Goal for WVMPSC WV schools will have a safe and orderly environment that is conducive to learning for all. Excerpt from 2007 State of the State Address “I also plan to work closely with our state’s teachers on addressing the growing problem of classroom and student bullying. Schools should be places where you enjoy the process of growth and learning; not places of fear and intimidation. For the protection of students, teachers and school service personnel alike, I will do everything possible to make our schools bully-free.” Governor Joe Manchin III Union to push student discipline Charleston Gazette Wednesday January 03, 2007 “State teacher’s union plans to propose legislation this year that would help teachers get a better grip on student discipline, providing more state funds for alternative school programs.” “You must be Timmy’s dad. I’m Timmy’s teacher!” “Well, Timmy, it looks like you’ve just earned yourself 10 Minutes in the cage with Mr. Whiskers.” Healthy People 2010 “Schools have more influence on the lives of youth than any other social institution except the family, and provide a setting in which friendship networks develop, socialization occurs, and norms that govern behavior are developed and reinforced.” Typical Instructional Day “If we as educators keep doing the same thing over and over with the same negative result – Who is the slow learner?” NORMS What are the norms in your school? • Student norms • Staff • Administrative • Parental What Is Respect & Protect? • Comprehensive approach to violence prevention and intervention • Everyone is obliged to respect and protect the rights of others • Both adult and student centered • Promotes a system-wide ethos: Violence is not tolerated Goals of Respect & Protect • To ensure the safety and well-being of both students and educators. • To reduce the severity and frequency of and eventually to eliminate all incidents of violence from the school setting. • To promote an intrinsic social consciousness in our youth Continued: • To eliminate the two pervasive attitudes that directly spawn and support violence in schools: entitlement and tolerance. • To create a safe, supportive, nurturing, non-punitive atmosphere that is highly conducive to learning. (Single School Climate) What is PREVENTION? THE PROCESS THAT TEACHES AND TRAINS PEOPLE TO CHOOSE ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR AND HELPS DEVELOP AN ATTITUDE OF RESPECT FOR ONESELF AND OTHERS… What is INTERVENTION? THE PROCESS THAT HELPS PEOPLE BECOME RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR BEHAVIOR AND FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF THAT BEHAVIOR… •Anti-social conduct •Bulling/Harassment/intimidation •Cheating •False Identification •Disorderly Conduct •Insubordination •Theft •Forgery/Fraud/Gambling •Improper operation of a motor vehicle •Alcohol Possession or use •Violation of School Rules or •Defacing School Property policies •Disobeying a teacher •Profane language •Assault/Battery on school employee •Hazing •Gang Activity •Inappropriate displays of affection •Loitering •Inappropriate dress & grooming •Leaving school without permission •Tardiness Policy 4373 •Technology abuse •Felony •Possession of a controlled substance •Possession of a firearm or deadly weapon •Sale of a narcotic drug •Tobacco •Trespassing •Truancy Student Code of Conduct Change in class schedule Expulsion Before/After School & Weekend Detention In/out of school suspension Planning by County Boards of Education (§126-99-5) • County boards of education shall develop a plan for implementation by July 1, 2003. • Develop and implement an education program for each grade level, faculty and staff. • County/school shall identify a specific individual and his/her designee to receive complaints. • Specific procedures should be established for failure of staff member to report an alleged violation. • WV Code requires that the principal shall suspend a student who commits a Level IV violation. • Level III and IV violations are to be referred directly to the appropriate administrator because of the serious and/or unlawful nature of the misconduct. • County policies should identify responses and/or interventions that include, but are not limited to, examples provided in state policy. Complaint Procedures (§12699-9) • All violations of the Student Code of Conduct observed by school employees or students must be reported to appropriate personnel. • Guidelines for failure of employee to report are outline in State Policy 5310, Performance Evaluation of School Personnel. WV Framework for High Performing School Systems What is Single School Culture? • A way of organizing and running a school. It begins with shared norms, beliefs, values, and goals and results in agreed upon processes and procedures that produce consistency in practice. • A Single School Culture results in consistency of both adult and student practices related to: – Behavior – Achievement – Climate “Toxic Cultures” Staff: 1. View students as the problem rather than as their valued clients. 2. Are sometimes part of negative subcultures that are hostile and critical of change. 3. Believe they are doing the best they can and do not search out new ideas. 4. Frequently share stories and historical perspectives on the school that are often negative, discouraging, and demoralizing. 5. Complain, criticize, and distrust any new ideas, approaches, or suggestions for improvement raised by planning committees. 6. Rarely share ideas, materials, or solutions to classroom problems. 7. Have few ceremonies or school traditions that celebrate what is good and hopeful about their place of work. (Deal and Peterson, 1998) Traits of Adults Who Succeed At Environmental Control • Congruence • Compassion • Conviction • Courage • Consistency Establishing Environmental Control 1. A collective, determined stance against violence 2. Clear definition of violence is adopted and communicated to everyone 3. Policies and procedures 4. School-wide rules 5. Adult supervision of the campus 6. Extinguish, enabling, entitlement, and tolerance 7. Prevention and intervention programs Piecemeal strategies for eliminating violence do not work! The only thing that works is a collective determined effort by all adults working together……. It is the essence of ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL ENABLING • Enabling is any act- or failure to actthat protects someone from the unpleasant consequences of doing wrong..”let off the hook!” • Failure to set clear consistent standards supported by