Undergraduate External Examiners' Report Form 2010/11 Please


Undergraduate External Examiners' Report Form 2010/11

Please note that reports should not include any reference to an individual candidate or member of staff by name. Reports will be shared with student representatives through Staff Student Liaison

Committees and must be released for requests under the Freedom of Information Act.

An External Examiner who considers it appropriate may send an additional report to the

ViceChancellor under separate cover marked ‘Strictly Confidential’.

Section 1: Office Information


 Professor

 Dr

 Mr

 Mrs

 Ms

 Miss

 Other

Alternative Title



Home Institution

University of Hull

Which part of the University are you working with?

Social Sciences and International Studies

Life and Environmental Sciences

University of Exeter Business School


Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

Flexible Combined Honours and CMIT


INTO University of Exeter

Exeter College

The Learning Institute

South West Ministry Training Course

Departments within Social Sciences and International Studies



 Philosophy

 Politics and Sociology

 Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Departments within Life and Environmental Sciences



 Psychology

 Sport and Health Sciences

Departments within Humanities







Modern Languages


Departments within Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

 Engineering

 Mathematics

 Physical Sciences

 Camborne School of Mines

Title of programme/module, cluster of programmes/modules examined

Japanese Beginners (FLJ1130), Intermediate One (FLJ2230) and Intermediate Two (FLJ2330)

Section 2: Administration of the Examination Process

The following information was adequate for the purpose of external examining:

Programme handbook and


Neither agree or disagree


Document not received

 documentation for students

Programme specifications

Programme aims, objectives and outcomes

Details of coursework, teaching and assessment methods

   

The administration of the assessment process was efficient in the following respects:

Agree Neither agree or Disagree

Time available for marking

Operation of the Board of

 disagree


Quality of data presented to the

Board of Examiners

  

Is this your first year as an External Examiner for the University of Exeter?

 Yes  No

Did you have access to reports from previous External Examiners?

 Yes  No

Section 3: Academic Standards

Were the standards of the awards and award elements appropriately set with reference to:

National subject benchmarks



Not applicable

(where they exist)

The Framework for Higher   

Education Qualifications

Institutional programme specifications and other relevant information?

  

Are the stated aims of the programme(s) consistent with:

The structure of the award(s)



The content of the programme(s)

 

Are the programmes current and valid?

 Yes  No

The following aspects of the educational provision are of appropriate quality and standard in relation to comparable universities of which you have experience:

Agree Neither agree or

Course aims

Course structure and content in

 disagree


 relation to the aims

Degree programme structure

Teaching methods

Assessment methods

Profile of degree classifications or grades

Mechanisms for course monitoring and review

Project work/dissertations appropriate to the course

If you had concerns regarding academic standards, what improvements do you consider are necessary?

The level of student attainment is comparable with that of students in other UK universities, and where appropriate, universities outside the UK, in the following regards:

Agree Disagree

Continuous assessment


Standards of degrees

Neither agree or disagree

Section 4: Programme Design, Content and Delivery

In your experience, were the standards comparable with previous years?



Not applicable

The curriculum aims, content and development were appropriate

 Agree  Neither agree or disagree

 Disagree

The overall balance of the programme(s) is appropriate

 Agree  Neither agree  Disagree or disagree

Are you examining a programme which is inter-disciplinary or Joint Honours?

 Yes  No

Do you have any observations you wish to make about the coherence and organisation of this programme?

Section 5: Assessment


Did you receive draft examination papers for comment?

 Yes  No

The level, range, design and structure of the questions set were satisfactory

 Agree  Neither agree  Disagree or disagree

Did your duties include moderating the marking of papers?

 Yes  No

The standards of the first and second marking and/or moderation were satisfactory

 Agree  Neither agree  Disagree or disagree

Did you receive the marking schemes for written examination papers (where used)?

 Yes  No  Not applicable

Did you receive examination scripts for your modules?



If you received a sample, were you consulted about sampling criteria?



The time allowed for moderation was sufficient


Neither agree

Disagree or disagree

Assessed coursework

Did you have access to all the coursework that you needed to see?



Did you receive the marking schemes for assessed work (where used)?

 Yes  No  Not applicable

Employing the marking scheme it was possible to achieve an appropriate spread of marks based on the assessments


Neither agree

Disagree or disagree

The level, range, design and structure of the coursework set was satisfactory

 Agree  Neither agree or disagree

 Disagree

The standard of marking and feedback in assessed coursework was satisfactory

 Agree  Neither agree  Disagree or disagree

The time allowed for coursework moderation was sufficient

 Agree  Neither agree or disagree

 Disagree

Disability issues were adequately addressed in the assessment process

 Agree  Neither agree or disagree

 Disagree

In your opinion, are the academic unit's assessment procedures appropriate?

There is a good variety of tasks in the assessment, and each component of exam questions clearly identifies what language skills and knowledge are tested. The tutor has chosen a very good topic for the assessment as well. Your internal marking was conducted fairly and consistently, and marks awarded to the students in the final examination reflect their current level of language output in writing very well. I confirm that the validity and reliability of the assessment was very high.

Samples of your students’ work were well-organised, sorted and sent to the external examiner in plenty of tim e with very smooth communication among the tutor, university’s administration and the external examiner.

Did you attend the Board of Examiners meeting?

 Yes  No

In your experience, was the operation of the Board of Examiners efficient?



In your experience, were all the candidates dealt with fairly and objectively, including those who had submitted claims of impaired performance?



Were you satisfied with the recommendations of the Board of Examiners?



Section 6: Aspects of Good Practice

Please comment on any particular aspects of good practice in relation to the programme(s) which should be shared with the University and/or external audiences:

Your students performed very well, especially an excellent quality of language competence in writing and speaking was demonstrated in Japanese Intermediate One and Two. Your academic standards in all levels of module are comparable to, or even higher than those of other higher educational institutions.

Section 7: Recommendations

Where applicable, do you feel that the academic unit has made appropriate response to your comments or those made by previous External Examiners?



Unable to comment

Are there any issues that continue to raise concern?

Please state below any areas for improvement for the programme(s)/module(s):







Are you examining a programme which is offered to students on the Cornwall campus as well as students on Streatham and/or St Luke's campuses?



Do you have any observations on any specific issues in relation to these programmes?

Are there any suggestions for improvements that you wish to make about University procedures?


Section 8: General Comments

Is this your final year of appointment?

 Yes  No

Are there any particular observations you would like to make?

As I expressed my big thank-you at your Exam Board meeting, dated 15th June 2011, I have learned many good practices from your institution through working as an external examiner in Japanese for the past five years. You have established a good strong programme in Japanese, thanks to the tutor’s devotion to teaching and the Director's efficient management of the programme. I do hope that your Japanese course still develops further more.

Please note that a copy of your completed report will be sent to you in Word format by return.
