3rd Grade Math Lesson Plans Monday Target the Question Tuesday Mult. Timed Test Wednesday Problem Solving – Identify patterns in multiplication (3.6B) Thursday Mult. Timed Test We will / Objective: compare fractional parts of whole objects or sets. I will /Product/Task: use models to compare fractions. Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole, mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction EnVision Topic 11-5: Using models to Compare Fractions. Have students work with a partner to answer guided practice questions 1-7 in their math notebooks. Discuss solutions with class. Students complete Envision Re-teaching and/or Practice page for topic 11-5. If time allows, do Enrichment page for 11-5. Discuss how to compare two or more fractions. Assessment: student responses Anticipatory Set/Hook: Khan Academy video – Comparing Fractions: http://www.adaptedmind.com/v.php?vId=56 We will / Objective: compare fractional parts of whole objects or sets. I will /Product/Task: use models to compare fractions with the same numerator or the same denomintor. Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole, mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction Envision Topic 11-6: Comparing fractions: Show MathPlayground.com video “Comparing and Ordering Fractions” (stop video at 2:54) Discuss examples on pages 248 and 249. Discuss what a unit fraction is and have students add to fraction vocabulary in their math notebooks. Have students work guided practice questions in their math notebooks with a partner. Discuss solutions and strategies as a class when everyone is done. Students complete Envision Re-teaching and Practice pages for topic 11-6. Have students write in their math notebooks explaining how to compare two or more fractions Assessment: student responses Anticipatory Set/Hook: Brain Pop Jr. video – Equivalent fractions or Khan Academy video: Equivalent Fractions: http://www.adaptedmind.com/v.php?vId=55 We will / Objective: construct concrete models of equivalent fractions for fractional parts of whole objects. I will /Product/Task: show how different fractions can name the same part of a whole. Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole, mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction Envision Topic 11-7: Finding Equivalent Fractions: Discuss how different fractions can name the same part of a whole. Work the guided practice questions on page 252 as a class and discuss solutions. Have students work with a partner to solve some of the independent practice questions with a partner and then check answers with another group. Students complete Envision Re-teaching and Practice pages for topic 11-7. Have students write in their math journals an example of equivalent fractions and then explain how they describe the same part of a whole. Assessment: student responses We will / Objective: recognize fractions with concrete models. I will /Product/Task: Review fractions of a set and of a whole, comparing fractions, and equivalent fractions. Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole, mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction Review fractions of a set and of a whole, comparing fractions, and equivalent fractions – Use EnVision Topic 11 pages 258-259 to review fractions concepts. Have students complete questions on pages 256-257. Assessment: student responses Friday Problem Solving – Identify and extend patterns (3.6A) Date: March 3-7, 2014 Fractions Assessment