DECEMBER, 2015 GUIDELINES: GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR GRASSROOTS HUMAN SECURITY PROJECTS (GGP) Embassy of Japan in the Philippines The Japanese Government has various programs under its Official Development Assistance (ODA) that meets the diverse needs of developing countries. One of the ODA schemes, the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) support small-scale projects directly benefiting the grassroots level as well as contributing to the socio-economic development of developing countries. In the Philippines, GGP was launched in 1989 and as of March 2015, 512 small-scale grassroots projects have been implemented by non-government organizations (NGOs), local government units (LGUs), and other non-profit organizations. The Embassy of Japan (EOJ) in the Philippines accepts applications for GGP. Interested parties may read the following guidelines carefully and submit a concept paper to the EOJ. The concept paper format is also available through the website ( A. APPLICATION GUIDELINES I. Eligible recipients of GGP The Embassy of Japan accepts applications from the following organizations. a. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Peoples’ Organizations (POs) and Cooperatives; b. Local Government Units (LGUs); and c. Educational Institutions (Universities) and Medical Institutions. II. Eligibility Requirements a. The proponent must be a registered organization by the authorized government agency in the Philippines (i.e. SEC, CDA and etc.) and/or created by law in the case of LGUs. b. Registered/Operational for at least 3 years before the date of application to GGP. c. With good/outstanding records issued by the SEC and CDA for community organizations. d. Implemented projects for the past 3 years. 1 III. Applicable Projects The following sectors and projects are examples that the GGP can assist. Education ・ Construction or renovation of classroom buildings in primary, elementary, secondary education and technical-vocational courses. Agriculture ・ Construction or procurement of pre and post-harvest facilities to improve productivity of farmers, especially in Agrarian Reform Communities and poor areas. Health and Sanitation ・ Upgrading of health services in poor and remote areas through construction or improvement of health facilities and procurement of basic medical equipment in hospitals, rural health units and barangay health stations. ・ Level I and II water system development and water quality improvement in poor areas without access to potable water. Social Welfare ・ Construction or improvement of centers, workshops or shelters for the marginalized sectors (children, elderly, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, women, etc.). Recycled Projects ・ This pertains to used emergency vehicles from Japan. ・ The EOJ will only accept proposal under this category once the proponent was able to find and have arrangement with the donor for the requested emergency vehicle in Japan. Capacity Building ・ Construction or renovation of training facilities, and procurement of related basic equipment for the conduct of skills and livelihood training activities of women and out-of-school youth for employment and alternative livelihood. 2 IV. Inapplicable Projects Projects that are not applicable under GGP are as follows: a. Projects that do not clearly contribute to grassroots level such as assistance for research activities in universities. b. Projects that do not relate to socio-economic development such as promotion of cultural activities, sports, and arts. c. Projects that relate to political intentions, religious purposes or military activities. d. Projects that require sophisticated engineering techniques such as construction of bridges. V. Grant Amount a. The GGP can support a project that amounts from 3 million to 3.8 million pesos. b. The estimated maximum amount in peso may vary depending on the exchange rate set by the Government of Japan for each fiscal year. c. Normally, the grant will be provided in US Dollars upon approval of the project and signing of the grant contract. VI. Items Covered under GGP a. The grant can be used for the construction of infrastructure and procurement/installation of equipment. b. For Recycled Projects, the EOJ will shoulder the necessary shipment cost, conversion and cost for reconditioning of the vehicles. Other expenses related to importation such as but not limited to application of import permits, arrastre (cargo fees), taxes, custom duties, LTO processing fee and insurance are not covered under GGP thus, it is the responsibility of the proponent to source out the funding for these purposes. c. Audit Fee upon completion of the project for NGOs and cooperatives. VII. Items that are not covered by GGP fund a. Administrative costs such as staff salary, electricity and water, rent for house or offices, fuel and/or gas for vehicles, equipment for proponent’s office (e.g. photocopy machines, personal computers, printers, fax machines and cellular phones) b. Maintenance costs for facilities, equipment, devices etc. that are provided by the GGP fund and costs for purchasing spare parts c. Purchasing of food, houses, medicine, clothes and consumables (except for emergency assistance such as responding to natural disasters) d. Scholarship and research cost e. Purchase of land f. Payment for VAT, customs and duties, registration/license/certification fees, etc. g. Animal dispersal h. Social preparation or mobilization expenses including project conceptualization and community consultations i. Working capital for projects that generate income for specific individuals or enterprises j. Equipment and/or facility for rent that generate income for specific individuals or enterprises 3 VIII. Documentary Requirements The following are the documents required upon submission of the concept paper. Additional documents will be requested as maybe required by the GGP Team. GGP Documentary Requirements Registration Papers (excluding LGUs and other government 1 agencies) Certificate of Good Standing (excluding LGUs and other 2 government agencies) 3 3-year Audited Financial Reports 4 List of Projects Implemented for the last 3 years 5 List of Officials and Employees 6 Proof of Land Ownership Recommendation Letters from LGUs, PLGUs or other 7 government agencies 8 Maps and photos of the project site Photos showing the current condition of existing building/facility 9 and equipment Quotations from 3 different suppliers on proposed items under 10 GGP. The quotations must be duly signed by the suppliers. Each quotation must exclude tax for all items requested under GGP. For infrastructure projects, copy of the Program of Works, 11 Detailed Estimate and Blue Print. 