ECE 4117 Experiment 1 Introduction to GNU Radio and USRP 2

ECE 4117
Experiment 1
Introduction to GNU Radio and USRP 2
ECE 4117 – Telecommunications Laboratory
Fall 2012
The purpose of this lab is to get acquainted with software defined radio; the usage of GNU radio
and the mechanics of using the USRP2. This lab will go step by step through an example and
then will allow you to experiment and learn all the different aspects of the equipment on your
Software defined radio (SDR) has recently become an attractive method to implement many RF
applications. In general, SDR enables the computer to handle many of the signal processing
processes within a software environment; where in the past, this was handled by hardware
components. This transition into the software domain leads to several advantages that are not
available on hardware based radio. The SDR is able to be more reconfigurable, where it can
reconfigured to adapt to new standards much easily. It can also be much more flexible, where its
platform can be universal and be used in a wide range of uses. It is upgradable and more cost
efficient when compared to hardware based radio. The SDR can also be used as a cognitive
radio, where it automatically changes its parameters so that it can select the best available
For more details on cognitive radio, please read the following tutorial paper:
Simon Haykin, “Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications,” IEEE
For more information on the SDR and GNU radio, please read the following links:
SDR/GNU Radio Tutorials - University of Notre Dame
SDR Article – IEEE Spectrum
Exploring GNU radio – GNU Radio website
Software defined radio, does however, require the implementation of several hardware
components. The general layout of the SDR is shown below, in figure 1.
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Receive Path:
Transmit Path:
Figure 1: Typical SDR TX/RX path
In general, the first two blocks of each path and the antenna make up the hardware side of the
SDR and the third block is the computer/software.
For this lab and for all the labs in the semester, we will be using the USRP 2 and GNU radio to
conduct all of our experiments. GNU radio is an open source Python-based architecture for
building SDR projects. It provides a variety of signal processing blocks which are written in
C++. The software domain portion in the RX/TX path will be controlled by GNU radio. Thus, all
of the experiments will be conducted and controlled from GNU radio.
The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP 2) is the hardware solution for GNU Radio.
Each USRP consists of a motherboard that contains a digital-to-analog converter (DAC), analogto-digital converter (ADC), 1MB SRAM, gate-field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a
gigabit Ethernet interface. The major components of USRP2 are listed as follows:
1. Radio frequency (RF) front-end is implemented on the daughterboard. There are a variety
of daughterboards that are available to work at different frequency band. The RF front
end translates the range of frequencies at the receiving end to a lower range at its output.
The opposite occurs for the transmitting side, where the RF front end translates the range
of frequencies to the final higher frequency range.
2. ADCs and DACs are the bridge between the continuous analog signals and the discrete
digital samples. All the ADCs and DACs are connected to the FPGA. The functionality
of the FPGA is to perform the high-speed general purpose operations, such as digital-up
conversion and digital-down conversion, decimation, and interpolation, and to reduce the
data rate feeding to the gigabit Ethernet connection. This connects the FPGA to the
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computer, where all of the waveform specific processing is performed on the host
3. Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that has been proven to have
strong integration capabilities with other languages. It is simple to use and offers much
more structure and support for large programs than shell scripts could offer. Python is
available on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux operating systems. In the GNU software radio
platform, all the signal processing blocks are written in C++, which are then connected
by Python.
USRP 2 and GNU radio – Setup
The USRP 2 and GNU radio will be used in Ubuntu, a Linux based operating system. This may
be unfamiliar to several people, so a brief command list and setup instructions will be introduced
in this section. There are also a number of resources available online which can be utilized if
there are any remaining questions.
For several applications, the use of the terminal window is not needed, so the GUI used in
Ubuntu is sufficient. However, several programs will require the use of the terminal window.
The terminal window shortcut is found on the toolbar next to the Firefox logo.
Basic Linux Commands:
cd xxxx – changes directory to xxxx
cd .. – go to previous directory
ls – lists the contents of the current directory
mkdir – create a new folder in current directory
chmod – change the permission of a file, by using chmod +x, you can make a file executable
(computer would identify the .py file as an executable python script)
gedit – Opens a text editor window, Ubuntu equivalent of Notepad
sudo – gives admin status to command (may be required for several commands)
Many other commands exist and can be found online,
However these commands should be sufficient for the experiments.
To start the GNU radio companion, a GUI for building projects, use the following command in
the terminal:
To check if the usrp2 is detected by the computer after plugging it in, use the following
command by starting a new terminal:
sudo find_usrps
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Note that the sudo command requires the password for the user account.
If done correctly, the computer should display the MAC address of the USRP, otherwise check
connections and try again.
