Week 9 (October 22 – 26) - Personal.psu.edu



PL.SC. 003 (Fall 2012)

PENN STATE UNIVERSITY (010 Sparks Building)

Mr. Myers Office: 319 Pond Lab 8:00 -

Class Meeting 8:00 – 8:50 am djm8@psu.edu

Teaching Assistants:

Matt Lane ( mal5529@psu.edu

) (207 Pond Lab)

Office Hours: Friday 9am to noon

Sarah Liu ( ssl5094@psu.edu

) (214 Pond Lab)

Office Hours: Tuesday 9:30am-11:00am

Thursdays 12:30pm to 2:00pm

Description of the Course

Political Science 3 is a general survey course that introduces novice students to the comparative politics sub-field of political science. It is intended to examine how we compare political action and behavior, and to acquaint students with the domestic political institutions, culture, policy processes and performance of selected countries. Within this framework the course emphasizes Mexico, France, Brazil and the United States of America.



The following required texts are available at one of the local bookstores:

1) Almond, Gabriel, G. Bingham Powell, Jr., Kaare Strom & Russell J. Dalton. 2012. 10 th ed. Comparative

Politics Today: A World View. New York: Longman.

2) MyPolisciKit - accompanies purchase of new copy of the Almond volume; purchasers of used copies should purchase this module separately


Students enrolled in this course are required to keep abreast of current events in the countries on which this course focuses. This is best accomplished by reading one the quality national newspapers; such as the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Los

Angeles Times or the Miami Herald. Another option is to use the three news web sites linked to the

Longman comparative politics web site www.ablongman.com/comparative . You may also want to check out the following television news sites on the internet: CNN.com, MSNBC.com and FoxNews.com.

Lectures and in class discussions will incorporate current events. Any and all material of this type discussed in class is fair game for the exams.


Other required materials are available for download from the course web site, which can be accessed either from Professor Myers’ home page or directly from the electronic reserve at Pattee. All electronic reserve materials for Pattee Library are accessible through the online Cat. Go to http://www.lias.psu.edu/ and click on the link to the Enhanced Cat, then click on the blue Course


Telephone: 865-1973 e-mail:

Fall 2009

Reserves button. A search screen will appear, and students can search for reserves by instructor name, course number or course name. As the reserve list for Pl.Sci.03 contains more than one item, click on the Detail Button to the right of the course title to display the link to an electronic reserve document.

Click on the Help button at any time for more information. The syllabus specifies the times at which the materials to be downloaded come into play.

Course Schedule

Part “A”: Introduction: System Process and Policy

Week 1 (August 27 - 31)

Session 1 - Procedures, Readings and Requirements

Session 2 - Issues in Comparative Politics

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 1

Session 3 – Comparing Political Systems

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 2.

Week 2 (September 3 - September 7)

Session 1 - - Labor Day Holiday (no class);

Session 2 - - Political Culture and Political Socialization

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 3

Session 3 - - Interest Articulation

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 4.

Week 3 (September 10 - 14)

Session 1 – MyPoliSciKit Exercises – Teaching Assistants;

Session 2 – Interest Aggregation & Political Parties I

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cps. 5.

Session 3 – Interest Aggregation & Political Parties II

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 5

Week 4 (September 17 - 21)

Session 1 – The United States in Comparative Perspective

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 19

Session 2 - Government & Policy Making

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 6.

Session 3 – Implementation of Public Policy

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, cp. 7

Week 5 (September 24 – 28)

Session 1 – Review for Examination #1

Session 2 – First Examination 25% of course grade

Part “B”: Concepts Applied: Country/Area Studies


Session 3 - Introduction to Mexican Politics

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 427-434; gain familiarity with Mexican internet

web sites (p. 468) and browse coverage of Mexico for one week in the Miami Herald


Week 6 (October 1 – 5)

Session 1 - Political Culture, Political Socialization & Political Recruitment

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 435-440; 448–449;

Session 2 - Mexico: Contemporary Governmental Structures & Institutions

MyPoliSciKit – check on first quiz

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 440-448;

