Bulletin Inserts for Parishes - The Catholic Foundation of North

The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
Newsletter Notes for Schools
Plan Your Will Online:
Have you been procrastinating about getting a Will? The Catholic Foundation has made the process of
planning your Will simple. Please go to www.cfngalegacy.org and click on “Plan Your Will.” The site is
free, confidential and will give you and your spouse a chance to plan in the privacy of your home. When
done, simply print out the document to take to your attorney. This will save you time and money.
When planning, please consider including the school endowment fund as one of the beneficiaries of
your assets or even to receive the remainder of your estate. For more information contact: Diane
Duquette at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440.
“For we brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.”
1 Timothy 6:7
It is only while we are alive that we can determine who will receive our worldly possessions when we
are gone. When planning our Will we first think of caring for our family and those we leave behind.
Please consider how much the school is part of the family. You can leave a legacy of your faith by
including the school endowment fund in your Will. You can leave a percent of your estate, a dollar
amount or specific assets to the school endowment fund. You can also leave the remainder of your
estate which would be what is left after all other bequests have been made. The Catholic Foundation
has made it easy to plan your Will online. Go to www.cfngalegacy.org It is private and free. Once you
have finished the process, print the document and take it to your attorney to finalize. For additional
information about estate planning and about the Catholic Foundation, please visit our website:
www.cfnga.org or call Diane Duquette, the Director of Gift Planning, 404-497-9440 or
You want to help others but are concerned about cash for your future?
A gift of assets can be made through your Will or other estate plans and will not affect your cash flow
now. You can leave assets to The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia to benefit the school
endowment fund. The Foundation handles the liquidation of the assets so there is no work for the
school and then the money goes into the Endowment Fund, enabling the school to educate children well
into the future. For more information about making gifts of assets contact: Diane Duquette at the
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. A wealth of estate
planning information is available at www.cfngalegacy.org
“For where your treasure is there will be your heart also.” Matthew 6:21
The ancient Egyptians buried their treasure with the dead thinking they could use it in the next life. As
Christians we know that we take nothing with us when we die; so we can decide how our things on
earth can provide for good when we are gone. Making a Will or reviewing your Will would be a good
New Year’s Resolution. Please remember to include your school endowment fund in your Will or Estate
plans. You can now you’re your Will on line at www.cfngalegac.org Contact: Diane Duquette, Director of
Gift Planning, at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440.
Love never ends. 1 Corinthians 13:8
The love you have for your school can go on forever when you include the school endowment fund in
your Will or other estate plans. With endowment funds the principal is kept intact and the distributions
to the school come from growth and earnings. To request a free booklet titled “A Christian Guide to
Wills and Trusts” please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at The Catholic Foundation of
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North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. Go to www.cfnga.org to learn more about
Wills and estate planning.
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?
-Psalm 116: 12
The simplest way to share your blessings is to include the School Endowment Fund in your Will. You
may be one of the 70% of Americans that do not have a Will. We encourage you to get one either
through a lawyer or even online. The Catholic Foundation has a free “Christian Guide to Wills and
Trusts”. If you would like one, please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning for the Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia, 404-497-9440 or email her dduquette@cfnga.org Remember the only
time you can determine who will get your assets after you die is before you die. Make Your Will Soon!
Visit www.cfnga.org for more information about Will planning.
A Fact We Cannot Change!
The only time we can determine who will inherit our “things” is before we die. Don’t let the state do it
instead because you failed to make a will. Now you can conveniently and securely plan your Will online
at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia website. It is very simple to do. Go to www.cfnga.org and
click on Planned Giving. Then click on Plan My Will. It will walk you through a complete process for you
to plan all aspects of your Will. You then can send the compiled information securely to your attorney
to create your Will. This will save you time and money. When making your plan, please remember
your school family too. Creating a Catholic Legacy is now easy to do online. You can leave the
remainder of your estate to your school endowment fund. To learn more about online planning contact
Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-5508465. www.cfnga.org
Gifts of Remainders of Estates:
When one passes away there is usually an estate sale to sell assets that no one in the family wanted.
