20100713 Boyd IRIS DyGIR - International Networks at IU

13 June 2010
Eric Boyd, Internet2 Deputy CTO
IRNC Special Projects:
• PI: Eric Boyd; Co-PI: Ana Preston
– eboyd@internet2.edu
– apreston@internet2.edu
• Division of Responsibilities:
– Eric: Execution of IRIS and DyGIR proposals, direct engagement with
other PIs on deliverables
– Ana: Overall coordination, Internet2 engagement with IRNC projects
and partners
• IRIS: International Research Instrumentation System
– Support performance monitoring via perfSONAR-PS
– The “performance / perfSONAR” one
• DyGIR: Dynamic Gateways for International Research
– Support automatic provisioning of circuits via OSCARS / DRAGON
– The “dynamic circuits / DCN / IDC / ION/ OSCARS” one
2 – 3/18/2016, © 2009 Internet2
What is perfSONAR?
• A collaboration
– Production network operators focused on designing and building tools that
they will deploy and use on their networks to provide monitoring and
diagnostic capabilities to themselves and their user communities.
• An architecture & set of communication protocols
– Web Services (WS) Architecture
– Protocols established in the Open Grid Forum
• Network Measurement Working Group (NM-WG)
• Network Measurement Control Working Group (NMC-WG)
• Network Markup Language Working Group (NML-WG)
• Several interoperable software implementations
– perfSONAR-MDM (developed in Europe with contributions from RNP,
– perfSONAR-PS (developed in US by ESnet, FNAL, GaTech, Internet2, SLAC)
• A Deployed Measurement infrastructure
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What is DCN / IDC / ION / OSCARS?
A collaboration
Production network operators focused on designing and building tools that they will deploy and use
on their networks to provide automatic provisioning of circuits through a web interface or the IDC
protcol to their user communities.
An architecture & set of communication protocols
Web Services (WS) Architecture
Protocols established by the DICE collaboration
Protocols refined in the Open Grid Forum
Pledge to continue to work within the GLIF framework towards greater interoperability
Several interoperable software implementations
Network Services Interface Working Group (NSI-WG)
Network Markup Language Working Group (NML-WG)
Continuing discussion / experimentation in the GLIF
CANARIE, ESnet, GÉANT, Internet2, USLHCnet
OSCARS (developed by ESnet and Internet2)
OSCARS / DRAGON (developed by MAX, USC ISI East, internet2)
AutoBahn (developed by GÉANT2)
A Deployed Measurement infrastructure, e.g.
ESnet Science Data Network (OSCARS)
Internet2 ION (OSCARS)
USLHCnet, many regionals and campuses (OSCARS / DRAGON)
Deployments in Europe and Asia
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• Objective: provide the infrastructure necessary for the
identification, diagnosis and eventual correction of network
performance problems for paths traversing IRNC links
• IRIS will provide a software framework to enable performance
monitoring services on IRNC links
• Produce a set of easy-to-install, tailored software packages of the
perfSONAR-PS software suite for use by the IRNC link operators
• Develop new functionality specific to international exchange points
• Work with the IRNC link awardees to help them deploy the software
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• Objective: enable researchers to reserve dedicated bandwidth
over IRNC links
• Allow for more distributed collaboration
• DyGIR will provide a prototype software framework to enable
dynamic circuit services for a pair of IRNC links
• Produce a set of easy-to-install, tailored software packages for the
OSCARS software suite
• Prototype new functionality specific to international exchange
• Work with 2+ of the IRNC link awardees to help them deploy the
prototype software
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IRIS and DyGIR: General Approach
– Create 2 software packages
– Enable successful IRNC PRONET awardees to effectively meet the monitoring and
dynamic circuits support requirements of the NSF solicitation
– Partner with interested IRNC PRONET awardees in order to support their success
“All network measurement activities must address interoperability with emerging
best practice international research and education network performance monitoring,
or explain in detail why this is not feasible. This should include the deployment of
compatible bandwidth and latency measurement services, as well as compatible
measurement archives, and details about access to these archives by relevant
parties. Additional services such as monitoring for flow analysis are also encouraged
if feasible. These services may be part of the security plan for the project and should
be addressed as such.”
“Hybrid network services have matured to the point that they are considered for the
time period supported in this solicitation to be production services; thus, dynamic
circuit networking capabilities in combination with shared IP services must be
supported. Specifically, proposals should address interoperability with emerging
production dynamic switching network services, or explain in detail why such
interoperability is not feasible.”
