Hershey Beginner Acc..

MS Access 2002: Basic
Instructor: Vicki Weidler
MS Access: Database
• Become familiar with MS Access database terminology
• Learn how to start MS Access, open a database &
navigate the software interface
• Understand database objects & their corresponding
• Use standard design principles to plan a database
• Explore relationships between tables
• Use Help options to find information on MS Access
• Learn how to close a database & MS Access
• What is a database?
• When do you use a database?
• 3 main types of databases
Flat file
Microsoft Access
A relational database
management program that
allows you to store, organize,
and retrieve information in an
effective manner.
Planning a Database
What is the purpose of the database?
What do you need it to do?
Who will use it?
How many will use it?
When will they use it? (i.e. one at a time, simultaneously)
How will they use it? (i.e. desktop, server, web-interface)
Who will create it?
Who will maintain & modify it?
Who will do data entry?
Do you need to build in security measures?
Who will provide technical support for it?
What types of information need to go in it?
How will this be organized into tables?
How will these tables relate to one another?
What types of queries will you need to create?
Will you need to create any forms? How many? What kind?
Will you need to create any reports? How many? What kind?
Will you need to create any pages? How many? What kind?
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Don’t assume every problem can be solved with a database
Don’t leave too long between reviews
Don’t spend too much time on the prototype
Don’t develop the database until you fully understand what you need it
to do
Don’t develop the database until it is clear where all responsibilities
Don’t aim for 100% functionality first time around; use 80-20% rule
Involve all users in the database planning, design & testing
Has anyone else solved the problem? Don’t reinvent the wheel
Plan on an iterative development process
Use consistent database standards and naming conventions
Use consistent, universal coding
Use consistent viewing standards
Keep sufficient documentation; build into the database when possible
Tech support, tech support, tech support………..
Database Development Life-Cycle
• Become familiar with MS Access database terminology
• Learn how to start MS Access, open a database &
navigate the software interface
• Understand database objects & their corresponding
• Use standard design principles to plan a database
• Explore relationships between tables
• Use Help options to find information on MS Access
• Learn how to close a database & MS Access
Independent Practice
3 types (tables, queries, reports)
5 fields and 10 records
Database, Table, Data Value
Table, Query, Report
MS Access: Access Basics
Explore the viewing options for MS
Access tables, forms, queries &
Learn how to navigate in a table and
a form
Learn how to run a query
Views in MS Access
Design View - displays the structure of a table, query, form or report
• Datasheet View – displays data in a tabular format containing rows &
columns in tables, queries & forms; view & edit
• PivotTable View – spreadsheet-like table used to analyze data
dynamically in different ways in tables, queries &
• PivotChart View – presents data in a chart form in tables, queries &
• SQL View – allows you to create queries using SQL statements
• Form View – allows you to view and edit data in a form
• Layout Preview – allows you to check a report’s design; shows
design elements & just enough records to verify the
design is correct
• Print Preview – allows you to view a report including moving around
a single page, multiple pages, look at several pages
at once & change magnification to view details
Using Queries to Retrieve Data
Define the following:
• The conditions that you want the data to meet
• The fields that you want to see in the query result
• The tables from which you’ll extract the fields
• The means of extracting data
Explore the viewing options for MS
Access tables, forms, queries &
Learn how to navigate in a table and
a form
Learn how to run a query
Independent Practice
Datasheet View-shows data is a tabular format
Design View-gives control over table structure
• Navigation Button-buttons at bottom of
datasheet view used to move through records
Record Selector-small box to left of each
record in a table that you can click to select a
MS Access: Creating
• Learn how to create & save a
• Use the Table Wizard to create a
table & set a primary key
• Use Design view to create tables
& enter records
Naming Rules
A database, object or field name:
• Can have any combination of letters, numbers, special
characters, & embedded spaces
• Cannot contain more than 64 characters & cannot start
with a space
• Cannot include a period (.), exclamation mark (!), an
accent grace (‘), or brackets ([ ])
CAUTION: Good practice to use underscores (_) instead
of embedded spaces because it is easier to refer to an
object name & avoid potential issues
Inventory_ _ Control
Yes, although one underscore is the accepted standard
.Access.Database 1
No, because the name contains periods & spaces
should be avoided
Yes, although try to use names that are as simple &
descriptive as possible
Contact [Client] Address
No, because the name contains brackets & spaces
should be avoided
Yes, it is fine to run words together & use different
• Learn how to create & save a
• Use the Table Wizard to create a
table & set a primary key
• Use Design view to create tables
& enter records
Independent Practice
MS Access: Working with
Fields & Records
• Learn how to modify a table’s design by
editing fields & setting field properties
• Learn how to add & delete records
• Use the Find feature to find & replace
• Use the Spell Checker to correct
mistakes in a table
• Learn how to sort & filter records
Effective Field Names
• Meaningful