3-year Projected Training Plan for capacity building projects 12 (please see Annex L) For water system projects, result of the water analysis and 13 certificate that it passed the DOH’s standard for drinking water. For equipment, furniture and fixtures, copy of the 14 document/product catalogue the shows the features, details and specification of equipment. 4 IX. Application Process - The application process is for one (1) year. The proponent is required to submit concept paper together with the documentary requirements as listed in Item A, VIII of this guideline. The proposal should follow the prescribe format of the EOJ. 5 a. Initial Assessment/Preliminary Screening - Upon receipt of the proposal, the EOJ will make initial assessment of the project. If the proposed project fits GGP, additional documents or clarification will be sent by the EOJ to the proponent through a formal letter or email, otherwise, a rejection letter will be given. The proponent does not need to contact the EOJ to follow-up the status of the proposal. The EOJ will send from time to time additional documents and/or clarification on the proposed project. Only those who have submitted complete requirements shall be accepted for the initial evaluation. The criteria for the selection of the project is based on Item X. b. Conduct of Site Appraisal - Only the projects selected will be visited by the EOJ for the conduct of site appraisal. - The proponents will be notified on the schedule of site appraisal for their proposed project. c. Selection and Approval of the Project - - The selection will determine the projects that can be shortlisted for possible endorsement to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) for further evaluation. At this stage, additional documents and/or clarifications maybe raised to the proponent. The proponent will be notified about the approval/disapproval of the project. X. Selection Criteria GGP has the following criteria in screening concept papers and evaluating full proposals. a. Capability of the proponent (including track record, financial management capacity, implementation capability and monitoring system, etc.). Proponents must convince the EOJ that they are capable of soundly managing proposed projects. Therefore, a detailed description of past achievements, along with a list of its existing staff and their duties, should be provided. b. Project feasibility. Proponents must discuss in complete detail how a proposed project will be implemented, especially those that would involve people’s participation. A comprehensive project summary and scope should be submitted. c. Sustainability. As mentioned above, the Japanese government cannot provide a grant for administrative costs, maintenance costs, etc. Therefore, the proponent must convince the EOJ that it has sufficient funds that can cover these costs. d. Appropriateness and cost-effectiveness of a requested grant. Because GGP fund comes from Japanese taxpayers’ money, the EOJ examine appropriateness and cost-effectiveness of a requested grant. That is why proponents are requested to submit quotations for items and/or services from three different suppliers/contractors, and projects are supposed to undergo external audit. e. Necessity, urgency and impact. Proponents must clarify why a project is necessary and urgent, what kind of impact it can bring about, and its target beneficiaries. XI. Important Notes/Conditions/Regulations a. Assistance to a project under GGP is a one-time grant for 1 year. b. The grant is a public fund raised by the taxpayers of Japan. The recipient organization is liable to answer any question that may be raised by the EOJ on behalf of the taxpayers. 6 c. The proponents are required to have sound financial situation enough to deal with any unforeseen situation and to properly monitor the projects. d. The proponent must ensure that they understand the guidelines of GGP before the preparation of proposal to avoid mistakes and outright rejection of the project. e. The proponent must ensure that they have conducted the necessary pre-implementation activities such as consultation of project beneficiaries, acquisition of land, permission from local authorities and approval of fund if some of the budget will come from other donor agencies. f. A project proposal that contains vague and insufficient information will not be accepted by the EOJ. Clear and detailed information and action plan are essential to provide clear picture of the proposed project. g. The needs of the beneficiaries should be the basis in designing the plan of the proposed project. h. The beneficiaries of the project should be quantifiable. i. Statistical data/information about the target site should be updated and the source should be stated in the proposal. j. The recipient is liable to maintain the good condition of the items funded under the GGP. k. Plaques/Building Marker/Bronze Marker and Japanese ODA stickers are required to be put in the items funded by GGP. ODA stickers will be given by the EOJ upon request of the proponent. l. Make sure to keep a copy of the proposal submitted to GGP for your reference. m. The grant must be used properly and exclusively for the purchase of the products and/or services necessary for the project approved. Recipient organizations that use the grant in ways other than specified in the contact or fail to report on the progress of implementation and impact of the project, maybe requested to refund the grant to the EOJ. Moreover, all recipient organizations must use the grant within one year of the receipt thereof. XII. Application Deadline - Deadline for submission of grant application is end of July every year. 7 B. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES I. Background This implementation guideline was crafted to guide the proponent on the different processes and policies for the implementation of GGP projects in their respective communities. It covers the following: a. Implementation b. Reporting c. Disbursement II. Policies and Process a. Implementation 1. After the Selection a. The Embassy of Japan will immediately inform the proponent through a written communication about the approval of the project. The official letter will indicate the approved assistance, the total grant amount and the grant contract signing date. 2. Grant Contract Preparation and Signing a. The Grant Contract will be prepared by the Embassy of Japan and shall be signed during the designated date of EOJ. For JBIRD Projects, the grant contract signing will be usually arranged by the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) collectively. The travel and accommodation cost to attend the signing ceremony will NOT be covered by the Embassy of Japan. b. The authorized signatory of the proponent is required to attend the Grant Contract Signing. However, the EOJ also encourages participation of the project engineer, accountant and key personnel that will be directly involved in the implementation of the project. c. One (1) original copy of the grant contract will be given to the proponent. d. During grant contract signing, the proponent is requested to submit a signed Memorandum of Undertaking (See Annex A- MOU Format). 