Valuing Plug-in Vehicle Air Emission and Oil Consumption Benefits Jeremy J. Michalek, Paulina Jaramillo, Mikhail Chester, Costa Samaras, C.-S. Norman Shiau and Lester B. Lave Vehicle electrification Conventional HybridElectric Plug-in Hybrid Electric Battery Electric CV HEV PHEV BEV Power Convertor Engine Engine & Motor Engine & Motor Motor Battery Pack - Small Medium Large Gasoline Electricity CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 2 Jeremy J. Michalek Associate Professor Jeremy Michalek EPP and Mechanical Eng. Vehicle design and life cycle implications Dr. Constantine Samaras RAND Corporation (EPP Alum) Policy assessment Assistant Professor Jay Whitacre EPP and Material Science and Eng. Battery technology Grace Heckmann Market demand for alternative vehicles Orkun Karabasoglu Life cycle implications of driving cycles Professor Chris Hendrickson Civil & Environmental Eng. Transportation and life cycle assessment Assistant Professor Shawn Litster Mechanical Eng. Fuel cells Scott Peterson Life cycle air emissions, battery life, vehicle to grid Professor Francis McMichael EPP and Civil & Environmental Eng. Battery technology, life cycle assessment Apurba Sakti Battery design and cost modeling Associate Professor Illah Nourbakhsh Robotics Institute Electric vehicle conversions Elizabeth Traut Plug-in vehicle design and charging infrastructure optimization Gregg Podnar Robotics Institute Electric vehicle conversions Tugce Yuksel Battery degradation and thermal management CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 3 Jeremy J. Michalek Benefits of PHEVs 1. Greenhouse gas emissions 28% of GHG emissions from transportation (EPA) 2. Air pollution 22,000-52,000 deaths per year from air pollution (JAMA) 3. Oil dependency Cost U.S. economy ~$0.5 trillion in 2008 (Greene) CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 4 Jeremy J. Michalek How much can xEVs help? xEVs offset gasoline use Reduces oil dependency xEVs change emissions profile Fewer emissions associated with gasoline production and combustion More emissions associated with battery and electricity production xEVs change location of emissions Location doesn’t matter for GHGs, but… Damage done by air pollution highly depends on where it is released (population density, etc.) CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 5 Jeremy J. Michalek Location drives air pollution damage CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 6 Jeremy J. Michalek Data Cohon et al. 2010 NRC study “The Hidden Costs of Energy” Quantify externality damages to human health, crops, buildings, etc. $6M value of statistical life Morbidity also accounted for Argonne National Labs (GREET) Vehicle efficiency, emissions, and design Life cycle emissions from refineries, factories, etc. National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) Distribution of driving patterns in the U.S. CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 7 Jeremy J. Michalek Lifetime emissions damages Emissions damage reduction potential of plug-in vehicles Optimistic: $1000 damage reduction over the life Lifetime Damages fromincrease Life Cycleover Emissions Pessimistic: $6000 damage the life $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 VOC SO2 PM2.5 PM10 NOx CO GHG BASE CASE U.S. Avg. Grid Mix OPTIMISTIC Zero-Emission Power Plant PESSIMISTIC Coal Fired Power Plant CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 8 Jeremy J. Michalek Ownership costs Base Case Best Case for Electrification Worst Case for Electrification Vehicle costs ANL 2015 literature review DOE 2030 program goals** ANL 2015 literature review Gasoline prices Average (2008-2010) Max (2008-2010) Min (2008-2010) Electricity prices Average (2008-2010) Min (2008-2010) Max (2008-2010) Battery Life 12 years (life of vehicle) 12 years (life of vehicle) 6 years ** ANL calls DOE program goals “very optimistic” CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 9 Jeremy J. Michalek Net life cycle costs Optimistic: Plug-in vehicles slightly less expensive over the life. Costs drive comparison, not damages Pessimistic: Plug-in vehicles could cost much more while causing more damage Lifetime Costs and Emissions Damages $80,000 Damages $60,000 Electricity Gasoline $40,000 Batt. Rplc. $20,000 Battery Base Vehicle CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 $0 BASE CASE ANL 2015 Costs Avg. Gas Price 12 yr. Battery Avg. Grid OPTIMISTIC DOE 2030 Goals High Gas Price 12 yr. Battery Hydroelectric PESSIMISTIC ANL 2015 Costs Low Gas Price 6 yr. Battery Coal Electricity CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 10 Jeremy J. Michalek Oil dependency Oil Supply Disruption Military spending: Externalities estimated at $0.11/gal (Brown and Huntington) $75-$90 billion in 2009 (RAND) : $0.24-$0.28/gal But… Not enough to change trends Spending is nonlinear: Marginal reductions may have near-zero effect on military spending Market Power Less than half of each bbl oil produced is used to make gasoline – large reductions require coordination US Monopsony effect: $0.22/gal (Leiby) CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 11 Jeremy J. Michalek Cost of oil consumption Total Externalities + Monopsony Premium Externality Damages (Base Case)by Type $7,000 Petrol $6,000 VOC $5,000 SO2 $4,000 PM2.5 PM10 $3,000 NOx $2,000 CO $1,000 GHG $0 CV CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 HEV PHEV20 12 PHEV60 BEV240 Jeremy J. Michalek Other externalities Rebound effect Lower operating costs may encourage more driving Higher congestion costs Higher accident rates These externalities have higher associated costs than emissions (Delucchi) Will range issues combat rebound effect? CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 13 Jeremy J. Michalek Take away Emissions damage reduction potential of plug-in vehicles Oil dependency Externalities, monopsony effect, and marginal security spending not enough to tip the balance Upper bound: Hydro electricity BEV reduces damages $1000 over HEV Small is Beautiful Lower bound: Coal electricity More batteries more green BEV increases damages $6000 over HEV Large packs are underutilized Worth the cost? Extra emissions from production, weight Damage reductions are small compared to ownership costs HEVs and PHEVs with small battery packs are most efficient and robust Across most scenarios, electrification is better only when it saves consumers money If it’s cheaper, market will drive adoption Offer a good solution across a wide range of scenarios If it’s not, emissions benefits don’t justify the extra cost Reduce more GHGs per dollar spent CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 14 Jeremy J. Michalek Decisionmakers Federal Decisionmakers U.S. House and Senate EPA DOE NHTSA State and Local Decisionmakers California CEC and ARB Other states interested in Evs Private Decisionmakers Automotive manufacturers Utilities CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 15 Jeremy J. Michalek Acknowledgements Co-authors Carnegie Mellon Prof. Chris Hendrickson (CMU) Green Design Institute Civil & Environmental Engineering Prof. H. Scott Matthews (CMU) Vehicle Electrification Group Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Public Policy Design Decisions Lab Prof. Jay Whitacre (CMU) Support Material Science & Engineering Engineering & Public Policy Dr. Mikhail Chester (UC Berkeley) NSF CAREER Grant #0747911 Dr. Paulina Jamarillo (CMU) NSF MUSES Grant #0628084 Civil & Environmental Engineering Engineering & Public Policy Tepper School of Business Ford Motor Company Toyota Motor Corp Dr. Constantine Samaras (RAND) Dr. Ching-Shin Norman Shiau (CMU/Dell) CMU Climate Decision Making Center, NSF SES Grant #0345798 Mechanical Engineering Scott Peterson (CMU) Engineering & Public Policy Teresa Heinz Scholars for Environmental Research Program Nikhil Kaushal (CMU) Mechanical Engineering Richard Hauffe (Lockheed Martin) CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 Steinbrenner Institute 16 Jeremy J. Michalek Questions & Discussion Backup Slides Breakdown of emissions damages Breakdown of Externality Damages $4,000 Petrol VOC $3,000 SO2 PM2.5 $2,000 PM10 NOx CO $1,000 GHGs CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 $0 Vehicle Production CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 Battery Production Gasoline Production 19 Electricity Production Vehicle Operation Jeremy J. Michalek Sensitivity Extensive sensitivity analysis on emissions and costs Lifetime Emissions Damages w/ Sensitivity Analysis $12,000 VOC SO2 PM2.5 PM10 NOx CO GHGs Base Case Low Case High Case $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 Base Case Grid Mix Cases Elec. Upstream Cases Oil Refining Cases Oil Upstream Cases Oil Source Cases Assembly Cases Manuf. Upstream Cases Manuf. Elec. Cases Vehicle Data Cases Li-ion Batt. Life Cases Driving Location Cases GHG Value Cases BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 CV PHEV20 BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV BEV240 PHEV20 CV $0 Oil Premium Cases NPV of Lifetime Costs w/ Sensitivity Analysis $80,000 Damages Electricity Gasoline Batt. Rplc. Battery Base Vehicle Base Case Low Case High Case $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 CV HEV PHEV20 PHEV60 BEV240 $0 Base Case Grid Mix Cases Elec. Upstream Cases Oil Refining Cases Oil Upstream Cases Oil Source Cases Assembly Cases Manuf. Upstream Cases Manuf. Elec. Cases Vehicle Data Cases Li-ion Batt. Life Cases Driving Location Cases Vehicle Cost Cases Gasoline Price Cases Electricity Price Cases GHG Value Cases Oil Premium Cases CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 20 Jeremy J. Michalek Research direction 1. Regional Assessment: Where is better to electrify (grid mix, temperature, terrain, driving style, driving distance, etc.) 2. Battery Thermal Management: When worth paying the cost and energy to gain battery performance and life? 3. Infrastructure: Assess technical, economic and environmental implications of battery charging and swapping stations 4. Cell & System Design: Thin vs. thick electrode cells for different applications, combination on same bus? 5. Consumer Preferences: Willingness to pay for PHEV attributes 6. On Road: Hymotion Prius with sensors for road testing and validation, ChargeCar project, Toyota PHEV fleet CMU EPP Advisory Board Meeting | 3-14-2011 21 Jeremy J. Michalek