What factors are involved in the longevity of a logo?

History CA
Semester 2
‘Some company logos remain virtually unchanged for decades while other
organisations change their branding on a regular basis, what factors are involved in
the longevity or otherwise of a logo design?’
Logos are an important part of the business. If a business wants to be easily
recognised in today’s market they need a unique logo that people will respond too.
Some companies change their logo to try and adapt to the current market, things
change over time and people choices do too. A logo can take any shape or form and
they are used by businesses/companies all over the world.
‘Logos and branding are so important. In a big part of the world people cannot read
French or English, but are great in remembering signs.’ -Karl Lagerfeld [1]
Some global companies like Apple, Kellogg’s, BIC and Lacoste, have logos which
people immediately recognise and have been successful for many years. These logos
have not changed dramatically and they all remain successful businesses. They have
all incorporated different colour in designs over the years but the shape and idea have
all remained unchanged.
Fig1. Apple logo.
Fig 2. Kellogg logo.
Fig 3. BIC logo.
Fig 4. Lacoste logo.
Some companies have changed the design of their logos and still remain popular.
They include Firefox and Starbucks; they have either completely changed the design
or removed text from their logos. However, both companies still prove successful and
a logo redesign does not seem to have affected them.
Fig 5. Firefox: Original logo. Fig 6. Firefox: Current logo. Fig 7. Starbucks: Previous logo. Fig 8. Starbucks: Current logo.
Some company’s logo redesigns have proved unpopular or have been given a frosty
reception. Their redesign has either come out of nowhere or the design is considered
lazy and is not a good representation of the business or what it tries to accomplish.
Recent logo changes like AOL and Best Buy are great examples, people feel their
logo changes took away the simplicity or character of the brand. [2]
Fig 9. Aol: Original logo. Fig 10. Aol: Current Logo. Fig 11. Best buy: Original logo. Fig 12. Best buy: New Logo
A logo helps a customer recognise and get an understanding of a business/company.
If a business/company redesigns a logo they are bound to get a positive or negative
reaction either way. There are many factors involved in the longevity and redesigning
of a logo but why is a logo important in the first place?
A logo can be a sign, symbol or design used by companies/businesses to help give
them an identity in the marketplace. There logo can be used on any products,
equipment, forms etc. belonging to the business. It originated from the word ‘logos’
which means word in Greek.
Fig 13. Hieroglyphs
The idea of a logo has adapted over many centuries. In the ancient times, Hieroglyphs
and pictograms are considered to be the first examples of a logo. Back then; these
symbols were important for people to understand certain words/objects and to
communicate with one another. Even then up to medieval times, symbols were still
used but there was no real solid connection between the logo/symbol and a
Over time, the connection between the logo/symbols and businesses became more
apparent especially when the printing presses got involved. Local businesses had to
compete with outside competition that started advertising their businesses on printed
documents and encouraging customers to buy outside their local area. As the market
became more competitive, it was important for businesses to stand out and distinguish
themselves. Businesses now had to be smart with their advertising as they came up
with their own logo designs to represent their brand and make themselves stick out
amongst all the competition.
In the 21st century, creating a new logo is difficult as there are already many
established businesses all over the world with their own, individual logo designs. The
market is even more competitive and that makes it even more important to have an
effective logo design to represent your business.
Now we know the history of the logo design, we can now discuss the factors involved
in a successful logo.
What factors are involved in the longevity of a logo?
As I previously stated, Apple, Kellogg’s and many more businesses have not
dramatically changed their logos over the years. These companies still remain
successful and their logos have become recognisable all over the world. There are
many reasons why these logos have stayed the same for such a long time.
Identity is very important when competing in the market place. Distinguishing your
business to make it stand out is what many businesses starting out set out to do.
Apple, Coca-Cola and McDonald’s logos prove this; their logos have been around for
many years and it has become an essential part in the representation and advertising
of their products etc.
Fig 14. McDonalds logo
McDonalds are a great example. Their arch shaped yellow ‘M’ is one of the most
identifiable logos in the world. Their business reaches such a wide range of customers
worldwide that they are often considered one the best examples of globalization.
Even a survey conducted by Sponsorship Research International said that more people
could identify McDonalds red and yellow logo then the Christian cross symbol. [5]
The Christian cross symbol has been around for many centuries more than the
McDonalds logo and it is staggering to see that result, it proves how established their
logo really is with customers.
