Migration Handbook Migration Preparation of Current Content and Data Structures UWP UWP009 Document Version: 1.1 Date: 08/07/2014 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 1 Migration Handbook v1.1 Executive Summary The migration handbook is a living document that will be enhanced as further Drupal developments are made. It will also be refined for purpose as lessons are learned during the migrations. This document provides a workflow which covers the technical coding, personnel structure and stage to stage running of a migration. This end to end plan can be adapted to each individual migration. This adaptability is recommended by both the project team and Drupal consultants Wunderroot. The auto migration of content has been run for testing purposes on three occasions during our project work with issues or additional developments resolved each time before the next run. UWP006 will review this code (and the process) and transfer it into planning for 14/15 where the migration process will be versioned as UoE Drupal develops. 2 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 Contents 1 Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 2 2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 7 3 The Roles within Each Migration .................................................................................................... 8 4 Stage One – Planning ...................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 4.1.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................... 9 4.1.2 Guidance ......................................................................................................................... 9 4.1.3 Output ............................................................................................................................. 9 4.2 Assign the Migration Roles ................................................................................................... 10 4.2.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 10 4.2.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 10 4.2.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 10 4.3 Site Report Provided to the Migration Team (Except the Client Roles) ............................... 12 4.3.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 12 4.3.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 12 4.3.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 12 4.4 Estimate the Sub Site Migration ........................................................................................... 13 4.4.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 13 4.4.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 13 4.4.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.5 5 Schedule the Migration........................................................................................................... 9 Expectation Sign Off .............................................................................................................. 15 4.5.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 15 4.5.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 15 4.5.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 15 Stage 2 – Client Liaison, Editorial and Pre Auto Migration Sign Off ............................................. 16 5.1 Deliver a Site Report to the Client to Guide them on Actions they MUST Take ................... 16 5.1.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 16 5.1.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 16 5.1.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 16 5.2 Client to be Given Time to Make Editorial Changes ............................................................. 17 5.2.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 17 5.2.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 17 5.2.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 17 3 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 5.3 6 Migration Handbook v1.1 Pre Auto Migration Sign Off .................................................................................................. 18 5.3.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 18 5.3.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 18 5.3.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 18 Stage 3 – Migration of the Content .............................................................................................. 19 6.1 Polopoly Content Extract ...................................................................................................... 19 6.1.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 19 6.1.2 System Dependencies ................................................................................................... 19 6.1.3 File Structure ................................................................................................................. 19 6.1.4 Installation .................................................................................................................... 20 6.1.5 Configure ....................................................................................................................... 20 6.1.6 Running the Code.......................................................................................................... 20 6.1.7 Using the Generated XML Files ..................................................................................... 21 6.1.8 Output ........................................................................................................................... 21 6.2 Editorial Tasks in XML Stage ................................................................................................. 22 6.2.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 22 6.2.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 22 6.2.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 22 6.3 Drupal Migration Module Implementation .......................................................................... 23 6.3.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 23 6.3.2 Migration Grouping....................................................................................................... 