RDA Training Day MOBIUS Conference, Columbia, Missouri Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Presenters: Charles Croissant, Senior Catalog Librarian Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Louis University croisscr@slu.edu Felicity Dykas, Head, Digital Services Department MU Libraries, University of Missouri-Columbia DykasF@missouri.edu “Why Do We Catalog?” People with information needs Catalog records Library resources 2 It’s all about access! Providing access via any piece of information a user might know: An author’s name A title An editor’s name A subject Keywords 3 How? Create bibliographic records Bibliographic records in catalogs Catalogs with features and function Indexing rules Display rules Navigation Metadata Metadata: “data about data” Catalog records are metadata Library resource = Data Catalog record = Data about the resource = Metadata Important: Consistency Standardization Using controlled vocabularies (thesauri) “Why RDA?” “Why don’t we just revise AACR2?” Evolving cataloging environment RDA an improvement over AACR2 6 The Cataloging Environment -- Internet Catalogs are no longer in isolation Global access to data “linked data systems” Integrate bibliographic data with wider Internet environment Share data beyond institutions Any user – any place – any time 7 The Cataloging Environment Databases, Repositories Services VIAF LCSH Web front end 8 RDA has a philosophical foundation: FRBR Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records • • • • International collaboration Produced by IFLA Issued in 1997 Pushes us to a higher intellectual rigor 9 What do we really mean when we say “book”? “Book” Door prop (item) “publication” at bookstore any copy (manifestation) 10 Cited from Patrick LeBoeuf, former chair of the IFLA FRBR Review Group 10 What do we really mean when we say “book”? “Book” – Who illustrated this? (expression) – Who wrote this? (work) 11 Cited from Patrick LeBoeuf, former chair of the IFLA FRBR Review Group 11 The FRBR user tasks Find (a resource that meets certain criteria) Identify (make sure the resource is the one you want and not some other, similar resource) Select (from a number of possible resources, select the one that is most useful to you in your particular situation) Obtain (get it from its current location to a place where you can use it – gaining access to the resource) (navigate) (being able to make your way through a catalog, a search engine, a Web site to find what you want) The FRBR Model • An “entity-relationship” model – STEP 1: identify all the possible entities in the process you are analyzing. – STEP 2: Identify all the attributes that can be possessed by a particular entity. – STEP 3: Identify all the possible relationships that can exist between any two of your entities. Step 1 of the process identified 3 groups of entities. Group 1, the Bibliographic Entities: the bibliographic “Great Chain of Being” Work (the most abstract level) is realized through Expression is embodied in Manifestation is exemplified by • Item (the most concrete level) WEMI (“work, expression, manifestation, item”) Work = a distinct creation Expression = the intellectual or artistic realization of a work Manifestation = physical embodiment of an expression of a work (i.e., the publication of a particular expression in book form) Item = a single exemplar of a manifestation (i.e., a single copy of a book) • The other groups of entities: • Group 2: The “agent” entities – individual persons, corporate bodies. • Group 3: The “subject” entities – concepts, events, places, etc., plus any of the Group 1 and Group 2 entities. Each entity is described by recording its attributes. Entities are linked to each other by relationships. Leo Tolstoy in FRBR (the “linked data” model) PERSON Tolstoy, Leo 1828-1910 Russian novelist WORK Anna Karenina Novel WORK Voĭna i mir Novel EXPRESSION War and peace (English translation) Is embodied in MANIFESTATION 1904 English edition of War and peace Publishes CORPORATE BODY William Heinemann Ltd. English publishing house PERSON Constance Garnett 1861-1946 Role: literary translator ITEM Copy of Heinemann’s 1904 edition held by Harvard Library RDA – an overview What RDA is: a set of instructions on how to record bibliographic data What RDA is not: a display standard (RDA says nothing about how a record should be displayed