Did you know you can leave all remaining assets to The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia for the
benefit of the school endowment fund? The Foundation will handle the estate sale and place the
proceeds of the sale into the school endowment fund. With families scattered far and wide and people
living longer, it may be an easy way to finish the distribution of an estate. For information on how to
include this idea in your will, please contact: Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning, at The Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. Please review the Foundation
website at www.cfnga.org for additional information
Plan Your Will Online:
Examining our lives during this season of lent can also include planning to care for our family if
something were to suddenly happen. Making a Will is an essential part of that plan and The Catholic
Foundation has now made that process easier! You can plan your Will online at our site for free
(www.cfngalegacy.org). It is confidential and provides you and your spouse a chance to plan in the
privacy of your home. When done, simply print out the document to take to your attorney. It will save
you time and money. When making your Will plans, please remember to include the school endowment
fund as part of your legacy. For more information contact: Diane Duquette at the Catholic Foundation
of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440.
How Shall I Make a Return to the Lord for all he has done for me? Psalm 116: 12
As we are examining our lives during lent, it is a good time to also examine all we own. Do we need to
clean house? Do I own something I no longer need but could help the school? That may be an old
insurance policy. You can give your no longer needed insurance policies to the school endowment fund.
If the policy has a cash value you may also get a tax deduction. To know more about giving insurance
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policies to the school, call Diane Duquette at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia:
dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. Be sure to browse the foundation’s interactive website:
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior! Isaiah 61:10
As we rejoice this Advent in the coming of the savior, we can plan how to share that joy with others. Do
you and your spouse each have a Will? Is it one of those things you just keep putting off? Now there is
a simple way to plan your Will online. The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia has a place on their
website where you can securely sign in and it will walk you through all the steps to plan your Will. As
you plan caring for your family when you are gone, remember to include the school endowment fund in
these plans. Create your Catholic Legacy by going to www.cfngalegacy.org and click on Plan Your Will to
get started. If you have any questions, please call Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the
Catholic Foundation, 404-497-9440 or email dduquette@cfnga.org
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me? Psalm 116:12
During this season of Advent as we are “making a way for the Lord” we often reflect on our many
blessings. When we are planning what to give to our family and friends, are we also thinking about what
we can give to the Lord? Please consider changing the beneficiary form for your IRA account to include
the school endowment fund. Simply call your IRA custodian and request a change of beneficiary form.
This can also be done with your 401K, 403B or any other account that requires a beneficiary. This is a
wonderful gift to the school that doesn’t cost you anything now. For more information regarding gifts
through your Will or other estate vehicles, contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: 404-497-9447 or email dduquette@cfnga.org. More details at
A Perfect Time to Create a Lead Trust:
The applicable federal rate is very low right now, making it a great time to set up a Lead Trust. A Lead
Trust will provide gifts to charity for a fixed number of years beginning now, and then, at the end of the
term of years, the remainder of the trust will pass to your children or grandchildren. Depending on how
it is set up you could avoid gift tax or even capital gain tax. You can name your school endowment fund
as the charitable beneficiary of the trust for the years it is in effect. You can go to www.cfngalegacy.org
to read more about them. Please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning for the Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440.
Do you have an insurance policy you no longer need? Donate it to the school endowment fund. The
process is simple and it will help the school for many years to come. You will receive a nice tax
deduction based on the cash value in the policy. For details contact: Diane Duquette, Director of Gift
Planning for the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. More
estate planning ideas are available at www.cfngalegacy.org .
Gifts of Insurance:
Insurance is a great way to give a larger gift to the school endowment fund or building fund than you
would normally be able to give through cash. You can do this by designating the school endowment fund
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as the beneficiary of your insurance. Speak with your insurance professional about the tax benefits in
life and through your estate. For additional information regarding gifts of insurance, please contact
Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning, at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia:
dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. You can also read about additional types of planned gifts at
An endowment fund can honor your loved one and help the school.