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Software Infrastructure
• Build on software developed in part by Internet2
perfSONAR-PS: distributed monitoring framework
OWAMP: one-way latency measurement tool
BWCTL: throughput measurement tool
OSCARS: implements InterDomain Controller protocol
• What’s missing
– IRNC PRONET Awardee requirements
• Needs ongoing discussion
• Example: Better support in perfSONAR-PS for passive measurements
• Example: Better support in OSCARS for exchange points
– Improved packaging support for quick and easy installation and
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perfSONAR Workshop
• First Workshop on the perfSONAR Network Measurement
– Bring together researchers, applications developers, network
operators, network managers, and others with an interest in network
research and network performance monitoring and measurement.
• July 7th, 8th, 9th 2010 – Arlington VA
• Sponsored By:
– Networking and Information Technology Research and
Development Program
Large Scale Networking (LSN) Coordinating Group
– National Science Foundation
Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering
– Department of Energy - Office of Science
Advanced Scientific Computing Research
• http://www.internet2.edu/workshops/perfSONAR/
perfSONAR Workshop Outcomes
• Tutorial Session to educate researchers not familiar with
perfSONAR effort.
• Presentations from researchers:
– Affiliated with perfSONAR efforts, using collected data
– Performing work that would benefit from the availability of
performance measurement
– Interested in gathering new metrics, or extending perfSONAR
• “Breakout” Discussions
How to “grow” the perfSONAR community
New uses for perfSONAR in network research
Operational concerns for perfSONAR
Advancing perfSONAR technologies
• Workshop Report available after September, 2010
perfSONAR Software Update
• pS Performance Toolkit Release 3.2
– 1st Release Candidates available July 2010
• CentOS 5.5 Based
• Live CD and option to install to hard disk
• Expected final release – Early August 2010
– Network monitoring solution on a single CD
• Ability to run diagnostic tools
• Ability to perform regular measurement according to a schedule
– Latency
– Bandwidth
• perfSONAR-enabled to facilitate data sharing
– For more information please visit:
• http://psps.internet2.edu/toolkit
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perfSONAR Software Update
• perfSONAR-PS 3.2.1 Plans
Stability and scalability improvements
Introduction of new Analysis and GUI tools
Support for Iperf 3
Support for dynamic circuit monitoring
Estimated Release: Fall 2010
• pS Performance Toolkit 3.2.1 Plans
– Integration with Nagios monitoring
– Improved management GUI
– Estimated Release: Late 2010
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perfSONAR Adoption
• perfSONAR is gaining traction as an interoperable and
extensible monitoring solution
• Adoption has progressed in the following areas:
R&E networks including backbone, regional, and exchange points
Universities on a national and international basis
Federal labs and agencies in the United States (e.g. JET nets)
Scientific Virtual Organizations, notably the LHC project
• Recent interest has also accrued from:
– International R&E network partners and exchange points
– Commercial Providers in the United States
– Hardware manufactures
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perfSONAR Adoption
• Networks
– US National R&E Networks
• ESnet, Internet2, NLR, NOAA
– International R&E Networks/Exchange Points
• APAN NOC, CSTNET, GEANT (and NREN Partners), Gloriad, JGN2, JPNet,
KRNET, MANLAN, Starlight, TransPac2, RNP
– US Regional R&E Networks
• CENIC, CIC OmniPoP, Florida LambdaRail, Front Range GigaPoP, GPN,
Indiana GigaPoP, LEARN, LONI, MAX, MCNC, Merit, MOREnet, Northern
Lights GigaPoP, NOX, NYSERNet, OARnet, Pacific Northwest GigaPoP, SoX,
• US Based Federal Labs/Facilities
– ANL, BNL, DOE Headquarters, FNAL, LBNL, LLNL, MIT Lab for Nuclear
Science, National Library of Medicine, NCAR, NCSA, NERSC, PNNL,
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perfSONAR Adoption
• International Sites
– North America
• Simon Frazier University (Canada), University of Western Ontario (London,
Ontario, Canada), Camosun College (Canada)
– South America
• MonIPE - RNP (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina
(Brazil), SPRACE (Brazil), UERJ (Brazil), Innova-Red (Buenos Aires, Argentina),
UFSC (Florianopolis, Brazil), REUNA (Santiago, Chile), PUCP (Lima, Peru),
MRREE (Lima, Peru), RAGIE2 (Universidad Mariano Galvez – Guatemala),
UDESC (Brazil), UNIFACS (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil)
– Europe/Middle East
• Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona Spain), GEANT Affiliated NRENs
(Europe), Northwestern (Doha, Qatar), Georgetown University (Doha, Qatar)
– Africa
• African Network Information Center, KRNET, UbuntuNet
– Asia/Oceana
• Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chonnam National University (South Korea),
KISTI (Korea), Teritary Education Commission (Wellington, NZ), IHEP (China),
