Draft Minutes 02-18-08 - GovConnect

Draft Minutes
Energy Conservation Strategies Commission
February 18, 2008, 6:00 PM
Florida Community Design Center
300 E. University Ave.
February 18, 2008, 7:15 PM
Grace Knight Conference Room
12 SE 1st Street, Gainesville, FL 32601
Members Present: Dwight Adams; Ed Brown; Fred Depenbrock, Chris Fillie; Pattie Glenn, Tom
Lane, Warren Nielsen, Ruth Steiner, Eduardo Vargas, Penny Wheat
Others Present: Arden Herrin, Bob Hoot, Sean McLendon
1) Hear Presentation on Light Rail in Ten Years from Rick Henn at Florida Community Design
2) Call to Order-Determination of Quorum Grace Knight
The meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM.
3) Review and adoption of agenda
A motion (Adams, second Fillie) to adopt the agenda was approved without objection.
4) Presentation from Ken Zeichner, on Alachua County EAR process
Ken Zeichner gave a presentation on the EAR process and requested comments and
suggestions from the ECSC. Chair Wheat recommended that the ECSC’s Energy Element
that is in a draft form be the major contribution to EAR process and will attempt to provide
this by the first part of April.
The Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) provides an opportunity to evaluate the
success of the County’s Comprehensive Plan in addressing major community issues and
to identify recommendations for updating/revising the Plan based on the EAR, as
required by Section 163.3191 of the Florida Statutes. There will be three major phases in
the EAR process, culminating in adoption of the EAR by the September 1, 2009 due date
established by the Florida Department of Community Affairs. These phases and the
components of the Public Participation Process for each phase are identified below.
PHASE I: Identification of Major Community Issues (January-June 2008)
The first step in the EAR process is to identify the major issues as they relate to the
Comprehensive Plan that will be the focus of the EAR leading to a Letter of
Understanding with the Department of Community Affairs on the scope of the EAR.
Components of public participation in this phase will include:
• Publicity about the EAR process through press releases, broadcast media,
public service announcements, county webpage including posting of information
and draft material as it is developed with request for comment, brochures,
storyboards, display ads, use of e-mail lists of groups and individuals compiled
for planning projects, mailouts to organized groups and neighborhood
associations; these
elements will be used throughout the process
• Input from County Advisory Committees concerned with Comprehensive Plan
• Community meetings/workshops in different parts of the County
• Meetings with organizations interested in planning issues
• Online survey/questionnaire for citizens to identify major issues
• Workshop with representatives of municipalities in the County, adjoining
Counties, regional and state agencies on issues and data
• Input will be sought both in the form of verbal and written comment
• Joint Board of County Commissioners/Local Planning Agency
meeting/workshop to consider input from sources listed above and staff
recommendations, as well as additional verbal and written comment from
public, and to finalize the list of issues to submit to Florida Department of
Community Affairs as a basis for the Letter of Understanding on scope of the EAR
PHASE II: Development of Recommendations For Update of Plan (June-Nov. 2008)
The second phase is to develop recommendations for the update/revision of the
Comprehensive Plan, based on data and analysis relative to the major issues identified
in Phase I, changes in community circumstances relating to those issues and their social
and economic impacts, and assessment of the relevant objectives and policies in the
Plan and their effectiveness. Components of public participation in this phase will
• Publicity as identified for Phase I
• Input from County Advisory Committees concerned with Comprehensive Plan
• Community meetings/workshops in different parts of the County
• Meetings with organizations interested in planning issues
• Input will be sought in the form of both verbal and written comment
• Joint Board of County Commissioners/Local Planning Agency
meetings/workshops to consider input from above-listed sources and staff
recommendations, as well as additional verbal and written comment from public
PHASE III: Workshops/Public Hearings on the EAR (January-August 2009)
This phase will focus on the Evaluation and Report developed based on Phases I and II,
leading to adoption of the Report.
Components of public participation in this phase will include:
• Publicity as identified for Phase I
• Joint Board of County Commissioner/Local Planning Agency
Meeting/Workshops on the draft EAR (January/February)
• Public Hearing by Local Planning Agency on recommendations to the Board of
County Commissioners (February/March)
• Public Hearing by Board of County Commissioners on submittal to Florida
Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and other Agencies for review and
comment (April)
• Following receipt of comments from DCA and needed revisions, Public Hearing
by Board of County Commissioners to Adopt EAR (August 2009)
5) Chair’s Report
i) Referral -City of Gainesville: Mr. Richard Schackow & "Forest Creek" subdivision
The Gainesville City Manager has challenged the ECSC to come forward with
recommendation that both valued our mature tree canopy and provides solar
access. Tom Lane provided a solar analysis to Mr. Schackow that enables him to
remove the trees that were blocking the sun to the collectors. He sited State of
Florida solar isolation laws that deal with this issue. An NPR story from California
recently highlighted the problem of neighbors with conflicting solar and tree canopy
Chair Wheat will review this issue and formulate a response for the City Manager
ii) Subcommittee Draft Report Outline
The ECSC interns were introduced to the membership. The interns will serve as staff
liaisons to the subcommittees and will assist in the drafting of the report outline
such as the Alternative Energy Outline provided at this meeting.