You can create an endowment or scholarship fund in honor of or in memory of a loved one or someone
very special in your life and name the school as the beneficiary. It only takes $5,000 to start a fund, and
then you can add to it each year. When the fund reaches $25,000, distributions will be made to the
school annually. This is a wonderful way to remember your loved ones, receive a tax deduction, and
benefit the school now and forever. For details contact: Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning for
the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. More estate
planning ideas are available at www.cfngalegacy.org .
Creating Your Catholic Legacy
You can create an endowment fund or scholarship fund to honor or in remember a loved one or
someone very special in your life and name the school as the beneficiary. This will be a personal named
endowment that will go over forever. It only takes $5,000 to start a fund, and you can add to it each
year. When the fund reaches $25,000, distributions will be made to the school annually. This is a
wonderful way to remember your loved ones, receive a tax deduction, and benefit the school now and
forever. For details contact: Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning for the Catholic Foundation of
North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. More estate planning ideas are available at
www.cfngalegacy.org .
Charitable Gifts from your IRA or other Retirement Plan:
All IRAs, 401Ks and other retirement plans have beneficiary pages. Because leaving these plans to
children can result in a large percentage going to taxes, you may want to consider naming the school
endowment fund as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. It will be a charitable gift so no taxes are due
on the gift. You can even leave just a percentage of the retirement plan to the school endowment fund.
For information about changing your beneficiaries on retirement plans contact: Diane Duquette at the
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. Information about gifts
from retirement plans is also available at www.cfngalegacy.org
How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me? Psalm 116:12
We are called to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us. Good stewards often have assets they
can share with the school endowment fund. One example is naming the school endowment fund as a
beneficiary of your IRA or 401K account. Simply contact the provider of your retirement account and
ask for a change of beneficiary form. This is quick and easy and does not cost you anything during your
lifetime. For more information about naming the school as a beneficiary of your retirement, plan please
contact: Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia:
dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. Go to www.cfnga.org to learn more about Wills and estate
Leaving your retirement plan to the school:
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Many people would like to help the school with a cash gift but are not sure what they are going to need
when they retire. So a very simple way to make a gift to the school is to make the school one of the
beneficiaries of your IRA, 401K, or other retirement plan. Simply call the organization that manages
your plan and ask for a change of beneficiary form. You can leave a dollar amount or a percent of the
remainder of your plan. This will go directly to the school to help them for the future. For more ways to
help your school with a future gift please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at The
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia 404-497-9440 or email dduquette@cfnga.org
Gifts of IRA’s: IRAs are not the best asset to leave your children due to the amount of taxes they might
have to pay. You can name the school endowment fund as a beneficiary on your IRA. Simply call your
IRA administrator and ask for a change of beneficiary form. This is simple to do and will benefit the
school for many years. You can do the same with a 401K or any other type of retirement plan you have.
Also if you are over 70 ½ you can make a direct transfer from your IRA to the school endowment fund
and this would not be taxed or counted in any way as taxable income. For more information regarding
using IRAs as a charitable gift, contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning, at the Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia: 404-497-9440 or dduquette@cfnga.org Be sure to visit www.cfnga.org to
learn more about creating your estate plans.