23 6.3.3 System Dependencies ................................................................................................... 23 6.3.4 File Structure ................................................................................................................. 23 6.3.5 Output ........................................................................................................................... 23 6.4 Image Migration .................................................................................................................... 24 6.4.1 Who is Involved ............................................................................................................. 24 6.4.2 Class UOE_UWS_IMAGES ............................................................................................. 24 6.4.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 24 6.5 Content Migration................................................................................................................. 25 6.5.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 25 6.5.2 Class UOE_UWS_Articles .............................................................................................. 25 6.5.3 Class UOE_UWS_Folders............................................................................................... 25 6.5.4 Output ........................................................................................................................... 26 6.6 Menu Structure Migration .................................................................................................... 27 4 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6.6.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 27 6.6.2 Class UOE_UWS_Structure ........................................................................................... 27 6.6.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 27 6.7 7 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 28 6.7.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 28 6.7.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 29 Stage 4 – Editorial Tasks and UWP Site Sign Off ........................................................................... 30 Editorial within Drupal .......................................................................................................... 30 7.1.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 30 7.1.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 30 7.1.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 30 7.2 Deployment Checklist ........................................................................................................... 31 7.2.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 31 7.2.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 31 7.2.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 31 7.3 Deployment Review .............................................................................................................. 31 7.3.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 31 7.3.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 31 7.3.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 31 Stage 5 – Client Training and Objectives Checklist ....................................................................... 32 8.1 Drupal Training...................................................................................................................... 32 8.1.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 32 8.1.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 32 8.1.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 32 8.2 9 Creating New Migrations ...................................................................................................... 28 6.7.1 7.1 8 Migration Handbook v1.1 Objectives Checklist .............................................................................................................. 32 8.2.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 32 8.2.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 32 8.2.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 32 Stage 6 – Launch ........................................................................................................................... 33 9.1 Go Live................................................................................................................................... 33 9.1.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 33 9.1.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 33 9.1.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 33 5 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 9.2 10 Migration Handbook v1.1 Migration Closure ................................................................................................................. 33 9.2.1 Who is involved ............................................................................................................. 33 9.2.2 Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 33 9.2.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 33 Document Appendix ................................................................................................................. 34 10.1.1 Task 1.2 – Assign the Migration Roles .......................................................................... 34 10.1.2 Task 1.3 - Site BO Analysis............................................................................................. 35 10.1.3 Task 1.4 – Estimate the Migration ................................................................................ 36 10.1.4 Task 1.5 – Expectation Document................................................................................. 37 10.1.5 Task 2.3 - Site Report – For Clients ............................................................................... 38 10.1.6 Task 2.3 – Pre Auto Migration Sign Off Doc .................................................................. 