A motion (Brown, second Adams) that once the outlines are reviewed, amended and
adopted by the subcommittees the members allowed a two week break from
meetings was approved without objection.
iii) ECSC Vice-Chair and Non-Residential Subcommittee Discussion
Mark Spiller may not be able to continue as a member of the ECSC due to health
concerns. A new Vice-Chair will be needed and at a future meeting the members
should consider electing a new Vice-Chair. Related to this the Non-Residential
Subcommittee topics may have to be distributed between functioning
subcommittees. Stephen Mulkey has also, had to resign. A new representative from
the University of Florida will be needed as well.
iv) Update on the Governor’s Action Team on Energy & Climate Change Feb 1st
Presentation from Thomas Peterson [PDF - 1.28 MB] - Executive Director of the
Center for Climate Change Strategies
v) Review GRU Biosolids Application
vi) Review of Tabled Motion: Request that the ECSC recommend to the BoCC that it
defer approval of GRU’s request to continue the land spreading of biosolids until
the ECSC can issue its recommendations related to the GHG emissions and energy
recovery potential of the biosolids.
vii) Review and Discussion of 1/23/2008 Alternative Energy Subcommittee Motion:
"Given the concern about an economic downturn and possible recession, the
Alternative Energy subcommittee requests that the full commission authorize chair
Penny Wheat to address the county commission at the earliest possible time to
request an immediate implementation of the "Berkeley Model" to stimulate job
growth and energy conservation in Alachua County."
6) Alternative Energy Subcommittee Draft Report Outline
Alternative Energy Subcommittee
Report Outline – 02.05.2008
**=assignments: DA=Dwight Adams; FD=Fred Depenbrock; HK=Harry Kegelmann
1. Introduction
 Energy for buildings, industry & infrastructure (electricity) and transportation (fuel)
 Current levels of consumption (kWh, gallons of fuel) **FD
 Goal:
a) reduce consumption through
1) Conservation
2) Energy efficiency
b) increased use of Renewable/Alternative Energy
 Forms of alternative energy (hydro, biomass, solar, wind, geothermal (define, compare
and contrast to ground source heat pump), hydrogen, methane, ocean current) – local
 Transition to sustainable energy supply
 Aggressive energy conservation program
2. Energy for Buildings, Industry and Infrastructure
 Detailed discussion of current energy consumption within Alachua County **FD
 List current utility companies and their rebate programs **FD
 Explanation of utility bill (service charge, electric charge, fuel adjustment) and why it
might increase; portion which customers can affect **FD
2.1 Renewable Local Electricity Generation
 Current power generation & existing base **FD
 Use of Natural Gas (& lifecycle GHG emissions)
 Biomass (& lifecycle GHG emissions)
 Solar Electric (& lifecycle GHG emissions)
 Distributed Generation
2.2 Energy Conservation
 Solar thermal
 Energy efficient appliances
 Home insulation
 Behavior change
 ‘NegaWatts’
 Ground source heat sink HVAC system; ground source heat pumps
3. Energy for Transportation
 Discuss current fuel consumption within Alachua County
 Discussion of projected shortage of oil (peak oil) and increased prices
3.1 Alternative Fuel Production **HK
 Biodiesel
 Ethanol
 Methane/Biogas
Alternative Transportation **HK
Park and Ride
Public transportation (bus and light rail, bicycle rental program)
Biogas powered buses
Hybrid vehicles
Electric bikes
Electric vehicles
Neighborhood vehicles
Supporting infrastructure
4. Economic, employment and political security: Job Opportunities/Economic
 Economic development and local employment
 Energy Independence
 Money saved (B. Franklin: a penny saved is a penny earned)
7) Vice-Chair Report
8) “10 ideas” submissions & discussion: Discussion of background information or resources
needed for section reports
Energy Conservation Strategies Committee – Energy Saving Ideas
Residential Energy Conservation Building Ordinance
February 2008
Residential buildings use a significant amount of energy. Older buildings tend to
be less efficient and use more energy than newer buildings. ___% Gainesville
residential homes were built before _____ and are not energy efficient. To help
make these homes more energy efficient a Residential Energy Conservation
Ordinance (RECO) would be helpful. This ordinance would set minimun standards
for energy efficiecncy in Gainesville residences – single family and multi-family
Three seems to be a lot of reasons why this type of ordinance won’t work.
Too many rental properties
Landlords won’t go for it
It will increase the rents for low-income people
You can’t do that in Florida
It’s too expensive
Too expensive to administer
College towns across the country have these Residential Energy Conservation
Ordinances. Below is a list of a few college towns that have RECOs and a list of
links for more information on these RECOs:
Burlington,Vermont Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (University of Vermont,
Champlain College, Burlington College)
Wisconsin Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard - Time of Sale (1985)
(Marquette University, University of Wisconsin, Lawrence University)
Berkeley, CA Residential Energy Conservation Ordinance (UC Berkeley)
Boulder, Colorado Residential Energy Conservation Ordinance (University of
The Florida Building Commission is to convene a work group to develop a model
residential energy efficiency ordinance.