How can my faith live for years to come? Create a Catholic Legacy:
There are many ways to express your faith after you are gone. Not only can you make a specific bequest
to your school in your will, you can also name the school endowment fund as a beneficiary of your IRA,
401K or other retirement account. This is very easy to do simply by requesting a change of beneficiary
form from your plan provider. For additional information please contact Diane Duquette, Director of
Gift Planning, at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. To
learn more about Wills and Estate Planning please visit www.cfnga.org
Stay in your home and receive a Charitable Tax Deduction
A Life Estate Reserved may be the plan for you. With this plan, you deed your home to The Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia to benefit your school endowment fund and you reserve the right to
continue using it for life. You receive the tax deduction now but will be responsible for the upkeep of
the home. For more details about a Life Estate Reserve plan you can go to www.cfnga.org
contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning, at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia:
dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. To learn more about Wills and Estate Planning please visit
Making gifts of Real Estate:
Do you own or have inherited a home or vacation home that you no longer want or need? Did you
know you can donate the property to the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia and receive a nice tax
deduction? We sell the property and give the proceeds to your school endowment fund or ministry of
your choice. You can read more about gifts of Real Estate on the foundation’s website (www.cfnga.org),
as well as all types of charitable giving. It is a wonderful place for you to plan your Catholic Legacy. For
more detailed information, please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia: 404-497-9440 or dduquette@cfnga.org
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Increase your retirement income, receive a tax deduction and leave a gift to the school. All of this will
happen when you establish a Charitable Gift Annuity. To establish a Charitable Gift Annuity, you need
to be 65 or older and have $10,000 or more. This is a contract between the individual and The Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia. You will receive quarterly payments for the rest of your life. The rate of
return is based on your age when you establish the annuity. Here are some sample rates: 65 – 4.7%;
70 – 5.1%; 75 – 5.8%; 80 – 6.8%; 85 – 7.8%; 90 or older 9%. To receive a personalized illustration please
contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation (404) 497-9440 or
dduquette@cfnga.org Please visit our website to learn more about creating your Catholic legacy
through planned gifts: www.cfnga.org
Charitable Gift Annuities:
The Catholic Foundation offers charitable gift annuities for parishes, schools and other Catholic
organizations.. If you are over 65, would like to receive additional income, need a tax deduction and at
the same time would like to make a gift to you’re an endowment fund for any of the above, a
Charitable Gift Annuity may the perfect answer. The rate of return you receive is based on your age
and is set by the American Council on Gift Annuities. For instance if you are 70, you would receive
5.1%; if you are 80, you would receive 6.8%; and if you are 90 or older, you would receive 9 %. For a
personal illustration on how a Charitable Gift Annuity would work for you, please contact Diane
Duquette, Director of Gift Planning, at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org
or 404-497-9440. To learn more about Wills and Estate Planning please visit www.cfnga.org
Charitable Remainder Trust:
Setting up a Charitable Remainder Trust is a way to sell an asset such as your home and not pay capital
gains tax. You can also receive income for life or a period of years, receive a tax deduction, and at your
death the remainder of the trust will go to the school endowment fund. For more information about
Charitable Remainder Trusts please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning, at The Catholic
Foundation of North Georgia: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. You can read about the different
types of trusts, how they are funded and how you and the school will benefit at www.cfnga.org
Before you sell your Business or Home:
Talk to a Estate attorney about setting up a Charitable Remainder Trust. You can have the trust own all
or a portion of your home or business and then when it sells that portion in the trust will provide income
for life to you. You will receive a nice tax deduction and at your death the remainder of the Trust will go
to your school endowment fund and/or other endowment funds for Catholic organizations. To learn
more about Charitable Remainder Trusts go to www.cfnga.org and click on Planned Gifts. You can
download a brochure or just read about Trusts. For questions and/or additional information please
contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia:
dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440.
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God for those who have remembered the school in their will or estate plans.
Are you someone who has made a plan to help the Catholics that come after you by leaving a legacy to
the school? The Deo Gratias Society is the planned giving legacy society of the Catholic Foundation of
North Georgia for anyone who has included the parish, a Catholic school or other Catholic entity in their
will or estate plans. The annual Deo Gratias Society mass and luncheon with Archbishop Gregory will be
held by the Catholic Foundation in September. If you have included our school in your will or estate
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plans, you will become a member of the Deo Gratias Society and will be invited to attend the mass and
luncheon. Please tell your principal or call Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning , at the Catholic
Foundation (404) 497-9440, so we can make sure you receive an invitation.
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