Advanced Network Lab. at JNU (South Korea), Monash University (Melbourne,
Australia), USTC ATLAS Tier-3 in Hefei (AnHui Province, China), NCHC (Taiwan),
NICT (Japan), Thaisarn Nectec (Bangkok, Thailand)
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perfSONAR Adoption
Boise State University
Boston University *
California Institute of Technology **
The College of William and Mary
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Florida Atlantic University
George Mason University
Georgia Tech University
Georgetown University
Hat Creek Radio Observatory
Harvard University *
Hope College
Indiana University *
Indiana Purdue University *
Iowa State University
Johns Hopkins University
Leeward Community College
Louisianna State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) **
Merced County Office of Education
Michigan State University *
Middle Tennessee State University
North Dakota State University
Northwestern University
Oregon State University
Penn State University
Portland Community College
Purdue University **
Scripps College
Southern Methodist University *
Syracuse University
Texas A&M University
Tufts *
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University of California Irvine *
University of California Los Angles
University of California San Diego **
University of California Santa Barbara *
University of California Santa Cruz *
University of Chicago *
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Florida **
University of Hawaii
University of Houston
University of Illionios *
University of Maryland
University of Michigan *
University of Minnesota
University of Nebraska **
University of Northern Iowa
University of Oklahoma *
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of South Dakota
University of South Florida
University of Texas *
University of Utah
University of Washington *
University of Wisconsin * **
Vanderbilt University **
Washington University in St. Louis
Wayne State University
perfSONAR Adoption
• Commercial Networks/Organizations
– AboveNet, BCNet, BBN, Cobham, EagleNet, KDL Inc., Northrop
Gruman, Ocala Electric Company, Philadelphia Orchestra, Steelville
Telephone Exchange, Viawest, Verizon
• Virtual Organizations
• Live pS Status:
– Services: http://www.perfsonar.net/activeServices
– Locations: http://www.perfsonar.net/activeServices/IS
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Control Plane Software
• ION uses OSCARS (and used to use) DRAGON Software for service
provisioning and control
– Developed in partnership with ESnet, USC ISI East, MAX
– Enables provisioning Ethernet VLAN "Circuits" across multiple
domains and heterogeneous networks (MPLS, SONET, Ethernet)
– Current version of software suite: 0.5.2
• https://wiki.internet2.edu/confluence/display/DCNSS/Home
• Expected release of 0.5.3, Late Summer 2010
– Bug fixes, stability enhancements
– VLAN Translation of Juniper Networks
• The following Networks have deployed software suite:
– Internet2 ION
– University of Amsterdam
– CalTech
– Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX) DRAGON
– Northrop Grumman
– Internet2 Ann Arbor Site
– Japan Research Network(JGN2)
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OSCARS Control Plane Software
• ESnet and Internet2 are currently collaborating on next version of
– Objective is to develop a more modular architecture to facilitate a
larger open source development community to emerge and contribute
– This is a work in progress - software architecture and functionality are
currently under development
– All existing capabilities and deployments are expected to be supported
with new software release
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IRIS Milestones
• Requirements gathering from IRNC PRONET Awardees
• Publish IRNC Measurement Best Common Practice
• Development of features required for link operators and
exchange points.
• Creation of easy-to-install software packages to enable IRNC
awardees to make monitoring services available.
• Software package deployment assistance for IRNC awardees.
• Regular releases of updated IRIS packages.
• Community Outreach
20 – 3/18/2016, © 2009 Internet2
DyGIR Milestones
• Requirements gathering from IRNC PRONET Awardees
• Release of a hardware recommendation that is known to work
across a wide variety of networks.
• Development of features required for link operators and
exchange points.
• Creation of easy-to-install software packages to enable IRNC
awardees to make dynamic circuit services available.
• Software package deployment assistance for IRNC awardees.
• Regular releases of updated DyGIR packages.
• Community Outreach
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IRIS and DyGIR - 2013
• Integrated end-to-end performance monitoring is a “normal part
of networking”
– Preserve local autonomy and enable diversity of networking
– Beginning to see monitoring directly supported on networking
• Integrated end-to-end automatic provisioning of circuits is a
“normal part of networking”
– Preserve local autonomy and enable a diversity of networking
technologies and practices
22 – 3/18/2016, © 2009 Internet2
12 July 2010
Eric Boyd, Internet2 Deputy CTO
Internet2 Update