3. After Grant Contract is Signed 3.1 Claiming of Grant a. A Request for the Release of Grant (See Annex B-Request for Release of Grant Format) shall be prepared by the proponent for submission to the EOJ. b. The grant check will be given after the grant contract signing and/or upon submission and acceptance of all necessary procurement documents. c. The authorized signatory is the one allowed to pick up the check. Persons other than the grant contract signatory must have the proper authorization letter from the signatory and valid government identification card upon claiming of the check. d. The grant check will be in the form of US Dollar. e. The proponent is required to submit upon claiming of the check an Official Receipt (OR) corresponding to the amount specified in the grant check. 8 3.2 Entering into Contract with Suppliers a. A week after the grant contract signing, the proponent is required to start the procurement process of requested materials, labor, machineries and equipment. b. For Local Government Units (LGUs) the rules under Republic Act 9184 or Government Procurement Act shall be applied. c. Before awarding of contract to the suppliers, the proponent is required to submit the procurement documents (See Annex K) to the Embassy of Japan for review. d. A Draft Contract (See Annex C- Supplier’s Contract Format) should be submitted to the EOJ together with the budget summary sheet (See Annex D- Budget Summary Sheet). e. The EOJ will notify the proponent when it completes the evaluation and if the proponent can proceed in the awarding and signing of contract to the lowest bidder. f. In case the result of the bidding shows that there is a sudden increase in the price of the requested items and if the total cost exceeds the GGP approved amount, the proponent is requested to submit a written communication, explaining the changes in prices and specify the fund source to cover the amount in excess of the approved amount. g. In case the result of the bidding shows that contract will not be awarded to the lowest bidder, a written explanation must be submitted to the EOJ for evaluation. h. Once the supplier’s contract or other legal document used for procurement is signed, the proponent shall immediately submit a copy to the EOJ within one (1) week. 3.3 Opening of Bank Account a. A separate bank account shall be opened by the proponent within one week after the grant contract is signed. b. The GGP grant amount shall be deposited solely in this bank account. c. A certification for the exchange rate used shall be provided to the EOJ a week after the clearance of the check. d. The EOJ discourages the use of time deposits for the intention of accumulating interests for any purpose. Failure to follow this policy may result to suspension of construction and/or procurement of equipment including refund of the full grant amount. e. The proponent is only allowed to have one (1) time conversion of the grant amount from US Dollars to Philippine Peso except for those under Recycled Projects of GGP and those requires importation. 3.4 Monitoring of Implementation a. The proponent is required to submit monthly, mid-term and final report with accompanying financial report on the designated date of the EOJ. b. Failure to submit the required reports may result in suspension of construction and/or delivery of materials, equipment and machineries of the project and/or refund of the full grant amount. c. The proponent shall immediately notify the EOJ should there be issues arising from the implementation of the project that will warrant immediate decision from the EOJ. 4. Turn-Over of Facility a. The proponent is required to notify the EOJ once the construction and/or procurement of equipment and machineries are completed. b. The proponent is required to submit the final report including all supporting documents within fifteen (15) days after completion of construction and/or procurement of equipment and machineries. c. Upon review and reconciliation of the submitted final financial report, the EOJ will notify the proponent to proceed with the submission of documents for audit. d. The proponent is given fifteen (15) days to submit the Audited Financial Report to the EOJ. e. A site visit will be conducted by the EOJ to check the quality of the facility provided to the 9 proponent. A written communication will be sent by the EOJ that will indicate completion of the project and acceptance of the final report and audited financial report. g. The EOJ will notify the proponent, for the date of possible turn over ceremony. h. The EOJ will notify the proponent if they are allowed to use the facility even if it is not yet turned over. i. The proponent is required to place stickers on items purchased and a building marker (See Annex E- Sample Building Marker) on strategic portion of the building constructed. Painting of Japan ODA insignia is applicable for vehicles or reservoir of water systems. Stickers in various sizes and a sample insignia are available at the EOJ. j. When installing a building marker or painting of Japan ODA insignia, the proponent is expected to state that the project was made possible by the people of Japan through the EOJ. k. The proponent should consult with the EOJ in case they are not sure about what should be included and what should not be included in the building marker. It should be noted that GGP is solely the EOJ’s own program and JICA is usually not involved. f. 5. Monitoring of Impact a. After the turnover of the facility, the proponent is requested to provide monitoring and evaluation report to the EOJ within a period of five (5) years. b. This report will serves as the basis to gauge the impact of the Project to its intended beneficiaries. b. Reporting 1. Monthly Report a. The proponent is expected to submit a monthly report (See Annex F- Monthly Report Format) to the EOJ every last Friday of the month. b. The report must contain photographs that demonstrate progress made in the project. c. Failure to submit the required report on time may result to demand the proponent to submit a written explanation and non-cooperation may lead to suspension of construction and/or procurement of equipment and machineries. 