40 6 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 2 Migration Handbook v1.1 Introduction This document will guide you through the planning and implementation involved in migrating a UoE Polopoly sub site from the Polopoly CMS into the University Website Programme’s Drupal development. The will be a living document that will be amended in tandem with the development progress of the Drupal project. We will signpost where the migration process will require additional development at the following wiki page (https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=222574660). This early version of the migration process is based on the content within the test version of the UWP Polopoly sub site and has been developed on a virtual machine provided by the UWP006 team. 7 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 3 Migration Handbook v1.1 The Roles within Each Migration Each migration will be run as an individual project. As such the roles within the project have been defined as below. It may be that one single person could be responsible for more than one role, but all roles will require a responsible person to be assigned to them. Role Description Client Senior Manager This is the person identified as the Sponsor of the migration from the client’s perspective. Client Tech Rep This is the person identified as the main technical representative for the running of the client’s website Client Editor The person on the client side who performs the majority of the site edits, or has been assigned as the lead editor by the Client Senior Manager. Site Migration Manager The UWP person in charge of the migration project for the particular sub site. (Must be cc’d into all communications) Editor The UWP person given editorial sign off for the particular sub site Developer The UWP person responsible for the code within each particular migration. Including delegating out or creating the additional migration coding required as Drupal expands. CMS Support A Drupal CMS Support person who can coordinate the resolution of any Drupal CMS support issues not related to the Infrastructure The person within the infrastructure team identified to switch the sites between the Polopoly and Drupal servers. User Support A user support person identified within the IT helpdesk who can liaise with the migration team. Trainer A UWP person who is responsible for organising the Drupal Training. Migration Officer The UWP person who is the owner and administrator of the Migration Schedule. The Migration Officer will also be in charge of the Migration Handbook/Process and will be required to organise any additional development time required to update the migration process. 1- Table of Migration Roles 8 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 4 4.1 Migration Handbook v1.1 Stage One – Planning Schedule the Migration 4.1.1 Who is involved The ‘Migration Officer’ and the ‘Client Senior Manager’ 4.1.2 Guidance The Migration Officer (who is responsible for maintaining the schedule of all the sub site migration projects) will liaise with the Client Senior Manager to schedule a suitable time window for the migration. The Migration Officer can use the Polopoly reports produced using the Polopoly search enhancements to make sure the Polopoly sub site’s migration to Drupal is realistic when matched against the current Drupal release. 4.1.3 Output An updated sub site migration schedule to run alongside the schedule of Drupal development releases. 9 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 4.2 Migration Handbook v1.1 Assign the Migration Roles 4.2.1 Who is involved The ‘Migration Officer’, ‘Site Migration Manager’ and the ‘Client Senior Manager’ 4.2.2 Guidance The three people mentioned above must assign all the migration roles. The assigned person will then be responsible and accountable for their part in the migration process. Also as mentioned in section 2 one person can be assigned more than one role however the Site Migration Manager must take care not to unduly pressurise one person. The record of who has been assigned to the roles must be held on file for the duration of the sub site migration project and must be signed by each of the three persons involved in the task. Should the person(s) assigned to the task change this must be reflected in the creation of an updated doc with associated notes. 4.2.3 Output The output will be a signed off document detailing the migration roles. A blank copy of the ‘Assign the Migration Roles’ document can be found in the Appendix under ‘Documents 1.2’. An image is below. 2- Assign the Migration Roles 10 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 The document will require the sign off of the Migration Officer and the Site Migration Manager. The Client Senior Manager will be involved and may sign off for transparency should the Migration officer feel it’s appropriate or necessary. 11 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 4.3 Migration Handbook v1.1 Site Report Provided to the Migration Team (Except the Client Roles) 4.3.1 Who is involved The ‘Editor’ and the ‘Site Migration Manager’ 4.3.2 Guidance The Editor and the Site Migration Manager will take ownership of the initial Polopoly Site analysis used by the Migration Officer. They will do a brief confirmation of the analysis within this report and share it with those filling the non-client roles within the particular sub site migration project. 4.3.3 Output The output is to be determined and is reliant on the work being carried out by the UWP team around the use of their Polopoly search enhancements. Our current vision is to have a one page briefing document sent from the Editor (with approval by the Site Migration Manager) to give the team performing the migration an early overview of the site being migrated. 