Session 3 – Interest Articulation, Political Parties & Elections

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 449-458;

Week 7 (October 8 - 12)

Session 1 – Mexico: Policy Implementation & Performance

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 458-464

Session 2 -- Mexican migrants as a policy issue in the United States and Mexico

Readings: 1 Ganster & Lorey pp. 181-208 (electronic download)

Session 3 – Mexican migrants (continued)

Readings: 1 Ganster & Lorey pp. 181-208 (electronic download)

Week 8 (October 15 – 19)

Session 1 – Mexico: International Environment and Foreign Policy

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 464-470;

Session 2 – Mexico: Alternative Political Futures

Readings. Comparative Politics Today, pp. 466-467.

Session 3 – Class Discussion of Mexican Politics

Readings: review news of past month on Mexico in Miami Harold and one other newspaper

Week 9 (October 22 – 26)


Session 1 - Introduction to French Politics & Government:

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 196 -202; gain familiarity with French internet web

sites (p. 241) and browse coverage of France for one week in the New York Times;

Session 2 – France: Political Culture, Political Socialization and Political Recruitment

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 202-211

Session 3 - France: Contemporary Governmental Structures and Policy Making

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 205-208; 227-235;

Week 10 (October 29 – November 2)

Session 1 – France: Interest Articulation, Political Parties & Elections

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 211 – 227

Session 2 – France: Policy Implementation & Performance

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 235-238

Session 3 – France: International Environments and Foreign Policy

Readings: to be announced


Week 11 ( November 5 - 9)

Session 1 - France: Alternative Political Futures

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 238-240;

Session 2 - Class Discussion of French Politics

Readings: review news of past month on France as reported in the New York Times and one other newspaper

Session 3 – Review for Second examination

Week 12. (November 12 - 16)

Session 1 – Second Examination 25% of course grade


Session 2 – Introduction to Brazilian Politics

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 470-479; gain familiarity with Brazilian internet

web sites (p. 518) and browse coverage of Brazil for one week in the Miami Herald;

Session 3 - Brazil: Political Culture, Political Socialization and Political Recruitment

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 483- 493;

November 18 – 24 Thanksgiving Break

Week 13 (November 26 - 30)

Session 1 – Brazil : Contemporary Governmental Structures and Policy Making

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 479-483; 504-506;

Session 2 – Brazil: Interest Articulation, Political Parties & Elections

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 493 – 503;

Session 3 - Brazil: The Politics of Race

Readings: "Race Mobilization and the contemporary Black Movement in Brazil" In Reichman,

Rebecca, ed. Race in Contemporary Brazil. Available by download from electronic reserve;

Week 14 (December 3 - 7)

Session 1 – Brazil: Policy Implementation & Performance

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 506 – 512;

Session 2 - Brazil: International Environments and Foreign Policy

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 513-515;

Session 3 – Brazil: Alternative Political Futures

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 515-516;

Week 15 (December 10 - 14)

Session 1 -- Class Discussion of Brazilian Politics

Readings: review news of past month on Brazil in the Miami Herald and one other newspaper

Session 2 – American Exceptionalism: Myth or Reality

Readings: Comparative Politics Today, pp. 705-708;

Session 3 – Review for the final examination

Student Course Evaluations are now filled out on the web

**Final Examination “Comparative Concepts & Brazilian Politics” (25% of total grade)


The time, place and date of the third examination (during examination week December 17 - 21 appear in the Penn State Final Examination Schedule.


LECTURES: It should be emphasized that the lectures and the reading assignments, although interrelated, are by no means identical, nor are they tied together by the same titles and rigid lockstep schedule. Generally, the lectures tend to deal with more precise topics and to be more interpretive, but less descriptive than the reading materials. Accordingly, the readings should be completed on schedule, and NOT after the lectures have been directed.

OFFICE HOURS: Professor Myers' scheduled office hours are on Monday/Wednesday 10:05 – 11:35am in 319 Pond. Office hours for the graders will be announced as soon as the semester gets under way.