all. • Misguided beliefs, feelings, attitudes, actions ENTITLEMENT “The moment we tolerate the inappropriate actions of a person who feels entitled to use violence, we’re contributing to a ripple effect that will cover the entire school system.” • Students become desensitized to violence through life experience and media…violence is normal • Students feel they have the right to use violence • Time Bombs…Loose Cannons **ALL STUDENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED EQUAL** TOLERANCE • Parental influence (explain away) • Justification for self-protection • “I don’t want to deal with it” • Increased Threshold of Violence • Blaming: a classic enabling device that deflects responsibility • No system-wide ethos for rules CONTINUUM Shooting someone with a gun Hitting & Kicking Intimidation Taunting/Ridiculing Name Calling Staring/Leering Gossiping Eye Rolling If prevention is to work, it must be CONSISTENT. To be consistent, all the adults must agree on terms. Herein lies the most difficult part of intervention and prevention: deciding which actions merit our stepping in. Conflict in Schools • Conflict is normal You can solve it creatively or it can escalate into violence 1. Physical violence 2. Nonphysical violence • Language can hurt or help “Sticks and Stones” When left unchallenged by the adults, this creates a culture that appears to condone bias, prejudice and violence Bully/Victim Violence • Bullying is the deliberate, repeated harm or threat of harm by the same student or group of students against a relatively defenseless student or staff member. 5 Crucial Factors That Increase The Likelihood of Becoming A Bully. 1. The child’s temperament tends to be “hot” and aggressive. 2. The parents have negative attitude toward the child. The behavior toward the child lacks warmth and involvement. Continued: 3.Parental discipline is permissive, without clear limits and followthrough. 4.Parental discipline is authoritarian. 5.The child observes the parents in frequent, intense conflict. IT TAKES A SYSTEM TO CRACK A SYSTEM Definition of Violence • Is any mean word, look, sign, or act that hurts a person’s body, feelings or things. • No one is entitled to use violence • Violence is not tolerated at our school Self Control Everyday I will control my words, my actions and my emotions. My failure to do so could hurt another person’s body feelings or things. Self Control Prevents Violence And now for your viewing pleasure……… A dramatization of Respect and Protect FOUR STEPS OF INTERVENTION: • DETERMINE LEVEL OF VIOLENCE • DETERMINE ACTION TO BE TAKEN • DETERMINE CONSEQUENCES TO BE TAKEN • THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF INTERVENTION: • You are not responsible for others, but to them • Every child needs a connector • Violence is systemic and requires a systematic approach that deals effectively with it over time How to Sustain WVMPSC • WVMPSC core team • Program forms • Continued professional development Possible Funding Sources • Federal programs • School improvement monies • Private sponsors • Partners in education • Business leaders • PTO’s • Church and civic organizations WV Positive School Climate Logic Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Early detection, identification and documentation of inappropriate behavior (BIF) Developmental & Character Education Staff/Parent Capacity Building Elect/Convene a school-based behavioral team Referral System Schoolwide Postive Behavior Initiative/Incentives Advisory Board Evaluation Behavior Intervention Form • Inappropriate behaviors • Arranged by levels of severity • Includes Responsible Students Program • Immediate Teacher Actions • WVEIS Codes • White/Parent Yellow/Behavior Team Pink/Staff • Conduct grades “Connector” and Support Services • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mentors Law enforcement School nurses Judges DHHR- Youth Services Physicians Agencies and counselors SAT Team FRNs Retired educators Juvenile Probation Inschool Suspension Peer Mediation Other community resources Core Behavior Team Responsibilities • Select team members (representative of grade levels, areas of expertise) • Assignment of grade level files to each team member • Review BIFs (levels of frequency and severity; patterns of behavior) • Make referrals to support services • Teacher Memo (positives and areas that need attention) • Meet weekly • Be consistent! Cheerlead! Communicate! GETTING PARENTS INVOLVED • Informing parents • Educating and involving parents • Responding to parents • Collaborating with parents • What parents need from the school • Utilization of parents EVALUATION • Why evaluate? • How and when should you begin? • What should you measure, and how should you do it? • How can you use the results of evaluation? • Is establishing a baseline important? Respect & Protect Pyramid S CH OI CE PARENTS ES NC UE EQ NS CO COMMUNITY STAFF STUDENTS CONSISTENCY Sustain Climate “When we adults agree on how to respond to a situation, and when we follow through consistently over time, the message is clear and the effect is galvanizing !” FIRST YEAR PLAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Definition of Violence Behavior Identification Form Consistent classroom management Core behavior teams Surveys Parent notification & involvement Teaching students before you begin Developmental guidance/reporting School wide positive initiative/incentives Student agendas Create a R&P Student Team or Club Build your “tool box” of support services What works! • • • • • • • • • • • • • Morning pledge- reciting the definition of violence “Greeter” every morning that sees every child in the school Reporting vs. Tattling Class meetings/assemblies to reflect on school climate Consistent classroom management Teaching the BIF (Student Code of Conduct) Utilizing the school-wide positive initiative for students who improve behaviors or show respect to others Saying “yes, sir”..”yes, mam” Handshake and eye contact Posting the Definition of Violence school-wide (bus too) Strategies for self control Staff utilize Stress Reduction Techniques (sense of humor) Peer mediators/ student leaders and mentors SUPPLEMENTS Supplement Sheets are available for your use in the Respect and Protect Manual from pages 275-400. No Supplements available for chapters five and six. REFERENCES and RESOURCES References are available in your Respect and Protect Manual on pages 413-417. These include books, articles, surveys, etc. Resources are available on pages 420423. These include video programs and publications.