12 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 4.4 Migration Handbook v1.1 Estimate the Sub Site Migration 4.4.1 Who is involved The Full Migration Team (Except the Client roles) 4.4.2 Guidance Now that the team know their roles and are familiar with the basics of the site they are migrating an estimation of the process must be performed. Ideally all the participants in the work will also participate in the migration estimation. Even if a role seems to be a straightforward and known element (such as when the site is swapped at an infrastructure level towards the end) it will still be beneficial to get a confirmation that the task is scheduled and the resource is available. We have provided a simple estimation sheet that can be talked through with the team. It may be that depending on the size of the site and the complications of the content that certain elements will require additional code development to be done. This must also be estimated and so it can mean that one site estimate can be very different in time and structure from another. Note: If doing a full estimation is not time conducive we suggest doing the estimations in bulk. Perhaps several at a time can be estimated in one session therefore relieving the pressure to get everybody in the same room. 4.4.3 Output The output will be a document with dates and hours effort marked against the tasks. Should you wish to move some tasks around you should update the document to show the tasks in date order. Below is an example image of the document. The up to date version will be held in the document appendix of this handbook. 13 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 3- Estimation Sheet 14 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 4.5 Migration Handbook v1.1 Expectation Sign Off 4.5.1 Who is involved The UWP ‘Site Migration Manager’ and the ‘Client Senior Manager’ will curate and sign off this document. 4.5.2 Guidance Each expectation document will require top be individually edited subject to the needs and structure of the site (and the people) being migrated. This handbook supplies a basic template for the Expectation document which should be built on by the Site Migration Manager and the Client Senior Sign Off. As will all documents within the migration process they should be versioned with appropriate notes and dates. 4.5.3 Output Below is an example image of the document. The up to date version will be held in the document appendix of this handbook. 4- Expectation Document 15 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 5 5.1 Migration Handbook v1.1 Stage 2 – Client Liaison, Editorial and Pre Auto Migration Sign Off Deliver a Site Report to the Client to Guide them on Actions they MUST Take 5.1.1 Who is involved ‘Editor’, ‘Client Editor’, ‘Client Tech Rep’ and the ‘Client Senior Manager’ 5.1.2 Guidance Having used the Polopoly BO reports to analyse the site for estimation and providing expectation of effort to the clients in Stage 1 here we deliver a site report to guide the clients through the editorial tasks they must undertake. In part this document will remind clients of the editorial commitments they should already have been adhering too and also (where possible) give the clients assistance in getting their site into order for the Auto Migration. This document will be tailored to the expectations laid out in task 1.5. The ‘Editor’ will then be the point of contact for the clients while they make the editorial changes. 5.1.3 Output Below is an example image of the document. The up to date version will be held in the document appendix of this handbook. An email address should be assigned for migration support. 5- Site Report - For Clients 16 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 5.2 Migration Handbook v1.1 Client to be Given Time to Make Editorial Changes 5.2.1 Who is involved The ‘Client Editor’, ‘Client Tech Rep’, ‘Client Senior Manager’ and the ‘Editor’ 5.2.2 Guidance During this time the Editor should be on hand for support calls from the Client Editor. It would be helpful if all communication was channelled at this point was between the UWP Editor and the Client Editor only. This would allow a clear support audit trail to form and promote clear communication at a time when the Clients may feel under pressure to complete the tasks asked of them. 5.2.3 Output JIRA is a fine client to monitor support issues as they can be separated into separate Sub Site projects just like the Migration process. Unidesk could also be used which would have the benefit of maintaining a consistent support shell for each issue. Otherwise (and most simply) an email address could be used and a rule placed on every email that comes in from the Client Editor only. This rule would forward the email to a folder with the Sub Site Migration name so it is easy to monitor the issues the clients are having. 17 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 5.3 Migration Handbook v1.1 Pre Auto Migration Sign Off 5.3.1 Who is involved The ‘Site Migration Manager’, the ‘Editor’, ‘Client Editor’ and the ‘Client Senior Manager’ 5.3.2 Guidance Taking a combination of the site report (task 2.1) and the Expectations Document (Task 1.5) all tasks within those documents must be reviewed and signed off by the Site Migration Manager and the Client Senior Manager. Editor’s time from both sides will be required for any questions the Managers may have. Ideally the Pre Migration Sign off will be done with a face to face meeting. 5.3.3 Output The output will be a single, short document that will state agreement that the clients understand what is being migrated and that UWP are satisfied that the site is in the correct state for migration. This will be the last point where editorial effort is the responsibility of the Clients. After this all expectation will be on UWP and the migration process so any and all doubts held by the Site Migration Manager MUST be detailed before sign off of this section. An example is below and contained within the Appendix. 6- Pre Auto Migration Sign Off Document 18 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6 Migration Handbook v1.1 Stage 3 – Migration of the Content 6.1 Polopoly Content Extract 6.1.1 Who is involved The ‘Developer’ 6.1.2 System Dependencies PHP 5.3.10 (or later) o With OCI8 (i.e. oracle support) A web server configured to run PHP (unless you want to run the scripts in a CLI) 6.1.3 File Structure The extraction code is based on section 4 of the document: https://www.projects.ed.ac.uk/system/files/projectotherdocuments/UWP%20Migration%20Analysis %20and%20BO%20Enhancements%20v1.2.docx polopoly_extract o find_url_path.php recursively generates the URL of a node from the database o 19polopoly_article_grab.php generates an XM file describing the contents of a Polopoly sub-site o 19polopoly_element_translator.php The main loop translation BODY elements found in an Polopoly article o 19polopoly_site_grab_to_array.php Identifies the extents of a site from ISG_POLOPOLY_TREE and returns