3rd Grade Math Lesson Plans Date: February 24

3rd Grade Math Lesson Plans
Target the
Mult. Timed Test
Problem Solving –
Addition and
Subtraction (3.3B )
Mult. Timed Test
Problem Solving –
Rounding (3.5B)
Date: February 24-28, 2014
We will / Objective: use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of whole objects.
I will /Product/Task: name parts of a whole using fractions.
Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole,
mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction
 Pattern Block Fractions – see document for directions. When discussing “a part” of a fraction it is
important for students to know that it is also an “area” of a whole.
Assessment: student responses
We will / Objective: use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of whole objects.
I will /Product/Task: name parts of a whole using fractions.
Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole,
mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction
 EnVision Topic 11-2: Fractions and Regions. Discuss that a fraction describes the division of a whole
into equal parts, and what the top and bottom numbers represent.
 Work guided practice questions on page 240 in groups. Then discuss solutions with class.
 Students complete EnVision practice page for topic 11-2.
 Share how to use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of whole objects.
Assessment: student responses
Anticipatory Set/Hook: Teacher will play Brain Pop Jr. video “More Fractions” to introduce lesson.
We will / Objective: use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of sets of objects.
I will /Product/Task: name parts of a group (or set) using fractions.
Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole,
mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction
 EnVision Topic 11-3: Fractions and Sets. Discuss how a fraction name part of a group or set. Have
students write in their math notebooks how a fraction can name part of a group.
 Work guided practice questions on page 242. Then discuss solutions with class.
 Students complete EnVision practice page from topic 11-3.
Assessment: student responses
We will / Objective: use fraction names and symbols to describe fractional parts of a length.
I will /Product/Task: name parts of a length using fractions.
Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole,
mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction
 EnVision Topic 11-4: Fractions and Length. Have students use Teaching Tool 28 to color in
fractions. You can also extend this activity by having students tell the part of the length of each
strip that they did NOT color.
 Have students work with a partner to answer guided practice questions 1-8 in their math
notebooks. Discuss solutions with class.
 Students complete Envision Re-teaching and/or Practice page for topic 11-4.
 Have students write in their math notebooks how to write a fraction to describe part of a length.
Assessment: student responses
We will / Objective: construct equal parts of a whole and name them with fractions.
I will /Product/Task: divide an area into equal parts.
Academic Language: Numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent fraction, halves, fourths, whole,
mixed number, improper fraction, proper fraction
 EnVision Topic 11-5: Using models to Compare Fractions. Have students work with a partner to
answer guided practice questions 1-7 in their math notebooks. Discuss solutions with class.
 Students complete Envision Re-teaching and/or Practice page for topic 11-5. If time allows, do
Enrichment page for 11-5.
 Discuss how to compare two or more fractions.
Assessment: student responses