2. Mid-Term Report a. The proponent is required to submit the mid-term report (See Annex G-Mid Term Report Format) based on the deadline stated in the Grant Contract. b. The Mid Term Report is composed of four (4) parts: - Part 1 General Information which will require basic information about the project and list of persons involved in the accomplishment of the project - Part 2 Progress which will highlight the different accomplishments achieved within the time period including issues, concerns and mechanisms adopted to ensure efficient and effective implementation of the Project. - Part 3 Mid Term Financial Report which will demonstrate the summary of income and expenditure incurred within the time period. It shall be supported with the required supporting documents for utilization of the grant fund (See Annex K). - Part 4 Suggestion or Message provides opportunity for the proponent to express their message to the people of Japan, the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines and to the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects of the EOJ. Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this ODA scheme in the EOJ can also be included under this part. c. The report including all supporting documents shall utilize A4 size paper only. d. In cases wherein the EOJ has some clarifications and additional information, the proponent is 10 requested to provide immediate feedback. The proponent is given one (1) week to submit the clarifications and additional information required by the EOJ. e. Failure to submit the required report on time may result to demand the proponent to submit a written explanation and non-cooperation may lead to suspension of construction and/or procurement of equipment and machineries. 3. Final Report a. The proponent is required to submit the final report (See Annex H-Final Report Format) including all supporting documents within two (2) weeks after completion of construction and/or procurement of equipment and machineries. b. The final report shall cover all the activities conducted from start to final construction of the facility requested under GGP. c. It shall be supported with the corresponding financial report with all supporting financial documents as stated under Annex K. Audited Financial Report will be submitted fifteen (15) days after the acceptance of the final financial report. d. The report including all supporting documents shall utilize A4 size paper only. f. In cases wherein the EOJ have some clarifications and additional information, the proponent is requested to provide immediate feedback. The proponent is given one (1) week to submit clarifications and additional information required by the EOJ. g. Failure to submit the required report on time may result to demand the proponent to submit a written explanation. h. Non-compliance of the final report and audited financial report may result to the refund of the full grant amount. 4. Annual/Accomplishment Report a. After completion of the project, the proponent is required to submit yearly accomplishment report (See Annex I- Annual/Accomplishment Report) of the activities conducted as well as provide the EOJ information on the impact of the project. It shall be supported with pictures to show current condition of the facility provided and other relevant activities that showcase the impact of the Project. b. Submission of annual/accomplishment report shall be done every last working day of the year for a period of five (5) years. c. Disbursement 1. General Policies a. The GGP fund should be disbursed in accordance with the approved budgetary requirement, Program of Works (POW), specification of equipment and other machineries and building designs. b. As cited in No. VI of the GGP guidelines, the following expenses are not covered and should not be included as part of the actual expenses charge in the GGP funds: - - Administrative costs such as staff salary, electricity and water, rent for house or offices, fuel and/or gas for vehicles, equipment for proponent’s office (e.g. photocopy machines, personal computers, printers, fax machines and cellular phones); Maintenance costs for facilities, equipment, devices etc. that are provided by the GGP fund and costs for purchasing spare parts; 11 - Purchasing of food, houses, medicine, clothes and consumables (except for emergency assistance such as responding to natural disasters); Scholarship and research cost; Purchase of land; Payment of VAT, customs and duties, registration/license/certification fees etc.; Animal dispersal; Social preparation or mobilization expenses including project conceptualization and community consultations; and Working capital for projects that generate income for specific individuals or enterprises; Equipment and/or facility for rent that generate income for specific individuals or enterprises. c. Any bank-related charges such as, but not limited to, fees and bank charges shall form part of the counterpart of the proponent for the proposed project. d. All forms of taxes paid to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) should form part of the equity of the proponent. e. Copies of all necessary procurement documents including draft procurement contract for the purchase of equipment, furniture and fixtures, vehicles and construction of buildings and other facilities should be submitted to the Embassy of Japan (EOJ) before procurement contract is signed. f. Expenses covered under the GGP funds should be supported with Official Receipts (OR). g. For procurement by administration, payment for labor should be presented with the corresponding Job Order and/or Request for Hiring and signed payrolls. h. No changes will be made in the approved work plan, unless there is a prior written approval for the change from the EOJ. i. Remaining fund at the end of the project should be refunded directly to the EOJ. - - Proponent should send a letter to the EOJ stating their intention to refund the remaining balance of the project fund. The proponent should wait for the official letter from EOJ acknowledging their intent to refund the balance. Upon the receipt of which, that is the only time the proponent can deposit the balance to the Peso Bank Account of the EOJ. j. The proponent is not allowed to earn income or charge any management fee from the grant provided by the EOJ. At the same time, proponents who wish to form partnership with other organizations for the purpose of sourcing out services to perform activities such as but not limited to processing of payment, conduct of procurement and monitoring the construction of the facility, are not allowed to pay certain percentage of the total amount of GGP grant to their respective partners. Failure to comply with this policy may result to refund of the full grant amount. k. The EOJ shall take legal actions if the proponent failed to implement the approved project and if they were not able to comply with the policies and procedures of the EOJ. 2. Submission of Final Report a. A Financial Report (Annex J) will be prepared by the proponent and should be included in the Monthly, Mid-Term and Final Report. 