Trainer slides: topic 1

Teacher Training Programme
Topic Area 1 - key objectives
• Understanding knowledge and
awareness of language teaching
• Specific needs in Azerbaijan - the
teaching and learning context
• Incorporation of relevant ministry
What is a language teacher?
• Complete the quiz independently
• Then compare with a partner
Let’s discuss….
Teaching context here
Huge influx of new graduate teachers
Have to operate within constraints of ministry
We have to use new textbooks
We don’t get enough support
We have heavy teaching timetables
We don’t get paid enough!
It’s hard to teach learners who are “x” age
I don’t want to spend lots of time preparing
Learning context here
In your groups, think about the learners’
experience of being taught English by
What are their pressures, concerns,
How can these best be addressed?
Learning journal entry
• What are three key things I have
learned today from our discussions?
• What are three things I can do
differently - whether in my teaching,
how I work with colleagues or how I
deal with challenges
Ministry standards
What are the key areas to be
How do we ensure we are keeping up-todate and that these standards are met?
What practical tools can we create
ourselves i.e check lists, plans, internal
Teaching Vocabulary
Session 3
What does it mean to “know” a word?
• To be able to use it accurately in all possible
• Stress/Sounds etc in all forms
• Spelling
• Most commonly accepted meanings
• Its grammar
• Its range or diversity of meaning
• Its collocations
Do we learn vocabulary in the
same way?
The Acquisition of Vocabulary is…
• Branching not linear
• Personal not impersonal
• Social not solitary
• Experiential not purely intellectual
Which words should we
High frequency words:
in general English (from corpora) e.g. unemployment
in the classroom e.g. white board
in future situations for the sts e.g. interview
General words
words that can be used in many situations e.g. stuff, thing etc.
Easy words
radio, computer, + other cognates
Words that temporarily make a reading/listening easier to
a reading about politics in the UK Prime Minister might be a useful
word to pre-teach, but they are not likely to use it after the lesson.
Words chosen by sts themselves.
If they have a need/ desire for a word they´re more likely to
use/remember it.
Some tips
• Teach words in context rather than isolation, e.g.
NOT window, but a window, Open the window, a
window seat, etc. : contextualise
• Prioritise spoken forms over written (unless that´s
what sts need): be selective based on utility
• Help sts see what's passive/active: don't practice
everything equally: (help sts to) prioritize & limit
learning load
• Avoid over-complex language where possible:
Some things to consider…
what words to teach
how many words to teach at a time
what order to teach them in
how to teach them
how to get sts to use them
how to test them
Discuss in groups how you do this at the moment.
What works, what doesn’t and why?
Practical ideas
wall charts
Lexical sets
word webs
clines (scale)
co-ordinate (groups of words e.g. red, blue, green)
synonym (similar word)
antonym (opposite)
prefix /suffix e.g. like, dislike, likeable
And more
• Physical action
– mime
– act
– gesture
– demonstration
• Matching activities
– abc, 1,2,3
• Explanation
– Using L1
– Create a story
• Peer teaching
– Words I know, words I think I know, words I don’t know
– Deduce from context (from a reading/listening)
– Using a dictionary
What’s the problem here?
One st knows the word so T moves on.
Sts often take notes while you´re
teaching vocab
What are other problems you have
Each pair/group present your “problem”
and solution
Work with a new partner
• You have 5 mins to decide how to teach
some words to the rest of the group
• You will be given one word + you
should make up another word
Learning journal entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about teaching
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Teaching Functions
Session 4
Understanding, knowledge and
awareness of language
What is a function?
• Functions refer to what items of
language actually do in a real context,
as opposed to what they might mean
Work with a partner
Think of some examples of functions:
• Suggesting
• Criticising
• Refusing
• Agreeing and Disagreeing
• Enquiring
• Talking about the past
• Giving advice
What does the following phrase
'What time do you call this?‘
• The person wants to know the time
• But what’s the function?