on your screen; it says nothing about what data format to use) RDA’s “world view” Bibliographic resources = carriers of content Content → intellectual Carrier → physical Content maps to Work and Expression level Carrier maps to Manifestation and Item level Moving from MARC to RDA MARC record structure is “flat” RDA envisions Linked Data Systems Author Uniform Title Title Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910. Voĭna i mir. English War and peace / Leo Tolstoy ; translated from the Russian by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. Edition 1st ed. Published New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2007. Description xviii, 1273 p. ; 25 cm. Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (p. [1223]-1247) and index. Subjects Russia -- History -- Alexander I, 1801-1825 -- Fiction. Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815 -- Campaigns -- Russia -Fiction. Related Author Pevear, Richard, 1943Volokhonsky, Larissa. ISBN 9780307266934 A new emphasis in RDA Relationship designators Identifiers 24 Relationship Designators (remember relator terms and codes?) author editor translator compiler conductor composer performer 25 Relationship Designators in MARC: subfield $e 100 100 700 700 1_ 1_ 1_ 1_ Brown, Dan, $e author. Smith, Edward, $d 1954- $e compiler. Lee, Sandra, $d 1971- $e editor. Bernstein, Leornard, $d 1918-1990, $e conductor. in a Linked Data System: the Designator is a data element of its own could be expressed as a URL 26 Identifiers definition: a character string uniquely associated with an entity (e.g. work, expression, person, corporate body, etc.) 27 RDA – Pathway to the Semantic Web in a Linked Data System: relationship designators + identifiers = more data manipulation by machines 28 In bib record for BBC video of Pride and Prejudice: conventional note: 500 __ Based on the novel by Jane Austen. (Humans can understand this, machines cannot) In a linked data system: Record for BBC video. Identifier: 2abc15x defined link: Is Adaptation Of machines are able to interpret this. Record for the work, Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen. Identifier: z345x1bc RDA is granular -Data elements -- each element contains just one piece of data, of just one type. RDA’s structure is based on FRBR (no more Areas of Description as in AACR2) (go to RDA toolkit) Helpful tools: RDA mappings Especially MARC Bibliographic to RDA, but also RDA to MARC Bibliographic Advanced search (icon: magnifying glass) AACR2 rule number search Group exercise 1 THE CASE FR RDA All Rights Reserved c2012 The College of the Plains Free Our Data! BY ISBN: 978-0-8014-3005-3 Bret Dee University of Versailles Tom D. Knot College of the Plains Cora Lee Sims Printed on acid-free paper Tia Smart IFLA Liberating Library Series PLAINS, MISSOURI The College of the Plains (Additional information: Title on cover: The case for RDA Pagination: xiv, 345 pages Illustrations: Screen shots in color, charts, 2 photographs Size: 23 1/2 x 16 cm Bibliography at the end of each chapter Index on pages 340-345) Login to Connexion Browser Group exercise 2, Emily Dickinson’s approving God (small groups) 38 Page facing title page (“series title page”) 19th century American poets A series edited by Paul Everett Hanson University of Missouri, Columbia Volume 21 ISSN: 1358-0422 39 Title page verso First published in 1998 Second corrected edition, 2006 prepared by Jane Hutchinson ©1998, ©2006 ISBN: 978-0-8444-1162-0 40 RDA “pure” RDA and Access Points for Names Group 2 entities Persons (RDA Chapter 9) (Families) (RDA Chapter 10) Corporate bodies (RDA Chapter 11) Group 3 entity Place names (RDA Chapter 16) 43 RDA – Authority records vs. Identity Records Recording attributes “Core” = always record if available “non-Core” = not required, but a good idea to record if available Identifying the “preferred name” Establishing the authorized access point Documenting the decision 44 RDA’s workflow for creating identity records First, record all the available attributes For persons, see Chapter 9.2 through 9.18 (go to RDA Toolkit) Then, determine which attributes are needed for establishing an “authorized access point” (“AAP”) AAP = “Preferred name” + additional attributes as instructed, see Chapter 9.19. 