Customers feel comfortable when they see a brand they recognise because they know
what they are going to get. One article I read said that the more a customer recognises
a symbol that they are familiar with, like McDonalds, the easier and quicker they
make a decision without all the anxiety. [6]
A company would be reluctant to change their logo when it is proven to be successful,
this would be a huge factor if a company were thinking of redesigning. An identity is
hard to find in the market place and if you finally find your place you would be
reluctant to lose that. It is also a good signifier that the company is stable and reliable,
they are satisfied with their brand and they feel it is a good representation of
themselves. If a company is happy and stable, the customer will also feel comfortable
and satisfied.
Finding out often what your customers think is important. Every business/company
sets out to please customers because they know they are crucial to the success of a
business. Surveys and now with the help of online media, businesses can connect first
hand with their customers. Also researching about other companies and their logo
designs is good to make sure your design is original and that it appeals to the right
target audience.
Online media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are great ways to communicate
with customers. Also conducting surveys is a good way of getting the information
businesses want in case they need to change or adapt to any new trends etc. If
customers are unsatisfied with the brand you are sure to hear about it because
“chances are the Internet is full of people complimenting and complaining about you”
but “is a great way to at the very least stumble across something you hadn’t
considered.” [7]
Also researching logo designs and brands of other businesses is important in
establishing your own. Copying a logo is illegal and it can be a bad start when you are
trying to find your place in the market. When researching a business should also see
what the customers are already familiar with because it will give them the opportunity
to create an original brand and make a long term plan. [8]
Keeping your customers happy and doing your research is important factor in the
longevity of a logo. Businesses like Kellogg’s and BIC have pleased customers for
years and found their target market with their brand designs.
A lot of businesses/company’s logos have been used multiple times to represent many
different products or areas in ones business. A business might be reluctant to change
their logo when they have established themselves in so many different markets and
have proved successful in all.
An example of this would be Marvel. Marvel started out in the 1960s when they
started producing comic books, since then their brand has expanded into film, music,
gaming and television. Their movie franchise has grossed over seven billion dollars
worldwide in the last eight years; it has over a 30% share in the comic book market
and Marvel Music has sold millions of records in the music market. [9] [10] The same
logo design is used to represent the brand in all these areas, the bold white text with
the red background.
Fig15. Marvel Music logo.
Fig 16. Marvel Comics logo. Fig 17. Marvel Gaming logo.
Fig 18. Marvel film studios logo.
If Marvel were to rebrand, they would have to redesign not only one area of the
business but all of them because even though they are split into separate markets they
still represent the same thing, superheroes. If audience see change in one area and not
the others, they could think there was a possible disconnection and that the company
is not stable and not reliable.
Businesses that have brands spread over a number of products/areas would be
reluctant to rebrand because they have established themselves to so many different
markets and have been successful in doing so. They have a lot of competitors in many
different markets and if they rebrand in one area, a competitor would try and steal
their spot right away.
Trends (Keep up with the times)
Trends can play a part in the longevity of a logo. Customers always want the next best
thing and other businesses will make sure to take advantage of anything new in their
target market. Businesses will create or redesign logos that they feel represent their
business and the latest trends. However, following the crowd can prove risky and offputting to consumers.
Trends constantly change, one minute everyone wants one thing and next they want
another. Some businesses want to stay current and keep up with the times. It is
important for businesses to follow trends but not too let them overshadow the
business. Trends may find there way into a logo design but “originality,
communication and a certain consistency is the key in creating an identity”[11] If you
follow the crowd too much, your brand begins to look the same as all the other similar
Fig 19. Google designs.
Fig 20. AOL designs.
An example of this would be Google and AOL. Google are a very successful
company and are the most used web browser in the world. [12] Their logo is very
interchangeable but they always follow the scheme/style of the original and people
seem to react positively to it. AOL most of seen the great reaction Google received
and thought it would be great to follow. However, AOL attempts look lacklustre and
uninspiring in comparison. [13]
Following trends can be a good thing for a business, it shows that you can stay up to
date and stay current. However, it can be risky to your businesses identity. Unless you
have your own interchangeable style like Google, it is hard to try and stay original in
a competitive market. Following the latest trends can make your brand look like all
the other similar businesses in the market and makes you look unoriginal. If you want
longevity with your logo design, follow the trends to stay current but don’t let them
overshadow the businesses identity.
It is not uncommon for businesses to rebrand in todays markets. However, a complete
rebrand is risky when you are up against competition and when your customers are
satisfied with your original logo. In some cases, companies rebrand after a tragedy or
if they have had received a lot of bad press. Rebranding can signify to the customers
that the company wants a new start and wants to disconnect from the previous brand
they had established.