12 b. The proponent should see to it that all required supporting documents (Annex K) are attached to the financial report. c. Once submitted to the EOJ, reports will be reviewed and evaluated. Once accepted by the EOJ, a written communication shall be given to the proponent. d. At the end of the project, the proponent is required to submit an audited financial report. 3. Modification a. The proponent shall implement the project based on the approved design of the EOJ. Modification such as change in design, materials and project site location is not allowed. 4. Payment to the Awarded Suppliers a. The proponent is required to submit to the EOJ supporting documents before payment to the awarded suppliers. b. The EOJ will review the submitted documents (See Annex K) and will notify the proponent if they can release the payment to the supplier. c. Payment made without prior approval from EOJ may result in suspension of the project and non-acceptance of the EOJ to the corresponding amount paid to the supplier. III. Others The proponent is required to submit and regularly update their contact information to the EOJ. These contact information will be the means for the EOJ and the proponent to communicate regarding the project. Failure to provide working and reliable contact information to EOJ will automatically result to suspension of the project. CONTACT INFORMATION: Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects Tel. No. (02) 551-5710 local 2112/2111/2119/2109 Email: 13 Annex A. Memorandum of Undertaking Format (Letterhead of the Proponent) Memorandum of Undertaking Date His Excellency Kazuhide Ishikawa Japan’s Ambassador to the Philippines Embassy of Japan 2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City Dear His Excellency Ishikawa: The (Name of Proponent) in receiving the amount of (Amount of Grant) (US$ 000.00) from the Embassy of Japan for the (Project Title) do solemnly swear to fulfill the tasks set forth herewith as the proponent of the project. The (Name of Proponent) shall perform its responsibilities as follows: 1. To use the grant appropriately and exclusively for the proper execution of the project; 2. To open a new account at any applicable bank exclusively for the grant; 3. To provide annual status report for the project for at least five years even after the submission of midterm and final reports; 4. To shoulder the additional costs in the event of sudden budget shortage during project implementation and do everything possible for the full completion of the project; and 5. To ensure funds for the operation and maintenance of the project and sustain its positive results. For and in behalf of our target beneficiaries, we therefore signify our commitment to this endeavor. Very truly yours, AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY Position 14 Annex B. Request for Release of Grant Format (Letterhead of the Proponent) Request for Release of Grant Date His Excellency Kazuhide Ishikawa Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Embassy of Japan 2627 Roxas Boulevard Pasay City, Metro Manila Dear His Excellency Ishikawa: We hereby request the payment of (grant amount) for Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects based on the Grant Contract dated (date) between the Embassy of Japan and (name of proponent). Very truly yours, AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY Position 15 Annex C. Sample Construction Contract Format CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS This agreement made and entered into this _______ day of ____________, 2015 by and between: Note: Contract shall be signed on or after the GGP grant contract signing, or before submitting the request letter for check release. ________Name of the Organization__________, a non-stock, nonprofit institution, duly organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines, with office address at ________Address_______ represented in this act by its President, Mr. Juan C. Dela Cruz, hereinafter referred to as the OWNER; and _____Name of the Construction Firm/Supplier_____, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with office address at __________Address__________, represented by its General Manager, ___Name of the General Manager___, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR. -WITNESSETH- WHEREAS, the OWNER desires to undertake the construction of a Shelter Home for Street Children also known as Street Children’s Shelter Home located at the ___Address___. In connection herewith, the OWNER needs the services of the CONTRACTOR who shall undertake building framing, foundation works and erection of structural concrete framing systems and floor, railing and roof systems in accordance with the standard specifications as adopted by the Building Code requirements of the Philippines. The construction shall commence seven (7) days after receipt of the advance payment by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR and the building shall be completed within One Hundred Fifty (150) Calendar Days with a total contract price of ONE MILLION THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN AND FIFTY ONE CENTAVOS (PhP 1,035,537.51); WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR, represented itself as capable, ready, willing and able to do all the works described and warrants and assures the OWNER that it could finish such works as aforesaid, within the period of one 16 hundred fifty calendar days for a total contract price of ONE MILLION THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN AND FIFTY ONE CENTAVOS (PhP 1,035,537.51); Note: The duration of the construction implementation should be within the grant contract period. WHEREAS, because such representation, warranties and assurance as above stated, the OWNER, upon a written request from the CONTRACTOR shall make an advance full payment to the Contractor in the amount equivalent to thirty (30%) percent of the total contract price or equal to THREE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY ONE AND TWENTY FIVE CENTAVOS (Php 310,661.25) after the Construction Contract has been signed the guarantee payment bond callable on demand issued by surety or insurance company acceptable to the OWNER by the CONTRACTOR has been submitted. The total advance payment shall be repaid by deducting thirty percent (30%) from the Contractor’s periodic progress payments, with the first repayment to be made when contract value of work executed and the materials delivered is equal or have exceeded thirty (30%) percent of the contract price. Further refunds shall be done thereafter every month billing; Note: Specify the amount of progress billing or percentage of construction and retention fee. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants, agreements and stipulation hereinafter set forth, the parties hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.1 It is mutually understood and agreed that the following constitute the contract documents and are hereby incorporated as integral part of this contract: a) Bid Documents; b) Plans and Drawings; c) Performance Security; d) Authority of Contractor’s Representative/Signatory of the Contract; e) Cash Flow and Monthly Schedule of Payments; f) Construction Schedule and S-curve; g) List of Key Personnel; h) Schedule of Equipment Utilization; i) Credit Line; and j) Other pertinent documents as maybe reasonably required by the Owner 1.2 Each part of the contract documents are normally complementary. What is noted in one although not shown in the others shall be considered contained in all. ARTICLE II – SCOPE OF WORK 17 2.1 Except those specified in Article III of this contract, the obligation of the CONTRACTOR to the OWNER in accordance with the specifications referred to in Paragraph 1.1 above includes the supervision by the CONTRACTOR of the whole work, and supply all the materials, transportation, labor and equipment necessary for the faithful and full performance contained in the Contract Documents mentioned in paragraph 1.1 hereof. ARTICLE III – EXCLUSIONS 3.1 The CONTRACTOR’s scope of work excludes the following items: Note: Specify all works excluded, as agreed upon by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR ARTICLE IV – CONTRACTOR’S LIABILITY 4.1 The CONTRACTOR shall solely be liable for, and shall hold the OWNER free and harmless from any and all claims made by suppliers of materials, by the CONTRACTOR’s employees or laborers regarding wages and other benefits arising from the performance of this CONTRACT, especially those under the provisions of the New Labor Code, and other related laws and by third persons affected or damaged as consequence of any work done by the CONTRACTOR. 4.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be exclusively liable for all accidents to persons pursuant to existing laws or damage to property, traceable to its negligence or to the negligence of its subordinates. ARTICLE V – INSPECTION 5.1 During the progress of the work and up to its final acceptance, the OWNER or his/her representatives shall have the full power and authority to inspect at any time the work performed or being performed and the materials and equipment used, the CONTRACTOR shall extend all reasonable assistance to the OWNER or his/her representatives to carry out such inspection. ARTICLE VI – ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTORS 6.1 The CONTRACTOR shall not sublet or sub-contract all or any portion of the work, however, should any portion of the works require specially subcontractors, the CONTRACTOR shall not be relieved from any liability and obligations under this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall continue to be responsible for the acts, defaults and neglects of any sub-contractors. ARTICLE VII – EXTRA WORK/ ALTERATION/ OMISSION 18 7.1 Where extra work or revisions duly approved by the OWNER is to be accomplished, it is agreed that the CONTRACTOR will undertake such work based on the unit cost submitted by the CONTRACTOR. For extra work not included in the units cost, such cost shall be based on current prices of labor and materials plus twelve percent (12%) of agreed total cost of labor and materials. For revision involving deductions, the CONTRACTOR will deduct the current price of labor and materials plus twenty percent (20%) of the agreed cost of labor and materials. 7.2 All extra work shall be executed under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. ARTICLE VIII – EXTENSION FOR TIME OF COMPLETION 8.1 If the CONTRACTOR is delayed at any time by reason of any extra work requested by the OWNER or by the reason of force majeure, the duration of delay shall be determined by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the OWNER and the time for performance of the work be extended by the OWNER. ARTICLE IX – LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 9.1 Except in case of delay referred to in Article X, the CONTRACTOR shall pay the OWNER in the amount of 1/20 of 1% of the total contract price for every working day of delay beyond the completion date or extension thereof as referred to in the immediately preceding Article. ARTICLE X – GUARANTEE FOR WORK 10.1 CONTRACTOR shall guarantee the entire work in general and against all defects in workmanship and materials. All materials shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications, and all labor is to be performed in the most acceptable manner by skilled workmen and workmanship. 10.2 CONTRACTOR hereby guarantees the work stipulated in this Contract, that he shall make good any defects in materials and workmanship which makes itself within one year after the completion and final acceptance of the work. ARTICLE XI – PROVISION OF PERFORMANCE, SURETY, GUARANTEE BONDS AND CONTRACTOR’S ALL RISK INSURANCE 11.1 The CONTRACTOR shall apply to any reputable insurance company for the issuance of the following: 19 a) Performance Bond in the amount of PESOS _______________________ in favor of the OWNER, for the faithful performance of the provisions of the Construction Contract. b) Surety Bond in the amount of PESOS ____________________________ in favor of the OWNER, to cover the repayment of down payment. c) Guarantee Bond equivalent to PESOS __________________________ valid for a period of one year from date of completion of the PROJECT. d) Contractor’s All Risk Insurance in the amount of PESOS _____________________ to relieve the OWNER of any and all liability and responsibility for damages to the work, person(s), or property(ies) of third parties. 