Executing your project requires the use of Python, which can be invoked via the GUI or the
terminal. It is recommended to execute any Python file from the terminal with the sudo
command because general errors can result from lack of admin permission. For example, to
execute a file, the following command will enable you to run the python file ‘’:
sudo python
Many of the example files provided by GNU Radio also have options that can be specified with
the execution command. To see if there are any options, use the following command.
sudo python –help
That will provide a list of options. Many times, however, files will not have the ability to execute
Dial Tone Example
This example is known as the “Hello World” of the GNU Radio world, a simple example that
illustrates some of the functions of GNU radio. It is known as the dial tone example, where GNU
radio is used to produce a tone that is similar to the dial tone one would hear from a landline
In this example, Python code and the GUI interface of GNU radio will both be used.
Below is a diagram of the dial tone generator.
Figure 2: Dial tone diagram
Our aim for this example is to output the signal of the dial tone generator, which is the
summation of two sinusoids with different frequencies.
Python Coding
Below, we see the simple Python code for this dial tone generator.
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Figure 3: Python code for dial tone generator
As mentioned before, Python is the language used to connect signal processing blocks together.
A Python script file is always used to control what is done on the computer in terms of signal
processing and controls the flow of either receiving or transmitting in terms of the USRP. When
working with GNU radio and the USRP, Python code is always used for control, either directly
or indirectly.
Some tutorials of Python are listed as follows
Official Python Tutorial
Interactive Python Tutorial
The Python code in figure 3 is explained below. A review of the code should give a new user the
basic syntax structure of a GNU radio Python Script, as well as explain a few concepts.
Line 1 tells the shell that this is a Python file, and Python is needed to execute the file;
Lines 6 and 7 imports necessary modules that are needed to interpret different functions.
This similar to the C libraries, where #include is needed in order to use different
functions. gr is a basic GNU radio module and audio is an audio module for GNU radio
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Lines 9 to 20 make up and define the class “dial tone”
Lines 13 and 14 initialize parameters;
Lines 16 and 17 uses the gr.sig_source_f function to create a float-type sine wave with
the same amplitude and sampling rate but with different frequencies, one at 440 [Hz] and
the other at 640[Hz]
Line 18 defines a sink/destination, which writes its input to the sound card at a sampling
rate of 32[KHz]
Line 19 connects the first signal source output to the input at the first port (port 0) of the
sound sink.
Line 20 connects the second signal source output to the input at the second port (port 1)
of the sound sink.
Lines 22 to 27 indicate the run of the flow graph when the program is executed.
GNU Radio Companion
In addition to writing code, the GNU radio companion (GRC) can be used to produce Python
code without explicitly writing it. It utilizes block diagrams in a GUI interface to produce the
same results of explicitly written Python code. However, it has limited functionality in
comparison to Python coding, thus is not used in more advanced and complex projects. It should
be, however, sufficient for the example.
Below, is a screenshot of GNU radio companion with the block diagram of our example.
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Figure 4: GNU radio companion - Dial Tone Example
Notice that the screenshot is similar to the diagram in figure 2. GNU radio companion allows for
the user to outline the process needed and the program produces the code. GNU radio companion
is thus a powerful tool to the beginner and allows for an immediate use of GNU radio, without
needing to learn a large amount of Python.
The program by default gives two blocks, the Options block and the Variable block
containing the variable samp_rate.
The Options block gives you various general options; you can change this block’s options
(or any block’s options) by double clicking. This block sets some general parameters for
the flow graph. By default, the ID is top_block. This ID gives the name of your Python
script and the name of your class within the script. The project title, author, and
description fields places the information within the Python file that is useful for others
(and sometimes yourself) in identifying the purpose of the script. The generate options
controls the type of code generated. The default is WX GUI which lets you generate
graphical sinks (Scopes, FFT, etc.) and graphical variable controls (sliders, selectors,
etc.). However, if you do not plan on using GUI's, you can select one of the other options.
The run option allows you to control the start of a program through a graphical switch.
The default is that the program starts automatically once you run the script.
The next block is a default variable, the samp_rate variable. This variable automatically
defines the sampling rate for all the signal processing blocks within the GUI.
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Placing various blocks is simple. To the right of the window are various dropdown
menus, with specific categories. Within the different categories are the signal processing
blocks. For the dial tone example, only three blocks are needed, two sources and one
The signal sources are located under the sources category and can be added to the layout
by double clicking on it. Changing the options on the source is the same as changing the
options of option block.
The audio sink is located under the sinks category and is added the same way as before.
Again, the options can be changed by double clicking on the block.