'Why are you late? I'm very angry!‘
• So…
• One form may have a number of
functions depending on….
3-way role-play
Taxi driver and passenger + observer
Winter day
Taxi driver: impatient, in a hurry, bad
traffic, no metre, no heating
Passenger: cold, worried about how much
to pay, wants to get to work
Try it out!
Think back to the 3-way roleplay
What functions did you use?
What functions did the passenger use in the taxi?
Some more polite ones….
• I'm sorry to have to say this but...
• I'm sorry to bother you, but...
• Maybe you forgot to...
• I think you might have forgotten to...
• Excuse me if I'm out of line, but...
• There may have been a misunderstanding about...
• Don't get me wrong, but I think we should...
How would you teach a
The same way as you teach vocab and
• Authentic
• Restrictive
• Clarification
What’s the link between
• Authentic is the same as….
• Restrictive is the same as …..
• Clarification is the same as …..
Discuss examples of exercises that
incorporate these principles
So what’s the difference?
You can use them in any order
More examples!
Let’s look at this example and rank
according to ARC
The T presents information about an item of
The sts then work on oral practice of these items
The sts do a written exercise to practise these
The sts are given the opportunity to use these
items along with other language they know, in
communicative activities.
Here’s another one…
The T reviews the vocab from the previous class by
getting sts in pairs and checking each other´s
The T elicits what sts know about adverbs of
The T then extends the sts knowledge by giving
further examples.
The T gets sts to rank the adverbs of frequency in
pairs and feeds back to the B.
The sts then mingle in the class and try to discover
the daily routine of as many sts as possible.
Here’s another one – what’s
wrong with these?
The teacher explained at length, and at random, a
number of different grammar points for the whole of
the lesson.
The teacher was not prepared and decided only
once s/he was in the class to go through the
workbook to revise what sts had been doing for the
previous week - exercise 1,2,3….
A teacher at the end of semester wants to liven
things up, so he sets a range of communicative
activities and then gets the sts to write an essay.
Now have a look at your next
lesson plan and decide whether
there is a good range of ARC +
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about teaching
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Teaching Literacy
Session 5
What is literacy?
• Teaching learners to read/write.
• where does reading and writing finish
and literacy start?
• Is speaking and listening literacy?
• There is a danger in the assumption
that all learners are good readers and
writers in their L1 when in fact many
What type of problems do you
think your learners have?
Differences in form of….
Lower/upper case
Page layout
Cultural Issues
How can we help them learn?
• Copy/trace letters numbers
• Differentiation exercises
• Looking at language in context
What type of materials can we
Commonly seen language
Forms + form filling
Material for children to learn L1 (if
Work in groups and decide how
to deal with the following:
• A man from Baku studying and working
for a multi-national firm (literate)
• A young girl from X coming to live in
Baku (illiterate)
• An older illiterate refugee
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about teaching
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Teaching Reading
Session 6
How long does it take you to
jam hot pin call did tap son tick
How quickly can you read and understand this?
What does this tell us?
• Words in isolation don’t mean much
• Our brains read faster than we do!
READ QUICKLY ( 5 seconds)
• The handsome knight mounted his
horse, and galloped off to save the
beautiful princess. On and on, over
mountains and valleys, until his
galloping house was exhausted. At last
he dismounted…..
• Where was the dragon?
What was wrong?
• Why did/didn’t you notice the problem?
Because your brains were reading ahead
of you and didn’t notice the error
• What does this teach us?
Faster reading helps comprehension
Yesterday I saw the palgish flester gollining begrunt the bruck. He
seemed very chanderbil, so I did not jorter him, just deapled to him
quistly. Perhaps later he will besand cander, and I will be able to
rangel him.
1. What was the flester doing and where?
2. What sort of flester was he?
3. Why did the writer decide not to jorter him?
4. How did she deaple?
5. What did she hope would happen later?
What did the reading text
teach us?
• We have strategies for working out
words – even if we don’t know the
majority of the vocab.