Office hours always can be scheduled by appointment. Students are urged to make regular use of the scheduled office hours of the professor and the graders.

GRADES: For all students in the course, the final grade will be based approximately on these percentages:

Midterm Examination - 25%

Second Examination - 25%

Final (Third Examination) - 25%

My PolisciKit exercises -25%

TOTAL 100%

The first two examinations will include at least one critical essay and multiple-choice questions. The final examination will include multiple-choice questions and true-false questions. The student will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of BOTH the material covered “in-class” and the assigned readings.

Critical essay study questions will be provided prior to each scheduled examination.


1. Attendance: It is expected that students will arrive at 119 Osmond Lab prior to 8:00am. Absence from the classes of this course, or for that matter in virtually any course, places the student at a disadvantage. It is the student's responsibility to overcome that disadvantage by: a) obtaining the notes on classroom lectures, preferably from at least two fellow students; b) making arrangements with the professor to complete missed work; c) when relevant, requesting a new test to be administered or for a short extension of a deadline IF the absence was a valid one (illness, death in the family, etc.); e) undertaking other remedial actions deemed appropriate.

2. Dropping the Course: Students who drop the course will do so with the grade on record at this time.

3. Due Dates and Times: Scheduled tests are administered on the stated date, in 119 Osmond Lab starting at 8:00 am; Written work instructions will be distributed by the teaching assistants when they discuss requirements associated with MyPoliSci Kit.


4. Failure to meet ALL requirements: A student who fails to submit ALL written requirements for this course -- specifically the three scheduled tests and the MyPoliSci kit assignments -- has NOT met the requirements of this course. Failing to meet these requirements for this course will mean an "F" grade for the semester. In addition, informed and intelligent class participation is required. The fundamental principle or ethic for this course is that the mature student accepts responsibility with accountability, as does the professor.

5. Make-ups: None. There will be no make-up tests in this class. In a genuine hardship case an entirely new test will be given. Since students who miss a test will have had additional time in which to study and prepare, that new test will include all new material assigned up to the date on which the new test is given.

Academic Dishonesty

The Department of Political Science, along with the College of the Liberal Arts and the University, takes violations of academic dishonesty seriously. Observing basic honesty in one's work, words, ideas, and actions is a principle to which all members of the community are required to subscribe.

All course work by students is to be done on an individual basis unless an instructor clearly states that an alternative is acceptable. Any reference materials used in the preparation of any assignment must be explicitly cited. Students uncertain about proper citation are responsible for checking with their instructor.

In an examination setting, unless the instructor gives explicit prior instructions to the contrary, whether the examination is in-class or take-home, violations of academic integrity shall consist but are not limited to any attempt to receive assistance from written or printed aids, or from any person or papers or electronic devices, or of any attempt to give assistance, whether the one so doing has completed his or her own work or not.

Lying to the instructor or purposely misleading any Penn State administrator shall also constitute a violation of academic integrity.

In cases of any violation of academic integrity it is the policy of the Department of Political Science to follow procedures established by the College of the Liberal Arts. More information on academic integrity and procedures followed for violation can be found at: http://www.la.psu.edu/CLA-Academic_Integrity/integrity.shtml


The Pennsylvania State University encourages qualified people with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities and is committed to the policy that all people shall have equal access to programs, facilities, and admissions without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation in this course or have questions about physical access, please tell the instructor as soon as possible. Reasonable accommodations will be made for all students with disabilities, but it is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor early in the term.

Do not wait until just before an exam to decide you want to inform the instructor of a learning disability; any accommodations for disabilities must be arranged well in advance.


Visit our web site The Political Science Department continually upgrades its web site. In the undergraduate section you will find a wealth of information including course schedules, faculty office hours, faculty home pages describing their areas of teaching and research activities, answers to questions about advising, internship opportunities, announcements, and much, much, more. Check back often: we will continuously update our information about internships and career opportunities: http://polisci.la.psu.edu/