Connecting the blocks is simple, just by clicking on the input tab of one block and the
output tab forms the connection.
After the flow process is finished, code can be generated by clicking Build then Generate.
It will give you the option to save the layout if you haven’t done so. In any case, the code
generated is saved in the folder where the layout is saved.
After generating the file, it can be executed through the command line or through the
execute option in the GNU radio companion. In either case, the results should be the
same for both.
GUI frequency domain and time domain display Example
Here, instead of sending a signal to an audio sink, we send a signal to a frequency and time
domain display. The signal’s frequency components and the signal in the time domain are
A diagram of the process is shown below. Note that the boxes contain the actual pieces of Python
code used to produce them.
Figure 5: Diagram of displaying signal
The process starts with a signal source, where it goes through a throttle and finally ends up in
two sinks, a scope sink (time domain) and an FFT sink (frequency domain).
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The throttle shown in figure 5 throttles the data coming from the signal source to the sampling
rate. This allows for the computer to control the speed of the data and thus doesn’t overwhelm
the computer. If the throttle was not there, almost all of the free processing power in the
computer would be dedicated to the display of the signals.
Below, we see the Python code for the diagram in figure 5.
Figure 6: Python code for GUI display of signal
The Python code is explained below.
Line 1 tells the shell that this is a Python file, and Python is needed to execute the file;
Lines 6 to 8 import necessary modules, where gr is the basic GNU Radio module, stdgui2
contains the window class, fftsink2 is for the FFT-display, scopesink2 is for the
Oscilloscope-display, and wx provides some of the constants;
Lines 10 to 12 initialize the window class;
Line 14 initializes sample rate;
Line 15 and 16 initializes set up a FFT display window;
Lines 18 and 19 set up a oscilloscope display window;
Line 21 defines a sine wave input at 10 kHz with an amplitude 1000;
Line 22 adds a throttle to limit the sample rate to 300 kHz;
Lines 23 to 25 connect all the necessary blocks;
Lines 27 to 29 indicate the run of the flow graph when the program is executed.
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1. Open a terminal using the shortcut or through the applications menu. In the terminal, type
in cd Documents. This should change your current directory to Documents. Now type in
mkdir xxxx_lab1, where you replace xxxx with your name. Go into that directory by
typing cd xxx_lab1. Create your dial tone file as shown in Figure 3 by typing
at the terminal gedit &. Type and save your code. To execute
your code, type in sudo python or ./ .
Make sure that this is done within your working directory. If the code is not executable,
use chmod +x to make it executable. Try different frequencies to
generate different dial tones.
2. Recreate figure 6 by creating a new python file. Type in gedit & in the
terminal. Type and save your script. Execute your code and screen capture the resulting
graphs. Screen capture three other waveforms, a square wave, a triangle wave and a
sawtooth wave.
a. The signal in figure 6 is generated by the signal processing block
gr.sig_source_f(sampling rate, waveform type, frequency, amplitude, offset)
b. Keep the parameters the same for all the waveforms, with a sampling rate of
300[KHz], an amplitude of 1000, and a frequency of 10[KHz].
c. The waveform can be changed into a square, triangle, or sawtooth wave by
defining the waveform type gr.GR SQR WAVE, gr.GR TRI WAVE, gr.GR SAW
WAVE, respectively.
3. Redo step two for the sine waveform but this time use GNU radio companion. Recreate
the process from figure 6 (make sure the data type is Float). Check to see if the waveform
is the same as step 2. Screen capture the resulting layout.
4. Construct a project in GRC by sending a dial tone signal to an audio sink as well as to a
frequency and time domain graph. Make sure that the audio and the signal being sent to
the scope and FFT are the same. Take a screenshot of both graphs and the layout built in
the GRC once you finish.
5. The following equation is a well-known trigonometric formula of great interest and
usefulness in this course:
Using GRC, construct a signal with an A of 1, B of 2, and with frequencies of 1 [KHz]
and 10[KHz]. Display the results within a scope sink and an FFT sink. Capture the layout
and the graphs.
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6. After connecting and checking the USRP, go to the terminal and go to the python
directory under the grc and gr-utils folder in the gnuradio folder. Run
Observe the resulting window. Capture the graphs.
Construct a standard lab report with the following:
Introduction / Purpose
Be sure to include the following topics:
Discuss the importance of SDR and how GNU SDR works through the usage of Python,
GRC and the USRP2.
Discuss each step of the procedures. What is going on in each step?
Include all your data and screenshots when discussing the results from the procedures.
The importance of the trigonometric formula from step 5 in reference to
ECE 4117