Fig 20. Malaysian airlines company logo.
An example would be Malaysian airlines. In recent years they have been getting a lot
of negative attention after two of their planes (MH17 and MH370) were both involved
in horrific tragedies within a year of each other. The company suffered huge loses
after both tragedies and their logo design was seen by possible customers all over the
world for the wrong reasons. In July 2015, the company will announce a reinvention
and are reportedly going to change their logo design/brand completely. [14]
It is very unfortunate to see a company have to change their logo/brand after those
two terrible tragedies. However, the company wants to continue in the market and
they know they have to build customers trust and loyalty again. Completely
rebranding themselves is what they feel is the best move to start fresh and prove to
customers that they are willing to change.
Rebranding is a risky move especially if the reinvention does not get a good reaction
and is not a good representation of your business. A brand that constantly changes it
logo could prove unstable and unreliable to the customer because they think the
company is not confident in the way they are representing themselves. Although in
some cases like Malaysia airlines, they want to rebrand because they want the
customers to feel they are starting afresh and disconnect themselves from their
previous brand after receiving worldwide negative attention.
In this day and age, creating an identity in business is important for you to get
noticed. A lot of businesses starting out believe a logo it is essential in the
representation and identity of your business. Some logos like McDonalds and
Kellogg’s are still popular today and have been put up with a lot of growing
competition in the market.
Identity, research and multi-purpose are just some of the factors in the longevity of a
logo. A solid logo is a good signifier to your target market that you are a reliable and
stable company, they will take comfort in that and they will not hesitate in purchasing
your product/service. While following trends or completely rebranding are risky
moves and can either tell your customers you want to start fresh or you just want to
follow the crowd.
If a company wants to remain the same or rebrand themselves, it is their decision that
is final. Businesses should remember to look at the positive and negative factors
before doing so and make sure that they their place in the market first.
Image references
Fig1. Apple logo.
At: http://isource.com/2013/10/28/apple-logo-evolution/. [Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 2. Kellogg logo.
At: http://logos.wikia.com/wiki/Kellogg's [Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 3. BIC logo.
At: http://wallfoy.com/bic-logo-4-291103-wallpapers-HD.html [Accessed 2 May
Fig 4. Lacoste logo.
At: http://www.findthatlogo.com/lacoste-logos/. [Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 5. Firefox: Original logo.
At: http://www.etiziano.com/I_love_logo_design/history_of_the_firefox_logo.html
[Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 6. Firefox: Current logo.
At: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox3.5/Logos [Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 7. Starbucks: Previous logo.
At: http://idsgn.org/posts/starbucks-reveals-new-logo-drops-wordmark/. [Accessed 2
May 2015].
Fig 8. Starbucks: Current logo.
At: http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/sites/default/files/styles/logothumbnail/public/032013/starbucks_2011_true_logo_0.png
[Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 9. Aol: Original logo.
At: http://www.logodesignlove.com/aol-logo [Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 10. Aol: Current Logo.
At: http://www.webpronews.com/new-aol-or-is-it-aol-logo-revealed-2009-11
[Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 11. Best buy: Original logo.
At: http://3dprint.com/63602/best-buy-cube-3d-printer/. [Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 12. Best buy: New Logo
[Accessed 2 May 2015].
Fig 13. Hieroglyphs
At: http://www.123rf.com/photo_9897627_egyptian-hieroglyphs-on-the-wall.html
[Accessed 6 May 2015].
Fig 14. McDonalds logo
At: http://www.charts4charts.com/mcdonalds-logo-2014-png.html [Accessed 6 May
Fig15. Marvel Music logo.
At: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/590274750984933376/kn4LXkUp.jpg
[Accessed 6 May 2015].
Fig 16. Marvel Comics logo.
At: http://pixshark.com/marvel-comics-logo-history.html [Accessed 6 May 2015].
Fig 17. Marvel Gaming logo
At: http://www.legitreviews.com/marvel-heroes-2015-launches_143953 [Accessed 6
May 2015].
Fig 18. Marvel film studios logo.
At: http://hdimagelib.com/marvel+studios+logo [Accessed 6 May 2015].
Fig 19. Google designs
At: http://blogvecindad.com/imagenes/2009/11/googleDoodle.jpg [Accessed 13 May
Fig 20. AOL designs
At: http://mediamemo.allthingsd.com/files/2009/11/AOL-logos.jpg [Accessed 13 May
Fig 21. Malaysian airlines company logo.
At: http://directaerojobs.com/web/actualites.airlines.1 [Accessed 13 May 2015].
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