• Descriptive
• Self-Explanatory
• Purposeful
• Understandable
• Readable
• Consistent
Text Formatting Characters
at least one letter or space must be
entered in the field
the letters entered in the field will be
converted to lowercase letters
the letters entered in the field will be
converted to uppercase letters
letters cannot be entered in the field
Sorting & Filtering
Organize field data values in a
particular sequence (i.e. ascending,
Temporarily isolate a subset of
records to analyze
Sorting Multiple Fields
• Fields must be adjacent
to each other in
Datasheet view
• Sorts from left to right
• Learn how to modify a table’s design by
editing fields & setting field properties
• Learn how to add & delete records
• Use the Find feature to find & replace
• Use the Spell Checker to correct
mistakes in a table
• Learn how to sort & filter records
Independent Practice
MS Access: Querying
Instructor: Vicki Weidler
Assistant: Joaquin Obieta
Learn how to create, run, print, and save queries
Use queries to sort data and filter query results
Learn how to modify query results
Understand how to modify queries by adding/
removing fields and by using comparison
• Learn how to use AND and OR conditions
• Learn how to find records with empty fields
• Perform calculations in queries by using
expressions and aggregate functions
Comparison Operators
Greater than
Less than
Equal to
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Not equal to
OR Conditions
Used to specify two conditions
in the criteria
Unit_price is greater than 2 OR
Qty_Available is equal to 700
AND Conditions
Used to show only the records
that satisfy all the specified
Unit_price is greater than 1.4
AND less than 1.9
Wildcard Operators
Used to locate text values
when you can’t remember the
exact text or word; placeholder
Used to substitute for a
single character
Used to substitute for any
number of characters
Empty Fields
Unknown (empty) values in fields are
referred to as null values
Null values cannot be used in
Can display or remove null values to
avoid/prevent problems
primary key fields or in calculations
Calculations in Queries
• When calculations are built into queries
(and not stored in the source tables) it
ensures the most up-to-date information
• Calculations are performed each time
the query is run
• Perform calculations on single records
or on a group of records
• Examples: Totals, Averages, Counts
Learn how to create, run, print, and save queries
Use queries to sort data and filter query results
Learn how to modify query results
Understand how to modify queries by adding/
removing fields and by using comparison
• Learn how to use AND and OR conditions
• Learn how to find records with empty fields
• Perform calculations in queries by using
expressions and aggregate functions
Independent Practice
MS Access: Creating &
Using Forms
Use the AutoForm feature to create
Use the Form Wizard to create forms
Understand how to modify forms in
Design view
Use forms to find, sort, and filter
Use the AutoForm feature to create
Use the Form Wizard to create forms
Understand how to modify forms in
Design view
Use forms to find, sort, and filter
Independent Practice
MS Access: Creating &
Using Reports
Use the Report Wizard to create reports
Learn how to group records in a report
Learn how to summarize information in a
Understand how to change the report
Learn how to print a report
Use the Report Wizard to create reports
Learn how to group records in a report
Learn how to summarize information in a
Understand how to change the report
Learn how to print a report
Independent Practice
MS Access: Importing,
Exporting, & Linking Objects
Learn how to import MS Access objects
from a different database
Learn how to export objects to a
different database
Understand how to export and import
XML documents
Understand how to link objects from
one database to another & update those
Learn how to import an MS Excel
spreadsheet into MS Access
Learn how to import a text file into MS
Learn how to link an MS Excel
spreadsheet to MS Access
Learn how to link a text file to MS
• Importing - data is copied from an external
source & pasted into the currently active
Access database
• Exporting - data is copied from the currently
active Access database & pasted into an
external source
• Linking - a table that’s not stored in the
currently active Access database, but which
you can manipulate as though it were a native
Exporting Access Objects
• Definition - design or structure of
the object
• Data - information stored within
Exporting & Importing XML
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
is a format that enables you to deliver
structured data between different
applications that run on different
operating systems in a standardized &
consistent manner. Most commonly
used on the WWW to describe data, but
also used to transfer data between
applications more easily.
Exporting & Importing XML
• Schema – exports only the structure of the
object; creates a document with .xsd
• Data – exports both structure and data; creates
a document with .xml extension
• Presentation – defines the presentation of an
XML document; creates a document with .xsl
Linked Table Manager
The Linked Table Manager tests for the
existence of linked .mdb or other types
of files and, if the links aren’t valid, lets
you change the path to the linked files.
The database must be open to use this
Learn how to import MS Access objects
from a different database
Learn how to export objects to a
different database
Understand how to export and import
XML documents
Understand how to link objects from
one database to another and update
those links
Learn how to import an MS Excel
spreadsheet into MS Access
Learn how to import a text file into MS
Learn how to link an MS Excel
spreadsheet to MS Access
Learn how to link a text file to MS
Independent Practice
• Resources
• Questions & Answers
• Evaluations
• Thank You!!!