the values for the site from this DB table in an array o 19polopoly_structure_grab.php generates an XM file describing the structure of a Polopoly sub-site o settings.php o element_handlers Handlers that generates HTML from Polopoly contents. Some of these are reasonably fully implementations but most are just stubs providing minimal functionality handle_header.php handle_def_list.php handle_event.php handle_featurebox.php handle_rssfeed.php handle_table.php handle_paragraph.php handle_unknown.php handle_quote.php handle_listitem.php handle_article_image.php handle_article_media.php handle_infolist.php handle_link_list.php 19polopoly_include-article_grab.php handle_media.php 19 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 handle_include_image.php handle_include_article.php 6.1.4 Installation - Create a sub-directory on your web-server configured so that PHP files can be run from a browser - Copy/extract the Polopoly extraction code to this directory (maintaining the file structure) - Confirm that the files have the correct permissions to be run from the web (read and execute) - Create a directory where the XML files that are generated by the process can go. Make sure that the user the web-server runs as can write to this directory 6.1.5 Configure All configurable settings can be found in the file ‘settings.php’ where each variable has a detailed description of what values they hold. These settings need to be set for each migration: $root_department $parent_of_root_department $drupal_url_root $structure_file $article_file These settings only need to be set once per environment (TEST/LIVE) $image_url_prefix $polopoly_read_access_user $polopoly_read_access_passw $polopoly_read_access_dbstr $bopolostats_read_access_user $bopolostats_read_access_passw $bopolostats_read_access_dbstr 6.1.6 Running the Code The code can be run either from a web browser or a CLI. The following example shows it running in a web browser. It assumes that the webserver is ‘localhost’ and that the directory on ‘localhost’ that is configured for PHP is ‘/php/’ and that ‘polopoly_extract’ has been extracted/copied to this directory. Edit the settings.php file. Make sure that values set to the variables $structure_file (e.g. struct.xml) and $article_file (e.g. site.xml) are in the directory set up in point 4 in ‘Installation’ above and that all the other settings are correct for your environment (TEST/LIVE) and migration. Point your browser to: http://localhost/php/polopoly_extract/polopoly_article_grab.php 20 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 A file containing XML data describing article content and any images in those articles will be generated I the location specified in the variable: $article_file (e.g. site.xml) Point your browser to: http://localhost/php/polopoly_extract/polopoly_structure_grab.php A file containing XML data describing article content and any images in those articles will be generated I the location specified in the variable: $structure_file (e.g. struct.xml) 6.1.7 Using the Generated XML Files The code for the migration module requires 3 XML files Site.xml (as generated above), struct.xml (also as generated above) and a third file which currently is called sitexxx.xml. This third file should contain the contents of site.xml and struct.xml and it is used to generate the menu-links structure in Drupal. The order of the content in structxxx.xml is also important. The folder/department data need to come before the article data. One way of creating this file is to: Open a blank document in a text editor Open the files struct.xml and site.xml in an editor as well Copy and paste; first the contents of struct.xml followed by the contents of site.xml into the blank document. Find where the 2 pasted in XML files meet in the new document Delete the xml: </site> <site> found at this location Save this document as sitexxx.xml 6.1.8 Output The 3 XML files can now be put where the Drupal Migrate module expects to find them. 21 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6.2 Migration Handbook v1.1 Editorial Tasks in XML Stage 6.2.1 Who is involved The ‘Editor’ with support from the ‘Developer’ and the ‘Site Migration Manager’ 6.2.2 Guidance It should be noted that the recommendation when our original code was reviewed was that all editing should happen in Drupal itself. That being said we have maintained this task in the migration handbook as the Site Migration Manager may still wish to allocate work to this section for identified easy fixes. Estimating of how long editorial tasks in Polopoly will take have not yet been established. Work to do this will be picked up by the 14/15 UWP Migration project work. 6.2.3 Output Edited XML 22 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6.3 Migration Handbook v1.1 Drupal Migration Module Implementation 6.3.1 Who is involved The ‘Developer’ 6.3.2 Migration Grouping Group: Scald Group: Content UOEPolopolyScaldMigration UOEPolopolyArticleMigration Processed before Group: Structure UOEPolopolyOverviewMigration Processed before extends extends UOE_UWS_IMAGES extends UOEPolopolyMenuMigration extends UOE_UWS_Folders extends UOE_XXX_IMAGES extends UOE_UWS_Articles UOE_XXX_Folders UOE_XXX_Articles UOE_UWS_Structure UOE_XXX_Structure The migration of a site is split into 3 migration groups which have been configured so that they appear in the order of dependencies in listings with the migration that needs to happen first at the top of the migration list in the Migrate UI or in drush. 6.3.3 System Dependencies The system uses the following Drupal modules: migrate, migrate_ui and migrate_extras. All 3 can be downloaded with drush. 