• Teach strategies – they are more
important than getting text answers right
So can we use an authentic text
with a low level group?
• Yes
The important thing is to grade the task
not the text
• What is important about the first task
that we do with a receptive skill?
• What types of reading can we do?
1. Skimming.
3. Receptive Reading.
2. Scanning.
4. Intensive Reading
A) You read a poem by a poet you particularly like. You
enjoy paying close attention to the poet's use of language.
B) You visit a library in the course of researching a particular
topic. You quickly look through books and articles in order to
ascertain whether they contain information on this topic and
are therefore worth borrowing.
C) You are on holiday and sit down to read the latest thriller
by your favourite writer. There is no pressure on you to
finish it quickly.
D) While waiting for an appointment you pick up a magazine
and discover it contains an article of great interest to you.
You do not have time to read the article in detail, but you
want to extract as much information from it as you can in the
few minutes you have.
• Which reading skill do you use most?
• Which reading skill do you teach most in
• Can you use more than one skill with a
text, if so which order would you get
your students to use the skills?
• True or False? Faster reading aids
What are the stages of a reading
Generate interest / set the scene
Elicit / pre-teach key lexis.
Set question(s)/task(s) for skimming comprehension
Pair up students to compare their answers.
Monitor the students
Have students report back to the whole class
Check and confirm answers.
Set new question(s)/tasks(s) for more detailed
comprehension (scanning)
• Read
• Do another pair/group check, then report open class
Make sure your students get a lot of successful
reading experience: through encouraging them to
choose their own graded readers, for example, and
giving them time to read.
Make sure that most of the vocabulary in reading texts
is familiar to your students, and that words that are
unknown can either be easily guessed or safely
Give interesting tasks before asking students to read,
so that they have a clear purpose and motivating
challenge - get them to read the first paragraph, and
get them to write their own questions - the answers
that they want to get from the text.
And more…
Make sure that the tasks encourage selective,
intelligent reading for the main meaning, and do not
just test understanding of trivial details.
Allow, and even encourage students to manage
without understanding every word: by the use of
scanning tasks, for example, that require them to
focus on limited items of information.
Provide as wide a variety of texts and tasks as you
can, to give learners practice in different types of
reading. Grade the task not the text
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about teaching
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Teaching Listening
Session 7
4 skills
Divide the time adults spend on the 4 skills to
make 100%
• Listening 40- 50%
• Speaking 25 – 30%
• Reading 11 – 16%
• Writing 9%
Rivers in Gilman and Moody 1984:331, quoted in Vandergrift, L.
Facilitating second language listening comprehension: acquiring
successful strategies, ELTJ 53/3 July 1999
Live listening
Many students whose general abilities in English are
quite good – or so they thought - report a traumatic
period after their first arrival in an English-speaking
country. For quite some time - days, weeks or
months, depending on the student, they can
understand little or nothing of what is said to them’.
• (Rixon, S. Developing Listening Skills p36)
Reasons why listening is
Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for the learner. Without
understandable input at the right level, any learning simply cannot begin.
Spoken language provides a means of interaction for the learner. Since learners must
interact to achieve understanding, access to speakers of the language is essential.
Moreover, learners’ failure to understand the language they hear is an impetus, not an
obstacle, to interaction and learning.
Authentic spoken language presents a challenge for the learner to attempt to understand
language as it is actually used by native speakers.
Listening exercises provide teachers with a means for drawing learners’ attention to new
forms (vocabulary, grammar, interaction patterns) in the language.
In addition to creating the right conditions for language development, listening can also
provide enjoyment and stimulate cultural interests, participation in the target culture (via
movies, radio, TV, songs, plays), appreciation of the beauty of the language (figures of
speech, sayings, colloquial expressions) and fulfilment of social needs (development of
relationships, confidence, gathering information for every day survival needs)’.
(Rost, M. Introducing Listening chapter 10 section 3.2)
2 listening roles
• Interactive
• Non-interactive
• What type of listening do you do in a
normal day?
