Department Chair/Program Coordinators Meeting September 6

Department Chair/Program Coordinators Meeting
September 6, 2012
Present: John McKee, Kate Acks, Bruce Butler, Jan Moore, Jennifer Owen, Ben Guerrero, Dean Louie, Carlton Atay, Joyce
Yamada, Kiope Raymond, Laura Nagle, Julie Powers, Lee Stein, Anne Scharnhorst, Shane Payba, Diane Meyer, Cyrilla
Pascual, Julie Patao, Lorelle Peros, Heidi Drahn Banaag, AJ Ventura
Bookstore: Spring book orders are due to bookstore on October 1, 2012. Be sure instructors check for books in the
bookstore before the semester begins. Approval from DC is required for 2-day shipping. Any last minute changes to the
schedule should be given to AJ. Rental program is successful; they now have 100 titles available for rent. Rentals cannot
include loose leaf or custom texts. Online web orders come to the bookstore and students come in to pick them up.
Personal counseling: Heidi Banaag announced services for personal counseling are available. Contact her through Aris’s
Budget and Hiring: Department budget sheets were handed out to each DC. Hiring for January will include the ENGT
and HWST positions; the TLC and BTEC are in process.
Mariana Marcos State University: Scholars are visiting our campus from September 1 – 16, staying in the HA facility.
They will also be holding several open sessions for the community and campus.
Shane reported the high school counselors will be hosted on campus on September 12. They expect 30 high school and
3 intermediate school counselors. Programs have been asked for materials to be made available to the counselors that
Anne reported we have our first BSH cohort and expect first graduates in May 2013.
Social sciences are moving back into the renovated Hale.
English is coordinating with ITC to focus on writing strategies.
Humanities – Kahele has assigned time as PC for the Hawaiian Studies AA program.
Dental Assisting will do free teeth xrays; will integrate live text with iPads for assessment, etc. Dental Hygiene will do
free teeth cleaning.
Carlton helping with fair booth and float.
Culinary hosting PCC on campus; will hold Noble Chef on Oct. 27.
Ben G. reported we have 14 Molokai students in the Title 3 cohort, increasing the cohort to 80 students.
Jennifer O. is working on program review assessment. Jan announced assessment meeting on Friday at 9:00 A.M. and
will cover what is in the document and what goes into the online portion.
STEM reported new science building coming along. Math labs are packed and overflow put into classrooms.