11.2 The premiums to be paid for the issuance of the aforementioned bond and insurance shall be for the account of the OWNER. ARTICLE XII – PARTIAL AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE 12.1 OWNER shall have the right to take possession of, and use any completed portion of the work notwithstanding the time for completing the entire work may not have expired, it is agreed, however that such possession by OWNER of the completed portion shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its responsibilities embodied in this Contract. 12.2 Upon completion of the work, the OWNER shall issue a Certificate of Final Acceptance. ARTICLE XII – ARBITRATION 13.1 Any dispute or controversy in connection with the performance in the interpretation and execution of this Contract shall be brought exclusively before the proper courts of _________________. 20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto set their hands this ______day of _______________, 2015, at ________________. (Name of the Organization) (Owner) (Name of the Construction Firm/Supplier) (Contractor) By: By: ______________________________ JUAN C. DELA CRUZ President ________________________________ (Name of the General Manager) General Manager SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ____________________________ _____________________________ 21 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Republic of the Philippines ) ) Before me a Notary Public of ______________, this ___ day of ___________, 2015 personally appeared the following persons: JUAN C. DELA CRUZ, President of __Name of the Organization__, with Residence Certificate No. 1645XXX issued on ________________ at ______________ representing as the OWNER; and __Name of the General Manager__, General Manager of __Name of the Contracting Firm/Supplier__with Residence Certificate No. 16837XXX issued on _____________ at ____________ representing as the CONTRACTOR. Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me that the same is of their free and voluntary act and deed and that of the entities they respectively represent. This instrument refers to the Construction Contract consisting of six (6) pages including this page where this notarial acknowledgment is written, signed on each and every page by the parties and their witness. WITNESS MY HAND SEAL THIS ____day of ____________,2015 at ________________, Philippines ________________________ PTR No. _________________ Until ____________________ Doc. No. ________ Page No. ________ Book No. _______ Series of 2015 22 Annex D. Budget Summary Sheet Item GGP Approved Amount Firmabuilt Construction Materials 2,406,396.50 2,892,024.00 2,820,976.75 Labor 522,650.00 947,300.00 766,304.00 Furniture and Fixtures 296,760.00 407,630.00 295,500.00 Signboard - 4,600.00 7,000.00 Profit/Miscellaneous 774,193.56 480,461.18 117,645.56 Eng'g and Admin Overhead 70,000.00 - - Subtotal Add: VAT- counterpart of the proponent 4,070,000.06 4,732,015.18 4,007,426.31 480,000.00 427,076.50 466,773.69 Total 4,550,000.06 5,159,091.68 4,474,200.00 Exchange Rate 40.00 42.00 Amount in USD 101,750.00 95,414.91 Jeene-Son Construction Note: - The GGP Team will notify the proponent on the exchange rate that will be used. - The sample format shall contain summary of quotations from various suppliers that participated in the bidding process. - The information contained in the sample format was used for purposes of presentation. 23 Annex E. Sample Building Marker For General Projects Recipient’s Logo “Name of Building or Title of the Project” Supported by the People of Japan under the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects Construction Completed on ( Month Day Year ) Name of the person representing the recipient H.E. KAZUHIDE ISHIKAWA Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines 24 For JBIRD Projects Note: If the project is endorsed by BDA kindly include the BDA logo, otherwise, please delete the BDA logo and statement about BDA. 25 Annex F. Monthly Status Report Monthly Status Report A. Financial Report As of __________________ Date Item Income (Bank Opening Balance) DV No. DR No. Expenses OR No. Payee Amount Remarks Ending GGP Balance B. Progress Report C. Issues/Concerns/Recommendations Prepared by: _______________________ (Signature over Printed Name) Date: ________________________ Mobile No.: ________________________ Approved by: _______________________ (Signature over Printed Name) Date: _______________________ Mobile No.: ________________________ 26 Annex G. Mid-Term Report MID-TERM REPORT Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) Embassy of Japan in the Philippines Part 1 General Information Name of Organization: ………………………………………………………………….. Address: ………………………………………………………………………………… Tel.: .................................................................. Fax: …………………………………. E-Mail Address: .................................................Mobile Phone No. …………………... Person Responsible for Project: Mr./Ms. ……………………………………………….. Position: Names, Positions, and Affiliations of the Individuals that Contributed to this Report: Project Title: …………………………………………………………………………… Project Location: ………………………………………………………………………. Period of Report: From ............................................... To ……………………………. (mm / dd / yy) (mm / dd / yy) Name of the Organization’s Ranking Representative and His/Her Signature: Printed Name Signature Date: ...................................................................... 27 Part 2 Progress (1) Describe the project’s main activities undertaken by your organization and list these in chronological order using the table below. Date Activities (2) If project implementation has been delayed or encountered any problem, please describe these problems and the adjustments done to mitigate these concerns. 28 Part 3 Mid-Term Financial Report (1) Statement of Implementation and Fund Balance. Describe the use of GGP grant for the project using the sample table format below. Statement of Implementation and Fund Balance For the Period Item Approved Income Budget Actual Counterpart Expenses (Proponent) Attachments (GGP Funds) Revenue: Grant from GGP Converted Amount Less: Expenditures Total Remaining GGP Balance Part 4 Suggestion or Message If you have a suggestion or message for the Embassy of Japan, please write your comments below: 29 Annex H. Final Report FINAL REPORT Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) Embassy of Japan in the Philippines Part 1 General Information Name of Organization: …………………………………………………………………. Address: ………………………………………………………………………………... Tel.: .................................................................. Fax: …………………………………. E-Mail Address: .............................................Mobile Phone No. .............................. Person Responsible for Project: Mr./Ms. ……………………………………………… Position: ………………………………………………………………………………. Names, Positions, and Affiliations of the Individuals that Contributed to this Report: Mr. / Ms. ....................................................................................................................................... Mr. / Ms. ....................................................................................................................................... Mr. / Ms. .............................................................................................................................