6.3.4 File Structure The files are found in: /var/www/sandbox/src/sites/all/modules/custom/migrate_polopoly . The file structure in that directory is: uoe_migrate_polopoly.module uoe_migrate_polopoly.info uoe_migrate_polopoly.migrate.inc uoe_scald_polopoly.inc uoe_article_polopoly.inc uoe_overview_polopoly.inc uoe_menu_polopoly.inc 6.3.5 Output XML (this directory contains XML files for migration. It can be placed anywhere) 23 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6.4 Migration Handbook v1.1 Image Migration 6.4.1 Who is Involved The ‘Developer’ 6.4.2 Class UOE_UWS_IMAGES function_construct parent::__construct takes 2 arguments: 1: The location of the XML file containing the article migration. This will be the site.xml file generated by the Polopoly extract. E.g.: /var/www/sandbox/src/sites/all/modules/custom/migrate_polopoly/xml/site.xml 2: A string describing the migration. E.g.: Migrate images found in the UWS sub-site function_prepareRow Is used to extract the filename of an image from the URL used to extract the image from Polopoly. The regular expression used to generate the contents of the variable $t1 will have to be changed to match the environment (LIVE/TEST) 6.4.3 Output All images connected to the Polopoly sub site will be ready for migration into the Scald areas of Drupal. 24 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6.5 Migration Handbook v1.1 Content Migration 6.5.1 Who is involved The ‘Developer’ 6.5.2 Class UOE_UWS_Articles function_construct parent::__construct takes 2 arguments: 1: The location of the XML file containing the article migration. This will be the site.xml file generated by the Polopoly extract. E.g.: /var/www/sandbox/src/sites/all/modules/custom/migrate_polopoly/xml/site.xml 2: A string describing the migration. E.g.: Migrate articles found in the UWS sub-site This is also where the Drupal group ‘owning’ the content is set: parent::$this->addFieldMapping('og_group_ref')->defaultValue(11); where the value in defaultValue is the group ID of the group. function_prepare This is used to change the format of the field_slug part of the node to a format that uoe_pathauto recognises. No user configurable parts. function_prepareRow This is used to change the format of the content I the XML input file to something the Migrate module recognises: It’s major function in article import is to generate Scald atom mark-up for images from the text in the article_content field in the XML source. To implement this a lookup of the mapping for the image migration corresponding to the article migration is needed. This is done by looking up data in the migration table generated by the image migration. The prepareRow function will have to be manually edited for each class extending UOEPolopolyArticleMigration. The part of the code in question is: $querymms = Database::getConnection('default') // the migrate map needs to be changed to match the image migration for each migration // the format is 'migrate_map_'<name_of_img_migration> ->select('migrate_map_uoe_uws_images', 'mms'); $querymms->fields('mms', array('destid1', 'sourceid1')) ->condition('sourceid1', $lookup_id , '='); 6.5.3 Class UOE_UWS_Folders funtion_construct parent::__construct takes 2 arguments: 1: The location of the XML file containing the structure of the migration. This will be the struct.xml file generated by the Polopoly extract. E.g.: /var/www/sandbox/src/sites/all/modules/custom/migrate_polopoly/xml/struct.xml 25 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 2: A string describing the migration. E.g.: Migrate folders found in the UWS sub-site This is also where the Drupal group ‘owning’ the content is set: parent::$this->addFieldMapping('og_group_ref')->defaultValue(11); where the value in defaultValue is the group ID of the group. 6.5.4 Output Content will be prepared for use in the migration module. 26 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6.6 Migration Handbook v1.1 Menu Structure Migration 6.6.1 Who is involved The ‘Developer’ 6.6.2 Class UOE_UWS_Structure function_construct parent::__construct takes 2 arguments: 1: The location of the XML file containing the combined structure and article migration, with the structure before the article. This will be the sitexxx.xml file generated by the Polopoly extract. E.g.: /var/www/sandbox/src/sites/all/modules/custom/migrate_polopoly/xml/sitexxx.xml 2: A string describing the migration. E.g.: Migrate The structure found in the UWS sub-site function_prepare This sets the parent Drupal parent node in Drupal’s menu-link structure (i.e. the existing point in Drupal you will connect the migrated Polopoly content to) //use the mlid of the node you want to be the parent //found in the menu_list db table and other places if (!isset($entity->plid)) { $entity->plid = '1322'; } function_createStub This function needs to be configured so that no stub creation is attempted for the parent of the topnode in the import. This will be the parent_id for the first entry in the struct.xml file. The value is set in this code: // if it is the top node in the export, that means it has no parent, so don't create a stub if ($current_nid=='2.392') { return FALSE; } The value you set here MUST be the same as the one configured for $parent_of_root_department in the Polopoly content extract. 6.6.3 Output The Polopoly menu structure will be prepared for migration. 27 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 6.7 Migration Handbook v1.1 Creating New Migrations 6.7.1 Who is involved The ‘Developer’ 6.7.2 Guidance To create new migrations first create new classes extending: UOEPolopolyScaldMigration UOEPolopolyArticleMigration UOEPolopolyOverviewMigration UOEPolopolyMenuMigration Following the OUE_UWS_* example. This can be done by copying the UOE_UWS_* classes, giving the new classes descriptive names and configuring the values described in the sections above in the new classes so that they describe the new migration. The following needs to be configured: For all classes: Location of XML file Description of migration For the classes extending UOEPolopolyArticleMigration and UOEPolopolyOverviewMigration The field mapping for og_group_ref need to be set to the group_id of the Drupal organic group who will ‘own’ the content after migration. For the class extending UOEPolopolyArticleMigration The table name for the table describing the migrate map for the image migration in the migration will have to be configured. This can be found in the database after the image migration have been registered with the Migrate module. The name of the table will be of the form: 'migrate_map_'<name_of_img_migration>. For the class extending UOEPolopolyMenuMigration In the function ‘prepare’ the menu-link id (mlid) of the existing node in Drupal that will be the