Do the following encourage top-down
processing or bottom-up processing?
• Ask students to guess content of a dialogue from accompanying
• Listen to a dialogue and guess where the speakers are
• Raise your hand when you hear words with the sound
• Predict which of these topics will be covered in this TV
• Listen to and watch a video and assess the speaker’s attitude
• Listen and fill in the gaps
• Listen and repeat
• Dictation of a text
What’s involved in listening and
Schematic knowledge e.g. news reader
Knowledge of context
Knowledge of language
Top-down / Bottom-up processing
What problems do your sts have
with listening?
• The Speaker
• The Text
• The Listener
The Speaker
• Low volume, poor voice quality, monotonous, speed
of delivery too fast
• Uses unfamiliar language
• Doesn’t organise discourse coherently
• Lack of appreciation of listener’s difficulties
• The situation
• Background noise
• No or few visual/environmental clues to aid
The Text
• Unfamiliar topic
• Unfamiliar language (lexis, phonological
patterns etc.)
The listener
• Lack of knowledge of the topic
• Failure to exploit visual or
environmental clues
• Unrealistic expectations
• Lack of concentration or interest
• Lack of familiarity with the language and
phonological features
Thinking about your Teaching
of Listening
• Why do you do listening in the classroom? Is it for teaching and
practising language or for teaching and developing listening
• Do you believe we learn to listen by listening?
• What’s the difference between testing and teaching listening
• Can we teach listening in a systematic way?
• What kind of listening tasks do you use? What are the aims?
• Do you think you should use authentic materials?
• Do you think you should use graded materials?
• What sources of listening material are available to you?
• ‘Practice is the most important thing.
The more listening the better, and the
sub skills will take care of themselves
as they become atomised’.
Ridgway T. Listening Strategies- I beg
your pardon? ELTJ 54/2 April 2000
• Do you agree?
Problems with the traditional
• Not much time is spent on actually listening to the tape.
• Not much time is spent on analysing what went wrong.
• The teacher takes on the sole responsibility for building up an
understanding of the listening text on the part of the students.
• It assumes that there is only one way of listening to something.
• Classroom listening very often puts students in the position of
passive overhearers.
• The tasks do not stress the links between listening and
• We often expect 100% comprehension.
Finding Solutions to Problems
The following problems arise in your class. What ‘remedial action’ might
you decide to take?
• Students miss the main point because they didn’t pick out key lexical
• In a roleplay one of the speakers falls silent as a result of not
• what their partner said.
• Confusion arises over a misunderstood word (can/can’t) in a dialogue.
• Students fail to recognise the speaker’s attitude through intonation.
• Students get the wrong end of the stick because of misunderstanding a
cultural reference.
• Difficulties in understanding the news on the radio.
• Not recognising links between different parts of what is said.
• Students say they can’t understand a word of a short conversation
because it’s too fast.
Other ideas….?
Authentic texts
Graded texts
The teacher
Other live speakers of English
The students
See handout for answers…..
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about teaching
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Spoken Discourse
Session 8
Defining discourse
1. What is ‘discourse’? Write your own
2. ‘Coherence’ is a key feature of all
discourse. What is it?
3. Make a list of features of written
discourse you remember:
Differences between spoken and
written discourse
• shorter sentences
• simpler vocabulary and conjunctions
• Speaking is normally a dialogue while writing is
normally a monologue;
• We adjust our message according to the immediate
• Little or no planning time
• It may not be absolutely grammatically correct
• People may interrupt us or may finish our thoughts
for us.
• We use sentence stress and intonation to convey
meaning and we can use paralinguistic features such
as gesture, facial expression and other body
language if we are not on the phone.
Features of Spoken Discourse
Spoken language occurs within cultural and social contexts.
Spoken language is used to achieve different cultural and social
There is a systematic relationship between spoken language and the
context in which it is used.
Spoken language is used to construct and maintain interpersonal and
pragmatic social relationships.
Spoken texts are dynamic and are sites for the negotiation of meaning
and power.
