Jet and storm track shifts in the Northern Hemisphere: Driving by tropical convection, sea ice, interference, and implications for climate models Steven Feldstein Collaborators: Sukyoung Lee, Michael Goss, Christian Franzke The Pennsylvania State University SPARC-Workshop on Storm Tracks, Grindelwald, Switzerland, August 25, 2015 Question: 1. What is the relationship between the jet latitude, storm tracks, tropical convection, Arctic sea ice, and interference? Stationary wave index (SWI): Defined as the projection of the daily 300-hPa streamfunction onto the 300-hPa climatological stationary eddies. Methods: Composites, Self-Organizing Idealized Map (SOM) Numerical analysis, Model Data: ERA-Interim Reanalysis, NOAA OLR, NSICD sea ice Evolution of outgoing longwave radiation Enhanced convection Positive SWI days Negative SWI days Arctic Sea-Ice Concentration evolution Positive SWI days Reduced Sea ice Negative SWI days Time evolution: OLR SWI sea ice stratospheric polar vortex AO (for k=1,2) Sea Ice Tropical convection Sea Ice 6.5-7.5 day timescale for patterns SOM patterns, trend, and frequency of occurrence Anomalous OLR associated with SOM Patterns SOM1 SOM2 SOM3 SOM4 Zonal-mean zonal wind SOM1 SOM3 SOM1 (preceded by positive sea ice anomaly) EP Fluxes Zonal wave 3 and above Zonal wave 1 and 2 Summary of impact of sea ice (4) Strong polar vortex a) (3) Weaker ver cal wave ac vity flux into the stratosphere (1) cooling (2) Destruc ve interference with climatological high (4) weaker polar vortex (b) (3) Stronger ver cal wave ac vity flux into the stratosphere (1) warming (2) Construc ve interference with climatological high IMPLICATION FOR CLIMATE MODELS Two Groups of CMIP5 (Historic Climate Model runs: All models exhibit a high correlation (> 0.90) between the Surface Air Temperature (SAT) and Downward Infrared Radiation (IR) trends • Group 1 (more similar to obs): Small correlation between surface heat flux and downward IR trend Large correlation between circulation and downward IR trend • Group 2: Large correlation between surface heat flux and downward IR trend Small correlation between circulation and downward IR trend Groups 1 & 2 Convective Precipitation Trends Groups 1 & 2 Circulation Trends CONCLUSIONS • Equatorward Jet & Storm Track Shift: Enhanced tropical convection Reduced sea ice constructive interference enhanced vertical wave activity propagation into stratosphere deceleration of stratospheric polar vortex excitation of negative AO (equatorward jet shift). • Poleward Jet & Storm Track Shift: Enhanced convection poleward jet shift positive feedback with synoptic-scale eddies (further poleward jet shift) • Large variation is convection precipitation and circulation trends in historic CMIP5 model runs. There may be large sensitivity in the jet and storm track latitude and strength in the CMIP5 models to the details of the model’s representation of tropical convection Implications • For medium-range and climate models, if a single tropical convection anomaly is wrong, the extratropical response could be rather inaccurate. Poleward Jet Shift in the Northern Hemisphere Lagged-correlations between Arctic sea ice and SOM frequency positive sea ice anomaly leads SOM1 negative sea ice anomaly leads SOM3 positive sea ice anomaly leads AO Negative Interference occurs in SOM1 -60 to -45 days -30 to -10 days -45 to -30 days -10 to 0days Positive Interference occurs in SOM3 -60 to -45 days -30 to -10 days -45 to -30 days -10 to 0days Sea-ice concentration anomalies Days -60 to -45 prior to SOM1 Anomalously high sea ice concentration Days -10 to 0 prior to SOM3 Anomalously low sea ice concentration Question: What is the relationship between interference, tropical convection, and surface air temperature, sea ice, the stratospheric polar vortex, and the Arctic Oscillation? Stationary wave index (SWI): Defined as the projection of the daily 300-hPa streamfunction onto the 300-hPa climatological stationary eddies. Evolution of 300-hPa streamfunction Positive SWI days Negative SWI days Correlation between sea-ice area (Barents and Kara Seas) and SOM frequencies Composites of AO index Composite eddy-momentum flux convergence & zonal wind SOM1 synoptic waves planetary-scale waves SOM2 synoptic waves SOM3 synoptic waves planetary-scale waves planetary-scale waves SOM4 synoptic waves planetary-scale waves CONCLUSIONS • Four distinct teleconnection (SOM) patterns in the Northern Hemisphere, associated with GHG driving/ENSO and Arctic sea ice (time scale 6.5-7.5 days, driven by storm track eddies) • Poleward shift of subtropical jet associated with GHG driving and Arctic sea ice decline • GHG driving contributes to poleward shift of eddy-driven jet and Arctic sea ice decline to an equatorward eddy-driven jet shift (implications for AO trend) • Up-to 12 month predictability based upon Arctic sea ice • Our understanding of inter-decadal variability hinges in part on (1) the dynamics of intraseasonal time scale processes (2) the mechanism by which external forcing (GHG, sea ice) alter the frequency of intraseasonal time scale teleconnection patterns. • Impact of SOMs manifested through change in tropical convection.