parent of the migrated content needs to be set. In the function ‘prepareRow’ the Id of the parent of the top node in the structure extracted from Polopoly needs to be set so that a stub is not generated for this node (which is outside the migrated content) Add the new migrations t the function uoe_migrate_polopoly_migrate_api () found in the file: uoe_migrate_polopoly.migrate.inc. Make sure you follow the template: ‘<unique machine name>’ => array(‘class_name’ =>’<name of class you created for the migration>’ The migration system will get very confused if you either fail to use a name that does not already exist for the <unique machine name> or a class_name it cannot find for <name of class you created for the migration> 28 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 Finally: flush all Drupal caches to load the new migration 6.7.3 Output An individual migration will be created for each site. 29 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 7 Migration Handbook v1.1 Stage 4 – Editorial Tasks and UWP Site Sign Off 7.1 Editorial within Drupal 7.1.1 Who is involved The ‘Editor’ and the ‘Site Migration Manager’ 7.1.2 Guidance This editorial check will look at the major elements discussed with the clients in Stages 1 and 2. The editor will check: Structure Content pages (a random selection if the site is too large for full review) Images Authors and Owners Note: When our initial code was reviewed we were given advice that all editing should be done in Drupal. 7.1.3 Output The Drupal site will need to be signed off by both the Editor and the Site Migration Manager 30 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 7.2 Migration Handbook v1.1 Deployment Checklist 7.2.1 Who is involved ‘Editor’ 7.2.2 Guidance Taking the Site Report and the Expectation Document the Editor will review each statement within those documents and make any appropriate notes that should be highlighted to the Site Migration Manager. 7.2.3 Output An annotated Site Report and Expectation document where elements of those documents are ‘checked’ as approved or notes are made to not approved elements that need consideration. 7.3 Deployment Review 7.3.1 Who is involved The ‘Site Migration Manager’, ‘Editor’ and the ‘Migration Officer’ 7.3.2 Guidance Taking the Deployment Checklist the three people review that the objectives have been reached. Any objectives that have outstanding elements will need to be discussed where appropriate and action list generated. Once this list is satisfied, the migration can be signed off. 7.3.3 Output An appended Deployment Checklist where all actions have been resolved. 31 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 8 8.1 Migration Handbook v1.1 Stage 5 – Client Training and Objectives Checklist Drupal Training 8.1.1 Who is involved ‘Trainer’ and the Site Migration Manager’ 8.1.2 Guidance The training should be of a standard form. It may be that this will be a good time for the Content Owners to see their new site for the 1st time. Any feedback can then be taken forward to the next task to keep surprises limited. 8.1.3 Output Feedback Forms from the Training 8.2 Objectives Checklist 8.2.1 Who is involved ‘Site Migration Manager’, ‘Client Senior Manager’ and if possible the two editors 8.2.2 Guidance This will be a high level discussion taking the Expectation Document and a Summary of the Feedback from the training. Any action points will be discussed/raised and if required a second sign off will be scheduled after those action points have been resolved. 8.2.3 Output A site sign off completed by the ‘Site Migration Manager’ and the ‘Client Senior Manager’. 32 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 9 Migration Handbook v1.1 Stage 6 – Launch 9.1 Go Live 9.1.1 Who is involved ‘Site Migration Manager’, ‘Migration Officer’ and the ‘Infrastructure’ person 9.1.2 Guidance The Go Live instruction is sent to infrastructure in the form of a support call with a date specified. The Development Technology team have given UWP the following guidance: We will be using Varnish to proxy contents between the 2 systems. By default the content will be directed to Drupal unless a url path is present in the proxy configuration which proxy it to Polopoly. A list of url path will be created and pre populated in the proxy file. Any time a url path has been migrated to Drupal, this path will be commented out. A load test will be done using the test systems for Polopoly and Drupal. Ultimately a load test will also be performed on live cms. Riky Harris will take the lead on this 9.1.3 Output A successful site switch from Polopoly to the Drupal infrastructure 9.2 Migration Closure 9.2.1 Who is involved ‘Site Migration Manager’ and the ‘Migration Officer’ 9.2.2 Guidance The migration will be formally closed after feedback from the two people involved on any Lessons Learned. These lessons will then be fed back in the migration project by the Migration Officer. 9.2.3 Output Closure sign off and a Lessons Learned summary. 33 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 10 Document Appendix 10.1.1 Task 1.2 – Assign the Migration Roles Name of Sub Site Base URL Role Version Name Client Senior Manager Client Tech Rep Client Editor Site Migration Manager Editor Developer CMS Support Infrastructure User Support Trainer Migration Officer Sign Off Migration Officer Version Changes Site Migration Manager Client Senior Manager Date 34 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 10.1.2 Task 1.3 - Site BO Analysis Notes from UWP Overview: > A database running on webhost1t contains the BOXI output for the full Polopoly content tree. > We query this database either through a website interface, or using an Excel workbook and download CSV files for particular sub sites. > These CSV’s contain a list of every page in that sub site, with the option to exclude pages in child sub sites. > We analyse over 300 of these sub sites to build a picture of the current Polopoly website. >> We track things like total published/unpublished pages, number of database/proxy/XML articles > All of these analysed sub sites are exported into another Excel workbook that we will use to decide which sites are ‘eligible’ for migration based on certain