Spoken discourse needs to be analysed from the socio-cultural
perspective and the analysis needs to give a socially situated account
of the text.
Spoken language needs to be taught as connected text and not as
sequences of single utterances, phrases or words. (Burns et al, p. 28)
Purposes and Functions of
• Conversation can be defined as
purposeful spoken interaction between
two or more people.
• Think about conversations you had
yesterday; identify the purpose(s) of
three of them.
What’s the relationship between
the speakers?
a) Got the time?
b) I guess it must be quite late now – is it?
c) What’s the time?
d) Do you have the time?
e) Would you know what time it is?
f) Could I trouble you for the time?
What are the implications of this for the classroom?
What lexical, phonological or grammatical changes
have taken place in these exchanges? what does the
change tell us?
a) Have you seen the manager? vs Have you seen the boss?
b) Whachadoin’? vs What are you doing?
c) Shove over mate. vs Could you let me through please?
d) Seen Joe lately? vs Have you seen Joe lately?
e) Could you lend me a fiver? vs Could you lend me £5?
f) We were out at the cinema, innit? vs We were out at the
cinema, weren’t we?
• g) What do you mean? Vs Whaddaya mean?
What are the similarities between
spoken and written discourse?
• cohesion (both grammatical and
• reference,
• conjunction,
• ellipsis,
• and substitution
Tell your partner the function of
the language in bold
• A. We had hired this car because it was cheaper than all of us
trying to take the train to the wedding…
• B. uhuh
• A. And we were no sooner on the M4 when suddenly the engine
just stopped and we drifted onto the hard shoulder with all the
traffic whizzing past and then we had to wait forever for AA to
• B. I know
• A. Can you believe no one had filled the tank before we left
the car rental place? The tank was completely empty and
we’d been driving on fumes! So in the end we missed the
ceremony itself and just made it to the reception.
• B. That sounds awful but at least you made it, eventually. Look
would you guys be interested in seeing the film at the Odeon
Friday night?
Take the part of ‘B’ in each of the
following speech acts – adjacency
• 1. a) (A telephonist for a small company): Good morning, Waters
Plumbing. Can I
• help you?
• b) (Calling re a drain problem)
• a) Can I come in?
• b)
• a) It’s just gorgeous today, isn’t it?
• b)
• a) Thank you very much.
• b)
• a) How are you?
• b)
Review Adjacency Pairs
• Teachers are normally good at working
with them
• Students don’t know how to use them
• They end up using the adj pair that they
learned – even if it doesn’t reflect their
true answer
• Tell your partners what you know about
turn taking
• Listen in on other people’s
conversations and work out the
strategies that they are using – to hold
the floor – or to use adjacency pairs
Cultural Appropriacy
• Tell your partner what strategies you
use to start conversations with British
native speakers That you know/ That
you don’t know
• How is this different in your language?
• Which topics are taboo?
Conversational Repair
• What is it?
• What are the effects for our teaching?
Stress and Intonation
– have a look at a couple of examples:
• Your sandwich’s on the table next to
your glasses.
• Where’re you going on holiday?
Gesture and Body Language
• What are the differences between X and
• How does it effect communication?
• Tell your partner what you have learned
in today’s session.
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about teaching
spoken discourse?
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Presenting New Language
Session 9
What are the three types of
language that you can present?
• grammar points
• functions
• lexical points
Present through Context:
• To create the situation you can use pictures,
descriptions, mime etc
• A generative situation – so that students get several
examples of the language situation:
• e.g. He was burgled while he was on holiday
• He should’ve locked the back door
• He shouldn’t have left the window open.
• It can be more economical than creating lots of
different situations and is less confusing.
More ideas
Make sure that there is some form of
personalisation to make the language
more memorable
Use real objects (realia) to aid
comprehension and memory.
Use a text (listening or reading) for
examples of the TL.
What next?