…….. Mr. / Ms. ...............................................................................................................................…… Project Title: ………………………………………………………………………… Project Location: …………………………………………………………………….. Period of Report: From ........................................ To..........................................… (mm / dd / yy) (mm / dd / yy) Name of the Organization’s Ranking Representative and His/Her Signature: Printed Name Signature Date: ...................................................................... 30 Part 2 Impact (1) Describe the project’s main activities undertaken by your organization and list these in chronological order using the table below. Date Activities (2) If project implementation has been delayed or encountered any problem, please describe these problems and the adjustments done to mitigate these concerns. (3) Compare your project’s actual accomplishments with its specified objectives in the approved proposal. Describe in detail the number of beneficiaries who benefited from the project and how. (4) Describe any external factor that made the implementation of the project easier and/or more difficult. (5) If the implementation of your project has had a salient impact on a particular group, area, etc., other than the actual beneficiaries targeted in the approved proposal, describe this impact in concrete terms. (6) Assess the project as a whole. 31 Part 3 Sustainability (1) Provide examples showing that your organization’s project management system (including its personnel system) has been duly established. Describe this system in concrete terms, and explain how it will remain effective for the continuous positive results of the project. (2) Explain how you acquired the necessary funds to continue implementing the entire project and how you will continue to acquire such funds to sustain the present level of success of the project. (3) State the ways in which the targeted beneficiaries and other related persons were able to take part in project management or decision-making. Describe how their participation benefited the project as a whole. 32 Part 4 Final Financial Report (2) Statement of Implementation and Fund Balance. Describe the use of GGP grant for the project using the sample table format below. Statement of Implementation and Fund Balance For the Period Item Approved Budget Income Actual Counterpart Expenses (Proponent) Attachments (GGP Funds) Revenue: Grant from GGP Converted Amount Less: Expenditures Total Remaining GGP Balance 33 Project Budget and Expenditures Summary For the Period Items Proponent Counterpart (PhP) Community Counterpart (PhP) GGP Grant (PhP) Total Part 5 Suggestion and Message (1) If you have a suggestion for the Embassy of Japan, please write your comments below: (2) Please include a message to the people of Japan, the supporters of this program: 34 Annex I. Annual/Accomplishment Report ANNUAL/ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 1. Basic Information Project Title Proponent Approved Grant Amount Project Outline Contact Details Telephone No.: Mobile No.: E-mail Address: 2. Monitoring Period Covered Organization Contents of Monitoring Project Stage Persons visiting the Area Changes from the Original Project Design Status of the Building or Equipment Fund (Grant) Utilization ODA Sticker, Building Maker or Sign Board Assessment/Evaluation Accomplishment Relevance Effectiveness Efficiency Impact Sustainability Lessons Learned/Recommendati on Annex J. Financial Report Format 35 Statement of Implementation and Fund Balance For the Period Item Approved Budget Income Actual Counterpart Expenses (Proponent) Attachments (GGP Funds) Revenue: Grant from GGP Converted Amount Less: Expenditures Total Remaining Balance Annex K. Documentary Requirements for Utilization of Grant GGP Fund 36 I. Procurement Documents A. For Local Government Units 1. Program of Works 2. Invitation to BID 3. Copies of Posting to PHILGEPs or newspapers 4. Minutes of the Pre-Bid Conference and Bidding 5. Quotation (copies of quotation from participating suppliers) 6. Registration Papers and/or Business Permits of participating suppliers 7. Post Qualification Report 8. Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Resolution 9. Notice of Award 10. Notice to Proceed 11. Purchase Order/Contract Agreement (whichever is applicable) B. For Non-Government Organization and People’s Organization 1. Program of Works 2. At least three (3) Quotation (copies of quotation from participating suppliers) 3. Purchase Order/Contract Agreement (whichever is applicable) 4. Delivery Receipts 5. Sales Invoice II. Documentary Requirements for Payment A. Payment for the procurement of equipment, furniture and fixtures, vehicles and construction of buildings and other facilities 1. Disbursement Voucher 2. Delivery Receipts (Applicable if materials, equipment or machineries are delivered to the site) 3. Sales Invoice (If Applicable) 4. Inspection and Acceptance Report (for LGUs only) 5. Progress of Construction Report 6. Official Receipts 7. Photos of the progress of construction and delivery of materials, equipment and machineries (Whichever is application) B. Payment for labor 1. Disbursement Voucher 2. Copy of Request for Hiring (Applicable for procurement by administration) 3. Job Order or Contract of Services (Applicable for procurement by administration) 4. Signed Payroll (Applicable for procurement by administration) 37 C. Payment for Audit Fee 1. Disbursement Voucher 2. Official Receipt 3. Job Order or Contract of Services (whichever is applicable) 4. Copy of Audited Financial Report III. Other Requirements 1. Copy of (Monthly) Bank Statements 2. Copy of Bank Certification 38 Annex L. Training Plan Format No. COURSE TIME FRAME TRAINING DURATION NUMBER OF TARGET PARTICIPANTS TARGET PARTICIPANTS SOURCE OF LECTURERS AND TRAINING RESOURCES OUTPUT Monthly 1. January Total February 2. 39 TRAINING DURATION No. 3. COURSE TIME FRAME NUMBER OF TARGET PARTICIPANTS TARGET PARTICIPANTS SOURCE OF LECTURERS AND TRAINING RESOURCES OUTPUT Total March Total 40 41