criteria (which will include factors like total size and article types). Future expansion: > Intelligent automation to minimise refresh period and errors. The current refresh process is semiautomated, and takes about 45 minutes to complete with human interacting at key points. I’d like to remove the human factor to allow an ‘on demand’ refresh with a quick turnaround time. > Excel macros are susceptible to errors, especially when generated CSV files are not completely processed server side. This requires a manual correction which takes about 5 minutes per sub site. Lessons learned: > BOXI report specifications should not have been predetermined without a test implementation. I found that if I had access to article types, I could save two editors over a month of laborious Polopoly searching each to manually determine article types. This change took a couple of weeks to come into effect. > VBA is still useful when enough blood, sweat, tears and threats are offered to it. :) 35 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures 10.1.3 Task 1.4 – Estimate the Migration Ref Task 1.1 Assign Migration Roles 1.2 BO Report with Brief Notes 1.3 Estimate the Migration 1.4 Expectation Document and with Sign Off 1.5 Deliberation Time 2.1 Site Report 2.2 Client Editorial 2.3 Pre Auto Migration Sign Off 3.1- Auto Migration 3.2 Editorial Task in XML 3.3 Individual Migration built within the Migration GUI 3.4 Rollback of Drupal Content Set 3.5 Content Auto Migration 3.6 New Site Editorial Check 4.1 UWP Edit 4.2 Editorial Deployment Checklist 4.3 Deployment Sign Off 4.4 Inform teams that switch is imminent 5.1 Drupal Training 5.2 Client Objectives Checklist 6.1 Go live instruction 6.2 UWP Sign Off Total All Tasks Start Dates Migration Handbook v1.1 Estimated Effort 36 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 10.1.4 Task 1.5 – Expectation Document Expectation: Senior Sign Off Editorial effort to be completed by the Content Owners. Published/Unpublished Page Review Image Review Menu Structure Review (URL Structure) Final date for edits What we will Auto Migrate All published content will be Auto Migrated including images. However please note that due to the way Polopoly handles images some of these images may not be suitable for Drupal. Therefore the Image review to be performed by the Content Owners must be seen as crucial work. Start date for the auto migration Will my site be offline? ? Drupal Training Dates Content Owner Drupal Site Review Date Proposed Go Live Date Client Senior Sign Off UWP Senior Sign Off - - 37 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 10.1.5 Task 2.3 - Site Report – For Clients Our aim through the migration We are aiming to automate as much content migration from Polopoly to Drupal as possible. What we require from you To make this an efficient process, minimising editorial effort for both yourself and the University Website Programme, you should undertake the following steps with your published content. Published/Unpublished Content We will be migrating Published content only. All content that is not published will be archived so that it can be recovered at a later date should this be necessary. This is a great opportunity to slim line your content for current accuracy, need and relevance. Be harsh with your content. Websites should be up to date and adding content into the new user friendly Drupal website will be much easier. Published pages: ???? (pages and Authors attached) Structure Your current Polopoly site had strict editorial guidelines that you will have been adhering too. As per the regulations only content that matches those guidelines will be eligible for migration. The following is a reminder of the pertinent guidelines. News If you publish a latest news section on your site, make sure that this content is published under a url including the distinct subsection "news". e.g. www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/my-unit-name/news/... Staff Profiles If you publish a section on your site consisting of staff profile pages, make sure that this content is published under a url including the distinct subsection "staff-profiles". e.g. www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/my-unit-name/staffprofiles/... Includes If you use include articles in your website, make sure that these are all located in a section hidden in website navigation with the CMS name "INCLUDES".This section may contain sub-sections. Single Contact Boxes If you publish contact details for people or services using the grey box presentation through an include, make sure these are delivered using the Single Contact Article.If your website was built before 2010 it could be that you are still using the old approach using HTML code in the Special HTML Article. These must be updated, as advised at the time of the new article's launch. Documents If you host documents and similar files in the Polopoly Media Bank, make sure that they are all stored in a section called 'XXXX'. This section can contain subsections. Any documents that are no longer published on the website, and do not need to be migrated for information retention purposes should be moved to another subsection in your area of the Media Bank named 'YYYYY' Images All images will be migrated 38 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 Other Notes Final Date for Changes 39 UWP009: Migration Preparations of Current Content and Data Structures Migration Handbook v1.1 10.1.6 Task 2.3 – Pre Auto Migration Sign Off Doc Pre Auto Migration Sign Off This document is the final sign off before auto migration. It is essential that all aspects of the ‘Expectation Document’ and the ‘Site Report’ have been acted upon. Once satisfied that all those criteria have been met the document should be signed by the ‘Site Migration Manager’ and the ‘Client Senior Manager’ as identified at the beginning of the Migration project. In the space below outline any outstanding issues from those two documents and their current state (open/resolved/Won’t Fix). Once no more issues are open the document should be signed off and the project can move into the Auto Migration Phase. Issue Notes Open/Resolved/Won’t Fix Client Senior Sign Off UWP Senior Sign Off - - 40