• Once the students have seen/heard the
TL then there are two main ways in
which you can work with it:
through some form of guided
discovery (problem solving)
• Students are given samples of the TL to work with
and they try to work out “the rule”.
• The Teacher then makes the rule clear and then the
students practice the language item.
• e.g. Students look at several sentences containing
nouns and try to work out why the definite article has
been included or omitted.
• He wanted to go to the party.
• How many parties have you been to this month?
Through a teacher guided
• The teacher explains what the rule is
(what the language item means and
how it works grammatically) and the
students study examples to see the rule
in operation:
• e.g. On the board (visual explanation)
Qu: Where does he study?
• A: He studies at Baku university.
• T: So to make the question for the
present simple you…?
• use a question word at the front
• place the auxiliary verb before the
• Etc.
Other ideas
For vocabulary specifically – contrast or
similarity are good tools to use
Translation - this can be quick and easy,
so don’t discount it as an idea.
you, the teacher, need to know the
language well for grammar translation – not
necessarily for vocab translation.
Not always possible for multi-lingual classes
Students start to rely on it
How do you decide which way to
present the language?
the nature of the target item
is it a grammar item?
is it a functional expression?
is the meaning easy/difficult to understand?
is the form easy/difficult to manipulate?
Is the student able to transfer relevant
knowledge from their own language?
A couple of other ideas
the level, age, and preferred learning
style of you students
what the students already know about
the target item – is it similar to already
known items?
Easy or complex?
• If the item is easy to understand and use, it
could be presented through a problem solving
activity or an explanation.
• If it is a more complex grammar rule, it should
be presented through some form of
situational context in which the meaning is
clear – it can then be dealt with through
teacher presentation later on.
What stages should any
presentation lesson include?
the meaning is made clear.
the form is made clear.
students’ understanding of the meaning is checked
students’ initial ability to pronounce and manipulate the
form is checked
students are able to personalise (even if only in a limited
way) the TL.
the language is consolidated on the board.
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about presenting
new language to students?
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Controlled Practice +
Session 10
What are the stages of a
presentation lesson?
• What stage does Controlled Practice fit
into a presentation lesson?
• Present
• (Controlled) Practice
• (Freer Practice) / Production
When presenting new language
what is important + in what
Meaning is clear
Pronunciation is clear
Form is clear (grammar and spelling)
How do we make sure that each stage
is clear?
When does drilling come into the
Either in:
• The controlled practice…
• The presentation …..
At any stage
• Which is more likely?
Which should come first…?
Meaning or Drilling?
• Why?
With a partner think of as many
ways of drilling as possible
Here are some suggestions:
Individual or random drills
Male or female
Half or half
As or Bs
Open pairs
Closed pairs
Student lead drill
Whisper, loud, shout, sing, mouth silently
Fast, slow
Flat intonation, exaggerated intonation
Change stress
Scottish accent
Substitution drill
Next step drill (x1)
Multiple step drill
Jazz chants
Find someone who…
What are fingers useful for?
• Drilling to show missing or
separate/joined words.
• E.g. I’m tired
• Drilling to show difficult sounds
• To show syllables and stress.
Some questions about drills:
What should be the first drill of a new word?
What are the instructions for a drill?
When do we (usually) decide to drill?
What should come first drill or written? Why?
Should we drill individual words?
Should we use standard intonation/stress
when drilling?
• Is drilling more common with upper or lower
• Banana, banana, banana!
What is controlled practice?
• What is the aim of it?
• What is the teacher’s role in controlled
• What usually follows controlled
What are some types of
controlled practice activities?
Matching (abc,123)
Gap Fills
Multiple Choice
Sentence transformations
Listing / Ranking / Ordering
True / False
What stage have we missed
Personalisation / Personalization
What do you think we are going
to do next?
Yes, you guessed it….
We are going to try it out
You will have a word or phrase
Come to the front and drill in at least 2
ways + create a written record
• Remember be careful with your board
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about drilling and
controlled practice?
