Review Sheet Gr. 10 Religion Exam

Grade 10 Open Religion Exam Review Sheet:
Unit 1
Jesus of History and Christ of Faith – what do these terms refer to?
Pliny the Younger – how did he validate Jesus?
The principle theme found in the New Testament?
The Gospels – what were they trying to convey? What is the purpose of the Gospels?
Calling Jesus Lord expressed what?
What did the Church base its teachings and practices on?
After the Babylonian exile, once the Jews returned, what did they become known as?
What was Judea considered to be?
What does Luke’s Gospel express?
How was Jesus different?
Why did Jesus perform miracles?
What did the Babylonians do in 587 BCE?
How does John describe Jesus?
What did Jesus’ baptism represent for Matthew?
Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles? Why?
Before the New Testament was developed, what did Christians rely on?
Can the gospels be seen as biographies of Jesus? Why or why not?
What does the term Gentile refer to?
Was the bible written for us, as 21st century readers? Why or why not?
What does the term evangelist refer to?
Is Jesus’ life recorded in a chronological order?
Covenant – what is it often sealed with? Why?
Who did God create covenants with and where?
Who experienced a name change in their covenant with God?
Are covenants one way or two way relationships? Why?
What three religions regard Abraham as their father in faith?
Moses – what did he do for the Israelites?
Who united the twelve tribes of Israel?
What is a prophet?
Parables – what are they?
Anthropology – what does this study/look at?
Paul’s Letters – why did he write them? What is another name for letters?
Why did Paul persecute Christians prior to his conversion?
Who was Paul a missionary to? Why?
Was Paul a Gentile?
What does the crucifix remind us of?
Who is makes up the Church?
Why are events celebrated?
Who did the sacraments begin with?
When we gather to celebrate a sacrament, what are we gathering as?
What are the seven sacraments?
Why was the Second Vatican Council introduced?
Once Jesus died, did the church have a clear plan on how to organize itself?
Apostolic – what does this refer to?
Catholic – what does this mean?
Unit 2
Unit 3
What is a sign?
How do individuals participate in organizations or communities today?
A ritual – what does this refer to? What makes something a ritual?
Secular – what does this refer to?
The types of love – what are they, what does each one focus on?
Intimacy, sexuality, chastity and abstinence – what do each of these refer to? What is the purpose of each
one? What does the Church teach about each?
Unit 4
The way we spend our time tells us what?
What does grace refer to?
What is justice based on?
The 5 principles of justice – what are they and what does each one refer to?
Global needs – what does this refer to? How are Christians called to be globally aware of others?
Who are considered our global brothers and sisters? How are Christians serving God when they are
aware of their global brothers and sisters?
Unit 5