research & educated students to solve climate crisis and help create a sustainable society
(c) 2007 Presidents Climate Commitment. All rights reserved.
Engaged National HE Associations to assist you.
8. APPA –
1. ACE –Am. Council on Ed.
2. AAC&U – Assoc. of
American Colleges and
3. AACC – Am. Ass. of
Community Colleges
4. AASCU – State Colleges and Universities
5. AGB –
Facilities Officers
Business Officers
10. SCUP – College and
University Planners
11. ACUI – Student Unions
12. ACPA – Student Affairs
13. NACA –
Governing Boards
6. ACUHO-I - Housing
7. NAEP –
Campus Activities
14. NACS – Campus Stores
Educational Buyers
2. Higher Education Associations
Sustainability Consortium –
– resource center
• Professional standards and resources for your staff!
• Sustainability is part of everyone’s job!
• Shared professional development,
• Shared publications,
• Sustainable practices/policies,
• Informing the public about higher education’s commitment to sustainability.
Governance & Management
Presidents & Trustees
AASCU’s Public Purpose Magazine; Sustainability Article in ACE’s The
Presidency Magazine; Sustainability Panel at AGB Conference; AACC’s
Education for Sustainable Development Website – monthly conference calls
Housing ACUHO-I, Student Life ACUI’s
“Why Sustainability” Page, NAEP’s
Sustainable Purchasing Page
Governance & Management
Planning & Management
Association Publications:
Business Officer, Facilities
Manager, Planning for
Higher Education, and many more
Governance & Management
Planning & Management
Collaboration – HEASC Resource
Articles online, Professional
Development, including
Campus Sustainability Day,
Business Case for
Alternative Energy book from APPA, NACUBO &
Student Affairs –
Primer, list of possible campus activities, and chart of learning outcomes, including change agent skills!
3. Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability – DANS
• American • Ecological Economics
Psychological • Chemistry
• Biology
• Sociology
• American Association
• Religion
• Philosophy for the Advancement of Science
• Math
• Broadcasting
• Architecture
• Engineering (civil, mechanical, eng. ed.)
• Business
• Computer Research
• Humanities
• Women’s Studies
• Political Science
• Anthropology ………
1. Curricula, including cross-disciplinary approaches
2. Promotion and tenure and accreditation
3. Legislative briefings
4. Informing the public
5. Professional identity as an academic
Very exciting – share with your faculty and help them bring sustainability challenges and solution building into their classroom! Every discipline has a unique and important role to play and most academic disciplines are already involved.
National Professional Development
Offerings You can Use
1. Campus Sustainability Day (CSD)
– Oct
2. HEASC, DANS and PCC faculty and staff oriented webinars
3. Faculty Development Offerings
• U.S. Partnership
• Contact me for more info on the above
Curricular Initiatives
• In General Education Core
• Infused Throughout Curriculum
• Programs, Degrees, Institutes, Centers
Changing the norms!
If we don’t use the voice and the credibility of higher education to help create positive visions and actions, we will not create a sustainable future. You are in an important position to catalyze education for sustainability.
1. Point to the national trend.
Provide the “obedient middles” with resources to act.
3. Build toward the critical mass. Be inclusive.
4. Multiple entry portals.
5. Post accomplishments and tell the stories!
What You Can Do –
Engage faculty and students PLUS: facilities, purchasing, community partnerships, bookstores, planners, IT… everyone!
Ask for their help!
Toot their horns!
“You have unique and important contributions to make to help create a sustainable future. We can’t imagine doing this without you!”
“We have all these resources for you.”
“How can we help you with your sustainability initiatives?”
Follow up and nurture them.
We have seen increased involvement and resistance break through across the institutions!!!!!!!
Resources Used
• AASHE Bulletin (weekly, free)
• AASHE Digest (annual digest of stories by topic) –
The U.S. public is not educated enough about sustainability issues and solutions.
We need sustainability literacy and engagement for ALL. We all need skills to change consumption behaviors and policies.
Use the national trends to shift attitudes on campus.
You are in a unique and important position. It is important to be a systems change agent.
We can help you.
Share what you are doing with our national and international networks. Set precedents for others.
If you feel overwhelmed or unsure, don’t give up!!
There are people you can talk to about how to create success
What do you need to institutionalize year long social and environmental responsibility?
The Power of What You Do
We can choose a sustainable future
Congratulations on all you have already done.
Most importantly, congratulations on what you will do next!!!!!!!!!!!
Questions or Comments?