45 “Identity records” and MARC To accommodate RDA, the MARC format has added new fields: 370 371 372 373 374 375 377 (associated place) (address) (field of activity) (associated group) (occupation) (gender) (language) 46 47 AACR2 style 48 RDA style 49 For establishing a personal name, the important chapters are: 9.2. Name of the person 9.19. Constructing access points to represent persons And chapters for any attributes we need for 1xx. Dates, fuller form of name, titles, etc. 50 What is the preferred name of the person? The preferred name is the name by which the person is commonly known ( Names can be taken from any source ( BUT: There is an order of preference ( Preferred source of information (in AACR2, the “chief source of information,” i.e. title page) Other formal statements Reference sources 51 What is the name by which a person is commonly known? Possibilities: Real name Pseudonym Title of nobility Nickname Initials Other appellation 52 53 54 NAXOS 55 Other details 56 8.5 General guidelines on recording names: capitalization, numbers expressed as numerals or words, accents, hyphens, spacing of initials, abbreviations 57 Different forms of the same name ( – see special instructions If it is known that the person prefers a name that is different from usage (i.e. form found on title pages), follow that preference. Names in specific categories (e.g., Burmese): See additional instructions. Name varies in fullness: choose the form most commonly found -- if no form predominates, use the latest form. Language: Choose the form that is used in most resources. 58 – words, etc., indicating relationship In Portuguese names, the words Filho, Junior, Neto, Netto, or Sobrinho are part of the surname. Designations like Jr., Sr., II, III, are recorded as part of the preferred name (compare AACR2) They follow the given name and are preceded by a comma: Saur, Karl-Otto, Jr. 59 Step 3: Construct the authorized access point (AAP) (9.19) Use the preferred name as the basis of the AAP. Make additions as instructed in 60 If the name does not convey the idea of a person, add information even if not needed for differentiation ( Term that indicates profession or occupation: Stone Mountain (Writer) Term that indicates a fictitious or legendary character: Wolverine (Fictitious character) Term that indicates type, species or breed for non-human entities: Battleship (Race horse) 61 Title or other designation associated with the person ( Royalty (always): Charles, ǂc Prince of Wales, ǂd 1948Nobility (always): Religious rank (if given name is first element and commonly appears with name): Mary Francis, ǂc Mother, ǂd 1921Saint (add unless pope, emperor, empress, king, or queen): Hildegard, ǂc Saint, ǂd 1098-1179 Spirit (always): Presley, Elvis, ǂd 1935-1977 ǂc (Spirit) Other (if needed): Moses ǂc (Biblical leader) 62 Date of Birth and/or Death ( Add if known (LC-PCC PS) Use hyphens (LC-PCC PS) 63 Fuller Form of Name ( Add if needed to differentiate If part of the forename or surname used is represented by an initial, add if important for differentiation (LC-PCC PS) Eliot, T. S. ǂq (Thomas Stearns), ǂd 18881965 [today might not add the fuller form of name] Add unused forenames or surnames only if needed for differentiation (LC-PCC PS) Richardson, Alan ǂq (Alan John) 64 Period of activity of person and/or profession or occupation ( Add if needed for differentiation Allen, Charles, ǂd active 18th century-19th century Butler, Jean ǂc (Composer) 65 Other term of rank, honour, or office ( Add if needed to differentiate Must have appeared with name Wood, John ǂc (Captain) 66 Other designation ( Add if needed to differentiate Nichols, Chris ǂc (Officer of the North Oxford Association) 67 PN summary (for typical names) Preferred name Always add dates when known Add the following as needed, in this order of preference Fuller form of name Period of activity or Profession or occupation Other designation 68 Corporate names (11) Same sources of information Same process 69 Conventional names ( A conventional name is a name, other than the real or official name, by which a corporate body has come to be known. If a body is frequently identified by a conventional name in reference sources in its own language, choose this conventional name as the preferred name. 70 Governments. The conventional name of a government is the name of the area exercises jurisdiction. This can be a country, province, state, county, municipality, etc. 71