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Session 11
• Weak forms
• Intrusion and Linking
• Elision
• Ways of working with Connected
• When we speak naturally we do not pronounce a
word, stop, then say the next word in the sentence.
• Fluent speech flows with a rhythm and the words
bump into each other.
• To make speech flow smoothly the way we
pronounce the end and beginning of some words can
change depending on the sounds at the beginning
and end of those words.
• Fish and chips
• A dog and a cat
• He can play the piano really well
• A pint of milk
• A: Have you been to Paris?
• B: Yes, I have.
• You should have come to the party.
• They need to understand them to aid
comprehension and they need to use
them so that their language sounds
more natural.
• How many words do you hear? A mini
dictation to see what they can pick up
• Unnatural speech – record yourself
saying a sentence as if it was just a list
of words – sts then try to improve.
• Teach it along with new language –
going to, a can of coke.
• When two vowel sounds meet, we tend
to insert an extra sound which
resembles either a / j /, / w / or / r / , to
mark the transition sound between the
two vowels, a device referred to as
• Intruding / r/
The media / r /are to blame.
• Intruding / j /
I / j / agree.
They / j /are here!
• Intruding / w/
I want to/ w/eat.
Please do/ w/it.
• Do/ w /up
• Lay / j / up
• Go/ w /away
• Go / w / out
• I want to eat a sandwich.
• It’s no joke.
• Law and order.
• The media are covering the trial.
• I agree.
• Don’t do it.
• They are here.
• A native speaker's aim in connecting words is for
maximum ease and efficiency of tongue movement
when getting our message across.
• In minimizing our efforts, we weaken our articulation.
• If articulation is weakened too much, the sound may
disappear altogether, a process known as elision.
• It is the vowels from unstressed syllables which are
the first to be elided in non-precise pronunciation.
• A syllable containing the unstressed
"schwa" is often lost. For example:
• sim(i)lar,
• lib(ra)ry,
• diff(e)rent,
• t(o)night.
• For example:
• san(d)wich
• The same process can occur across
word boundaries, for example,
• mus(t) be
• For example:
• you shouldn´t (h)ave
• tell (h)im.
You and me
The first three
You must tell him
Tell him
You shouldn’t have.
We stopped for lunch
• Work with phonemes and write phrases out
• Teach it when you teach new language e.g.
• Drill the students with connected speech.
• Work with phrasal verbs e.g. get out, put on, come
• With listenings get them to say the number of words
+ maybe work on dictation
• Have you tried to listen to the BBC
• Have a look at what you are teaching
over the next couple of days and see if
you can find some examples of
connected speech
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about teaching
connected speech?
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?
Session 12
What is collocation?
“The way words combine to make
phrases and expressions”
Michael Lewis 2001 LTP
Which of the following is correct?
A strong wind
A great wind
A gentle wind
• Does the same thing happen in your
“Collocation is one of the most powerful forces
in making language coherent, fluent,
comprehensible and predictable”Michael
Lewis 2001 LTP
Step game
Bar of
Step game
Step game – expressions
......... upstairs
......... in luxury
......... alone
......... beyond your means
......... to a ripe old age
• Cause
a job
your best
• Make
a problem
• Do
for a walk
• Go
a cake
• 1. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit …………….
• 2. The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be
• 3. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be
• 4. The weather is too cold in this country. I’d like to live
somewhere …………….
• 5. My job is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something
• 6. I was surprised how easy it was to use the computer. I
thought it would be
• 7. Your work isn’t very good. I’m sure you can do ……………..
• 8. Don’t worry. The situation isn’t so bad. It could be
• 9. I was surprised we got here so quickly. I expected the
journey to take ……………………..
• 10. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere ………….?
What does this mean for
• Teach word patterns
• Get students to find patterns in
receptive texts
• Get sts to predict more
• Don’t give – make them work for it
• Ask why!
Learning Journal Entry
• What are the three most important
things I have learned about collocation?
• What new techniques am I going to take
into my day-to-day teaching that will
have an immediate impact on reaching
learning outcomes?