San Francisco, California Residential Energy Conservation Ordinance (City College
of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, UC Irvine, University of San
Davis, California (UC Davis)
Ann Arbor, Michigan (University of Michigan)
Initiate a study of the RECOs in these communities to identify best practices for
these ordinances. Have a grad/PhD student(s) at UF perform the study at little or
no cost to the county. A student studying sustainabilty may be an ideal
candidate for this work. Another UF student may be able to develop a RECO for
Alachua County that meets the unique characteristics of Alachua County.
Have County and City staff work together to develop the RECO for AC and
Prepared by Ed Brown
9) Correspondence Received
From: Skell, Rosemary A. [mailto:skellra@cityofgainesville.org]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 12:18 PM
To: Wheat, Penny
Subject: RE: Referral -City of Gainesville: Mr. Richard Schackow & "Forest Creek"
Ms. Penny:
Per your request, please allow this e-mail to serve as confirmation that Russ Blackburn is
in receipt of your e-mail. Additional information will follow at a later date
Hope you are doing well.
Have a wonderful day,
Rosemary Skell
Administrative Assistant to the City Manager
From: penny [mailto:penny@gru.net]
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 1:35 PM
To: citymgr
Cc: bocc@alachuacounty.us; Rhr@alachuacounty.us; David Wagner; Legal;
Subject: Referral -City of Gainesville: Mr. Richard Schackow & "Forest Creek"
This message is a formal referral to you of Mr. Richard Schackow’s inquiries re:
obstacles he said he has encountered in attempting to proceed with his Forest Creek
development within Gainesville. Contact information is: rlschackow@aol.com
Please let me know that you have received this message by responding to:
energy@alachuacounty.us ...
In its final report (August, 2008) to the Alachua County Commission, the Alachua County
Energy Conservation Strategies Commission (ECSC) plans to include recommendations
re: building and development issues involved with sustainable energy homes (and those
with renewable energy systems.) The advisory committee recognizes that this is probably
unfamiliar territory for local governments within Alachua County, and that some existing
building requirements may thwart, or make very difficult, construction of net-zero energy
homes or subdivisions.
The ECSC hopes to ease a transition to the future by providing the County Commission
with best practices from other communities, as well as suggestions for how to proceed
locally. It is reasonable to expect that the County Commission would then share these
findings with other local governments.
ECSC meeting, February 4, 2008
At this past week’s ECSC meeting, Mr. Richard Schackow attended and shared his
experiences (and some obstacles encountered) in developing “Forest Creek”, a
sustainable energy subdivision located at NW 17th Street and NW 34th Avenue in
Gainesville. Mr. Schackow stated that Forest Creek will be the first net-zero energy
subdivision built in Gainesville.
Mr. Schackow told the advisory committee that he is working closely with the US
Department of Energy (US DOE) on this project, and that US DOE is responsible for
testing and verifying the net-zero energy veracity of the homes built. US DOE, several
television programs and others are apparently interested in filming the Forest Creek
subdivision example, and would have already done so, except for some of the
administrative obstacles Mr. Schackow has encountered in the Gainesville building
After conversation, advisory committee members asked if I would bring Mr. Schackow’s
concerns to your attention. Knowing that Mayor Hanrahan testified before Congress last
summer about Gainesville’s support for energy conservation, ECSC members also
recommended that Mr. Schackow personally meet with her.
Since Mr. Schackow’s project may indeed be Gainesville’s “guinea pig” net-zero energy
project (from which Gainesville and other local governments learn, in order to encourage
development of such projects in the future), the ECSC will want to follow how Mr.
Schackow’s issues are handled. It is likely the ECSC will want to include this in the final
report as a local example of how best to proceed.
Therefore, would it be possible for you to help the ECSC understand how you handle
resolution of Mr. Schackow’s issues (process and results)? The ECSC thanks you in
advance for your assistance in this matter.
With kind regards,
Penny Wheat
Chair, Alachua County Energy Conservation Strategies Commission
Cc: Alachua County Commission
Randall Reid, Alachua County Manager
David Wagner, Alachua County Attorney
Marion Radson, City of Gainesville Attorney
Alachua County ECSC (energy@alachuacounty.us)
10) Public Comments
11) ECSC Meeting Schedule (Mar 3, 17 and Apr 7 5:30 PM)
12) Subcommittee Meeting Dates
Alternative Energy: Tuesdays 2:30 PM - Feb 19, 26 and Mar 4
Commercial Governmental Institutional Buildings: Tuesdays 3:30 PM - Feb 19, 26 and
Mar 4
· Waste and Energy Implications: Tuesdays 4:00 PM - Feb 19, 26 and Mar 4
· Residential Buildings: Wednesdays 3PM -Feb 20, 27 and Mar 5
· Land Use and Transportation: Wednesdays 3:30PM - Feb 20, 27 and Mar 5
13) Motion to Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 9 PM